The Concept of Insecurity in Nigeria

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Air Force Institute of Technology Kaduna, Kaduna State Nigeria

Faculty of Education, Department of Military studies.
Olusegun Alaba Adebayo…
(societal criminologist)
Since inception of Nigeria backed to democracy in 1999 after several years of military sieges of power
and suspension of the constitution, the nation has been setback in numerous peaceful atmosphere’s due
to the activities of the various non-state actors that has pick up arms against the state for terrorism,
kidnapping, civil unrest and others criminal activities by eminent groups.

The Concept of Insecurity assembly which can obtain one’s safety and
The perception of insecurity would be wellbeing). This analysis organized the
preeminent agreed by first analyzing the term perception of security into four proportions.
of security. In the opinion of Akin (2008) Nevertheless, this measurement can be knitted
security could be seen as a situation that together to give a complex description of
occurs as a result of the commissioning of security as the safety against all category of
techniques for the safeguard of citizenry threats either fiscal, emotional, political, or
livelihood, property and information against physical. It is commonly debate however that
hostile individuals, actions and influences. It security is not the non-appearance of harms or
is the survival of state of affairs within which security matters, but the mechanism to
citizenry in a nationhood could move around upsurge to the problem posed by these ills
their ordinary daily doings without any through expediency and knowhow. Insecurity
distrust or threats to their properties or on the other hand, is the antithesis of security.
livelihoods. It encourages necessary In nutshell, for the reason that vary numerous
procedures organized to safeguard and shield methods in which timidity disturbs existence
the populaces and their possessions, of and human life, the perception of timidity has
economics activity by an individual, groups, habitually been pronounced in dissimilar
and the state against violent or incapacitate elucidations in connotation with the several
manifestation (Ogunleye, et al, 2011). methods which it shakes beings. Several of the
Agreeing to Igbuzor (2011) it warrants conjoint descriptors of timidity comprise:
protection from chronic protection and threat want of wellbeing; insecurity; want of safety;
from harmful mutiny. Security also, could be threat; menace; want of confidence;
term as continuity and stability of livelihood inadequately guarded or protection; lacking
(steady and stable predictabilities of stability; troubled; unsafe, lack of protection
livelihood), predictability of daily life and doubtful; in reference to some. Very of
(knowing what to expect), safeguard from these have been recycled via diverse
crime and criminality (feeling safe to and individuals to delineate the concept of timidity
from), and protections from emotional harm or insecurity. These dissimilar descriptors,
(fortification or safety from psychological though, run into a communal locus to a nation
pressure which upshots from the eloquent or of susceptibility to mischief then mortality,
recognition that one’s passion, loved, wanted, possessions or source of revenue. Beland
accepted, important and safeguard in one's (2005) defined insecurity as the state of
neighborhood or society and by citizenry anxiety or fear stanching after a solid or
around ones. It emphases on psychological unproven lack of safety measure. It denotes to
and emotional feeling of fitting to a communal dearth or limited liberty from vulnerability.
