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Ionic liquids are able to conduct electric current because they consist of ions that
are not bound in a rigid lattice structure like traditional ionic salts. Because their
ions are free to move around, ionic compounds conduct electricity when they are
molten (liquid) or in aqueous solution (dissolved in water). Ions in ionic
compounds are maintained in fixed positions and are unable to move, therefore
they cannot conduct electricity when solid. Ionic are liquids made up of large,
asymmetric organic cations and small, inorganic anions. The organic cations and
inorganic anions are not tightly bound to each other, so they can move around
and flow more easily. Furthermore, ionic liquids have high ion mobility due to their
low melting points and low vapour pressures. This means that the ions can move
around freely in the liquid state, allowing them to carry an electric current. In
addition, some ionic liquids have a high degree of dissociation into their
constituent ions, which increases their electrical conductivity. The degree of
dissociation depends on factors such as temperature, pressure, and the nature of
the cation and anion. Ionic liquids have a wide range of applications in which
their conductivity plays a crucial role. For example, ionic liquids are often
considered "green" solvents because they are non-volatile and do not contribute
to air pollution. They have been used in various green chemistry applications,
including the extraction of natural products and the synthesis of biodegradable
materials. Moreover, ionic liquids can act as solvents for a wide range of
chemical reactions, including organic synthesis and catalysis. Their unique
properties, such as high polarity and low volatility, make them useful in reactions
that are difficult to perform using traditional solvents. Overall, the unique
properties of ionic liquids make them useful in a wide range of applications,
including green chemistry, and as solvents for chemical reactions.

2. Survey
Respondent What does green chemistry mean to you ? Do you think it is important ? Why or
why not ?

Dad Green chemistry to me is minimizing using hazardous Yes, it is definitely important because it is
substances and minimizing negative impacts of chemicals sustainable, and it helps reduce negative
impacts from chemical, chemical processes,
and hazardous substances on our health and

Mom I think green chemistry is a strand of chemistry where It is important because it is sustainable and
what you are doing, such as the chemicals and cleaner for us and the environment in
experiments you are doing, are sustainable for the Earth. comparison to using regular chemicals. It
helps to reduce the negative effects
hazardous substances have on human health
and the environment.
Brother To me green chemistry means, using chemicals and Yes it is important because green chemistry
substances in a way that will not harm our environment. is beneficial for us and our environment. We
can live a better life if we use it.

Friend To me, green chemistry represents an approach to Yes, I think that it is important. Green
chemical design and production that focuses on chemistry is important because traditional
minimizing the negative impact of chemicals on human chemical processes can have a negative
health and the environment. It recognizes the importance impact on the environment and human
of sustainability and encourages the use of safer and more health, including air and water pollution,
efficient chemical processes. greenhouse gas emissions, and the release
of toxic substances. By developing and
implementing green chemistry principles and
practices, it is possible to reduce these
negative impacts and create more
sustainable and efficient chemical processes.

Friend To me, green chemistry represents an important step Yes, green chemistry is an important field that
towards a more sustainable future. By promoting the use can have a significant impact on the future of
of safer and more efficient chemical processes, we can our planet. It represents a way of using our
reduce the negative impact that industrial activity has on resources more efficiently, reducing waste
the environment and human health. This can help to and pollution, and promoting a more
promote a more sustainable and equitable society while sustainable and just society.
ensuring that economic growth is not achieved at the
expense of the planet and its inhabitants.

Cousin To me, green chemistry is something that can contribute to I believe that green chemistry is important
the development of new and innovative technologies that because it promotes sustainable and
are economically viable, socially acceptable, and responsible chemical production and use. It
environmentally responsible. This can help to create new has the potential to significantly reduce the
opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and negative impact of chemicals on human
sustainable development. health and the environment, while also
promoting economic growth and

Cousin For me, it represents a shift towards more responsible and Green chemistry is important to many people
environmentally conscious practices that can benefit both and organizations because it promotes
people and the planet. By reducing the use of hazardous sustainable practices in the chemical
substances, minimizing waste, and increasing efficiency, industry. Green chemistry principles and
green chemistry can help to reduce the negative impacts practices aim to reduce the negative impact
of chemical processes, while also fostering innovation and of chemicals and chemical processes on the
economic growth. environment and human health, while also
promoting economic growth and innovation.

