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PRUEBA Questions

1. "At a bus stop". The man works ______________.

1/2 A pa t-time

0/2 B as a teacher

1/2 C in a bookstore

2. A. Listen to the two conversations. Choose the co rect answers.

Conversation 1

"At a bus stop". The woman’s job is ______________.

0/0 A two hours from school

0/0 B an hour from school

0/0 C half an hour from school

3. A. Listen to the two conversations. Choose the co rect answers. Conversation 2 "At a f iend’s
apa tment". Ma ty and Charlie ______________.
1/1 A are at a bi thday pa ty

0/1 B work together

0/1 C are in high school together

4. A. Listen to the two conversations. Choose the co rect answers. Conversation 2 "At a f iend’s
apa tment". Ma ty can’t eat ______________.
0/0 A bi thday cake

0/0 B chocolate

0/0 C ice cream

5. B. Put the words in the co rect order to make questions. Use the co rect fo m of be or do /
does. (name / your / be / Jack)?

6. B. Complete the answer to the previous question. Use the co rect fo m of be or do / does. No,
______________ . It’s Jake.
7. B. Put the words in the co rect order to make questions. Use the co rect fo m of be or do /
does. (student / you / a / be / pa t-time)?

8. B. Complete the answer to the previous question. Use the co rect fo m of be or do / does. No,
______________ . I only go to class twice a week.

9. B. Put the words in the co rect order to make questions. Use the co rect fo m of be or do /
does. (your / go out / sister / do / a lot)?

10. B. Complete the answer to the previous question. Use the co rect fo m of be or do / does. No,
______________ . She likes to stay home.

11. B. Put the words in the co rect order to make questions. Use the co rect fo m of be or do /
does. (here / do / parents / live / your / near)?

12. B. Complete the answer to the previous question. Use the co rect fo m of be or do / does. Yes,
______________ . They live nearby.

13. B. Put the words in the co rect order to make questions. Use the co rect fo m of be or do /
does. (have / do / sisters / any / you)?

14. B. Complete the answer to the previous question. Use the co rect fo m of be or do / does. No,
______________ . But I have a brother.

Estela Rueda
1/1 thanks

15. C. W ite the questions for the answers. Use the words in parentheses. A. ______________ ?
(middle name) B. It’s James.

Estela Rueda
1/1 hello

16. C. W ite the questions for the answers. Use the words in parentheses. A. ______________ ? (your
parents) B. They’re from Greece.

17. C. W ite the questions for the answers. Use the words in parentheses. A. ______________ ? (get
to school) B. I take the bus.
18. C. W ite the questions for the answers. Use the words in parentheses. A. ______________ ? (do
your homework) B. In the evenings.

Estela Rueda
1/1 yupi

19. C. W ite the questions for the answers. Use the words in parentheses. A. ______________ ? (do
for fun) B. I play spo ts.

20. C. W ite the questions for the answers. Use the words in parentheses. A. ______________ ?
(favo ite food) B. I love pizza.

21. C. W ite the questions for the answers. Use the words in parentheses. A. ______________ ? (do on
Saturdays) B. My brother? He usually works.

22. D. Choose the co rect responses. A. I love baseball. B. ___________ :

0/0 A I do too.

0/0 B Me neither.

23. D. Choose the co rect responses. A. I can’t speak Russian. B. ___________ :

0/0 A I can too.

0/0 B I can’t either.

24. D. Choose the co rect responses. A. I don’t like to shop. B. ___________ :

0/0 A Me neither.

0/0 B Me too.

25. D. Choose the co rect responses. A. I’m from a big family. B. ___________ :
0/0 A Me too.

0/0 B I do too.

26. E. Read the situations. Choose the co rect conversation sta ters. You’re in your English class. A
new student is sitting next to you.
0/0 A Are you a teacher?

0/0 B Do you have a lot of f iends?

0/0 C Hi. What’s your name?

27. E. Read the situations. Choose the co rect conversation sta ters. You’re waiting in a line in front
of a jazz club. It’s a nice evening.
0/0 A Where do your parents live?

0/0 B Do you like this wa m weather?

0/0 C How old are you?

28. E. Read the situations. Choose the co rect conversation sta ters. You’re in the school cafete ia.
Someone sits down at your table.
0/0 A The food’s not bad here, huh?

0/0 B I have too much homework!

0/0 C I’m really tired today.

29. E. Read the situations. Choose the co rect conversation sta ters. You’re at your f iend Susan’s
pa ty. You meet someone new.
0/0 A Do you come here a lot?

0/0 B Do you make a lot of money?

0/0 C So, do you know Susan well?

30. F. Read the email message. Choose the co rect answers. ___________ lives in Brazil.
0/0 A Ma ia

0/0 B Paulo

31. F. Read the email message. Choose the co rect answers. Ma ia lives with ___________.
0/0 A her f iends

0/0 B her family

32. F. Read the email message. Choose the co rect answers. Ma ia isn’t ___________ .
1/1 A an animal lover

0/1 B a big spo ts fan

33. F. Read the email message. Choose the co rect answers. Ma ia ___________ a lot of TV.
0/0 A watches

0/0 B doesn’t watch

34. F. Read the email message. Choose the co rect answers. ___________ loves desse t.
0/0 A Ma ia

0/0 B Ma ia’s brother

35. ****
0/0 T T ue

0/0 F False

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