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Q6 Review Question

1/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You establish the internal network of a new branch of the organization by configuring the computers using NetBIOS names. The organization is working on various projects. The team members involved in the projects complain that they face difficulty in accessing the files related to their projects because of different locations at which they are stored. Also, they do not get timely access to the files because of congestion on the server. The employees want that the request for accessing the files should be handled separately so that they can access the files when they need. What should you do to solve this problem? a. Assign the NetBIOS name Computer1 [00h] to the computer that you want to use as File server. b. Assign the NetBIOS name Computer2 [03h] to the computer that you want to use as File server. c. Assign the NetBIOS name Computer3 [06h] to the computer that you want to use as File server. d. Assign the NetBIOS name Computer4 [20h] to the computer that you want to use as File server. Correct Answer: -> d 2/ Which component of WINS service resolves NetBIOS names for computers that are not WINSenabled clients? a. WINS Server b. WINS Client c. WINS Proxy d. WINS Database Correct Answer: -> c 3/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You establish an internal network that connects all the computers in the organization. You have set one computer as a DHCP server with Windows Server 2003 installed on it. The DHCP server is configured with two scopes. One scope is used for the Sales department and other for the Accounts department. Computers of both departments receive their IP addresses from the DHCP server. The DHCP server had a hardware failure problem and lost its DHCP data. However, you restored the backup data. After restoring the DHCP data, you find that information of some clients for both scopes is not displayed correctly when viewed in the list of active leases. What steps will you follow to make the information correct? a. Select the DHCP scope in the DHCP console tree. Select the Reconcile command from the Action menu. Click the Verify button in the Reconcile dialog box. Click the OK button in the DHCP dialog box. b. Select the DHCP scope in the DHCP console tree. Select the Reconcile command from the Action menu. Click the OK button in the DHCP dialog box. Click the Verify button in the Reconcile dialog box. c. Select the DHCP server in the DHCP console tree. Select the Reconcile All Scopes command from the Action menu. Click the Verify button in the Reconcile dialog box. Click the OK button in the DHCP dialog box. d. Select the DHCP server in the DHCP console tree. Select the Reconcile command from the Action menu. Click the Verify button in the Reconcile dialog box. Click the OK button in the DHCP dialog box. Correct Answer: -> c

4/ Global Systems Inc. provides dynamic IP addresses to ten thousand DHCP clients using DHCP server in Windows Server 2003 environment. The computer on which the DHCP server is configured is outdated, and therefore, the computer crashes frequently. The system administrator has to reconfigure the DHCP server each time. The clients have to face problems regarding connectivity with the newly configured DHCP server. What should the system administrator do to resolve this problem? a. Save the DHCP server configuration settings on a remote machine. b. Save the DHCP server configuration settings on a local machine. c. Prepare a hard copy of the DHCP configuration settings. d. Restart the DHCP services using the administrative tools. Correct Answer: -> a 5/ You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The organization provides current stock information to the client companies. All the clients access the organization's database by remote network access to retrieve stock details. The database is mounted on a server running Windows Server 2003. Some clients complain about the inconsistent remote access because of failure in point-to-point connection with the server. How will you identify the cause of the problem? a. Examine the Audit log and verify IPSec policy change events. b. Examine the PPP log on the server and identify the cause of connection failure. c. Examine the RADIUS-Based Authentication and Account log to analyze the number of users remotely accessing the server. d. Examine Event log and analyze the errors occurring within RAS server. Correct Answer: -> b 6/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization is divided into subnetworks that are distantly located. The employees using computers of different subnetworks need to coordinate with each other by sending and receiving messages to each other. The network of the organization contains routers for transferring the messages from one subnetwork to the other using the shortest path. The employees of the organization using the networks complain that the rate of data transfer over the network is low. Which parameter of the routing algorithm should you change to solve the problem? a. Hops b. Load c. Bandwidth d. Delay Correct Answer: -> c 7/ WorldAd, Inc. provides defense related services to the U.S. government. The U.S. government needs to disseminate (ph bin/truyn b) a large volume of data to the various defense headquarters across the country. The U.S. government has strictly (hon ton) instructed WorldAd, Inc. to make sure that the data reaches its destination as quickly as possible. All the computers at WorldAd, Inc. have Windows Server 2003 installed. John Barrett, the system administrator of WorldAd, Inc., has been assigned the task of disseminating the data as required by the government. Which routing protocol should John use? a. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) b. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) c. Internet Group Multicast Protocol (IGMP) d. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Correct Answer: -> a 8/ Consider the following statements: Statement A: Dial-in properties are elements of remote access policies, which are used for authorizing a user connection. Statement B: An authenticated user is authorized to establish a remote connection by Remote Access Policy Profile.

