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2012 ER

To DMAIC or Not to DMAIC?

Identify when you need a structured method for problem solving
DEFINE, MEASURE, analyze, improve capability. Project financials are updated, in about a week. Prep work is completed
and control (DMAIC) is a structured prob- verified and reported. Control plans are by the quality or process improvement
lem-solving method. Each phase builds on established with reaction plans, ownership expert, and is centered on the define and
the previous one, with the goal of imple- and control is transitioned to the process measure phases. The rest of the phases
menting long-term solutions to problems. owner, and lessons are documented. The are done by a team of individuals who
Sometimes, project leaders or sponsors team documents opportunities to spread the have been pulled from their regular duties
don’t feel a formal approach is necessary, outcomes to other areas in the organization. for the duration of the kaizen event.
but most problem-solving efforts benefit In most cases, the changes are piloted
from a disciplined method. When to use DMAIC during the event, and full-scale implemen-
The tools used in the define phase lay When improving a current process, if the tation is completed after the event. It is cru-
the foundation for the project. The team problem is complex or the risks are high, cial the impact of these changes—whether
accurately and succinctly defines the prob- DMAIC should be the go-to method. Its dis- they are wanted or not—are monitored.
lem, identifies customers and their require- cipline discourages a team from skipping The advantage of this approach is the abil-
ments, and determines skills and areas that crucial steps and increases the chances ity to make rapid change.
need representation on the project team. of a successful project, making DMAIC a
Individuals who must be part of the core process most projects should follow. Customer-focused approach
team or be ad-hoc members are identified, If the risks are low and there is an obvi- DMAIC is not an implementation method
and project measures, financials and a ous solution, some of the DMAIC steps for best practices; it is a method to dis-
communication plan are established. could be skipped, but only if: cover best practices. When developing a
The measure phase is when the true pro- 1. Trustworthy data show this is the best new process from scratch, the design for
cess is identified and documented. Process solution for your problem. Six Sigma (DFSS) approach should be fol-
steps, and corresponding inputs and out- 2. Possible unintended outcomes have lowed. DFSS builds on traditional DMAIC
puts are identified. Measurement systems been identified and mitigation plans tools.
are identified or developed, and validated have been developed. DMAIC is a data-driven, customer-
and improved as required. Baseline perfor- 3. There is buy-in from the process owner. focused, structured problem-solving frame-
mance is established with trustworthy data. If the obvious solution can’t be proven work. It builds on learning from previous
In the analyze phase, the critical inputs with trustworthy data, a DMAIC project phases to arrive at permanent solutions for
are identified. Inputs that have a strong should be launched. difficult problems. Define will tell the team
relationship with the outputs and root There are two approaches to implement- what to measure. Measure will tell the team
causes are determined. These critical ing DMAIC. The first is the team approach what to analyze. Analyze will tell the team
inputs are the drivers of performance. in which individuals who are skilled in what to improve. And improve will tell the
In the improve phase, potential solu- the tools and method, such as quality or team what to control. QP
tions are identified and evaluated, and the process improvement experts, lead a team.
process is optimized. The critical inputs The team members work on the project Joseph M. Juran and Frank M. Gryna, Quality Planning and
that must be controlled to maintain perfor- part-time while caring for their everyday Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1993.
Michael L. George, David Rowlands, Mark Price and John
mance that reliably satisfies the customer responsibilities. The quality or process Maxey, Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, McGraw Hill,
are determined. Process capability and improvement expert might be assigned to
project financials are estimated. several projects. These are long-duration CARL F. BERARDINELLI is a senior
principal health systems engineering
The control phase establishes mistake- projects taking months to complete. analyst at the Mayo Clinic in Roches-
ter, MN. He has a bachelor’s degree in
proof, long-term measurement and reac- The second tactic involves the kaizen electronics technology from Indiana
tion plans. The team develops standard op- event method, an intense progression State University in Terre Haute. He is a
member of ASQ.
erating procedures and establishes process through the DMAIC process typically done

36 QP •

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