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6/25/2019 What did Napoleon like to read?

| Shannon Selin



What did Napoleon like to read?

Napoleon Bonaparte was a voracious reader. He had a personal librarian, he always travelled with books, and he took a great
interest in constructing the ultimate portable library to accompany him on his military campaigns. Napoleon’s taste in books
was primarily classical. He had some lifelong favourite authors, including Plutarch, Homer and Ossian. What else did he like to
read? 1/19
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Napoleon reading

Napoleon’s love of books
According to his classmate (and later secretary) Louis Bourrienne, Napoleon read avidly from an early age. Whenever they had
free time at the military school at Brienne:

[Napoleon] would run to the library, where he read with great eagerness books of history, particularly Polybius
and Plutarch. He also especially liked Arrian, but had little taste for Quintus Curtius. (1)

At the École Militaire in Paris and as a young artillery officer, Napoleon continued to read classical scholars, as well as more
recent French and Italian authors. He also read a number of English works in translation. An idea of his favourites might be
judged by what he chose to bring with him during a leave of absence in Corsica in 1786-87. His brother Joseph recounted:

[Napoleon] was then a passionate admirer of Jean-Jacques [Rousseau]; … a fan of the masterpieces of Corneille,
Racine and Voltaire. He brought the works of Plutarch, Plato, Cicero, Cornelius Nepos, Livy and Tacitus,
translated into French; and those of Montaigne, Montesquieu and Raynal. All of these works filled a trunk larger 2/19
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than the one that contained his toiletries. I don’t deny that he also had the poems of Ossian, but I do deny that he
preferred them to Homer. (2)

Napoleon soon parted ways with Rousseau, but his admiration for
Ossian continued throughout his life. He even reads Ossian in
Napoleon in America. Ossian’s cycle of epic poems was published by
the Scottish poet James Macpherson beginning in 1760. Though
Macpherson claimed the material originated from ancient Gaelic
sources, many – including Samuel Johnson – criticized the work as a
forgery, written by Macpherson himself.

When Napoleon learned, on St. Helena, that the wife of British

Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm hailed from Scotland, he asked her if
she knew Ossian’s poems.

[Napoleon] said he admired them very much, particularly

Darthula, and inquired if the controversy about their
authenticity was decided; and whether Macpherson had really
written them. He laughed on her replying with quickness, that
Macpherson was not capable of writing them. She said the
Highland Society had done everything possible to investigate
and had proved their authenticity beyond a doubt…. She said
[the poems] had been more admired on the Continent than in
England. He exclaimed with energy: ‘It was I, – I made them
the fashion. I have been even accused of having my head filled
with Ossian’s clouds.’ (3)
The Dream of Ossian by Jean Auguste Dominique
Ingres, 1813, commissioned by Napoleon
Napoleon’s librarians and libraries
Napoleon’s appetite for reading books continued as he rose in power.
In 1798, about to depart on the Egyptian campaign, he gave Bourrienne a list of books he wanted in his camp library. These
included works in Sciences and Arts (e.g., Treatise on Fortifications), Geography and Travels (e.g., Cook’s Voyages), History
(e.g., Thucydides, Frederick II), Poetry (e.g., Ossian, Tasso, Ariosto), Novels (e.g., Voltaire, Héloïse, Goethe’s Sorrows of Young
Werther and 40 volumes of “English novels”), and Politics and Morals (the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, etc.). (4) 3/19
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In 1800, Napoleon appointed Louis Ripault, an antiquarian who was a member of the Egyptian expedition, as his personal
librarian. When Ripault proved to be too liberal, he was replaced in 1804 by an elderly Italian historian, Carlo Denina, author of
The History of the Revolutions of Italy, which Napoleon had read as a student. In 1807, Denina was succeeded by the librarian
Antoine-Alexandre Barbier.

Napoleon expected his librarian to be on call at all hours to read to him, to report on new books, to find sources of information
on particular subjects, and to summarize content. Dissatisfied with the camp libraries formed for his use, in July 1808
Napoleon dictated from Bayonne instructions for Barbier to create a purpose-built travelling library.

The Emperor wants a portative library of thousand volumes in 12mo., printed in good type, without margin, and
composed as nearly as possible of 40 volumes on religion, 40 of epics, 40 of plays, 60 of poetry, 100 of novels, 60
of history, the remainder, to make up the 1,000, of historical memoirs.

The religious works are to be the Old and New Testament, the Koran, a selection from the works of the Fathers of
the Church, works respecting the Arians, Calvinists, a Mythology, &c.

