Chapter Two: Threats and Responses

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Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

Threats and Responses
Threats and Vulnerabilities
Attacks and Countermeasure
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

What is Threats ?
is a potential violation of security in computing infrastructure OR
is anything that has the potential to disrupt/disturb or do harm to an
When does this happen ?

circumstance, capability, action or event that could breach security and
cause loss or damage.
A Threat represents a potential security harm to an asset
Cyber security threats encompass a wide range of potentially illegal
activities on internet.

⇒ There are three major types of threats:

Natural threats : acts of nature that can be unpredictable in terms of onset,
duration and impact.
Intentional ⇒ deliberately to Compromise the entire computing system.
Unintentional ⇒ Accidental or Unintended, oftentimes be attributed to human
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses


is a threat that is being carried out ⇒ Threat action

if (Successful)
”leads to an undesirable violation of security”;
It’s also an activity launched by cybercriminals using one or more
computers against a single or multiple computers or networks

Came up with 2 Flavor

1 Active attack: Any attempt to alter system resources or affect their
2 Passive attack: Any attempt to learn or make use of information from the
2 types based on the origin of the attack
1 Inside attack:
Initiated by an entity inside the security perimeter (an “insider”).
The insider is authorized to access system resources but uses them in a way not
approved by those who granted the authorization.
2 Outside attack:
Initiated from outside the perimeter, by an unauthorized or illegitimate user of
the system (an “outsider”).
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

RFC 4949, describes four different type of threats

1 Unauthorized disclosure
2 Deception
3 Disruption
4 Usurpation

Threats and their respective Attacks

Unauthorized disclosure
A circumstance or condition whereby an intuders gains access to data for
which they are not authorized. ⇒ Confidentiality threats.
Attacks (Threat action)
Exposure: Sensitive data are directly released to an unauthorized entity.
Interception: An unauthorized entity directly accesses sensitive data traveling
between authorized sources and destinations.
Inference: A threat action an unauthorized entity indirectly accesses sensitive
data by reasoning from characteristics or by-products of communications.
Intrusion: An unauthorized entity circumvents system’s security protections.
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

A Situation that may result in an authorized entity receiving false data and
believing it to be true.
Some how related with FP and FN
Attacks as a result of deception
Falsification: False data deceive an authorized entity.
Repudiation: An entity deceives another by falsely denying responsibility for
an act.
Masquerade: An unauthorized entity gains access to a system or performs a
malicious act by posing as an authorized entity.

A circumstance that interrupts or prevents the correct operation of system
services and functions.
Its respective attacks
Incapacitation: Prevents or interrupts system operation by disabling a
system component.
Corruption: Undesirably alters system operation by adversely modifying
system functions or data.
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses


is a threat to system integrity.

attacks can result in this threat consequence:
Misappropriation: An entity assumes unauthorized logical or physical
control of a system resource.
Misuse : occur by means of either malicious logic or a hacker that has
gained unauthorized access to a system.


1 Malware
i Ransomware:
is malware designed to use encryption to force the target of the attack to pay a
ransom demand, How ?

Encrypts the User’s files and demands payment in exchange for the decryption
ii Cryptominers
Malware that uses the victim’s machine to mine cryptocurrency and make a
profit for the attacker
iii Mobile Malware
Malware targeting mobile devices, including malicious applications and attacks
exploiting SMS and social media apps.
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

Malware ...
iv Infostealers: Malware that collects sensitive information from an infected
computer and sends it to the malware operator.
iiv Banking Trojans: Malware that specifically targets financial information

2 Phishing

”Trick a user into clicking on a malicious link”

”Opening an attachment”

To locate and successfully exploit a vulnerability

♣ Types of Phishing:
♣ Why Aggressors utilize it
Regular phishing.
Stealing Confidential Information
Spear phishing
Harvesting Login Information
Smishing and vishing
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

3 Man-in-the-Middle(MitM)
is a general term for when a intruders positions himself
in a conversation between a user and an application.

To either to eavesdrop or to impersonate one
of the parties
4 Cyber Vandalism
Involves editing online content in a malicious manner.
It involves adding or removing or modifying content which is offensive or is
in bad taste!
5 Web Jacking:
Attackers create a fake website and when the website opens it will direct it
to another website and harm the user’s system. OR
is the forceful control of a web server through gaining access and control
over the website of another
5 Passwork Attack
Any attempt to obtain or decrypt user’s passwork for illegal access.
What are the cyber-crimes of Password Attacks ?
1 Brute-Force-Attacks
2 Dictionary Attacks
3 KeyLogger Attacks
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

3 Man-in-the-Middle(MitM)
is a general term for when a intruders positions himself
in a conversation between a user and an application.

To either to eavesdrop or to impersonate one
of the parties
4 Cyber Vandalism
Involves editing online content in a malicious manner.
It involves adding or removing or modifying content which is offensive or is
in bad taste!
5 Web Jacking:
Attackers create a fake website and when the website opens it will direct it
to another website and harm the user’s system. OR
is the forceful control of a web server through gaining access and control
over the website of another
5 Passwork Attack
Any attempt to obtain or decrypt user’s passwork for illegal access.
What are the cyber-crimes of Password Attacks ?
1 Brute-Force-Attacks
2 Dictionary Attacks
3 KeyLogger Attacks
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

3 Man-in-the-Middle(MitM)
is a general term for when a intruders positions himself
in a conversation between a user and an application.

