Reflective Overview

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Anya Carlson

University Seminar II
Karl Mitchell
28 April 2023

Reflective Overview
To me, integrative learning is applying what I have learned inside and out of the
classroom to my everyday life. I strive to integrate all that I have learned to make me the best
possible version of my self each and every day. Integrative learning has helped me approach
problems by taking what I have experienced in the past and applying that to conquer my next
problem with a better understanding. This semester I believe I have improved my ability to apply
what I have learned in the past for my betterment in approaching my classwork, conversations
with professionals, and my work for the College of Engineering. Over the course of my life I
have observed, participated in, and led activities that have brought me to where I am today by
using my integrative learning abilities. I would rate my overall problem-solving skills as partial
mastery as I have had to overcome a lot of problems in the past and have a problem-solving
mindset, but there is still room for improvement.
This semester, I had the opportunity to have lunch with the Industrial Advisory Council
to discuss how the engineering program can be improved and in what ways the industry can be
more involved in our learning. As one of seven of the students attending, I was able to provide
my unique opinion and experience as one of the more novice students there. Based on my
experience as a student of the emerging Civil Engineering program, I took all that I believe could
be improved and came up with a feasible solution that the Industrial Advisory Council could
provide. This is a perfect example of my ability to integrate my learning experiences because
instead of simply complaining about what I did not like, I proposed solutions to the problems
that I have faced so that future students can have a better experience. Along with the solutions I
proposed, I also highlighted the strengths of the program and what the professors and staff are
doing that I appreciate. As a learning problem solver, this experience provided insight into how I
can come up with solutions that keep everyone in mind and that are reasonable. Hearing junior
and senior students’ perspectives was eye-opening and prepared me with what to expect in the
Concluding this semester, I attended a joint meeting with the American Society of Civil
Engineers Corpus Christi Branch. As the only Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi student
in attendance, it was my role to represent the civil engineering program well and explain how it
is growing. In addition, as the president of the new Islander Civil Engineers club, I explained
how ASCE representatives could help our emerging club as we apply to become an official
chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Speaking with various engineering
companies, I used my integrative learning experience to speak eloquently, clearly, and maturely
as we engaged in conversation about my future, what I am passionate about, and small talk. I
have observed and engaged in multiple mature conversations growing up, and I applied what I
learned as I spoke with these engineering professionals. As we spoke of how the city is

Carlson 1
Anya Carlson
University Seminar II
Karl Mitchell
28 April 2023
approaching infrastructure problems, what the city has done to combat problems in the past, and
how engineering firms plan to approach current problems, I learned how much goes into a
seemingly simple problem people report such as potholes in the road. Moving forward, I will
have a new perspective of what it is like to work for the city and all that goes into solving
problems that I see daily.
In conclusion, this semester has been full of opportunities to integrate what I have learned
throughout my college career and before. I have met with professionals, founded a civil
engineering club, and given insight about the college of engineering on multiple occasions. I
look forward to improving my problem skills to a mastery level in the coming years as I
approach the work field. Being an engineer, problem-solving skills are a must have, and I know I
can improve those skills by putting myself in positions where I can see professionals at work.

Carlson 2
Anya Carlson
University Seminar II
Karl Mitchell
28 April 2023

Evidence 1. Lunch with the Industrial Advisory Council.

Evidence 2. My experience at the joint ASCE meeting.

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