The epics are to be Homer, Lucan, Tasso, Telemachus, the Henriade, &c. (5)

Among the novels were to be the masterpieces of Fielding, Richardson and Le Sage.

For the 1809 campaign against Austria, Barbier prepared a substantial library, arranged in a series of large mahogany cases,
which could be opened up into instant bookshelves (the cases were later exchanged for leather ones, considered more durable).
Dissatisfied that some books had to be omitted because of their bulk, Napoleon in June 1809 sent instructions from Vienna for
Barbier to compose an even larger travelling library of historical works, in even smaller size.

His Majesty would wish the volumes of such a library to reach three thousand, all 18mos, like the works of the
collection in 18mo for the Dauphin, having four to five hundred pages each, and printed with Didot’s fine type, on
thin vellum paper. The 12mo takes up too much space; and besides, the books printed in this form are almost all
poor editions. The three thousand volumes should be put in thirty cases, having three rows, each row containing
thirty-three volumes. This collection…should be divided into five or six parts: 1. Chronology and Universal
History; 2. Ancient History by original writers, and Ancient History by modern writers; 3. History of the Lower
Empire by original writers, and History of the Lower Empire by modern writers; 4. General and Particular
History, like Voltaire’s Essays, etc.; 5. Modern History of the States of Europe, of France, Italy, etc.. In this
collection must be Strabo, D’Anville’s Ancient Atlas, the Bible, some History of the Church…. When these three 4/19
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thousand volumes of History are finished, they will be followed by three thousand more of Natural History, of
Voyages, of Literature, etc. (6)

Barbier estimated the work would take six years to complete and would cost between 5.4 and 6.5 million francs. The project was
never carried out. Meanwhile, the existing library was improved from time to time. For example, from Vitebsk during the
Russian campaign in August 1812, Barbier was told:

The Emperor desires to have some amusing books. If there be any new novels which are good, or older ones which
he does not know, or memoirs of light reading, you will do well to send them, for we have leisure moments here
which are difficult to fill up. (7)

During the retreat from Moscow, a number of boxes of books from Napoleon’s travelling library were burned by the French.

Napoleon reading books in exile

During his exile on Elba in 1814, Napoleon maintained a library of “a considerable number of volumes.” He allowed no one to
enter the room, which also served as an office, except his secretary and the floor polisher. (8)

In late June 1815, after the defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon was at Malmaison contemplating escape to the United States. He
instructed General Henri Bertrand to write to Barbier for “works upon America,” a report on everything published on the
subject of his campaigns, “and in addition, several works on the United States.” The library was to be consigned to an American
firm, “who will have it transported to America from Havre.” (9)

Napoleon did not make it to America. Instead, he gave himself up to the British, who banished him to St. Helena. On seeing an
Englishman reading Milton’s Paradise Lost on board the Northumberland, the ship that conveyed him to exile, Napoleon
reportedly said:

Your British Homer lacks taste, harmony, warmth, naturalness. Read again the poet of Achilles. Devour Ossian.
Those are the poets who lift up the soul, and give to man a colossal greatness. (10)

Napoleon had plenty of time to read on St. Helena, and he developed a large library there. He brought with him on the
Northumberland “six small mahogany cases containing what was called a field library, provided by M. Barbier, the Emperor’s
librarian. These crates consisted of good works, and were of great assistance in fighting the boredom of such a lengthy
crossing.” (11)

This was supplemented by the arrival, in June 1816, of the bulk of Napoleon’s library. Emmanuel de Las Cases reported: 5/19
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The Emperor sent for me about three o’clock. He was in the topographical cabinet, surrounded by all the persons
of his suite, who were engaged in unpacking some boxes of books which had arrived by the Newcastle. The
Emperor himself helped to unpack, and seemed to be highly amused with the occupation. (12)

More books were brought by visitors, or sent to Napoleon by sympathizers, including England’s Lady Holland. One of the gifts,
the three-volume Life of Marlborough by William Coxe, resulted in the dismissal of British orderly officer Engelbert Lutyens,
as described in my post “General Bonaparte vs. Emperor Napoleon.”