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? a. Both statement A and statement B are false. b. Both statement A and statement B are true. c. Statement A is true and statement B is false. d. Statement A is false and statement B is true. Correct Answer: -> b 9/ The database of Blue Moon Computers contains confidential information. The information needs to be secured from any unauthorized access. The organization works in coordination with Red Sky Inc. The employees working on a project need to send confidential information using an external network. You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The project manager tells you that if any unauthorized person accesses the information while it is transferred from their computer to the client's computer, it can cause a heavy financial loss to the organization. How can you make sure that such a loss does not occur? a. Use Dial-in constraint parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. b. Use IP properties parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. c. Use Multilink parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. d. Use Encryption parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. Correct Answer: -> d 10/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization has various departments. Each department has its separate internal network. The departments are connected to each other using network connectivity components, such as routers, hubs, and switches. The organization undertakes a new project for which the configuration of some of the network connectivity components is changed. An employee of the production department complains that he is unable to transmit messages to and from the development department. What do you think is the reason of the problem? a. Duplicate IP addressing, b. Changed configuration of the network connectivity component, such as a hub, a router, or a switch, c. Excessive network collision, d. Improper configuration of the software used in the network, Correct Answer: -> b 11/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization connects all the computers together. The employees of the organization use the internal network to communicate with each other. The employees complain about the slow speed of the network because of which the time taken in communicating a message and transferring files from one computer to another is more than expected. As a result, the employees are facing problems in coordinating with each other and doing their project work properly. What should you do to ensure better coordination among the employees working in a project? a. Use Network Connection Repair Link utility to remove expired entries from NetBIOS cache and resolve communication problems. b. Use address resolution utility to remove expired entries from NetBIOS cache and resolve communication problems. c. Use ping utility to remove expired entries from NetBIOS cache and resolve communication problems. d. Use Network Diagnostics utility to remove expired entries from NetBIOS cache and resolve communication problems. Correct Answer: -> a 12/ Consider the following statements:

Statement A: An SRV resource record resolves service names to host names and port names. Statement B: An SOA resource record resolves a domain name to a host name. Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? a. Both statement A and statement B are true. b. Statement A is true and statement B is false. c. Statement A is false and statement B is true. d. Both statement A and statement B are false. Correct Answer: -> a 13/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization currently has a network setup with two servers and 100 clients. The servers have MS Windows Server 2003 installed on them, 50 clients have Windows XP Professional, and the rest of the clients have Windows 98 installed. The network contains two routed subnets, subnet A and subnet B. Each subnet contains a server installed with Windows Server 2003. You assign static addresses to the servers. However, to reduce the configuration errors caused by manual configuration of IP addresses, you install DHCP service on the servers. In addition, you install DNS service in the subnets to resolve the IP addresses to client names and vice-versa. After some time, 50 clients and one more DHCP server are added to subnet A. After the new DHCP server is added to subnet A, clients start facing conflict problems in network settings. What according to you is the reason of the conflict in network settings? a. Presence of DNS servers in subnets. b. Addition of another DHCP server in subnet A that already has an active DHCP server. c. Servers on which DHCP service is installed have a static IP address. d. Presence of only one DNS server in subnet A. Correct Answer: -> b 14/ What is the function of Kerberos protocol? a. Specifies the type of action performed on data packets on the network. b. Ensures secure information transmission over network. c. Authenticates systems in the same domain. d. Implements password security between two IPSec hosts. Correct Answer: -> c 15/ What does the Issue name attribute of a CA certificate specify? a. Name of the entity requesting a CA certificate. b. Name of the certificate issuing CA. c. X.509 standard version for certificate formatting. d. Value used to assign a unique identity to a certificate. Correct Answer: -> b 16/ Consider the following statements: Statement A: A RADIUS client using RADIUS protocol sends accounting and authentication requests to the RADIUS server. Statement B: A RADIUS client provides authorization and authentication services. Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? a. Both Statement A and Statement B are False. b. Both Statement A and Statement B are True. c. Statement A is True and Statement B is False. d. Statement B is False and Statement B is True. Correct Answer: -> c 17/ Which authentication protocol for dial-up networking provides additional authentication within Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)? a. Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2 (MS-CHAP v2).

b. Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS). c. Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (SPAP). d. Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP). Correct Answer: -> b 18/ Which switch is used with the Ipconfig command to display all the TCP/IP configuration values of the host? a. /renew b. /release c. /displaydns d. /all Correct Answer: -> d 19/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization has undertaken a new project for which it has to open many new branches at different locations. Each branch is expected to incorporate 500 to 1000 computers. At least 10 branches need to be opened to handle the project work. The managing director of the organization wants you to plan a network infrastructure such that in future there does not arise any difficulty in locating any computer over the network. Each computer should have a unique IP address in the network. What should you do to meet the requirements? a. Assign each computer a Class A IP address. b. Assign each computer a Class B IP address. c. Assign each computer a Class C IP address. d. Assign each computer a Class D IP address. Correct Answer: -> b 20/ You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. Peter is a marketing executive in the organization and has to make frequent outstation business tours. Peter has to access the sales and product database available on the central server in the head office. Peter accesses the database on office network as well as from remote location using his laptop. To avoid network setting overhead you configure an alternate IP address for Peter's system. How will you verify the correctness of the assigned alternate IP address? a. Run ipconfig command from command prompt. Check whether the value of IP address field and the assigned alternate IP address for the system are the same. b. Run ipconfig /renew command from command prompt. Check whether the value of IP address field and the assigned alternate IP address for the system are the same. c. Run ipconfig /all command from command prompt. Check whether the value of IP address field and the assigned alternate IP address for the system are the same. d. Run ipconfig /release command from command prompt. Check whether the value of IP address field and the assigned alternate IP address for the system are the same. Correct Answer: -> c 21/ Which database file in DHCP records the existing transactions if the system runs out of disk space? a. Res1.log b. J50.log c. Tmp.edb d. Dhcp.mdb Correct Answer: -> b 22/ You are the system administrator at the branch office in Houston of BlueMoon Computers. The organization has one DHCP server and eight DHCP clients. You configure two scopes on the DHCP server for the clients. You check the DHCP statistics at server level and monitor the performance of the DHCP server for both the scopes. The DHCP statistics provides a view of data, such as number of packets transferred and number of IP addresses leased. Some of the users of the network complain that the rate of transfer of data over the network is reduced