This concept mirrors physical insecurity term, insurgency, first found a home, we are
which is the supreme observable procedure of inclined to see insurgency as any
anxiety or insecurity, and it nourishes hooked revolutionary, guerrilla, kidnapper,
on several extra procedures of insecurity for belligerent, radical, or any other form of
instance, social security and economic asymmetrical conflict that does not survey the
security. Two observations are of core to this laws, procedures, rules, conventions, and
paper. These are (1) Insecurity as the state of agreement of warfare then is habitually
being exposed or theme to hazard or threat of programmed out against a nation. This is the
danger, where danger is the state of being military conception of insurgency. In dealing
vulnerable to harm, or an injury (2) Insecurity with issues of insurgency in this paper, we
as the condition of being visible to unease or would be doing so from its military and
hazard, where unease is an unclear nasty security conception. In general, and
sentiment that is veteran in expectancy of irrespective of its goals, every insurgency
selected adversity. The most important fact adopts any one or more of the methods of
about insecurity oblique in these concept is warfare or violence mentioned supra. Another
that folk pretentious by timidity are not merely characteristic underlying insurgency is that, it
tentative or oblivious of what would take is usually the product of asymmetric conflict,
place nevertheless they are as well not be able where, abinitio, one party has an
to discontinue it or safeguard themselves overwhelming and incontestable physical
while it materializes. It is in this observation force and other instruments of power over the
that the researcher would term insecurity in other. In such situations the people on the
this paper work as: not acknowledging, a lack weaker side of the conflict fight like
of govern, and incompetence to take desperadoes to be on the sympathetic side of
protective action against powers that poses the conflict. This means that insurgency is
threat, mischief, hazard, injury, danger, or risk insurgents, not by their choice, but by their
to an individual or group, or what make them intrinsic and encoded incapacity and
vulnerable'. Vulnerability' is the situation that challenges. By wicked, lingering, and
we do not discern and we cannot face or energetic armed tussle in which frontal actions
forestall. It is also something we may know with the greater forces of the antagonist are
would occur but we are not capable to face it. circumvented, insurgents try to effect drastic
The term, insurgency, has been perceived in social, religious, political, and resourceful
diverse ways. Three of its definitions are modification or accomplish provincial and
important to us. There is the political economic authority as well as seek superior
conception of the term by the United States. adaptability dwelling within the nationhood.
The U.S. authority delineates insurgency as
the structuralised use of incitement to
rebellion and violence to grab hold of, National Security
invalidate, or defy political regulator of a Like insurgency and counterinsurgency
state. From the international legal perspective, (COIN), the concept of national security also
insurgency is perceived as an insurgence, suffers ambiguity. It has come under
encoded out by insurgents, who are not contention among a multiplicity of perspectives
acknowledged as belligerents, against a that can be brought under two schools of
legitimate authority or government that has thought the state-centric school of thought and
been acknowledged by the United Nations. the human needs school of thought– The state-
Based on researcher enquiry of specialized centric school looks at national security simply
military and security literature, where the as military and related response to treats
against the nation. According to this school, holds the view, that national security should go
which is associated with Hans Morgenthau, beyond the management of military threats to
Niebuhr, and Herbert Butterfield, (2008) accommodate human related problems. This
national security entails a formidable military school thus posits that such non-military issues
logjam for the defense of the homeland and
fortification of its territorial integrity against as poverty, unemployment, safety from hunger,
external aggression. disease, repression, harmful disruption of daily
life, food security, personal security, woman,
community, political, and environmental
security are within the domain of national
Furthermore, this school is of the view, that security. This school of thought is thinking in
national security is the capability of the state to concert with the United Nations, which is
deter potential aggressors or, should deterrence advocating a human needs centered security, as
fail, bring any conflict to a conclusion opposed to the military-centered national
favorable to the state. The human needs school, security that characterized the course of the
which has its proponents in such scholars as Cold War. Late Kofi Annan, the U.N.
Richard Ullman, Jessica Tuchman Mathews, Secretary General, had, for example, declared
Barry Buzan, Ken Booth, and Imobighe (1996) in 1998:

Today acknowledgement of security concept is obviously than the absence of struggle and conflict. We
know that lasting peace and accord entails a deeper idea in encircling areas such as democracy,
education, health, and fundamental human rights, protection against eco-friendly degradation and
proliferation of lethal arsenals. Acknowledging that we cannot build freedom on the nitty-gritties of
inequality. These buttresses of what we now clearly comprehend as the people-centered concept of
human safety are unified and conjointly strengthening.