It was customary in the evenings for Napoleon to read out loud to his companions, or for one of them to read to him. His
librarian on St. Helena, the valet Louis Étienne Saint-Denis, wrote:

The Emperor was infinitely fond of reading. The Greek and Roman historians were often in his hands, especially
Plutarch. … He often read Rollin. The history of the middle ages, modern history, and particular histories
occupied him only casually. The only religious book which he had was the Bible. He liked to read over in it the
chapters which he had heard read in the ruins of the ancient cities of Syria. They painted for him the customs of
those countries and the patriarchal life of the desert. It was, he said, a faithful picture of what he had seen with his
own eyes. Every time that he read Homer it was with a new admiration. No one, in his view, had known what
was truly beautiful and great better than this author; consequently he often took him up again and read him from
the first page to the last. The drama had great charms for the Emperor. Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, often had one
or two acts of their pieces read aloud. He preferred Corneille to the others, in spite of his imperfections….
Sometimes he would ask for some comedy which he had seen played, and from time to time a piece of poetry, for
instance, ‘Vert-Vert’ [by Gresset]. He also took pleasure in reading some parts of Voltaire’s Essai sur les moeurs et
l’esprit des nations, as well as some articles from the Dictionnaire Philosophique of the same author. Novels helped
him to relax and broke the seriousness of his habitual occupations. Gil Blas, Don Quixote and a small number of
others would be read by him. Those of Mesdames de Staël, Genlis, Cottin, Souza, etc. he read over sometimes, but
the novels which he could not bear were those of Pigault Lebrun…. He had nearly always under his eyes all the
works relative to the military art and the campaigns of the great captains…. It was only by chance that he took up
a scientific work; books of this sort were only occasional. (13)

It was while he was on St. Helena that Napoleon read his brother Lucien’s Charlemagne.

What ability; what time and labour; thrown away! Twenty thousand verses – some few of them good verses – but
the whole colourless, aimless, and resultless. (14)

What happened to Napoleon’s library? 6/19
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By 1821, when Napoleon died, his library consisted of 1,814 volumes, 1,226
of which had been shipped from England. (15) In his will, Napoleon
directed Saint-Denis to take care of “four hundred volumes, selected from
those in my library of which I have been accustomed to use the most” and
to convey them to his son, the King of Rome (Napoleon II), when he
reached the age of 16. Napoleon’s companions took what they liked from
the rest of his books. The remainder were purchased by the bookseller
Bossange and Co., which organized an auction by Sotheby’s in London on
July 23, 1823.

The catalogue listed 123 items, 10 of which were letters signed by

Napoleon. A few volumes were given to members of Napoleon’s family.
When General Bertrand died, all but about a dozen of the volumes
belonging to his estate were sold for scrap. Even if you don’t understand
French, you will be able to decipher some of the titles remaining, as well as
those listed in the auction catalogue, in La Bibliothèque de Napoléon à
Sainte Hélène by Victor Advielle (Paris, 1894).

For more about Napoleon’s book reading habits, see the three-part article
on “Napoleon the Reader” by Ira Grossman on the Napoleon Series: “The
Early Years”; “The Imperial Years”; “The Final Years”. Margaret
Rodenberg has written a lovely piece about Napoleon’s reading habits on
St. Helena on her Finding Napoleon website.

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6/25/2019 What did Napoleon like to read? | Shannon Selin

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1. Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne, Mémoires de M. de Bourrienne sur Napoléon, le Directoire, le Consulat, l’Empire et
la Restauration, Vol. I (Paris, 1829), p. 33.
2. Du Casse, ed., Mémoires et Correspondance Politique et Militaire du Roi Joseph, Vol. I (Paris, 1855), pp. 32-33.
3. Clementina E. Malcolm, A Diary of St. Helena (1816, 1817): the Journal of Lady Malcolm, edited by Sir Arthur Wilson
(London, 1899), pp. 24-25.
4. Bourrienne, Mémoires, Vol. II, pp. 49-50. Constituted by French general and scholar Louis Caffarelli du Falga with the help
of the economist Jean-Baptiste Say, the Egyptian campaign library consisted of about 320 volumes, over half of them
5. A. Bingham, ed., A Selection from the Letters and Despatches of the First Napoleon, Vol. II (London, 1884), p. 400.
6. “Book Collectors,” Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education, Vol. VII (Philadelphia, 1871), pp. 310-311.
7. A Selection from the Letters and Despatches of the First Napoleon, Vol. III, p. 167.
8. Louis Étienne Saint-Denis, Napoleon from the Tuileries to St. Helena, translated by Frank Hunter Potter (New York and
London, 1922), p. 75.
9. A Selection from the Letters and Despatches of the First Napoleon, Vol. III, p. 412.
10. Edward Edwards, Libraries and Founders of Libraries (London, 1865), p. 139. 8/19
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11. Louis-Joseph Marchand, In Napoleon’s Shadow (San Francisco, 1998), p. 333. It’s not clear what the books consisted of.
Marchand refers to Napoleon taking notes on Lacratelle, a French historian and journalist.
12. Emmanuel-August-Dieudonné de Las Cases, Mémorial de Sainte Hélène: Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of
the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena (London, 1823), Vol. II, p. 275.
13. Napoleon from the Tuileries to St. Helena, pp. 188-190.
14. Libraries and Founders of Libraries, p. 139.
15. In Napoleon’s Shadow, p. 333.

