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By early 1814, the rebels were on the run.

Morelos was an incredible guerrilla

commander, but the Spaniards outnumbered and outgunned him. The insurgents were in
constant motion, trying to stay one step ahead of the Spanish. In November 5 th 1815, the
Congress was on the move again and Morelos was appointed to escort them. The
Spaniards surprised them at Tezmalaca and a battle ensued. Morelos bravely resisted the
Spaniards while the Congress escaped, but was captured during the fight. He was sent to
Mexico City in chains. There he was tried, excommunicated and finally executed on
December 22nd of the same year.
Now, you know who jose maria morelos was, how he helped the independence and what
he did for our country, that would be everything from us thank your attention!

 captured: November 5, 1815

 executed: December 22, 1815

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