Class 2 Prehistoric Art and Historical Perspective: Paleolithic Art - Mesolithic Art-Neolithic Art

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Class 2 Prehistoric Art and Historical Perspective

PALEOLITHIC ART MESOLITHIC ARTNEOLITHIC ART Old Stone Age; 600,000 - 10,000 B.C. (period varies in time from one region to another) Middle Stone Age; 12,000 - 6,000 B.C. New Stone Age; 8,000 - 1,400 B.C. (depending on geographic location)

TERMS cromlech: a circle of stones menhir: a prehistoric monolith, standing in a row, circle or singly. dolmen: a stone table post and lintel abstraction animal guardian compositions trilithons heel stone altar stone sarsen circle bluestone circles henge-circle formed by stones or wooden posts aesthetic sense Hall of Bulls Carbon 14 Dating Venus

Map of Prehistoric Europe diagrammatic drawings of buildings-see handouts *Stonehenge: Diagram of Stonehenge-Reconstruction-Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England, 2750-1500 BC Map-likely route of bluestones using water transport Diagram as it looks today The tallest sarsen as it is today, 22 Feet high and fallen lintel Within the circle, looking toward the heelstone Diagram of the seasons, sun setting and rising in Southern Britain

Winter sunset View of site, pay attention to height as compared to tourists Prehistoric Sculpture: *Lion-Human Hohlenstein-Stadel, Germany 30,000-26,000 BC Mammoth Ivory *Woman from Brassempouy Grotte du Pape, Landes, France 22,000 BC Ivory *Venus of Willendorf 15,000-10,000 BC *Bison 15,000-10,000 BC Horn Cave Lion 10,000 BC Austria Limestone La Madeleine, Les Eysies, France Reindeer approx.

Isturitz, Basses Pyrenees Reindeer antler

Prehistoric Painting: Lascaux (Southern France) 13000 BC *Bird-Headed Man with Bison, paint on limestone *Large horse with small horse, paint on limestone Frieze of stags, paint on limestone Wild Goat Frieze, paint on limestone Altamira (Northern Spain) *Running Boar, paint on limestone Standing female bison, paint on limestone Contracted bison, paint on Limestone *Bison on the ceiling, paint on limestone Castillo (Spain) Bichrome deer, paint on limestone Black horse, paint on limestone Miscellaneous


12000 BC

*Horse and sun Chariot Wall Painting, 4 Horses

Denmark Bronze Ardeche gorge, France Paint on limestone

1800-1600 BC 28000 BC

*Image/or similar image can be found in your book-need to know for quizzes and exams

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