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28 commments on “What did Napoleon like to read?”

Tom Vance says:
February 7, 2015 at 7:00 am
What a wonderful article! An inspiration for all of us bibliophiles.


Shannon Selin says:

February 7, 2015 at 1:26 pm
Thanks, Tom. So glad you enjoyed it.

Irene Hartlmayr says:
February 9, 2015 at 2:30 am
I.too,find the article very good. Gives a good summary of what Napoleon liked to read. I would like to add one book that he also
liked: Paul et Virginie, by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. That gives a good insight into what his more private inclinations may have

Shannon Selin says:
February 9, 2015 at 10:58 am
Thanks, Irene. Bernardin de Saint-Pierre was also one of Joseph Bonaparte’s favourite authors. 9/19
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Jim Gallen says:

February 7, 2015 at 10:14 am
I find it interesting that men of Napoleon’s day looked to Roman history rather than that of what was then more recent times.
We had an exhibit in St. Louis that emphasized that, because Napoleon wanted a break with the French monarchy, he drew on
Roman themes and symbols. I have also read that American Revolutionary figures, such as John Adams and Thomas Jefferson,
read heavily in Roman history rather than British or what little American history there was to that time. Someone hurled an
insult “He is a Catiline”, a phrase that would send most, if they were curious enough, running to their computers to google the


Shannon Selin says:

February 7, 2015 at 1:41 pm
That is interesting, Jim. I gather that schooling at the time, on both sides of the Atlantic, placed a great emphasis on a classical
education, which must have influenced subsequent reading and intellectual development. Certainly Napoleon fixed on his
heroes (Caesar, Alexander) early on. I must admit that in reading 19th century sources, I’ve often had to google references to
classical works and figures that people like Napoleon, Louis XVIII, John Quincy Adams, etc. regularly tossed around.


Irene Hartlmayr says:

February 9, 2015 at 11:48 am
Classical education was the non plus ultra of the day. In whatever European (and American) system.They were all stuffed with
Greek and Latin Literature, the men of the French Revolutionary Assemblies ran around in Roman Togas and Sparta was a
model for all of them (including George Washington).That was the Fashion of the day,visible also in Architecture and Painting
(Neo-classicism). If Napoleon drew on Roman symbols,I think it was not because of a break with the preceding French
monarchy, it was rather a legacy of the Revolution and, of course, it probably was a reflection of his own tastes, both military
and political. The Revolution tended to emphasise more the Roman Republic while Napoleon leaned more towards the Roman
Empire. But he also used some post-Roman symbols,such as the bee (borrowed from the Merowingians).

Reply 10/19
6/25/2019 What did Napoleon like to read? | Shannon Selin

Lally Brown says:

February 8, 2015 at 7:14 am
A lovely article! You mention the delivery of books in June 1816, you might find the following of interest:
’21st June 1816 – Twenty boxes of books arrived for Napoleon’s Library. Sir Thomas Reade, the Governor’s Adjutant-General,
was required to inspect each book before it was sent up.’
Quote from The Lowe Papers, British Library Manuscripts Dept.

Shannon Selin says:
February 8, 2015 at 1:39 pm
Thanks, Lally, and thanks for the extract from the Lowe Papers. It gives a good sense of the regimen around Napoleon on St.
Helena. Just imagine Sir Thomas Reade meticulously leafing through all those books.

Irene Hartlmayr says:
February 9, 2015 at 2:26 am
I agree, Shannon. It illustrates how incredibly smallminded Sir Hudson Lowe was in the execution of what he thought was his
job. Sir Thomas Reade, by the way, detested Hudson Lowe. His diaries, that are published, attest to that. Hudson Lowe was
universally disliked, not only by the French exiles.


Lally Brown says:

February 9, 2015 at 8:59 am
Rather a nice job compared to his usual duties probably. Surprisingly Gov. Sir Hudson Lowe used to send books from his own
Library at Plantation House to Napoleon for him to read. Napoleon used to jot pencil notes in the margin before returning

Shannon Selin says:
February 9, 2015 at 11:02 am
Are any of those books still at Plantation House, Lally? I wonder if Lowe went through and read what Napoleon had jotted
down. 11/19
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Irene Hartlmayr says:

February 9, 2015 at 11:29 am
Can you cite a reference for that?

