Goodgov Chapter 3

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AND INFLUENCES OF CORPORATE flat, borderless world, where the click of a

GOVERNANCE - Right people mouse, capital can leave a market and
- Team destroy it.
Foundation of corporate good - Processes
governance = Intellectual Honesty CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN THE
INTELLECTUAL HONESTY – it is expressed
by acting in the best interests of the - The board must determine a CORPORATE GOVERNANCE – needed to
incapacitated company. common understanding of the make corporate managements more
purpose of the company, the accountable, and their auditors more
CORPORATION – a juridical person, but it values that drive its business and rigorous but it requires fair legal
is also incapacitated until its directors are who are the important frameworks that should be enforced
appointed and the board in turn delegates stakeholders. primarily.
to management the implementation of its - Must also identify the
collective decisions. sustainability issues which are MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2, SERIES
pertinent to the business of the OF 2002 (CODE OF CORPORATE
Good governance connotes acting with company. GOVERNANCE)
responsibility, accountability, fairness and - Board needs to adopt the inclusive
transparency. approach to governance. They - Under the SEC Resolution NO. 135
need to take account of the of April 4, 2002.
legitimate Interests and
THE CODE AIMS to promote corporate
- Has a withering effect on expectations of the stakeholders
governance reforms that will raise investor
misconduct and is absolutely linked to the company.
confidence, develop capital market and
critical in communicating to help achieve high sustained growth for the
stakeholders any decisions of the corporate sector and the economy.
- It demands that the CODE APPLIES TO:
communications consist of - Financial
substance over form and contain (1) Corporations whose securities are
- Human
positive and negative aspects, if registered or listed.
- Social
any. (2) Corporations who are grantees of
- Environmental
permits/licenses and secondary
- Technology
franchises from the Commission.
(3) Public companies
(4) Branches or subsidiaries of foreign task is to establish a formal and operational aspects of the
corporations operating in the transparent procedure for corporation.
Philippines whose securities are developing a policy on executive - Activities are determined by the
registered or listed. remuneration. powers, duties, and
responsibilities delegated to or
RESPECTED: be from the shareholders and/or
- Shall primarily be responsible for
from the by-laws itself.
the governance of the 1. Voting right
- Only a very few will be able to give
corporation. 2. Pre-emptive right
you a good and definitive answer
- Should establish the corporation’s 3. Power if inspection
when you ask average investor or
vision and mission, strategic 4. Right to information
the responsibilities of the board of
objectives, policies and 5. Right to dividends
procedures that guide and direct 6. Appraisal right among others.
the activities of the company, and AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY AND
the mechanism for monitoring DISCLOSURE
management performance.
- It is a vital and dominant theme in
- It is to protect the resources
entrusted to them by the
COMMITTEES IN AID OF GOOD - The more transparent the internal
shareholders and make sure the
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SUCH AS: workings of the company and cash
latter receive a decent return on
flows, the more difficult it will be
their investment.
1. The Audit Committee, whose for management and controlling
- In European countries, many
responsibility is to inculcate in the shareholders to misappropriate or
directors there feels that it is their
minds of the Board members the mismanage company assets.
primary responsibility to protect
importance of a sound system of
INTERNAL FOUNDATION OF CORPORATE the employee of the company
internal control and the Board's
GOVERNANCE first, the shareholders second.
oversight responsibility;
2. The Nomination Committee, STRUCTURE ABD MAKEUP OF THE BOARD
whose function is to review and OF DIRECTORS
evaluate the qualifications of all - It is a body of elected or
persons nominated to the Board; appointed by shareholders who - Made up of individual men and
and jointly oversee the activities and women, the “directors” who are
3. The Compensation or the overall managerial and elected by the shareholders.
Remuneration Committee, whose
Tactics under anti-takeover defences: - In a company where a large, executive officers towards a
single shareholder exists, entity or central objective.
1. Have a vested interest in the individual can effectively control
company the corporation. RESPONSIBILITIES OF A CEO
2. Work in the upper management of - In a company where no
the company A. Support To The Board
controlling shareholder exists, the
3. Are independent from the - Supports operations and
directors should act as if did exist
company but are known for their administration of board by giving
and attempt to protect this
business abilities. information and advice to board
imaginary entity all the times,
even to the extent of firing the
COMMITTEES ON THE BOARD OF - Should be serving as the crossing
CEO, making changes to the
DIRECTORS point between board and staff
structure that are unpopular with
B. Delivery Of Program, Product And
- Their responsibilities include the management, or turning down
Service (PPS)
institution of the audit and acquisitions due to cost
- The CEO is expected to be the
compensation committees. consideration.
brand bearer.
