Mechatronics Basic Test Signal Lab Report

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|| MEB704 ||
|| Mechatronics || Semester 1||
|| LAB 5 ||


ID: A00151812
ID: A00203889
The lab aims to provide students with hands-on experience in generating and analysing
different types of test signals using MATLAB. The lab will cover the fundamental
concepts behind test signals and their applications in signal processing systems.
Students will learn how to generate basic test signals, such as sinusoidal, white noise,
and impulse signals, and how to analyse these signals using various MATLAB tools.
They will also learn how to plot the signals in time and frequency domains to gain
insights into their properties and behaviour. Through this lab, students will develop a
strong foundation in MATLAB programming and gain practical experience in using the
software to perform signal processing tasks. They will learn how to use MATLAB
functions such as fft and spectrogram to analyse the frequency content of different
signals and how to calculate common metrics such as SNR.
Overall, the lab aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to
evaluate the performance of signal processing systems using test signals. By the end
of the lab, students will be able to generate, plot, and analyse basic test signals using
MATLAB, and apply this knowledge to real-world signal processing problems.

In signal processing, test signals are used to evaluate the performance of a signal
processing system. These signals are designed to have specific properties that make
them useful for analysing the behaviour of the system under test. Basic test signals
include sinusoidal, white noise, and impulse signals, which are widely used in a variety
of applications.
Sinusoidal signals are periodic signals that have a single frequency and are commonly
used in applications such as audio and vibration analysis. White noise signals, on the
other hand, are random signals that contain equal energy at all frequencies and are
used to test the ability of a system to handle random inputs. Impulse signals are also
used to evaluate system performance and are characterized by a single, short burst of
energy. In order to generate and analyse test signals, various tools and techniques are
used. MATLAB is a popular software package used in signal processing that provides a
wide range of functions for generating, analysing, and visualizing signals. Through the
use of MATLAB, it is possible to study the properties of different test signals in the time
and frequency domains, and to evaluate the performance of signal processing systems
under different conditions.
Overall, a strong understanding of basic test signals is crucial for anyone working in
the field of signal processing. Through the use of these signals and associated
techniques, it is possible to evaluate the performance of signal processing systems and
optimize them for specific applications.
The methodology for Lab 5: Basic Test Signal involves a series of steps that aim to
provide students with hands-on experience in generating and analysing different types
of test signals using MATLAB. The following is a general outline of the methodology:
Introduction to test signals: In this step, the instructor will introduce the concept of
test signals and their applications in signal processing systems. The different types of
test signals, such as sinusoidal, white noise, and impulse signals, will be discussed,
along with their properties and behaviour.
MATLAB basics: Before generating and analysing test signals, students will be given a
brief introduction to the basics of MATLAB, including how to write scripts and
functions, how to manipulate arrays and matrices, and how to plot data.
Generating test signals: Using MATLAB, students will learn how to generate basic test
signals such as sinusoidal, white noise, and impulse signals. They will learn how to
adjust parameters such as frequency, amplitude, and duration to create signals with
different characteristics.
Analysing test signals: After generating test signals, students will learn how to analyse
them using MATLAB functions such as fft and spectrogram. They will learn how to
calculate metrics such as SNR and to visualize the signals in the time and frequency
Evaluation of signal processing systems: Finally, students will learn how to use test
signals to evaluate the performance of signal processing systems. They will learn how
to apply the concepts of test signals to real-world problems and to optimize systems
for specific applications.
Throughout the lab, students will be encouraged to work collaboratively and to ask
questions as they explore different types of test signals and their applications. The
methodology is designed to provide a hands-on, interactive learning experience that
will equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to apply the concepts of test
signals in signal processing applications.
In MATLAB, a basic test signal is typically used for testing and validating signal processing
algorithms or systems. Let's discuss a few commonly used basic test signals in MATLAB: The
unit impulse function is a discrete-time signal that has a value of 1 at n = 0, and a value of 0
at all other time indices n. It is often used in signal processing and system analysis to represent
an idealized impulse or a unit impulse response of a system. Discrete-time signal: The unit
impulse function in MATLAB is a discrete-time signal, meaning it is defined only at integer
time indices n. It is not defined for non-integer time indices. In MATLAB, the Heaviside ()
function can be used to compute the unit step function for a given input. It takes a scalar or
vector input as an argument and returns an output of the same size, where each element is
computed based on the definition of the unit step function. Unit ramp signals are commonly
used in signal processing, control systems, and other areas of engineering and mathematics
for modelling and analysis purposes. They are characterized by their linear increase with time,
and can be useful in various applications, such as modelling the motion of objects with
constant velocity or analysing system response to time-varying inputs. You can also use other
MATLAB functions like 'stem' to plot a discrete version of the parabolic signal, or 'surf' to plot
a 3D version of the parabola. Additionally, you can experiment with different values of 'a', 'b',
and 'c' to observe how they affect the shape and position of the parabolic signal. A sinusoidal
signal, also known as a sine wave, is a periodic waveform that oscillates smoothly between
positive and negative values. It is characterized by its amplitude, frequency, and phase.

In conclusion, basic test signals in MATLAB are important tools for testing and
evaluating signal processing algorithms, system performance, and system response.
They allow researchers and engineers to analyse and validate the behaviour of signal
processing systems in a controlled and reproducible manner. An impulse signal is a
signal that has an instantaneous change in amplitude at a specific time, while being
zero elsewhere. Impulse signals are commonly used for testing system response,
convolution, and impulse response estimation. A step signal is a signal that changes
abruptly from one value to another at a specific time, while remaining constant
thereafter. It is represented as a Heaviside step function in continuous time or a unit
step function in discrete time. Step signals are useful for testing system stability,
transient response, and step response. Random signals are signals that have random
variations over time. They are commonly used for testing statistical signal processing
algorithms, noise reduction techniques, and system robustness. MATLAB provides
various functions for generating random signals, such as rand n for generating
Gaussian white noise and rand for generating uniformly distributed random numbers.

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