Shannon Selin says:
February 10, 2015 at 10:12 am
Re. Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: Georges Bertin, Joseph Bonaparte en Amerique, pp. 108, 142.
Re. Hudson Lowe lending books and Napoleon jotting notes: Frances Hume translation of Paul Fleuriot de Langle, Memoirs of
General Bertrand, p. 6.

Irene Hartlmayr says:

February 10, 2015 at 10:47 am
The books that Hudson Lowe sent to Napoleon were not suspicious as they were sent by Hudson Lowe himself and did not
contain any clandestine messages, that Lowe suspected might have been hidden in books coming in from outside. He was noted
for his paranoid suspicions.


John Tyrrell says:

January 2, 2016 at 2:09 am
I think Irene Hartlmayr may be confusing Sir Thomas Reade with Major Gorrequer. The latter’s diaries were later published,
but I don’t think Reade ever kept a diary. I have seen a few unpublished pages he wrote whilst on St. Helena – totally
unmemorable and inconsequential. If anything Reade thought Lowe was too soft on Napoleon and on one occasion said if it
were up to him he would take away Napoleon’s books.


Shannon Selin says: 12/19
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January 2, 2016 at 9:36 pm

Thanks, John. I haven’t seen anything written by Reade, who has a very appropriate name for this post. It’s interesting to learn
what he thought of Lowe’s treatment of Napoleon.


Pim Waakop Reijers says:

March 24, 2017 at 12:45 pm
As a literature student who loves to see how prose and poetry relate to the time in which they were written, I loved this article.
In the novel “Desiree” by Annemarie Selinko I read that Napoleon owned a copy of “The Sorrows of Young Werther” by Goethe.
I assume that he liked it; when he met Goethe, he said to him: “You are a man!”
I still want to read “Ossian”, but I did read “Paul and Virginie”, as it was also one of Louis Bonaparte’s favourite novels.
Napoleon used to say of Louis that he had read too much Rousseau; I haven’t been able to hold a book by Rousseau in my
hands without thinking of that quote.
Thanks for this great article!


Shannon Selin says:

March 24, 2017 at 1:08 pm
You’re most welcome, Pim. Glad you liked the article. If you haven’t already read it, you might enjoy my article about
Napoleon’s meeting with Goethe.


Joseph C Ogbonna says:

April 16, 2017 at 10:22 am
Reading about the emperor’s private life and reading habit is like meeting him in person. It really was delightful reading about
the avid reading habit of one of history’s most outstanding personalities.


Joseph C Ogbonna says:

April 16, 2017 at 10:25 am
It’s also very interesting to know that he was a staunch lover of history, which happens to be my delight. 13/19
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Shannon Selin says:
April 16, 2017 at 2:18 pm
Thanks, Joseph. I’m glad you liked the article.


lawrence says:
September 5, 2017 at 4:03 am
Didn’t happen to see any mention of the novel he, himself, wrote as “Clisson”.


Shannon Selin says:

September 5, 2017 at 10:22 am
Thanks for bringing that up, Lawrence. When Napoleon was in his mid-twenties, he wrote a novella called Clisson et Eugénie,
about the doomed romance between a soldier and his lover. I refer to it in my article on Napoleon in historical fiction. I haven’t
seen any reference to Napoleon re-reading the manuscript in later life.


Víctor Ramirez says:

November 21, 2017 at 8:21 pm
Paoli, a older Corsican, made the best depiction of Napoleon’s character when said to him: “Oh, Napoleon, there is nothing
modern in your life! You belong, completely, to Plutarch!”
When we see the authors that he admired, we have to conclude that Paoli was correct.
He was a dictator that betrayed the French Revolution.

Shannon Selin says:
November 21, 2017 at 9:47 pm
Thanks for commenting, Victor. 14/19
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April 28, 2018 at 7:38 am
I find this site very useful, even magical. Thank you very much.

Shannon Selin says:
April 28, 2018 at 11:54 am
You’re welcome, James. Glad you’re enjoying it.


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[Napoleon] would run to the library, where he read with great eagerness books of history,
particularly Polybius and Plutarch. He also especially liked Arrian, but had little taste for Quintus

Louis Bourrienne

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Shannon Selin writes historical fiction and blogs about Napoleonic and 19th century history. She lives in Vancouver, Canada,
where she is working on the next novel in her Napoleon series.

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