8th Task: Globalization II

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8th task: Globalization II

Student’s name: Ximena Mendoza Pérez.

NUA: 602183.

Subject: Business communication.

Teacher’s name: Carlos Antonio Ramírez Gallardo.

Career’s name: Commerce International Degree.

Deadline: Friday, April 29th, 2022.

Task 1The End of Globalization? The Brexit Case

3.4.1 While globalization is generally considered to be a positive process for the economic
development of countries, many people feel skeptical about it. A prominent example of such
skepticism towards globalization is ‘Brexit’.

Before moving on, answer the following four questions:

1. Which two words combine to form the word Brexit? British and Exit.
2. What does Brexit mean? refers to the departure of the countries that make up the United
Kingdom from the European Union (EU).
3. In your opinion, what were the reasons people in Great Britain voted in favor of Brexit?
I believe that they decided to leave because they sought independence from the European Union,
in addition to the fact that they wanted to cut ties with the United States.
4. What do you think are the consequences of Brexit’ for Great Britain? I think that being a
country like Great Britain, it could not have many consequences, but as a cause it should have a
consequence, I think that the main consequence would be to lose part of the negotiations with the
United States, lose communication with its neighboring countries and make decisions that other
Europeans do not accept in the best way.
(De la Rosa, 2019)

Task2 Globalization Isn’t Working for Ordinary People

Another skeptic of today’s state of globalization is Canada’s prime minister Justin

Trudeau. In an interview with The Guardian, he said:
“What we’re facing right now, in terms of the election of Donald Trump, the
Brexit vote, the rise of populism and anti-establishment, nation-first parties,
and divisive and fearful narratives around the world, is based around the fact
that globalization doesn’t seem to be working for the middle class, for ordinary

However, instead of isolating Canada from the rest of the world, Trudeau offers a different type
of solution to solve this problem. Watch the following interview and answer the questions.


Write down the key points Trudeau mentions regarding the following topics:

1. Finding common ground with Donald Trump

In the middle-class anxiety people don’t feel like globalization like trade has been good for them.
In the middle-class and those working hard to join it well that’s been the argument I’ve been
making in Canada for well over five years now the fact that if we want pro-growth strategies to
succeed, they must include the middle-class there is an alignment there on our concern so there’s
different on a policy solution for it buy
2. Economy, environment, and climate change
We cannot give ourselves the opportunity to not worry about the air, water, and environment, we
cannot think that if we do not take care of these elements, for tomorrow there will be no life, we
cannot stop thinking about what we will feed our children, on the contrary, we should think
about protections and innovations to protect the environment more.
3. Resources and responsibility
Something important that he pointed out was that the job of the prime ministers of Canada was to
see the well-being of their people, for which he devised a strategy so that the rail cars did not
load gas and oil around the entire country, endangering the communities that they lived in those
places, so I encourage the use of pipelines.
4. Canada’s role in the world
What Canada is looking for is to erase the use of oil, gas, or fossil fuel so that it is less harmful to
society, most countries use it and can hardly stop using it, but Canada is here to carry out
responsible acts for the environment and using innovation.
(Trudeau, 2015)

1. De la Rosa, R. (23rd de October de 2019). Actinver. Obtenido de http://blog.actinver.com/brexit-


2. Trudeau, J. (26th de June de 2015). Justin Trudeau interview on climate change, the economy and
Canada's future | Guardian interviews. YouTube. (T. Guardian, Entrevistador) The Guardian.
Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYaLE3S_H2g

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