To either to eavesdrop or to impersonate one
of the parties
4 Cyber Vandalism
Involves editing online content in a malicious manner.
It involves adding or removing or modifying content which is offensive or is
in bad taste!
5 Web Jacking:
Attackers create a fake website and when the website opens it will direct it
to another website and harm the user’s system. OR
is the forceful control of a web server through gaining access and control
over the website of another
5 Passwork Attack
Any attempt to obtain or decrypt user’s passwork for illegal access.
What are the cyber-crimes of Password Attacks ?
1 Brute-Force-Attacks
2 Dictionary Attacks
3 KeyLogger Attacks
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

3 Man-in-the-Middle(MitM)
is a general term for when a intruders positions himself
in a conversation between a user and an application.

To either to eavesdrop or to impersonate one
of the parties
4 Cyber Vandalism
Involves editing online content in a malicious manner.
It involves adding or removing or modifying content which is offensive or is
in bad taste!
5 Web Jacking:
Attackers create a fake website and when the website opens it will direct it
to another website and harm the user’s system. OR
is the forceful control of a web server through gaining access and control
over the website of another
5 Passwork Attack
Any attempt to obtain or decrypt user’s passwork for illegal access.
What are the cyber-crimes of Password Attacks ?
1 Brute-Force-Attacks
2 Dictionary Attacks
3 KeyLogger Attacks
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

3 Man-in-the-Middle(MitM)
is a general term for when a intruders positions himself
in a conversation between a user and an application.

To either to eavesdrop or to impersonate one
of the parties
4 Cyber Vandalism
Involves editing online content in a malicious manner.
It involves adding or removing or modifying content which is offensive or is
in bad taste!
5 Web Jacking:
Attackers create a fake website and when the website opens it will direct it
to another website and harm the user’s system. OR
is the forceful control of a web server through gaining access and control
over the website of another
5 Passwork Attack
Any attempt to obtain or decrypt user’s passwork for illegal access.
What are the cyber-crimes of Password Attacks ?
1 Brute-Force-Attacks
2 Dictionary Attacks
3 KeyLogger Attacks
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

Denial of Services
such attacks are designed to deny access to critical services. How?

By exploiting a vulnerability in an application or by flooding a
system with more data or requests than it is able to manage.
SQL injection
DNS Tunneling
DNS Spoofing
Cyber Terrorism
Cyber Contraband
Cyber Trespass
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-2: Threats and Responses

♣ What is Countermeasure?
is any means taken to deal with a security attack.
devised to prevent a particular type of attack from succeeding.
When prevention is not possible or down, What then ?

The goal must be to detect the attack then recover from the effects of the
A countermeasure may itself introduce new vulnerabilities.

In any case, residual vulnerabilities may remain after the
imposition of countermeasures.
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

Attack Surface
is the number of all possible points, or attack vectors, where an
unauthorized user can access a system and extract data.
Following examples enlarge the attack surface
Open ports (TCP/UPD...)
Services available on the inside of a firewall
Snippet of Code systematically processing incoming data
Interfaces, SQL, web forms
An employee with access to sensitive information
Attack surface may be either and
Digital Attack Surface
• Any computing assets (i.e hardware and software) that connect to an
organization’s network.

Applications, code, ports, servers, and websites
Physical Attack Surface

• Any endpoint devices that an attacker can gain physical access to

May be desktop computers, hard drives, laptops, mobile phones, and
Universal Serial Bus (USB) drives.
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

Attack surface analysis 7→ measures scale and severity of threats.

Why we used?
Identify where security mechanisms are required
Think about ways to make the attack surface smaller
Provide guidance for testing, refactoring, maintenance
♣ What Components to Secure ?
any resource that makes computer system.
such as :
1 Hardware
2 Software
3 Data
4 Communication lines
5 Network
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-2: Threats and Responses

Hardware : A major threat to computer system hardware is the threat to

Software:includes the operating system, utilities, and application programs.

Careful software configuration management can maintain high availability.

Software modification ⇒ is problem that still functions but that behaves
differently than before, which is a threat to integrity/authenticity.

as a result of Viruses and Worms
Data: Security concerns with respect to data are broad, involves
availability,secrecy, and integrity.
Availability:destruction of data files, which can occur either accidentally or
Secrecy:the unauthorized reading of data files.
Integrity: Modifications to data files can have consequences ranging from
minor to disastrous.
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-02: Threats and Responses

is an action or method that is applied to prevent or reduce potential threats
to assets

Computers, servers, networks, operating systems (OS) or
information systems (IS).
Countermeasures seen as security functional requirements 7→ To be
integrated in the specifications in analysis phase
9 Maintenance
1 Access Control
10 Media Protection
2 Awareness and Training
11 Physical and Environmental
3 Audit and Accountability
4 Certification, Accreditation, and
12 Planning
Security Assessments
13 Personnel Security
5 Configuration Management
14 Risk Assessment
6 Contingency Planning
15 Systems and Services Acquisition
7 Identification and Authentication
16 System and Communications
8 Incident Report
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-2: Threats and Responses

Network security - important, with rapid growth of interest in Internet.

Network admins - spend more time on protecting their network than
setting up.
They have to make the following determinations:
Who will have access to data?
What resources will users have access to?
When will users access resources?
Decisions depend on the org you are serving, because some resources can
be trusted more than others.
Attacks in network are two
1 Passive attacks: goal of the attacker is to obtain information that is being
Release of message contents: opponent learns contents of sensitive transmissions.
Traffic analysis. is Subtle because the message is Encrypted.
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

CH-2: Threats and Responses

Intruders could determine the location and identity of communicating hosts

and could observe the frequency and length of messages being exchange.
Difficult to detect
2 Active attacks: involve modification of data stream or creation of false
2 Subdivided into four categories:
I Masquerade - when one entity pretends to be another.
II Replay: passive capture of data and subsequent retransmission.
III Modification: a legitimate message is altered, delayed or reordered.
IV DoS: prevents or inhibits the normal use or management of communications
facilities, or the disruption of an entire network
Course Title:Computer System Security and Information System

End of chapter ...?!

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