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 It is a pre-developed page layout in electronic or paper media used to make new pages with a similar

design, pattern, or style. TEMPLATE

 What does the most reliable type of website end with? .gov
 An inserted clipart cannot be moved or repositioned unless you used the Wrap Text commands. TRUE
 Which of the following are examples of Search Engines? Google, Yahoo and Bing
 A high-end word processor which helps you creates memos, letters, reports, a book, a thesis and inserts
tables within the documents. MS-WORD
 Which of the following is probably the most trustworthy online source? GCFlearnfree.org
 The following are categories of shapes except. SHADOWS
 Which of the following includes the individual information or the recipient’s information? List/Data File
 This is where you’ll type and edit text in the document. DOCUMENT PANE
 Which of the following is the document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or
 It is an online database of information that can answer the user’s query. SEARCH ENGINE
 Which ribbon opens headers and footers? INSERT
 Which of the following is a Microsoft Word feature that automates the creation of multiple recipient
documents? MAIL MERGE
 What common type of application software does the Microsoft Word belong? WORD PROCESSING
 A research skill which refers to the ability to gather, organize, visualize and adapt information that is
tailored to the subject’s context. Analytical Skill
 Label generation is not included in the mail merge feature on Microsoft Word. FALSE
 Changes to a document using "Track Changes" are called Revisions
 The shortcut command for increasing font size is Ctrl + Shift + > TRUE
 Part of the Microsoft Word Screen that displays miscellaneous information of your current document like
number of pages, how many words are used language and so many more. STATUS BAR
 Anyone can create a webpage or add content to message boards and other forums. How does this affect
the overall accuracy of online information? It makes it harder to verify the accuracy of online information
 What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it out?
 What is the default file extension of a Word document? .docx
 Information found using Google is always valid and reliable. FALSE
 This symbol - mean you can remove keywords from search. TRUE
 What does Microsoft Word create? Documents
 When using the Track changes feature, what happens to changes to a document after they are accepted?
The markup is removed and they become part of the document.
 When in Google Docs Suggesting Mode or if Track Changes is turned on in your Microsoft Word
document, deleted text displays as: Strikethrough
 What image compression/file type is capable of displaying simple animation? .gif
 Integrating or inserting pictures in your document is fun and it improves the impression of your
document. TRUE
 This view opens the document to a full screen. This view is great for reading large amounts of text or
simply reviewing your work. Read Mode
 In what part of tab ribbon, you can change the font style of the text HOME
 Which of the following best describes the Ribbon? A toolbar with various commands
 Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button? MAILINGS TAB
 It is a graphical representation of text that may include a different typeface, point size, weight, color, or
design. FONT
 Which of the following are the components of the mail merge feature? Form Document and Data File
 References
 Which image compression type allows you to display images in full color just like in digital pictures? .jpg
 What are the steps in coverting text to table? Go to Insert > Table > Convert Text to Table
 It is an organized collection of data. Database
 This is the default document view in Word. It shows what the document will look like on the printed
page. Print Layout
 A word processor would be used best to type a story
 Why are page numbers required in a Table of Contents. To help readers find in which page the topic can
be located.
 When do you use the minus sign (-) during a search? when you want to eliminate certain words from
 Text Wrapping option which allows your image to be dragged and placed anywhere on your document
but with all the text floating in front of the list of it which makes your image looks like a background.
Behind Text
 Which of the following best describes the Zoom Slider? A slider that you can use to zoom the document
 What is the main advantage of using online sources in addition to printed materials? It's faster and often
easier to access.
 What do you use to search for exact phrases in Google? quotation marks ( " " )
 It is a line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas and objects that can be
integrated in the document. Clip Art
 The domain type .com means for commercial. TRUE
 Part of the Microsoft Word screen which contains multiple tabs, which you can find near the top of the
Word window. RIBBON
 The following are text wrapping options except PRESET
 If you wanted to learn about George W. Bush's term as governor of Texas but not his term as U.S.
President, what would be the best phrase to search under? "George W. Bush" + Texas – President
 Which of the following is the correct step in creating a simple mail merge? Create main and data source,
select recipients, insert merge field, preview, print
 Everything on the internet is true. FALSE
 Mrs. Perry has assigned the class to type a report. To display the report as it would appear online, which
view should she use? Web Layout
 For a free copyrighted image, check the Creative Commons. TRUE
 The procedure of mail merging is typically carried out using a spreadsheet program. FALSE
 Part of the Microsoft Word screen which displays the name of current document. TITLE BAR
 It's often said that plagiarizing is like cheating yourself. Why is this? "Plagiarism" is basically another
word for "cheating"
 What is the name assigned to a file when it is saved? FILE NAME

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