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Upper Ipag, Mariveles, Bataan

Contact no.: (047)612-0420

SUBJECT: Contemporary Arts from the Region

TEACHER: John Christopher A. Baysa GRADE AND SECTION: 11-Brillance
WEEK/LESSON: Week 2 - Lesson 2 TIME: Monday – Friday(9:00-10:00am/ 4:00-5:00pm)

Learning Objectives:
1.) define contemporary arts in the Philippines
2.) give the different functions of Contemporary Art
3.) promotes art from the region


o Contemporary Art generally refers to art being created now.
o Derived from the Latin prefix con means “together” or “with” , plus tempus means “time”
o The chronological view defines contemporary arts related to this current period in art history.
o Emerged in the Philippines in reaction to social and cultural realities during the 1970’s which is an era
of repression and censorship of artistic expressions.
Contemporary art as a Breaking of Norms
o Contemporary art can be seen as a transgression of stablished norms and rules. Established art forms are
scrutinized and contemporary art works them to see with fresh eyes.
o Appropriation is an important preoccupation in contemporary art which is the practice of creating a new
work by taking pre-existing image from another context.
Contemporary art and Local Heritage
o Professes an awareness of local heritage which is something that can be passed from one generation to
the next, can be conserved or inherited, and has historic or cultural value.

Functions of Contemporary Art

Contemporary art of Pleasure
o A visual delight in the work of art, can take many forms including an appreciation of beauty or
decoration or delight in an element of surprise.
Contemporary art as Profession
o Artist earn a living through their art since and ideas are never free. They possess value in the complex
web of the creative industries that combine the creation, production, and commercialization of creative

Contemporary art as a Commentary

o Art has been used to answer our need for information. Artist who fulfill our need for commentary often
speak in a language easy to understand.
Contemporary art as spiritually
o Artists may create art to express spiritual beliefs about the destiny of life controlled by the force of a
higher power.
Contemporary as a Remembrance
o Art can be remembrance which is something done as an aid to memory.
Contemporary as Self-expression
o Fulfills an expressive function when an artist conveys information about his/her personality, feelings,
and worldview.
ACTIVITY 1: Identifying the statements. Read the statements carefully. Identify what is being described
in the statement.

1.) This refers to art being created now.

2.) It defines contemporary art as related to this current period in art history, and refers to art that is new,
recent, modern, or pertains to the present moment.
3.) A contemporary art as a specific episode, or stage in the story of the evolution of art, referring to a
specific location in space and time.
4.) It is an important preoccupation in the world of contemporary art.
5.) It is something that can be passed from one generation to the next.
6.) This is a function of contemporary art where visual delight in a work or art can take many forms,
including appreciation of beauty or decoration.
7.) It is one of the function of contemporary arts where artist earn a living through creating or making art.
8.) Another functions of contemporary art where artist create to express spiritual beliefs about the destiny of
life controlled by the force of higher power.
9.) One of the purpose of contemporary art is to help us commemorate important events or people that have
shaped our history.
10.) This fulfills an expressive function when an artist conveys information about his/her personality,
feelings, and worldview.

ACTIVITY 2: Jumbled Letters. Below are words with jumbled letters. Try to arrange them and provide the
correct answer on the space provided below.
1. Lolac Htierage ________________________
2. Tancerihein ________________________
3. Rycotammen ________________________
4. Branmemrence ________________________
5. Fels-exssionpre ________________________
6. Sionprofe ________________________
7. Sureplea ________________________
8. Lityspritua ________________________
9. Breaking fo smonr ________________________
10. Apptionpria ________________________

ACTIVITY 3: Identifying Creative work. Identify a creative work in your community which can be

considered an example of Contemporary Art. Discuss its aspects and how it relates to contemporary art.

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