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To conduct a Breakthrough Strategy call with an OBM client and create a 90-day plan.

All OBM clients must be subject to a strategy call and planning session in order to map
out the next 90 days and create an action plan.
All calls must be recorded and uploaded to the client google drive.
All calls must have an agenda created at least 2 days prior to the meeting.

90 Day Plan Template
Strategy session Agenda Template
SOP- Strategy Session

Team Lead

Team Lead

1. Call scheduler and attached questionnaire are sent after 1st payment is made
2. The questionnaire must be reviewed within 24 hours of submission
3. Agenda is created using a template found here and added to the client google drive
4. Agenda is sent to the client at least 48 hours before the call
5. The call occurs and notes are taken during the call
6. Notes and recording are added to the google drive 
7. The strategy session plan is added to the 90-day plan template
8. Post strategy call email is sent to the client. 
9. 90 Day plan is sent to the client within 2 business days of the session
10. Task Assignment begins and project kick off starts.

1. Call scheduler and questionnaire are sent after 1st payment is made
Log in to Dubsado
Go to client project- workflow
Edit the “send strategy call booking” action and personalize the email
Approve action
The booking link and the questionnaire are sent together- the client must complete the
questionnaire in order to secure a time. 

2. The questionnaire must be reviewed within 24 hours of submission

Once returned, a task email is sent to EllieOBM via email to review the form
This must be reviewed and all answers to the questions must be added to the template
found here.
The client's answers must be neatened up and secured under the template document
headings as appropriate 

3. Agenda is created using a template found here and added to the client google drive
Ensure the template agenda is suitable
Add the scheduled date of the meeting to the top heading {{DATE}} section of the email. 
Ensure the template is saved under {{client name- Agenda- DATE}} within their client folder.

4. Agenda is sent to the client at least 48 hours before the call

Once created, and reviewed - log in to Dubsado 
Go to client project
Go to emails and “send email” Select the canned email “client strategy call agenda” 
Add the link to the Dubsado Button.
Personalize email to the client
Send to the client 

5. The call occurs and notes are taken during the call
During the call ensure zoom meeting is recorded
Take notes on all matters discussed
Ensure client speaks in-depth about their upcoming plans for the next 3 months
Ensure you are clear and set expectations for the upcoming months.
 Narrow it down to 3-4 goals/projects that we’ll be helping the client with for the first 3
months. Project timeline and when milestones will be completed.
For the first month, it is important to drive home that it is learning their biz, the leaky holes of
the biz.

6. Notes and recordings are added to the google drive.

Ensure recording is downloaded from zoom and added as a media file to the client google

7. Post strategy call email is sent to the client.

Send an email to the client thanking them for a great session by logging in to Dubsado going
to the client project and ‘send email”Add a link to the email in a “button” format Communicate
to the client that the strategy 90-minute plan will be delivered to them within 2 business
daysWork will not officially commence until then and they have given their approval of the
90-day plan.

8. The strategy session plan is added to the 90-day plan template

Log in to canva.
Add the notes to the relevant sections within the canvas template- making sure the notes
under month 1 are elaborated,
Month 2 and 3 can be less so, but attention should still be given to the main projects within
these months.

9. 90 Day plan is sent to the client within 2 business days of the session
Log in to Dubsado,
Go to the client project and “send email” 
Open canned emails- POST STRATEGY SESSION
Personalize email based on small talk discussions
Get google document shareable link
Add a link to the document to the emails. 
Ensure that the line “This document is is the result of an in-depth strategy session, work will
continue in line with this plan unless otherwise stated in response to this email”
Check grammar and spelling.
Send to the client

10. Ensure the client has agreed (or hasn't refuted) the plan and add tasks and begin
planning and adding the plan to the PM tool.

Created by: Ellie rogers

Date created:  10 May 2020
Date revised: 15 August 2020
Revised by: Ellie Rogers

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