- Audit Committee is responsible in - Administer design, marketing,
making sure that the company’s promotion, delivery and quality of
financial statements and reports - It is usually the singular programs, products and services.
are accurate and use fair organizational position that is C. Financial, Risk And Tax
estimates in accordance with principally accountable in carrying Management
applicable financial reporting out the strategic policies and - Recommends yearly budget for
standards. procedure as established by the board's approval and cautiously
- Compensation Committee places board of directors. manages organization's resources
the base compensation, stock - He is directly under the BOD, and within the bounds of budget
option awards, and incentive presents its reports and output to guidelines.
bonuses for the company’s board. - Utilization of resources may also
executive, including the CEO. - It’s his responsibility to bring into have other bases such as laws,
line the company, internally and regulations, and other directives.
externally, with their long-term D. Human Capital Management
vision. - Efficiently manages the human
- Particular ownership structure of a - Its central duty is to make possible capital of the organization based
corporation has a huge impact on to engage business outside if the on sanctioned personnel policies
the efficiency and effectiveness of company while directing and procedures that fully conform
the BOD to govern. employees, managers and other to current laws, regulations, and
standards both local and - Might also carry out a meticulous company is having an initial public
international. analysis of a company's future offering (IPO).
E. Public Relations (PR) capital investment requirements F. Risk Manager
- Pledge that the organization and as a prerequisite in securing - It is the best position to foresee
its mission, programs and additional financing. risk considering that they have this
initiatives, products and services C. Develops Relations With rare perspective on how the
are consistently presented in Financing Sources company operates.
strong and physically visible - Institute good working - CFO's viewpoint on risk can be a
manner to the community. relationships with banks and other helpful source to the board of
- Package and build a positive image financial institutions that may directors and the CEO as well as
of the company to its relevant impact on the company's ability to other senior officers as they
stakeholders. finance its operations. manage the corporate affairs.
D. Advisor To Management G. relationship role
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (CFO) - Also an important member of the - Nucleus in an organization with
management team of some many connections.
emergent companies. - Strong verbal and written
- Can facilitate and help the communication skills are
business owners, executives and indispensable if the nucleus is to
A. Implements Internal Controls other top managers make the support the connections
- The one responsible for conveying substantial connection between a effectively.
the important financial controls to company's operations and its - Serves the bridge between these a
a company. financial performance that are variety of parties within the
- At a higher level, a CFO should reflected in financial figures. organization.
also develop effective controls E. Drives Major Strategic Issues H. Objective Referee
that provide supervision against - Expected to take part in important - Needs to demonstrate
fraudulent activities. role of attending some major impartiality.
B. Supervises Major Impact Projects strategic issues that will have an - The skill to present important
- Also handles and supervises those impact on the company's long- financial issues is an invaluable
projects that require significant term future. resource but it should always be in
quantitative and qualitative - Also play a significant role in any the context that it is being done
interpretations and analysis in endeavor the purpose of which is not to favor somebody.
order to reach at and to seek investment from the - CFO can and should be a trusted
understanding of the options that public or financial markets adviser in these matters of
are available. especially in times when the financial compliance reporting.
SHAREHOLDERS information should not cost - Increasing or decreasing the
competitiveness. number of directors or the
Shareholder Rights and Responsibilities - They must ensure that their right minimum or maximum numbers
to attempt to influence the of directors.
- Share ownership carries with it
company does not translate into - Confirming by-laws.
important rights and
behavior that will paralyze and - Adding or changing restrictions on
detrimental to the company. It the issue, transfer or ownership of
- Gives the owner with the right to
should not spin at a level wherein shares.
a share of the income of the
the principal (shareholders) and
company called dividend and a Shareholder Ability to Change the Board
agent (officers) will now becoming
right to a share of net proceeds
adversarial in running the
on the sale during liquidation of - Shareholders who are dissatisfied
corporation. The rule of the
the company. with how the directors are running
thumb is that managing a
- Includes the right to sell or the corporation may remove the
company is not a constant
transfer that share without the directors or refuse to re-elect
exercise of stockholders'
need to inform or getting the them.
consent of the other stockholders.
Reviewing the Role of Shareholders EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT OF
- An important right and
responsibility of shareholders is to CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
General - The directors and not the
vote. Voting right includes the shareholders are responsible for the AUDITORS
right to information about the management of the corporation.
company and the right to express - Their job is to help to ensure that
an opinion on the company's Under the Corporation Code of the firms are run efficiently by keeping
performance. Philippines these matters include: public records accurate, adhering
standards of reporting for public
In pursuing the rights to information and - Effecting certain merger or
purposes, and taxes paid properly
influence, shareholders must keep in reorganizations.
and on time.
mind their responsibilities: - Selling all or substantially all of the
- Independent auditors analyze and
corporation’s assets.
