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Monosyllabic adjectives are compared with -er, -est.

adjective comparative superlative

strong stronger strongest
small smaller smallest
late later latest
nice nicer nicest
big bigger biggest
thin thinner thinnest
fat fatter fattest
Example: London is bigger than Vienna.

Disyllabic adjectives ending with y, er, ow, le are compared with -er, -est.

positive comparative superlative

easy easier easiest
happy happier happiest
clever cleverer cleverest
narrow narrower narrowest
Example: Which is the easiest exercise?

All the other adjectives are compared with more, most.

adjective comparative superlative

careful more careful most careful
expensive more expensive most expensive
difficult more difficult most difficult
tired more tired most tired
terrible more terrible most terrible
Which dress is more expensive? Which dress is the most expensive?

Special adjectives can be compared with -er, -est or more, most.

adjective comparative superlative

clever cleverer / more clever cleverest / most clever
common commoner / more common commonest / most common
likely likelier / more likely likeliest / most likely
pleasant pleasanter / more pleasant pleasantest / most pleasant
polite politer / more polite politest / most polite
quiet quieter / more quiet quietest / most quiet
stupid stupider / more stupid stupidest / most stupid
sure surer / more sure surest / most sure
subtle subter / more subtle subtlest / most subtle
simple simpler / more simple simplest / most simple

Irregular forms

adjective comparative superlative

good better best
bad worse worst
much more most
many more most
little less least

I think tomorrow it will be as hot as today.

This test was not as difficult as the last one.


1. Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. (you
might need to add the or than).

The hotel industry is changing. The _____________ 1 (late) trend is for ____________
2 (small), __________________ 3 (stylish) hotels with no more than 100 rooms. These
hotels are investing in __________________ 4 (attractive) designs,
__________________ 5(comfortable) furniture, and ________________ 6 (personal)
service than the __________________ 7(big) hotels. 
Some, targeting business customers, are offering ______________ 8 (good) value for
money and ________________ 9 (up-to-date) technology. Among the new hotels
starting up in London, the one with ______________10 (low) prices is the Orion,
advertised at 59 pounds per night. At the luxury end of the market,
___________________ 11 (expensive) is the Seven Stars Hotel with rooms priced at
195 pounds per night. At the luxury end of the market, ___________________ 12
(expensive) is the Seven Stars Hotel with rooms priced at 195 pounds per night. But
with no swimming pools or large function rooms to maintain, these small hotels can
expect to be ___________________ 13 (profitable) without charging.
3. Complete the text. Use the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in
brackets. You might need to include the or than. 

I’m from a very big family. I’ve got ten brothers and sisters and they’re all (1)
_______________(old) me – I’m (2) _________________________ (young). We play
in a band. Andy is the singer because he’s got (3) ________________(good) voice.
He’s also (4) ______________________(confident) person and loves being on stage.
I’m (5) _____________________ (shy) the others and hide at the back! 

Tanya sings with Andy. Joe is (7) _________________ (funny) brother and he makes
us laugh when we’re tired or nervous. Jack is (8) _______________________
(serious) – perhaps because he’s the oldest.

Our manager, Christopher, is (9) ________________________ (patient) person I


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