considerably. You also notice an increase in IP lease release and renew events. As a system administrator, what should you do to resolve this problem? a. Identify the computer that is causing network traffic by checking the DHCP audit log file. b. Identify the computer that is causing network traffic by viewing the performance using System monitor. c. Identify the computer that is causing network traffic by creating the DHCP release and renew alert settings. d. Identify the computer that is causing network traffic by starting audit logging. Correct Answer: -> c 23/ You are the system administrator at Technology Systems. You are examining the NetBT Nodes. Which NetBT node type should you examine to use the Lmhosts file for resolving and registering names? a. B-node b. P-node c. M-node d. Microsoft enhanced B-node Correct Answer: -> d 24/ Which of the following NetBIOS computers provides file server services? a. Computer1 [00h] b. Computer2 [03h] c. Computer2 [06h] d. Computer4 [20h] Correct Answer: -> d 25/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization connects all the computers of the organization. Most of the computers in the network are Windows 95 and Windows 98 computers. A remote client wants to connect to a computer over the internal network. The client sends the NetBIOS name of the computer to be resolved by the NetBIOS cache. What happens when the name is not found in the NetBIOS cache and WINS server? a. The request is dropped. b. No acknowledgement is given to the client, and the client is left waiting. c. The NetBIOS name is broadcast to all the computers over the network. d. An error is raised about non-existence of such a computer. Correct Answer: -> c 26/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization uses a WINS server to implement NetBIOS name resolution service. You find that the requests made by the WINS clients are not fulfilled in the expected time. You also notice that the time interval between the time at which a WINS client is marked as released and the time at which it is indicated as extinct is unnecessarily large. Which scavenging parameter do you set to decrease this time so that the WINS database is not over crowded by unused WINS clients names and the performance of the database is increased? a. Renewal interval b. Extinction interval c. Extinction timeout d. Verification interval Correct Answer: -> b 27/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization contains a DNS server. Whenever the DNS database is changed or updated, you need to manually update the changes. The size of the DNS database is large. Therefore, you want to automate the system of updating the DNS database. The DNS database contains confidential data related to the projects going on in the organization, and therefore, data must be

secure. What should you do to reduce your burden of updating the database and keep the security of the DNS database? a. Create a new zone with Allow both secure and nonsecure dynamic updates option selected. b. Create a new zone with Do not allow dynamic updates option selected. c. Create a new zone with Allow only secure dynamic updates option selected. d. Configure zone to allow transfer from specified IP addresses. Correct Answer: -> c 28/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. Organization's employees can access files from another computer on the network by using its domain name. A DNS server resolves the domain name of a host with the respective IP address. Employees are complaining about the conflict in domain name resolution since last week. What can be the cause of the domain name conflict? a. DNS server is using outdated information to answer client's queries. b. DNS server has heavy DNS traffic. c. DNS server is low on disk space. d. DNS server is having small response time. Correct Answer: -> a 29/ You are system administrator at the WorldAd, Inc. The organization has a network of systems which has two domains: greatdomain and smalldomain. The greatdomain domain has a DNS server to resolve host name requests. You are working in the smalldomain domain. You have access rights to modify the DNS server settings of DNS server in greatdomain domain. You want to modify the settings of greatdomain's DNS server to perform the following tasks: Check the registration of DNS resource records Secure the DNS updates to the greatdomain's DNS server. How will you meet the requirements? a. Use dnscmd command and omit the DNS server name from the command. b. Use dnscmd command and specify the DNS server name of the greatdomain domain. c. Specify more than one nslookup subcommands in the command line of NSlookup command used for DNS server in the smalldomain domain. d. Create a batch file, which includes the dnscmd command and send it to a DNS server to execute it remotely. Correct Answer: -> d 30/ You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The organization's network consists of 500 computers and the network has two domains. You are asked to implement some predefined IPSec policy on the computers so that only secured IP packets can be transmitted over the network. This policy should ensure that only the computers secured with IPSec policy should be able to take part in communication. In addition, it should ensure that all outgoing packets from a computer are secured before transmission. How will you meet the requirements? a. By implementing Client policy b. By implementing Sever policy c. By implementing Secure Server policy d. By implementing Client and Sever policies Correct Answer: -> b 31/ Which Remote Access Policy parameter applies the maximum number of ports that can be used to combine the bandwidth of various modem connections into a single connection? a. Multilink b. Dial-in constraints c. Authentication d. IP properties Correct Answer: -> a 32/ Consider the following statements:

Statement A: System Monitor tool enables you to collect real-time performance data. Statement B: Performance Logs and Alerts tool enables you to collect data for specific services for a particular period of time. Which of the following is true with respect to above statements? a. Both statement A and statement B are false. b. Both statement A and statement B are true. c. Statement A is false and statement B is true. d. Statement A is true and statement B is false. Correct Answer: -> b 33/ You are the system administrator at WorldAd Inc. The organization has five branch offices in different cities. All information about organization's business details, products, and services is stored in a database at the head office in New York. Users from branch offices access this information through the organization network. You want to monitor the network access for authorized access. In addition you want to meet the following requirements: Make a record of errors and warning messages occurring within remote access server. Keep track of start and stop time of remote access services. Maintain a record of failed access events with the respective user information. How will you meet the requirements? a. Configure RADIUS-Based authentication and Account logging. b. Configure Local Authentication and Accounting logging. c. Configure Event logging and maintain an Event log. d. Configure Point-to-Point logging. Correct Answer: -> c 34/ You are the system administrator at the Houston branch of BlueMoon Computers. The organization is hiring people at all levels and needs to be in constant touch with the HR Manager at the head office at Atlanta. In this case, as the administrator at Houston, you choose to configure RRAS on the server of HR department and connect it to the head office through a dedicated phone line. The server is currently installed with Windows Server 2000. The organization is facing financial loss because of the connections between the two offices. The managing director of the organization wants you to find out some way of reducing this financial loss. What action should you take to fulfill the requirements of the managing director and to allow all tasks to be performed as required? a. Connect the head office and the branch offices using temporary connections instead of dedicated phone lines by upgrading the server with Windows Server 2003 and using its Unicast routing feature. b. Connect the head office and the branch offices using temporary connections instead of dedicated phone lines by upgrading the server with Windows Server 2003 and using its Demanddial routing feature. c. Connect the head office and the branch offices using temporary connections instead of dedicated phone lines by upgrading the server with Windows Server 2003 and by using its Network Address Translation feature. d. Connect the head office and the branch offices using temporary connections instead of dedicated phone lines by upgrading the server with Windows Server 2003 and by using its Multicast routing feature. Correct Answer: -> b 35/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. A user of the network tries to access resources over the network but is unable to do so. The user complains to you about it. You plan to troubleshoot the problem. Which step should you perform before implementing the solution? a. Restore the data and system settings. b. Take backup of the data and system settings. c. Conduct tests on the solution. d. Make a record of the effect of the changes made to the system.

Correct Answer: -> b 36/ You are the system administrator at BlueValley Steel Manufacturers, Inc. The head office of this organization is located at Los Angeles. The head office has 14000 employees. The head office has implemented TCP/IP network infrastructure with class B addressing structure. The organization now plans to open a new branch office at Chicago. The new branch office will have around 12000 employees and will be connected to the head office using wireless LAN. Identify the addressing structure that would be best suited for the new branch office. a. Classless-based class B addressing structure b. Class-based class B addressing structure c. Classless-based class C addressing structure d. Class-based class C addressing structure Correct Answer: -> a 37/ What is the maximum number of WINS servers that can be attached to a Windows Server 2003 computer to provide NetBIOS resources to multiple mobile WINS clients? a. 12 b. 10 c. 6 d. 20 Correct Answer: -> a 38/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You have established the internal network of the organization. You have set one computer as a DHCP server with Windows Server 2003 installed on it. All other computers receive their IP addresses from the DHCP server. You want to maintain and save the DHCP database so that if DHCP server has a hardware failure then service can be restarted using the saved DHCP database. To perform manual backup of DHCP database, you need to perform the following steps: 1. Select a folder other than %Systemroot%\System32\Dhcp\Backup\New to place the backup files in the Browse For Folder dialog box. 2. Right-click the server option in the left pane of DHCP console window and select the Backup command from the shortcut menu. 3. Click the OK button to place the backup files in the selected folder and to close the Browse For Folder dialog box. What is the correct sequence of steps to configure the manual backup of the database? a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 3, 2 c. 2, 3, 1 d. 2, 1, 3 Correct Answer: -> d 39/ Global Systems Inc. provides IP addresses dynamically to a large number of clients using DHCP server in Windows Server 2003 environment. Recently, the clients have been complaining that they are not getting proper service from the DHCP server. The system administrator, David Wong, has identified that some DHCP administrator is employing denial-of-service attack on the DHCP server. So, the authorized clients are facing problems. David needs to solve the problem, but first he must restrict administration of the DHCP service. Which of the following guidelines should he follow? a. Change the default permissions of the DHCP folder. b. Enable audit logging for each DHCP server on his network. c. Add users to the DHCP Users group instead of DHCP Administrators group if users need readonly access to the DHCP console. d. Provide read permissions to users who analyze the DHCP server log files. Correct Answer: -> c 40/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. The organization has a network of 300

systems. The RAS on the network is running on Windows Server 2003. Some files on the RAS are corrupted because of a virus attack and you need to repair this fault. To repair the fault you decide to shut down the system at 6 PM. You want to notify all the clients about the unavailability of server after 6 PM. To notify all the clients you need to perform the following steps: 1. Open Routing Remote Access console. 2. Select the Send to All command to display the Send Message dialog box. 3. Select Remote Access Clients and right-click to display the shortcut menu. 4. Type the message in the Message text area that the RAS server will not be available after 6 PM. What is the correct sequence of steps you should follow to meet the requirements? a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 4, 3 c. 1, 3, 2, 4 d. 1, 3, 4, 2 Correct Answer: -> c 41/ Blue Moon Computers has various departments located at different locations. All the departments are connected to the head office and to each other through the corporate network. The research and development department of the organization receives and generates a lot of network traffic. This network traffic slows down the entire network processing. What should you, as the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers do to troubleshoot this problem? a. Configure packet filters. b. Increase the number of routers in the network. c. Change the routing protocol used. d. Increase the RAM of the server. Correct Answer: -> a 42/ Consider the following statements: Statement A: Profile is the setting that defines various parameters for accessing an organizations private network. Statement B: Conditions are a collection of settings that are applied to a specific connection. Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? a. Both statement A and statement B are false. b. Both statement A and statement B are true. c. Statement A is true and statement B is false. d. Statement B is false and statement B is true. Correct Answer: -> a 43/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. Two marketing executives, James and Suzan, work at Houston and Denver respectively. You configure VPN support for the two marketing executives. The organizations head office is situated in Atlanta. James accesses the internal network of the organization from Houston and Suzan from Denver. The managing director suspects that James is trying to leak out some financial information related to the organization projects. The managing director wants you to make sure that each user accesses the database of the organization according to access permissions specified by him. What should you do to fulfill the requirements of the managing director? a. Configure Remote Access Policy, user accounts for remote access, and Remote Access Policy Profile. b. Configure Remote Access Policy and Remote Access Policy Profile. c. Configure user accounts for remote access and Remote Access Policy Profile. d. Configure Remote Access Policy and user accounts for remote access. Correct Answer: -> a 44/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization connects all the computers together. A DNS server is installed in the network of the