- They must ensure that the communicate financial
- Adding or removing any
obligation to provide information information for various entities
restrictions on the business that
to shareholders does not detract such as companies, potential
the corporation may carry on.
from the company's ability to investors, individual clients,
- Changing the corporation’s share
compete in its marketplace. The government both at the local and
national level.
- They may also engage in - External Environment may create leanings of the individuals
consultancy services which may major threats or in some cases responsible for the functioning
include, financial and investment precursor of openings and and eventual long-term existence
planning, information technology possibilities for an organization. of the organization.
consulting, and limited legal - Any organization that adapts the - Practically the ecosystem within
services. external environment without which organizations thrive, then
difficulty essentially survives and enabling atmosphere in which
LEGAL ENVIRONMENT - Some contend the ones that do not are the ones business in situated into.
that it is the market that can really press that are eliminated in the
real governance considering that it is a competition; it's a plain survival of CORPORATE PROTECTION WITHIN LEGAL
variable independent from anybody. There the fittest. BOUNDARIES
are, however, some limits to this
Legal environment has three distinct - Come in many different forms and
dimensions: Political Environment - politics of a appearances.
country or region that an organization is - Technical languages such as
1. The domestic laws of home functioning affects the policies and "shark repellent" and "poison
country benefits that an organization derives from pill" are used to describe the
2. The domestic laws of each of a system. defensive means or tactics that
foreign countries companies use to challenge a
3. International law in general Technological Environment lurking merger of two or more
businesses into one.
MARKETS - considered the most - Any new development may render
important institution of corporate an organization's processes and The following may be done to prevent
governance. systems obsolete if it is not quick the unwelcome takeover:
to adapt to the new changes.
Three central and important points of the - This becomes even more relevant - The "flip-in" which allows existing
term markets: in case of businesses that rely shareholders to purchase more
heavily on technology and are shares at a discount in order to
1. The firm’s product market, dilute the value of the shares.
technologically sensitive.
2. Capital market,
3. The managerial labor market. Social Environment - The "flip-over allow the
shareholders to purchase the
OTHER EXTERNAL FACTORS - Comprises the general behavior of bidder's shares at a discount.
the society and the ethical
- Acquisition of previous issued - Staggered elections to the board use it for good purposes which
stock in the open market (treasury of directors over a number of would benefit the constituent
stock). years. This would mean that a companies.
- Provision such as "One can never potential bidder will be "locking 2. Anti-takeover tactics are
be a board member if you are horns" with a hostile board of sometimes used to embed
already a board member of a directors until new elections can management and prevent
competitor company". be held. shareholders from selling their
ADVANTAGES OF ANTI-TAKEOVER stock and maximizing its price.
- Supermajority vote as prerequisite DEFENSES 3. Board members, who are already
of companies major move like in their comfort zone, sometimes
merger, consolidation or 1. Anti-takeover tactics are positive hide behind poison pills to retain
acquisition, issuance of additional when a company has the sense to their positions.
stocks and reacquisition of believe that its stock has a higher
previously issued stocks. market price than reflected and The following action should be observed
- A provision in the company's thus may become the target for a in using anti-takeover tactics:
charter or articles of incorporation takeover.
which allows shareholders to sell 2. Anti-takeover tactics are good - Check that the use of anti-
their shares to the bidder for more when the predator company's takeover strategies is legal in the
than the market price. purpose is to acquire the company country or jurisdiction in which
- The "debt façade", a ploy wherein and then use it for not good the company is operating.
a company takes on plenty of purposes which would not benefit - Thoroughly examine what method
debts to make it unappealing, as a the constituent companies. would provide the greatest
bidder would be answerable for 3. Short-term poison pills may help protection without hurting the
those debts once he will become businesses go through difficult company's image and value.
shareholder. financial periods when they could - Avoid tying the company to stock
- The "debenture sheltering", be defenseless targets. options, lofty bonuses, and special
business issues bonds that will severance pay for those
have to be redeemed at a higher DISADVANTAGES OF ANTI-TAKEOVER employees you might later want
price in the future. DEFENSES to fire.
- The company offers its employees - Calculate risk associated to debts.
1. It will prevent a genuinely good If you are taking on debts or
stock options, high bonuses, and
takeover purpose or aim. Anti- issuing bonds to make the
exceptional severance pay that
takeover tactics are good when company unappealing, make sure
would hurt the bidder's pocket
the predator company's purpose is that you can handle those debts
very much if takeover would take
to acquire the company and then even if the economy slides down.