We are not in concurrence with this any human problem adjudged through threat
conception of national security, which could analysis to be a real or potential threat to the
throw up problems and open grounds for nation. It is, therefore, not necessary to bring,
dissensions and revolutionary moves in parrot-fashion, all human problems into the
especially, the Third World nations, which do realm of national security. Human problems
not have the resources to implement such an which do not constitute threats to the nation
unending and malleable agenda of national should be attended to by the agencies of
security. Sherlock Holmes (1927) consulting government created for them. In the light of
detective' has also pointedly argued, that this this thinking, we shall uphold, in the course of
definition of national security, which chiefly this discourse, the traditional meaning of
outfits political constituencies, resolve only national security, which focuses on defeating
lead to misperception, waste, disturbances, or transforming any real or potential threat to
and perhaps even military catastrophes as the national interests. Put differently, we see
government is enquired to take effects that are national security as the safekeeping of the
either afar its ability or peripheral to the real entire nation and the safeguard of its vital
meaning of protecting the country from harm. interests by military and security forces
The national security is inherently dynamic through the detection, determination, and
and selective. Outside its traditional focus on management of real and potential threats to
the safety of the nation, it could, at any given the nation. If this is the way we look at
time, bring into its domain for ad hoc attention national security, then we are in agreement
with Nigeria's Grand Strategy for National attainable? Seemingly, the security situation in
Security as well as with Nigeria's National Nigeria seems or at least have endured
Defense Policy, both of which define Nigeria's overwhelming and countless individuals
national security as the aggregate of the partake in the claimed that administration in
security interests of all individuals, power has not done sufficient by not
communities, ethnic groups, political entities challenging the status quo head on and dealing
and institutions that inhabit the territory of with it resolutely, others have contended that
Nigeria. the status quo has a political sensation or
Insecurity in Nigeria leaning planned to assist the interest of
Nigeria concurrently has perceived an definite governmental idols, who have been
exceptional side by side insecurity. This has frustrated and irritated about the governmental
prepared national security menace to be a exhibitions in Nigeria. So, the drive of this
chief concern for the authority and has paper work is to offer blend of obtainable
committed enormous portion of the national ideology on insecurity by assimilating
budget to defense. In order to better the assorted assessments by intending a tactic for
frequency of insecurity, the policy maker get national defense policy. In consonance with
on outlawing of sabotage by passing the Anti- the call on all citizenry by the state, to aids
Terrorism Act in 2011, putting in place of immensely in war against
Computer-based Closed Circuit Television insecurity, the study work suggests a security
cameras (CCTV) in some crucial parts of the officialdom standard that could succor in
nation, augmentation of reconnaissance along dealing with security encounters in Nigeria.
with inquiry of criminal related offences,
intensifying of physical security procedures
from one place to another within nation Sources of Insecurity in Nigeria
intended at disrupting or deterring impending In combating insecurity in the nation, a
outbreaks, reinforcement of forces over the significant preparatory fact ought to be
delivery of security amenities and the comprehend the bases of the insecurity over
expansion and transmission of security and above how examine their bases of
guidelines on mass media (Azazi, 2011). instability and social disorder. As Andrew and
Regardless of these determinations, the side Kennedy (2003) elaborated, it is essential to
by side of insecurity in the Nigeria is quiet differentiate amongst diverse bases as all may
great. Furthermore, the country has steadily necessitate diverse upshot. As well, and be
ranked low in the Global Peace Index (GPI, responsible for an all-inclusive opinion to the
2012), indicating Nigeria a weakened state of references and suggestion of upshot.
insecurity in the country of leagues. Later, Conversely, government are reluctant to
Adagba, et al (2012), Uhunmwuangho and clarify and isolate actual bases. They fancy an
Aluforo (2011) are of the opinion that the absolute recommendation, with the
determinations of the state have not generated apprehension that the sources of the insecurity
ample confident upshot. With the enduring are mingled and related to one another. As in
security encounters and the incapacity of other civilizations’, the causes of insecurity in
defense gadgets by State to assurance country can be map out to number of aspects
protection and sanctuary in the nation, the and clarified by diverse general public. Those
request that borders all and sundry in the aspects of insecurity have been grouped and
country currently is that there can be classified as internal and external reasons.
sanctuary. Is security of lives and properties
Far off the internal- external contrast, cradles of insecurity could be seen as either proximate or
immediate and remote reasons. In Nigeria, the encounter is not so much about insecurity of external
forces, but rather that of internal forces. Later, our emphasis in this paper work is on the internal forces.
It has been identifying that certain internal sources have been heightened and reinforced by the
incidence of external sources, but, there is no hesitation that, if the internal circumstances did not present
themselves, the external source would be incompetent to penetrate. We present the internal sources of
insecurity in Nigeria using the contrast of immediate and remote aspects.