organization to resolve host names to their corresponding IP addresses. Various projects are going on in the organization. The information related to the projects is confidential. A project manager complains that somebody modified the data related to his project. He also suspects that somebody else is also receiving the data he sends to his team members. He is afraid that if the information related to the project is leaked out to the competitors of the organization, the organization might face heavy financial loss. What should you do to make sure that the organization does not face any such financial loss? a. Use network monitoring utility, Domain Controller Diagnostic Tool (Dcdiag), to check the IP address corresponding to the DNS name. b. Use network monitoring utility, Nslookup, to check the IP address corresponding to the DNS name. c. Use network monitoring utility, Hostname, to check the IP address corresponding to the DNS name. d. Use network monitoring utility, Ipconfig, to check the IP address corresponding to the DNS name. Correct Answer: -> b 45/ Consider the following statements: Statement A: A DNS server resolving a recursive query responds with the IP address of the authoritative server. Statement B: A DNS server resolving an iterative query responds with the exact IP address of the client whose name is to be resolved. Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? a. Both statement A and statement B are true. b. Statement A is true and statement B is false. c. Statement A is false and statement B is true. d. Both statement A and statement B are false. Correct Answer: -> d 46/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization has various departments, such as Accounts, Sales, and IT and a setup with one server and 50 client computers. The server has Windows Server 2003 installed on it and the clients have Windows 98 installed on them. DHCP service is installed on the server to assign IP addresses automatically to the clients. Each department is in a different subnet. Now, you want to add a new computer to the network and the computer does not have any IP address. In addition, no DHCP server is available to assign IP address to the new computer. The new computer is trying to locate the DHCP server by sending a message known as DHCPDISCOVER but the DHCP server is not responding. In such a situation what should be configured on the Windows Server 2003 computer so that the new computer can be a part of the network? a. User configured Alternate Configuration. b. Automatic Private IP Addressing. c. Boot Threshold. d. DHCP Relay Agent. Correct Answer: -> b 47/ Which certificate attribute defines the data regarding the entity that requests certificates from the CA? a. Version. b. Serial number. c. Validity period. d. Subject name. Correct Answer: -> d 48/ Which component of network access infrastructure enables an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to connect remote users to an enterprise network or the Internet?

a. Network Access Server. b. Network Access Clients. c. Authentication Service. d. Active Directory. Correct Answer: -> a 49/ Which class of IP addresses is used for very large networks? a. Class A. b. Class B. c. Class C. d. Class D. Correct Answer: -> a 50/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization is a medium sized organization having 500 computers at a single location. The organization has six different departments performing different tasks. The database administrator of the organization complains to you that managing data of all computers using a single network is difficult. The network performance also degrades because of the traffic over the network. He also complains that having all the computers in a single network makes it difficult to locate a computer over the network. Changing the configuration of the computers according to needs of the new projects is also a tedious task. What should you do to help the database administrator solve the problem? a. Divide the network of the organization into six subnets, one for each department. b. Install six different servers one for each department. c. Increase the total storage space on the main server. d. Increase the processing speed of the existing server. Correct Answer: -> a 51/ You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Inc. The organization's network has 200 computers. You have installed a DHCP server on the network to dynamically assign IP addresses to the clients. The computer used by James is not available on the network even after it is properly connected. You want to check the computer's Host name, Physical Address, IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. How will you obtain this information? a. Run Ipconfig command with /renew option on the computer's command prompt. b. Run Ipconfig command with /all option on the computer's command prompt. c. Run Ipconfig command on the computer's command prompt. d. Run Ipconfig command with /release option on the computer's command prompt. Correct Answer: -> b 52/ Which database file is used by the DHCP database as a swap file during database maintenance? a. Dhcp.mdb b. Res1.log c. Tmp.edb d. J50.chk Correct Answer: -> c 53/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization currently has a set up with two servers and 50 clients. The servers have MS Windows Server 2003 installed on it and the 50 clients have either Windows XP Professional or Windows 98 installed. The network contains two routed subnets: Subnet A and Subnet B. Each subnet contains a Windows Server 2003 system configured as a DHCP server. The clients on Subnet A and Subnet B receive IP addresses from their DHCP servers. The machine on which server of subnet A is configured is outdated and crashes frequently. The users of subnet A communicate with the users of subnet B using the DHCP network. The employees of subnet A complain that they are unable to communicate with either each other or the users of subnet B due to which their project work is delayed. However, the users of the subnet B are able to communicate with each other as before.