- Consult with partners, directors, for expenses incurred, liabilities THROUGH CLASSES OF STOCK (4 TYPES OF
lawyers and accountants before accrued, and amounts pain in SHARES)
initiating anti-takeover strategies. defending claims brought to them
- Don't use anti-takeover strategies for actions taken on behalf of the 1. ORDINARY SHARES
except when you are sure that it corporation. - Are standard shares with no
will not backfire leaving the - Shareholder should recognize that special right or restrictions.
company at risk and defenseless. in the absence of this method, it - Have no potential to give the
will be difficult for corporations to highest financial gains and the
LIABILITY ISSUES AND INDEMNIFICATION find anyone willing to take such a highest risk.
OF OFFICERS risky job of serving as officers and - They are the last to be paid if the
directors. company is wound up.
LIABILITY – it can accrue for officers and 2. PREFERENCE SHARES
directors when they cause financial and Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance - Carry a right that gives the holder
nonfinancial harm to the corporation, or preferential treatment when
when they act solely on their own behalf - There are matters that cannot be dividends are distributed to
which is detrimental to the corporation indemnified under the law; in this shareholders.
and can be in a form of a crime and other case the appropriate remedy - Shares have fixed value which
wrongful acts. would be insurance coverage. means shareholders would not
Corporations are allowed to benefit from an increase in
Personal Liability of Officers and Directors purchase insurance to cover business profits.
matters resulting from acts taken 3. CUMLUATIVE PREFERENCE
Issues that may subject officers and
by officers and directors. SHARES
directors to personal liability:
- Give holders the right as if
The reasons for the increase of the cost
- Issues involving misappropriation dividends cannot be paid in one
are two:
- Issues involving nondisclosure of year then it will be carried forward
conflict or interest (1) The cost for directors' and officers' to succeeding years.
- Issues on loyalty insurance has gone i dramatically - Dividends must be paid despite
- Issues on non-separation of due to the inherent risk associated the earning of the business.
personal and business concerns to it. 4. REDEEMABLE SHARES
- Issues of prudence (2) The exclusions for coverage have - It comes with an agreement that
also increased. the company can buy them back
Indemnification of Officer and Directors at the future, a company cannot
SHAREHOLERS’ IMPOSABLE LIMITATIONS issues only redeemable shares.
- It refers to the act of the
reimbursing officers and directors
- Refers to percentage of ownership - Provide a process for adopting and
that is way above the simple - Most important contractual amending business plan and
majority which is one half plus one protections. budgets.
share of the total shares - This agreement will only be 4. SCOPE OF BUSINESS
outstanding. relevant if the corporate structure - It is common particularly in a joint
- Could mean 67% to 90% is being used, venture, for the shareholders
- Have full control on major goings - Most recommendable agreement to specify the scope of
on in the corporation. system/method. the business that the company will
- Often requisite for a company to conduct.
take certain actions. The main features of a shareholders'
agreement are:
- Where shareholders parties are
1. BOARD APPOINTMENT RIGHTS contributing unique and distinct
- It is a legal contract among - It is common for the shareholders advantage or process such as
shareholders of a corporation. agreement to establish the trademark, patent, and copyrights.
- it frequently covers how members relative rights of the - This is another common
of the BOD are to be selected and representation that the agreement in a joint venture.
occasionally covers. shareholders will have on the 6. RIGHT TO INFORMATION
- VENTURE CAPITALIST often company’s BOD. - It is extremely important for the
expect a shareholder voting - MINORITY SHAREHOLDER may investors to monitor performance
agreement to be executed. seek to have one director on the closely.
- SHAREHOLDERS may choose to board to kept informed of - They will expect a contractual
pool their votes for the particular matters. right to receive regular reports.
goal. - LARGE SHAREHOLDER may seek - The investors will also often seek
- VOTING AGREEMENTS may to appoint a large number of the right to have its own directors
stipulate that the involved directors to reflect. appointed to the board.
shareholder will cast the vote. 2. VETO RIGHTS 7. WARRANTIES FROM THE
- CORPORATION CODE OF THE - Refers to the right to overturn MANAGEMENT TEAM
PHILIPPINES does not prohibit the decisions reached by the board, - These are series of statements
shareholders voting agreement. involves listing of materials and about the company that the
normally range from fundamental investors would expect to be true
matters. and accurate.
- This is the statement of behavior at work such as ABRAHAM MASLOW
management responsibility motivation conflict, expectations,
intended to be given to and group dynamics, improved - A practicing psychologist
shareholder and other interested productivity. developed one of the most widely
parties of the corporation. recognized need theories.