in the country to face ever-increasing civil

unrest and youth idleness. This and other
social disorders present a notorious perceptive
Facet of Insecurity of the nation state. These belligerent forces
that continuously pervade evil deed in the
Insurgency and terrorism have been part of national peace building, comprise;
human social and political experiences for kidnappings, terrorism and militancy, and
long in history of the world. However, the appear to be undeterred by authority eventual
problems have been changing over time. This effort to suppress it. The troubled oil agitators
is conditioned by the increase in their from Southern Nigerian oil-producing state
frequency and the fact that they are taking have over the years emaciated and destabilise
novel dimensions as international and the oil economy, (the lubricating mainstay of
transnational violent activities. Yet, the two Nigerian nationhood) and have chiefly wind-
inter-related problems are attributed to swept Nigeria's income earning volume. Acts
multiple socio-economic and political factors, of revolt and abduction in Nigeria such as
including; poverty, unemployment, injustice, activities by the ISWAP and BHT factions in
globalisation, political struggle and ethno- various states of Nigeria Northern region, but
religious sentiments, among others, like the chiefly in North Eastern region is
causes, the consequences of terrorism and overwhelming, and declining political, social
insurgency in Nigeria are many. These development and economic activities. In the
consequences are: organised deadly attacks on 1990s and early 2000s, Niger Delta militants
civilian population, destruction of and alliances of other ethnic-nationalist groups
government's establishments, military and like the O'dua Peoples'
police installations, schools, markets, motor
parks, churches and mosques in many parts of Congress (OPC), the Movement for the
the country. The Nigerian state has Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra
consistently failed to fulfil even the peak (MASSOB), and the Arewa Youth Congress
rudimentary responsibilities of a (AYC) all representing Nigeria's tripod of the
contemporary administration, thus inaugural biggest ethnic groups, Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba,
the avenues for disgruntlements and anger and Igbo engage in varying level in the
squarely numerous phases of communal life, narrative of calling into question the
and infuriating the stream by groups to contest legitimacy and authority of the government.
with the authority Institutions, personnel and symbols of the
nation also came under series of attacks.
of the country yard and its statutory power. These unions were made up of selective
Insurgency and terrorism postured enough youths who were virtually frustrated,
security issues in the country as it disturbs unemployed, and poor with the system of
international as well as native investments, legitimate authority of the nation pollute their
thus affecting livelihood and economic growth environment, that exploits their resources, and
leave their regions underdeveloped. The individual whose assets can be seized for
indigenes anticipated ample reparations with enigmatic tolerance. In the contemporary,
infrastructural growths such as good drinking security financial plan was allegedly
portable water, hospitals, good schools, emulsified, parting ill-compensated soldiers
modern market facilities centres, and even with ill-equipped to face a lethal, well-armed
award of scholarships to the indigenous group of terrorists. Numerous of Nigeria's
descendants for further studies as dogmatic class have been accused of massive
remuneration for the natural resources loots of the national assets for extravagance,
extracted from their communities, good soaring Nigeria's currency in overseas
modern tile roads with structuralised accounts, although multitudes of Nigerians are
drainages. The failures of incentive to those living at innumerable sub-standards of living.
