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Running Head: TWO MOMS 1

Case Study Five:

Two Moms

Kayla Creasy

Chesapeake College


Dr. Deanna Reinard

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The case study, Two Moms, gives reference to major concepts that are important within

our everyday lives. The scenario focuses on Ms. Ribiero, who despite her worries towards

controversial topics, engaged her students through a reading of a book in which the main

character had two moms. She originally just had the book in her classroom available to students

but one day a student read it which sparked many insensitive comments from other due to their

lack of understanding on diverse family structures and sexual orientation. In the moment, Ms.

Ribiero shut down the conversation immediately. However, one of her students, Denise, comes

from a family with two moms, which encouraged Ms. Ribiero to address the matter the following

day. Unfortunately, after her reading parents were upset that she addressed the concepts within

the classroom and complained to the school’s principal.

Considering when Ms. Ribiero shut down the negative, harassing conversation between

the students regarding the selected book, I believe she could have addressed the situation

differently. Instead of telling the students “focus on your own books and let Denise focus on

hers,” she could have encouraged the students to talk about the subject in a respectful manner.

She could have supervised the conversation or even guided the discussion between the

students and ensured that it progressed in a positive way. This would have been a teachable

moment that allowed for the students to learn and explore the ideas within such important

concepts like sexual orientation and family structures.

There were many options of activities that Ms. Ribiero could have used to introduce and

engage her students in the given topics. The important matter is picking an activity that is

appropriate for the age and educational level of the particular set of students. Besides reading

the selected book to her students she could have found an appropriate video or activity.

Additionally she could have initiated a group discussion in which she encouraged the students

to share who is in their family to discuss family structure. She could have assigned a project in

which students could teach others about their personal family structures. These other activities
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could have led to a more direct and engaging conversation regarding families with same-sex


I believe Ms. Ribiero was not in the wrong for teaching her students about the subjects

despite the fact that they can be controversial. This was important as she did it in response to

an earlier incident. As educators, I feel it is important for us to help our students become the

most well-rounded individual that they can be. Therefore, I believe that includes understanding

the diverse community and society that we live in today in order to be a respectful and

supportive peer to others. Teachers are responsible for finding "teachable moments" but also

doing so in a way that is appropriate for that particular group of students. So I do believe that

teachers, especially if it is in response to bullying or harassment, should be able to bring up

concepts of sexual orientation, diverse family structure, and discrimination on the matters as

they deem necessary.

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