8. STRATEGIV INVESTOR RIGHTS – Several individuals and experiments
contributed to this theory: Theory of human needs had three
where a shareholder Is looking for
more than a return on its
investment. 1. Human needs are never
9. RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER OF - His contributions came as part of completely satisfied.
SHARES – the investor will be keen the Hawthorne studies, a series 2. Human behavior is purposeful and
to make sure that the experiment that rigorously applied is motivated by the need for
management team they are classical management theory only satisfaction.
backing, holds on to their shares. to reveal shortcomings.
10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS – while - Mayo and F. J. Roethlisberger Maslow broke down the needs hierarchy
members are employed, they supervised a group of five women into five specific areas:
cannot compete with the in a bank wiring room. They gave
company or solicit customer or 1. Physiological needs: Maslow
the women special privileges. This
employees. grouped all physical needs
experiment also resulted in
11. EXIT PROVISIONS necessary for maintaining basic
significantly increased rates of
- A shareholding in a private human well-being, such as food
company is by its nature illiquid and drink.
- Mayo and Roethlisberger
because there is no market live 2. Safety needs. These needs include
concluded that the increase in
and open of the shares. the need for basic security,
productivity resulted from the
- Particularly important for minority stability, protection, and freedom
supervisory arrangement rather
shareholders who are unable to from fear.
than the changes in lighting or
control and exit process. 3. Belonging and love needs. After
other associated worker benefits.
the physical and safety needs are
- Hawthorne effect, which
BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT THEORY satisfied and are no longer
describes the special attention
motivators, the need for belonging
- Often called the human relation researchers give to a study's
and love emerges as a primary
movement because it addresses subjects and the impact that
the human dimension of work attention has on the study's
4. Esteem needs. An individual must
- Behavioral theorists believed that findings.
develop self-confidence and wants
a better understanding of human
to achieve status, reputation, motivation by identifying their  Achievement
fame, and glory. needs and desires, what satisfies  Recognition
5. Self-actualization needs. their needs and desires and by  The work itself
Assuming that all the previous establishing the aims that they  Responsibility
needs in the hierarchy are pursue to satisfy these desires.  Advancement
satisfied, an individual feels a need - His aim was to determine work  Growth
to find himself. situations where the subjects
were highly motivated and Herzberg two distinct human needs:
DOUGLAS MCGREGOR satisfied rather than where the
- Was heavily influenced by both
opposite was true and his research  Physiological needs: avoiding
was later paired with many studies unpleasantness or discomfort and
the Hawthorne studies and
involving a broader sampling of may be fulfilled via money to buy
professional people. food and shelter etc.
- Theory X manager has a negative
- Herzberg split his factors of  Psychological needs the need for
view of employees and assumes
motivation into two categories personal development fulfilled by
that they are lazy, untrustworthy,
called hygiene factors and activities which cause one to grow.
and incapable of assuming
motivation factors. The Hygiene - He identified this as the Adam and
factors can de-motivate or cause Abraham Concept where Adam is
- Theory Y manager assumes that
dissatisfaction if they are not animal and wants to avoid pain or
employees are not only
present, but do not very often discomfort, but Abraham is human
trustworthy and capable of
create satisfaction when they are and needs to go beyond the
assuming responsibility, but also
present. Motivation factors do physical requirements.
have high levels of motivation.
motivate or create satisfaction - One of the most important ideas
FREDERICK HERZBERG and are rarely the cause of that Herzberg postulated based on
dissatisfaction. his findings of satisfaction is that
- Was a well-respected American of job enrichment. This is to
who has contributed greatly to the Hygiene Factors (leading to
provide greater involvement and
way in which managers think dissatisfaction):
interaction with that job.
about motivation at work. REFRAMING ORGANIZATION - As
 Company Policy
- He first published his theory in
1959 in a book entitled 'The  Supervision organization have become pervasive and
Motivation to Work'. It is a  Relationship with Boss dominant, they have also become harder
content theory which explains the  Work Conditions Salary to understand and manage.
factors of an individual's  Relationship with Peers
Motivators (leading to satisfaction):

focuses on the architecture of
emphasizes understanding people,
their strengths and foibles.
organization as competitive
arenas of scarce resources.
4. SYMBOLIC FRAME - focuses on
issues of meaning and faith.



- A company which wants to set up

and ESOP creates a trust to which
it makes annual contributions.
- VESTING is a process whereby
employees become entitled to an
increasing percentage of their
accounts over time.
- An ESOP company may make an
installment distribution provided
that it makes the payments in
substantially equal amounts.

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