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In 1985, the President of the The Colombian

This year clubs for IOC, Mr. Juan Antonio Paralympic

the disabled have Samaranch, has been asking Committee has been
The former military INTERNATIONAL
been creating, such the CISS to join the defining for the
have been joining PARALYMPIC
as: Telethon, International Coordinating associated sport of
the Paralympic COMMITTEE IN
MILASIR, Committee, to provide an people with physical,
Movement. (Düsseldorf) has been
PENSISS, etc. organizational structure for mental or sensory
founding as a non-
1952 sports for people with limitations.
1973 profit organization
disabilities within the IOC.

1900-1950 1950-2000 2000 - 2050

1904 2005
1960 1978 1986
Disabled athletes The athletes with
The International Sports disabilities have been
have been
the paralympic the federation has been Federations have been counting on the best
competing since the
games has been creating specialized creating Sports for the conditions to face their
Paralympic Games
starting held every international Deaf (CISS) and People training and their
were founded.
4 years organizations for each with Intellectual technical preparation to
type of disability. Disabilities (INAS-FID). reach the highest
possible goals.

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