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From doing this project I was able to formulate very good data. From 2k23 in total I

played 140 games with no communication and 140 games with communication. I was able to

figure out that in 2k23 playing with communication made the win rate go up. Not only did we

win a significant amount of more games we also were able to have more wins than losses.

The next game we did for this experiment was fortnite. Over the first two weeks of

playing with no communication out of 70 games we were only able to win 25 games. Although

we were able to win 35 the two weeks after being able to communicate. Even though it wasn't as

big as a jump we were still able to increase our wins.

The final game was Minecraft. For this one I had the ten tasks I had to complete solo then

with a group of my friends. I did each task one by one to see how long each would take me

compared to if I did each task one by one with a group of three people and the difference in time

it took me was night and day.

This practice was very telling. I was able to understand that in all three of these groups I

was able to get a better win percentage in both 2K23 and Fortnite with communicating compared

to without. As for Minecraft it was way easier for me to complete the task with 3 friends because

I was able to communicate with them and we had more people working on the task at hand. Most

of the tasks were way easier to do with more people except Task 9 although we did it in a faster

time. It still took a while to do it because of how rare it is to find a pillager mansion in the world.

But all in all this exercise was very helpful.

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