What should you do to enable the users of subnet A also communicate as before and complete their projects in time? a. Take backup of the scope and configuration settings of users of subnet A using Tmp.edb file of DHCP database backup, and then restore the settings. b. Take backup of the scope and configuration settings of users of subnet A using J50.log file of DHCP database backup, and then restore the settings. c. Take backup of the scope and configuration settings of users of subnet A using J50.chk file of DHCP database backup, and then restore the settings. d. Take backup of the scope and configuration settings of users of subnet A using Dhcp.mdb file of DHCP database backup, and then restore the settings. Correct Answer: -> d 54/ James is the system administrator at Smart Software Development. James is using the ARP command. Which parameter of ARP command should he use to display the current entries in the ARP cache for all interfaces? a. -d b. -N c. -a d. -g Correct Answer: -> c 55/ What is the maximum number of characters that the host name of a computer can have? a. 255 b. 250 c. 200 d. 300 Correct Answer: -> a 56/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization uses a WINS server to implement NetBIOS name resolution service. You find that the requests made by the WINS clients are not fulfilled in the expected time. You also notice that the WINS clients are facing difficulty in retrieving data from the WINS database. This is because the records of the names that are no longer in use overcrowd the WINS database. The names are marked as extinct but are not scavenged from the database. Which scavenging parameter will you set to automatically scavenge the entries from the database after they are marked as extinct? a. Renewal interval. b. Extinction interval. c. Extinction timeout. d. Verification interval. Correct Answer: -> c 57/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization contains a DNS server to process the queries of the client computers over the network. The employees using the DNS server complain about the slow processing speed of the DNS server. The DNS server of the network stores the entire project related data, the queries submitted to the server, and the results of the queries. The employees have to wait for a considerably long period to get the results of the queries they submit to the DNS server. This is delaying the projects they are working on and degrading their overall performance. What should you do to solve the problem? a. Configure DNS server as Authoritative Server so that it stores only the results of the queries. b. Configure DNS server as Primary Server so that it stores only the results of the queries. c. Configure DNS server as Caching-only server so that it stores only the results of the queries. d. Configure DNS server as Secondary Server so that it stores only the results of the queries. Correct Answer: -> c 58/ You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The organization has a network of 5000

systems. The network has a DNS server that provides host name resolution services on the network. The DNS server maintains a database of resource records to provide host name resolution service. When a large number of expired records accumulate on the DNS server, its disks run out of space. You have to clean the disks every time manually by deleting expired resource records. How will you overcome this problem? a. Increase the TTL value for the resource records. b. Remove the outdated records from the DNS server's disk. c. Configure the entire client computers for dynamic updates to the DNS database. d. Configure aging and scavenging on the DNS server. Correct Answer: -> d 59/ Which characteristic of IAS enables you to use it in various network configurations of varying size? a. Easy administration b. Scalability c. Centralized user authentication d. Centralized user authorization Correct Answer: -> b 60/ Consider the following statements: Statement A: Performance of network access services needs to be periodically monitored to record remote network access details. Statement B: Periodic performance monitoring of network access services is not useful for tracking inefficient use of network access services. Which of the following is true with respect to above statements? a. Both statement A and statement B are false. b. Both statement A and statement B are true. c. Statement A is false and statement B is true. d. Statement A is true and statement B is false. Correct Answer: -> d 61/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. the organization's network consists of 500 systems with Windows Server 2003 servers. An authorized remote user can access the shared files available on servers. You are asked to keep track of network access activities using routing and remote access logging characteristics provided by RRAS. In addition, you are asked to perform the following activities: Maintain a detailed record of all remote access requests. Log names of remote access policies for all the connection attempts. You want to use the information available in the above logs for judicial enforcement of remote access policies. How will you meet the requirements? a. Configure the server to allow Local Authentication and Account logging. b. Configure the server to allow Point-to-Point logging. c. Configure the server to allow Event logging. d. Configure the server to allow Audit logging. Correct Answer: -> a 62/ You are the system administrator at the Houston branch of BlueMoon Computers. The organization is hiring people at all levels and needs to be in constant touch with the HR Manager at the head office in Atlanta. In this case, you choose to configure RRAS on the server of HR department and connect it to the head office through a dedicated phone line. So you are essentially connecting two distant network segments using RRAS. The server is currently installed with Windows Server 2000. The computers in the network need to send the data packets to each computer separately even if the packets are dedicated for all the computers over the network. This wastes valuable time, which could otherwise be used in serving other requests of the clients. What should you do so that the valuable time of the server could be utilized in serving most of the requests of the clients, and why?

a. Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Unicast routing feature of Windows Server 2003 allows a computer to send packets addressed for the entire network. b. Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Demand-dial routing feature of Windows Server 2003 allows a computer to send packets addressed for the entire network. c. Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Network Address Translation feature of Windows Server 2003 allows a computer to send packets addressed for the entire network. d. Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Multicast routing feature of Windows Server 2003 allows a computer to send packets addressed for the entire network. Correct Answer: -> d 63/ You are the system administrator at the Houston branch office of BlueMoon Computers. The head office is located at Atlanta. The users at the branch office are unable to access the computers at head office. You need to check the communication link between the local client computer and the remote host computer. What will you do to verify the same? a. Ping loopback address. b. Ping local client IP address. c. Ping default gateway. d. Ping IP address of remote host. Correct Answer: -> d 64/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You configure the internal network of a new branch of the organization. You configure the computers on the network by assigning NetBIOS names to them. The project managers of different projects complain about the difficulty they are facing because of mismanagement of network resources. The project managers are unable to locate the network resources, such as files and printers. The team members also complain of the same difficulty. Due to these problems, the project work is delayed most of the time. What arrangements should you make to resolve this problem? a. Assign unique NetBIOS names to all network resources. b. Assign group NetBIOS names to all network resources. c. Assign Multihomed NetBIOS names to all network resources. d. Assign Internet Group NetBIOS names to all network resources. Correct Answer: -> d 65/ Jim Lewis is working as the system administrator in Global Systems Inc. The organization uses DHCP server in Windows Server 2003 environment to provide IP addresses dynamically to a large number of clients. Jim needs to monitor the performance of the DHCP server consistently to ensure that the clients remain satisfied. He uses the Performance console utility to monitor the DHCP server performance. While monitoring the server performance, Jim finds that the value of a performance counter, requests/second, has increased suddenly. What does this indicate? a. There is heavy DHCP related message traffic to and from the DHCP server. b. A large number of clients are trying to renew their leases with the DHCP server. c. The DHCP server is not being able to handle the load of requests. d. The DHCP server is not responding fast enough. Correct Answer: -> b 66/ The internal network of Blue Moon Computers has a computer with Windows Server 2003 installed on it. The organization has its head office located at Atlanta and the production department is located at Houston. You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The Managing Director of the organization wants you to connect the production department at Houston to the corporate network. What is the correct sequence of steps that you should follow to accomplish the task? a. Configure Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS). Add routing protocol. Add routing interface. b. Add routing protocol. Configure Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS).

Add routing interface. c. Add routing protocol. Add routing interface. Configure Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS). d. Configure Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS). Add routing interface. Add routing protocol. Correct Answer: -> a 67/ Global Systems Inc, a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) based organization, provides insurance related services to its clients. It needs to transfer large number of files and generates a lot of network traffic. The organization works on Windows Server 2003 environment and has asked the network administrator John Barrett to deal with the problem of excessive traffic. John knows that he can solve the problem by implementing packet filtering technique. To implement packet filtering technique following steps need to be performed initially: 1. Click Start-> Settings-> Control Panel to open the Control Panel window. 2. Select Administrative Tools icon to open the Administrative Tools window. 3. Click Routing and Remote Access icon to open the Routing and Remote Access window. 4. Expand TESTDOMAIN(local) server and then expand the IP Routing folder. Click on General and then in the pane right-click Local Area Connection. What should be the order of above steps so that the packet filtering technique can be implemented successfully? a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 3, 2, 4 c. 1, 3, 4, 2 d. 1, 2, 4, 3 Correct Answer: -> a 68/ Consider the following statements: Statement A: Assign a Static IP Address dial-in property allocates a specific IP address to an authenticated user. Statement B: Apply Static Routes dial-in property specifies the static IP routes assigned to a remote user and are added to the routing table of the server. Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements? a. Both statement A and statement B are false. b. Both statement A and statement B are true. c. Statement A is true and statement B is false. d. Statement B is false and statement B is true. Correct Answer: -> b 69/ The database of Blue Moon Computers contains confidential information. The information needs to be secured from any unauthorized access. The organization works in coordination with Red Sky Inc. The employees of Red Sky Inc. need to remotely access the database to get project related data. You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The database administrator tells you that the he can keep a watch on the type of the data being remotely accessed from the database only between 8 A.M. to 11 A.M. The project manager of your organization wants that the employees of Red Sky Inc. should not be allowed to modify the data in the database. What should you do to satisfy the needs of both the database administrator and the project manager? a. Use Remote Access Policy component, Conditions, to restrict remote access to the database. b. Use IP properties parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. c. Use Multilink parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. d. Use Encryption parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote

access to the database. Correct Answer: -> a 70/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. All the computers in the organization are connected using an internal network. An employee transfers a file containing the details of the development plans. The size of the file is 300 MB. The employee complains that the time taken to transfer the file is much more than expected. Sometimes, the computer hangs while transferring the file. Why is this problem arising? a. Incorrect network cable connections. b. Malfunctioning of a network connectivity component, such as a hub, a router, or a switch. c. Excessive network collision. d. Improper configuration of the software used in the network. Correct Answer: -> c 71/ Which of the following are predefined IPSec policies in Windows Server 2003? a. Server only. b. Client and Server only. c. Client, Server, and Secure Server only. d. Server and Secure Server only. Correct Answer: -> c 72/ Which switch is used with the Ipconfig command to release and reset the content of the clients DNS cache? a. /flushdns b. /release c. /displaydns d. /renew Correct Answer: -> a 73/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization has its head office at Atlanta and two branch offices at Denver and Houston. The branch offices are connected to the head office at Atlanta. The employees at the head office and the two branch offices need to communicate with each other. The employees also use the network to send confidential information related to their projects to each other. For this, data should be transmitted over the network without any errors. What should you do to ensure the confidentiality of the data and proper coordination among the employees at different offices? a. Use the statistics generated by Network Monitor to analyze and resolve the data transmission issues in the network by performing the following steps: 1. Install Network Monitor. 2. Set filter for capturing ICMP frames. 3. Capture ICMP frames. 4. Examine packets. b. Use the statistics generated by Network Monitor to analyze and resolve the data transmission issues in the network by performing the following steps: 1. Set filter for capturing ICMP frames. 2. Install Network Monitor. 3. Capture ICMP frames. 4. Examine packets. c. Use the statistics generated by Network Monitor to analyze and resolve the data transmission issues in the network by performing the following steps: 1. Install Network Monitor. 2. Set filter for capturing ICMP frames. 3. Examine packets. 4. Capture ICMP frames. d. Use the statistics generated by Network Monitor to analyze and resolve the data transmission issues in the network by performing the following steps:

