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Morphology : is the science and study of the smallest

grammatical units of language, and of their formation

into words, including inflection, derivation and

analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such as

.stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes
. Morphemes includes free, bound morphemes
Free morpheme: It is the morpheme that can occur as a single
word for example: girl, system, desire. Free morphemes fall
into two categories. The first category is called lexical

Bound morpheme It has meaning only when its connected to

other morphemes ,either never existed as a word for
example : er, est, another meaning its affixes and it
.does contain of prefixes, infixes, suffixes
Bound morphemes is consist of derivational morpheme, and
.inflectional morpheme
Functional morphemes consist of functional words in the
language such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles and
.and, but, when, because, on

The word (unhappily) is made up of a base morpheme 'happy'

.”and the bound morphemes are “un – ly
."These elements are called "Affixes
Affixes: are bound morphemes that can be attached to the
.beginning (prefixes) or the end of words (suffixes)
un ……. happi ………… ly
affix … simple form .. affix

.Prefixes: are the parts we add to the beginning of a word

.Suffixes: are the parts we add to the end of a word

Derivational morphemes
They involve change in the word meaning and class (part of
Derivational affixes always precede inflectional ones if they
.come in the same word
."For example: "modern-ize-s
.No other affixes can be added after inflectional ones

Derivational affixes always precede inflectional ones if they

.come in the same word
Inflectional Affixes
are suffixes "elements that are added to the end of a word.”
Either They do not change the meaning or part of speech of
the word
.They do not come at the beginning of a word
There are only 8 inflectional morphemes in English.
(boy/boys (n.) – read / reads (v.) – tall / taller / tallest (adj.)
Verbs : {- S } 3rd person singular present tense
) proves(
past tense ( proved ) } ed -{
progressive / past participle } ing- {
) is proving (
past } en - {
participle ( has
proven )

Adjectives : { -er } comparative ( faster )

superlative } est- {
( fastest

Stem Suffix Function

study s- 3rd per. sg. present

study ed - past tense

wait ing - Progressive

eat en - past participle

chair s- Plural

boy s’ - Possessive

fast er - Comparative

fast est - Superlative

Derivational and inflectional affixes can sometimes be

.Example: “ing” inflectional: he is writing
."derivational: Writing is essential for academic works

? What is Allomorph in linguistics

An Allomorph is a variant form of a morpheme, that is when a
. unit of meaning varies in sound without changing the meaning
For example: The past form morpheme {ed} has also 3 •
. allomorphs
/Passed /t
/seemed /d
/needed /ed
The plural morpheme in English usually written as (s) has •
3 allomorphs
/cats ‘-s’ morpheme is pronounced /s
/dogs ‘-s’ morpheme is pronounced /z
/houses ‘-s’ morpheme is pronounced /iz

This /s/ /z/ /iz/ are the different sound of same morpheme
{-s }
Additive Allomorph : To signify some difference in •
meaning something is added to a word
the past tense form of most English verbs is formed by
/adding the suffix ed which is pronounced /t//d//id

Replacive Allomorph : To signify some difference in

meaning , a sound is used to replace another sound in a
. word
The / ɪ / in drink is replaced by the /æ/ in drank

Suppletive Allomorph : To signify some difference in

meaning , there is a complete change in the shape of word
Bad + Comparative allomorph of {er} = worse
Good + superlatives allomorph of {est} = best
Zero Allomorph : It is a term given to the unit involved •
when a morpheme change status form one type of
morpheme to another without any condition or subtraction
. of its part

Sheep (singular) / sheep (plural)

. deer ( singular) / deer (plural)

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