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Oral Communication II

Unit (3) Bilingualism

Nazmi Al-Masri
March 2022
1. While you are listening to audios and also answering the 3
questions of Preparation Task (3) Bilingualism available on Moodle,
try to take notes and do the followings to fully prepare for
discussion in class:

1. Audio “Being bilingual may delay dementia”

2. Audio “Bilingualism” Section 4 (starting at minute 20:20).
3. Audio “Half of Europe’s citizens are bilingual”

2. List at least 3 collocations, phrases, idioms and vocabulary you have

learned from each audio, totalling about 10. Try to use them in
3.Use linguistic and non-linguistic clues
to identify the nationality of each
person involved in every video.
4. Try to use context clues to guess /infer the meaning of some unknown collocations,
words and ideas. For example, try to use the following 5 listening comprehension
strategies to find the meaning of the phrases and words in bold in this partial
tapescript taken from the audio “Half of Europe’s citizens are bilingual”:
a. Divide and understand: prefixes, infixes and suffixes, e.g. Luxembourgish population
b. Use what you know to know what you do not know., e. g. “European enlargement to
incorporate former communist countries has elevated Russian to fourth place – tied with
c. Contrast / Antonym Clues
d. Restatement/Synonym Clues
e. Definition/Explanation Clues reckon

Partial tapescript: “Half of Europe’s citizens are bilingual”

Residents of the European Union (EU) are becoming increasingly better at languages.
Almost 50 percent of the EU population reckon they can speak at least one foreign
language very well, with that figure rising to nearly 80 percent for students. To celebrate
its linguistic diversity and bilingual, trilingual or multilingual capabilities, a special day is
set aside in the EU. September 26 is the European Day of Languages.”

5. What words you learned their

pronunciation? Make a list and be ready to
say them to your colleagues in class.

6. Prepare 3 summaries: Prepare a short oral

summary of the main points /ideas given in
each of the 3 audios and practice saying these
3 summaries at home and be ready to share /
say /discuss these 3 summaries with your
colleagues in class.

7.More practice - Internet: Search the

Internet at home and find and watch at
least one video or audio to find more
information about different advantages
/ benefits of bilingualism. Be ready to
share and present these benefits in
8. Reflection and discussion: Reflect on all these videos and audios you watched
and listened to so you can share and discuss your thoughts and opinions with
your colleagues in class. Here are some guiding questions:

1. Which audio or video do you like most? Why? Give at least one reason.
2. Are you surprised at anything you listened to in these audios and videos?
3. Do you think Palestinian people are bilingual? Why? Why not? Give your reasons.
4. Should languages be taught from elementary school? Why?
5. Do you think Hebrew should be taught in our schools? Why? Why not?
6. Do you agree that bilingualism may delay dementia? Why? Why not?
7. Will you study English harder now you know it keeps dementia at bay?
8. The Palestinians are living in different areas, Palestinian lands occupied in 1948,
Palestinian lands occupied in 1967 (Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip) in
neighbouring countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt) and in diaspora. Do you think
the Palestinian people is bilingual? Justify your answer with specific reasons,
explanations and examples. Be ready to share and discuss your answer with your
colleagues in class.
1. Fresh
2. Calmly
3. Listen / watch more then once
4. Listening to audios more challenging than watching vidoes
5. Scanning and skimming
6. Academic honesty: No cheating
7. Taking notes
Palestinian Theatre and Arts: Women and
Inclusive Peace

Project@ Culture for Inclusive and Sustainable

Peace (CUSP)
✓Rhyme w
✓Part – partial
✓Commerce – Commercial
✓Face – facial expression
✓Finance – financial
✓Resident - residential
✓Society – social
✓Office - official
✓Evident - evidential
oral com101-2022

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