populaces and the stench from joblessness These groups of Nigerian political leaders can
sparked and amplified the internal groans best be labelled as lethal without armed
against the Centralised authority and the oil weapons. The wide-ranging question that is
company. These deeds of injury to the native leavings relevant consequently un-answers is
societies persist to tension and build acrimony anything the country policy maker is doing to
and animosity between the local inhabitants. It adjust social demeanour en route for
is within this status quo that these ethnic responsibility, liability, make available an
patriots' chiefly the youth takes up weaponries agenda for a feasible social mandate and
against state in a prearranged subversion. The upholding pleasant synchronicity, as her chief
trundle of revolt groups in Nigeria upsurges obligation. It is troublesome that consecutive
by all transitory era and comprise; Movement administrations have spoken for paces to
for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP), anticipate and conquest the fortification ways
Movement for the Actualization of the of corruption, but close to zero have been
Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Niger realised in this development. It is even further
Delta People's Volunteer Force (NDPVF), troublesome when the state becomes
Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger conscious of imminent menace to harmony
Delta (MEND), Niger Delta Revolutionary and safety and nose-dives to anticipate
Crusaders (NDRC), Joint Niger Delta disorder and security to citizenry. So far, only
Liberation Force (JNDLF), and Niger Delta lips services seem to be the strongest
Avengers (NDA). Although insurgency assurance acknowledged as part of those at
endure to stance direct regional and juridical realm of affairs of the nation effort to
encounter to Nigeria's independence, the comprehend with this threat. A conventional
current territorialised description of the groups example is the Chibok Girls narrative, which
enhances a poisonous aspect to its customary would have been better off a genus of
temperament of terror manoeuvres of literature. The government is the
bloodshed through bombardments, suicide superintendent and provider of safety of
bombings, invasions, arson, and general sanctuary, but given the failure of the
bloodbaths. Exploitation specifically at the government to successfully accomplish its
governance level is the foremost dynamic that fundamental tasks of protecting, assuring,
stimuli these multitudes of social disorders, providing or ensuring sanctuary for the
and one of Nigeria's prime factor obstructing populaces, citizens lamented that the
fights to combat agitations. This corruption helplessness on the part of the government has
blossoms relatively because several populaces steered to the abating of its negotiating
and groups comprehend the state to be capacity and strength, thus infuriating the
unlawful; worthless of allegiance, an encounters beforehand postured to national
security. The outcome is that the unending withdrawn from these dogmatic hoodlums
rebellion perceiving in the homeland in the after the poll, and this generates further
past epoch advances severe interrogations disorder for the prevention of violent crimes in
around the efficiency then competence of the the society.
nation and its organisations in handling armed The North East Zone compromises six states
conflicts and clashes. An insurgency can be covers close to one third (280 419 km2) of
tussled through counter-insurgency rivalry, Nigeria's land area (909 890 km2) while most
and might also be divergent by procedures to of the airstrikes of the NAF is currently
safeguard the inhabitants, and by intensifies. The zone shares international
governmental and fiscal engagements in borders with Chad, Cameroon and Niger.
innumerable categories directed at
discouraging the rioters, and guerrillas' According to the National Bureau of Statistics
rebellion assertions contrary to the obligatory (NBS) the population of the North East Zone
authority regime. Types and stages of is estimated at 26.3 million people which is
criminality in Nigeria The occurrence and 13.6 % of Nigeria's total population (estimated
intensification of ferocious crimes in Nigeria at 193 million people (data 2016). The region
may be accredited to numerous features counts 205 ethnic minorities, of which the
including; the proliferation of arms and Kanuri and the Hausa-Fulani are the main
ammos in the realms of private personages groups.
throughout the early post-civil war epoch,
North Central Zone made up of Nasarawa,
with its vice- expansion in the use of
Niger, Kwara, Plateau, Benue and Kogi states,
hazardous weapons and massacres in the
plus the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). In
country, a situation simplified by the thirty
recent years, struggle in the North Central
months Nigerian civil war, amid in 1967 and
zone has equally intensified and continue to
1970 (Igbo, 2007).The resulting meagre fiscal
show cased tensions between farmers and
and communal environs in the repercussion of
herders have escalated. This encounter is
the war prompt chiefly the youth to yield to
complex and multi-faceted. The encounter
law-breaking. O'er, the level of fiscal loss over
centers on agrarian, households and nomadic
vicious destruction of livelihood and assets;
cattle-herding groups who come into
and communal falloff ascribed near to the
encounter over land right to use. As the
defeat of outdated edifices plunge the country
populace in North Central Nigeria upsurges,
into anarchy, such that numerous seconded
the volume of land used for agricultural also
individuals converted vulnerable.
