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Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas

Escuelas de Ciencias Químicas sede Ocozocoautla

English Basic 5
Fifth Semester
Second partial
exam Date _____________
Made by: Nataren Edwin (2022)

A. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Help Let ask tell want
1. Please _________ me go by myself! Everything is going to be alright
2. My mom and my dad ___________ me to go to that university. Nut I refuse
3. Teachers always __________ us to complete the exam on time
4. My brother and sister never __________ me clean the house
5. I always have to __________ the students not to cheat on the exam.

B. Rewrite the sentences in affirmative, negative or question using 'used to”.

1. I / live in a flat when I was a child.
2. We / go to the beach every summer?
3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it
4. She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all
5. Julie / not study Portuguese

C. Choose the correct answer.

1. In the refrigerator we have a little / a few cheese, we need to buy more.
2. There aren’t too many / too much sausages in the fridge.
3. Eating too much chocolate is not healthy at all. Eat lettuce, it has fewer / less calories.
4. I bought a liter of / a liter milk, do I buy more?
5. We ate very few / very little bread; it didn’t eat too much.
D. Cross out the word that does not belong to the list.
1. Sugar Rice Bread Potato
2. Meat Egg Tomato Apple
3. Water Soup Coffee Grape
4. Really Easily Lie Hardly
5. Make Maybe Understand Forget
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
Escuelas de Ciencias Químicas sede Ocozocoautla
English Basic 5
Fifth Semester
Second partial
E. Complete the sentences with future will or going to.
1. Philipp ___________________ 15 next Wednesday. (to be)
2. Maybe they ___________________ a new computer. (to get)
3. I think my mother __________________ this CD. (to like)
4. Paul's sister ___________________ a baby. (to have)
5. They _________________ at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive)
F. Choose the correct answer.
1. Which one is a piece of advice?
a) You'd rather do something quickly.
b) You'd better do something quickly.
c) You´ve got to do something quickly.

2. Which one is something necessary?

a) You'd rather do something quickly.
b) You'd better do something quickly.
c) You´ve got to do something quickly.

3. Which one is preferable?

a) You'd rather do something quickly.
b) You'd better do something quickly.
c) You´ve got to do something quickly.

4. Select the sentences that express NECESSITY.

a) You've got to study something you like.
b) You had better study something you like.
c) You ought to study something you like.

5. Select the expression that shows what is PREFERABLE.

a) I´d better not stay in my current job.
b) I'd rather not stay in my current job.
c) I am not going to have to stay in my current job.

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