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EED 113


Personality Development
‌Health and Personal Hygiene
‌Wholesome Family
Loving ‌Food and Nutrition for the Family
‌Food Preservation

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our

Almighty and Gracious Father from above. I am

dedicated and forever grateful for you being with me as

I finished this portfolio. I was not able to do it alone

without your strength and wisdom that you have

sustained me. Also, to my parents who have

contributed financially for my printed papers and

portfolio. Classmates and friends who were with me all

throughout the reports and activities performed in this

subject. I would also like to acknowledge and give

thanks to our dear teacher Dr. Joven Agunda to make

this subject easier and fun as it could be. Without your

motivation and support, I will not make it until the last

page. Kudos to all of us who have exerted efforts and

presented the best of ourselves in this subject.

To God be the Glory!

Wholesome Family
I have a wholesome family, I must say. As the one taking the role of a
daughter specifically, I have the every right to perform and is expected to make
things easier to every member in the family. I’m expected to respect, obey, love
and as well to help in our daily household chores for everyone. I execute my
duties and responsibilities as a member of the family.

My family and I we’re very open to a lot of things that we would talk about
like random things that have happened or simply threw jokes any moment. We
would always hang-out for instance, going out to eat dinner in a restaurant,
having a road trip somewhere, taking a short vacation on a beach and spending
the rest of the hours talking about life, strolling around the city and taking some
pictures and a drink, having a movie marathon and snacks while we enjoy every
moment together, looking forward for my graduation and as well as my sisters’
graduation as one of the biggest momentum that will happen sooner, planning to
have a decent and grandiose lifestyle that we always want since then and
enjoying each other’s company as we are in this journey for a lifetime. I can say
that I build stronger relationships towards my siblings and as well as to my
parents as I always look back to where I came from and give importance to
cherishing the bond, trust and as well as the love that we have for each other. My
parents are already in their mid-50’s and my brothers who work overseas are the
ones who support and provide financially as they also knew the situation. My
other brother recently graduated Marine Engineering and is training to have his
job opportunity. I, as an aspiring future Educator and my sister who takes up
Medical Technologist were still schooling and also looking forward to getting our
own diploma. We want to prove to ourselves that we can make it and we have
one goal and that is to have a better life which makes us strive harder since we
experienced the lowest of lows in our lives. We have bigger and greater plans
ahead of us, together. I’m in a safe place and I’m grateful for everything that I
have right now especially that I have my ever supportive family that served as
motivation and my support system.
I have obtained a lot of things this topic specifically wants to imply
when it comes to Personality Development. This topic shows and
wants to impart of the development of an individual that includes
awareness of one’s self. I, too is not an exemption of these
development that focuses on assessing the qualities, traits, skills and
interest that I have that I need to work out, explore and find out the
possible occurrence of the various things I wasn’t aware of. I learned
that we have different characteristics that we should give value and as
well as to embody in the means of weighing out and our perception in
a way that we are more open and welcome to the possible changes.
Personality Development does not only focuses in physical but also in
social and emotional aspect. I, also undergo these changes that made
me confused and questioned everything as it was foreigned and
strange feeling to feel. The contributors of these changes took part of
the development was also surrounded to me. My family, friends,
classmates and even people whom I interacted and encountered
during these phases have greatly affected the development and the
way I perceived things.

This has been one way to know myself better as I experienced,

recognized and acknowledged every change of emotions, perceptions
as I have compared it to my previous actions. Expanding my
knowledge by engaging and interacting with different people could
really help to align and most importantly know and handle myself
better next time.
Health and

Personal Hygiene
As human beings, we are responsible to take care of our body and
that means we must be mindful of the body odors that might be
smelly and not pleasant to our senses and as well to other people.
Personal hygiene is significantly important to cleanse the unnecessary
odor and remain fresh all the time. This only means that as we take
care of our body we also take care of our health for the reason that
germs and bacteria could be the cause of illness, virus and infections
that we may get if our surroundings and as well ourselves are not
clean or not even sanitized. We have different hygienics that we
should take note of and properly execute. For instance, hair hygiene,
face hygiene, body hygiene, armpit hygiene, oral hygiene, etc. Sharing
of personal stuff is prohibited especially if it involves oral hygiene like
toothbrush and used toothpick.

We have to be conscious and immediately find a remedy if we are

experiencing worse that should be checked by the professionals. For
example, having tooth decay, it is a must to have a cleaning and
perform removal of the decayed tooth to avoid bad odor for a long
time and also helps the person itself to be confident and to avoid oral
problems in the future. The same goes with changing and cleaning of
underwear as the cloth was directly in contact with our genitals. We
should always remind ourselves to sanitize, clean and look presentable
inside and outside of our body.
Food Preservation

I have tasted a lot of foods that undergo food preservation

and I never thought I would experience it first hand. I was at
first, not confident as I also don’t have any other clue aside
from searching for some references on how to make a pickle.
My group and I chose to have carrots and chayote to make
pickles. We bought vinegar (tuba) that makes it more tasty
compared to ordinary vinegar in any other stores. We also
added some salt and sugar to balance the taste. We chopped
the carrots and chayote and after that, we cleansed it with
water. We pour mineral water, put some salt and soaked the
carrots and sayote in a bowl for 10 minutes as we only have
limited time. We mixed the vinegar, salt and sugar as we
were to put a taste for our juice. After 10 minutes, we put the
carrots, chayote and pour the mixed condiments that serve as
the juice that we made inside the jar. We are happy with the
outcome and how our finished product would taste-like. I was
grateful as well to my group mates as we did the activity
altogether. We are indeed participative and collaborative all
throughout the activity. It is truly memorable and it was so
much fun being around them.
Loving ‌Food and Nutrition

for the Family

Having a great a meal is satisfying and
more of appreciating every little thing
that we have on our plate from the ingredients down to its savory and delicious
taste. Eating food especially when it is healthy and full of nutrients is a lifestyle
that I want for myself. It is significant to consume food that have a supply of
nutrients that our body needs. As we all know, the Go, Grow and Glow foods
from the previous years that we should apply up until now. We have different
ways to cook a food, in our case we have an activity that we need to perform and
we, together with my groupmates Belarma and Calambro, we decided to have
lumpia in three different ingredients involved. We have the cheese lumpia,
dynamite (chili peppers) with cheese in the inside, and as well as the new recipe
that we made, lumpia with tuna, sliced carrots and minced cabbages along with
the fine diced of green onions that we put on top of lumpia as part of our plating.
I can say that we did a lot of our work and was satisfied with the outcome as
some of our classmates have also eaten lumpia and given their feedbacks. I came
to realized that we should be creative enough of the resources that we have since
the dishes now that we all knew started from discovering and asking “What’s the
perfect ingredients to make a good, healthy and delicious food to put on the
plate?” It would always be like that. My mom is a good cook and that's the
reason why I can differentiate between good and bad meals every time.

We, the Group 1, also did table skirting and I found it engaging and fun to do
since it was more revealing how creative, resourceful, and how you will make it
presentable to look at in every angle. It was fun. I was having fun all throughout
the activity and was glad that the color scheme reminds me of my favorite
season, Autumn. It was nice especially when it was added by the vase and various
kinds of plastic flowers. Not to mention, the candles that illuminated the table
and the sample of utensils as the basis on how the plates, knife, spoons, forks
and glasses are placed in a formal set-up. It was overall mesmerizing and
grandiose, for me.

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