upsurges, often into areas that have
Subsequently, the country was pitched into a
predominantly obliged as livestock grazing
continually abrupt communal consequence of
areas. At similar period, climate modification
associated vices, as well as robbery, armed
of ISWAP and the Boko Haram revolt
robbery, arson, murder, kidnapping, cultism
condense the volume of land appropriate for
and lately insurrections. The dogmatic class is
grazing in North East Nigeria, compelling
not vindicated as they marshal dogmatic
shepherding societies to inflate their paths into
hoodlums with arsenal in edict to advance
progressively to Southern regions. This rivalry
pros above antagonists. That the enlistment of
above land and assets is compounded by creed
dogmatic hooligans with arsenal through
of faith and ethnicity dimension.
electioneering trademarks arsenal
availabilities for extra enlistment of additional The North West Nigeria's, one of the country's
modes of criminalities after the polls, six geopolitical zones, consist of seven states
accentuating that such arsenal is habitually not of the country's 36 states. These are Jigawa,
Kaduna, Kebbi, Kano, Katsina, Sokoto and the national average of 40.1 per cent, headed
Zamfara. It of capacity of 216,065 Sq km or by Sokoto (87.7 per cent), Jigawa (87 per
cent) and Zamfara (74 per cent). Millions lack
25.75 per cent of the nation's total land mass. access to rudimentary clean portable water
Its main ethnic groups are the Hausa and and health care, and immunisation attention is
Fulani, who traditionally share robust distant underneath national goals.
traditional bound stalemates and are very
much blended, with other smaller groups The North East Zone compromises six states
predominantly in Kaduna state. The region's covers close to one third (280 419 km2) of
projected populace of above 33 million (based Nigeria's land area (909 890 km2) The zone
on figures from the contentious 2006 census) shares international borders with Chad,
is chiefly Islamic (Sunni). Most of the Cameroon and Niger. To the National Bureau
populace (about 80 per cent) are of Statistics (NBS) the population of the North
agriculturalists, pastoralists, agro-+pastoralists East Zone is estimated at 26.3 million people
or small-scale industrialists. The region has which is 13.6 % of Nigeria's total population
considerable solid mineral deposits, (estimated at 193 million people (data 2016).
comprising of gold exploited by artisanal The region counts 205 ethnic minorities, of
miners in uncluttered pit excavations. which the Kanuri and the Hausa-Fulani are the
Notwithstanding its commercial prospective, main groups. North Central Zone consists of
the North West has the highest deficiency the states of Benue, Plateau, Kogi, Kwara,
proportion in the Niger, and Nasarawa plus the Federal Capital
Territory (FCT). In recent years, conflict in
country. As of 2019, all seven states in the the North Central zone has been intensified.
region had tremendously poverty levels above

Organised Community policing will be a great idea for the Nigeria government to put in places where is
lacking and modified where such as been existing, most regions has been seeking for state policing in
order to curb the persistence occurrences of brutal killings, arsons, rapes, theft of properties, ravaging of
ancestral homes and villages by insurgents and the agitators seeing this as mean of militating against
insecurity in their regions, well never the less…….. To my notion there are various policing assisting
groups organized by various professional, religious, ethnic and governmental bodies. Although needs to
bring more will not be wrong, community policing or State policing are all over the federation ragging
from vigilantes, hunters’/farmers arms men, para-military voluntary groups (Girls guards, scout, Man o’
war, Cadet, Boys brigade, Nasfat guard, Almadri) State like Plateau has Langtan Mafia, Beron warriors
and more, KAI, LAWMA, LASMA, Neighborhood watch in Lagos, KASERA in Kaduna, KAROTA in
Kano, ESN in the Eastern parts of the country, OPC, Agbe koya from the Western part of the country
and Arewa/ herder and farmer arms groups in the Northern parts of the country and lot of others in other
part of the nation knows by the locals that aids the police in information gathering, apprehending law
breakers and riot dispatcher. The government needs to sensitize and reorganized them into befitting
security body as well trained and retrained them into professional law enforcement agents, is what will
need in other to have our border to borders, forest-forest, mountainous areas, urbans and rural areas,
schools, and national grids and institutions secure and manned by technical know-how personnel
alongside physical security apparatuses.


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