Neighbour To me, green chemistry means a commitment to creating Yes, green chemistry is important because
a more sustainable future through the development of traditional chemical processes can have a
safer and more efficient chemical products and processes. negative impact on the environment through
pollution, waste generation, and greenhouse
gas emissions. Green chemistry aims to
minimize or eliminate these impacts by
designing and developing chemical products
and processes that are safer, more efficient,
and more sustainable.

Friend A branch of chemistry called “green chemistry”, often Yes it is important. Green chemistry, in the
referred to as “sustainable chemistry”, is devoted to first place, aids in less than the harmful
creating chemical goods and procedures that lessen the effects of chemical products and processes
usage of products of dangerous compounds. The on both the environment and human health.
objective is to create chemical products and processes Green chemistry may aid in lowering
that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly, pollution, minimizing waste, and preserving
with minimal dangers to the environment and human natural resources by utilizing renewable
health as well as decreased or eliminated waste and materials and producing safer, More
energy consumption. The utilization of renewable sustainable products and processes. Second,
resources, the development of safer goods and green chemistry may help firms save money
procedures, the lowering of harmful compounds, and the by resulting in more effective and sustainable
prevention of pollution are all emphasized by green processes that use less energy and produce
chemistry concepts. Green chemistry’s ultimate objective less waste. Thirdly, green chemistry may
is to make chemical processes and products that are safe, encourage creativity and creation of new
energy-efficient, and less destructive to the environment, technologies, resulting in new goods and
in order to build a more sustainable future. procedures that can aid in resolving some of
the most urgent, environmental and
sustainability issues facing the planet today.

Neighbour What green chemistry means to me is using safer Green chemistry is important to me because
chemicals, designing more efficient processes, and it emphasizes the need for sustainability and
minimizing waste and pollution, green chemistry to reduce environmental stewardship in the design and
these negative impacts of hazardous chemicals to the development of chemical products and
environment and human health, and promote a more processes.
sustainable future.

3. Lignocellulosic biomass is considered an alternative to petroleum for fuels and

polymer materials for several reasons. Lignocellulosic biomass is a renewable
resource that is widely available and abundant. It includes plant-based materials
such as agricultural and forestry residues, energy crops, and waste materials.
Lignocellulosic biomass is a sustainable resource because it is carbon-neutral.
The carbon dioxide released during its combustion or degradation is equivalent
to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed during the plant's growth. In contrast,
the use of fossil fuels like petroleum leads to an increase in atmospheric carbon
dioxide levels, contributing to global warming. The production and use of
lignocellulosic biomass-based fuels and polymers result in reduced greenhouse
gas emissions and environmental pollution compared to traditional
petroleum-based products. This makes them more environmentally friendly and
helps to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. Lignocellulosic biomass
can be used for the production of a wide range of products, including biofuels,
biochemicals, and bioplastics. It is a highly versatile resource that can replace
petroleum-based products in many applications.
Ionic liquids can also be used as catalysts or co-catalysts in biomass conversion
reactions, such as hydrolysis and condensation, which can convert lignocellulosic
biomass into valuable chemicals and fuels. The use of ionic liquids in these
reactions can improve efficiency, selectivity, and yield, making the process more
economical and practical for large-scale production Low vapor pressure of ionic
liquids mitigates the issue of air pollution due to the minimal evaporation of ionic
liquids during operation. In addition, the high melting point and thermal stability
allow ionic liquids to withstand intensive operational conditions (i.e., high
temperature and pressure). These properties make biofuels and biopolymers
derived from lignocellulosic biomass renewable and environmentally friendly,
resulting in a growing demand for them as alternatives to fossil fuels. The use of
ionic liquids can improve the efficiency and quality of the production process,
making these materials more competitive in the marketplace. In conclusion,
lignocellulosic biomass is a promising alternative to petroleum for fuels and
polymer materials, and the use of ionic liquids can contribute to the economical
and practical development of this alternative. Ionic liquids have unique properties
that make them ideal for the processing of lignocellulosic biomass, and their use
in biomass conversion reactions can improve efficiency and yield. As research in
this area continues, it is likely that ionic liquids will play an increasingly important
role in the development of sustainable fuels and polymer materials.

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