1. Install Network Monitor. 2. Capture ICMP frames. 3. Set filter for capturing ICMP frames. 4. Examine packets. Correct Answer: -> a 74/ You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Inc. James is a programmer in the organization. All the employees, including James, use laptops for their work. The new project needs to be developed in very stringent timelines. So the employees need to work from home as well. Whenever James uses the laptop at home, its network configuration has to be changed. To configure an alternate IP address for James' computer you perform the following steps: 1. Click the Properties button on the Local Area Connection Status dialog box. Check the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) check box, and click the Properties button. 2. Open Network Connections window from the Control Panel click the Local Area Connection icon to open Local Area Connection dialog box. 3. Click the Alternate Configuration tab in the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box. 4. Select the User Configured option and enter appropriate IP address and subnet mask. What is the correct sequence of steps to configure an alternate IP address for James' computer? a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 2, 1, 3, 4 c. 3, 1, 2, 4 d. 2, 3, 1, 4 Correct Answer: -> b 75/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You have established the internal network of the organization, which connects all the computers. You assign host names and NetBIOS names to the computers on the network. Different applications run on different computers. An application running on a computer needs to communicate with another computer on the network to request for some information. The application sends a host name to the DNS client service. The following steps are performed: 1. DNS server sends the request to the NetBIOS name resolution process. 2. DNS client service seeks the required host name in the client resolver cache. 3. DNS client service seeks the host name query to the DNS server. 4. The corresponding IP address is returned to the application on success. What is the correct sequence of steps that is followed when the DNS client service resolves the host name to the corresponding IP address? a. 3, 2, 1, 4 b. 2, 3, 1, 4 c. 1, 2, 3, 4 d. 2, 1, 3, 4 Correct Answer: -> b 76/ You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The organization uses a WINS server to implement NetBIOS name resolution service. You want to know the IP addresses of the WINS clients on the WINS server and their corresponding owner name. Which file of the Jet database used by the WINS server will you check to get the desired information? a. J50.chk b. Wins.mdb c. J50.log and J50#####.log d. Winstmp.mdb Correct Answer: -> b 77/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky Corp. The organization has a DNS server at the head office in Luxemburg. The DNS server provides host name resolution to the remote client computers. The client requesting the DNS server for the host's IP address complains about outdated resource records. What can be the cause of the problem?

a. TTL value for the resource records is very small. b. TTL value for the resource records is not set. c. TTL value for the resource records is very large. d. TTL value for the resource records is set to zero. Correct Answer: -> c 78/ You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The organization has its offices at different cities across the country. The DNS server located at the organization head office provides domain name resolution for the client system. A client system at the branch office requests the DNS server for the IP address related to a host name. The DNS server keeps resource records in cache for a fixed time to provide the domain name resolution to clients. You find that the TTL value for the resource records is set to 4000 seconds. The DNS server has been facing a heavy DNS traffic since last week. How will you resolve the problem of heavy DNS traffic? a. Decrease the TTL value for the resource records maintained at the client and DNS server. b. Increase the TTL value so that it is neither too small nor too large for the resource records maintained at the client and DNS server. c. Increase the TTL value to hundreds of times for the resource records maintained at the client and DNS server. d. Set the TTL value to zero for the resource records maintained at the client and DNS server. Correct Answer: -> b 79/ You are the system administrator at WorldAd Corp. The organization has a network of 300 computers running Windows Server 2003. Peter wants to access a remote Linux server through Telnet. IP address of Peter's machine is You want to implement an IP security policy so that only Peter can access the Linux server. All other users should be denied access to the Linux server through Telnet connection. What will you do to meet the requirements? a. Negotiate a Telnet connection from and block the Telnet connection from all other users using a rule. b. Negotiate a Telnet connection from and block the Telnet connection from all other users using a filter of a rule. c. Negotiate a Telnet connection from and block the Telnet connection from all other users using two filters of a rule. d. Negotiate a Telnet connection from using a rule and use another rule to block the Telnet connection to all other users. Correct Answer: -> d 80/ What is specified by the centralized user authentication property of IAS? a. Allows centralized auditing and remote network access accounting of network access servers. b. Allows easy administration of the network using graphical user interface and remote monitoring. c. Allows an organization to authorize remote users through Remote Access Policy. d. Allows an organization to verify the identity of remote users centrally. Correct Answer: -> d 81/ You are the system administrator of Red Sky Corp. The domain in the organization network has two Windows Server 2003 member server computers named Server 1 and Server 2. Routing and Remote Access Service is enabled for remote access on Server 2. IAS is installed on Server 1. Server 2 uses Server 1 to authenticate remote access credentials. The remote access policies on Server 1 specify that domain members are allowed remote access to the network. However, users report that they are not allowed to dial in to Server 2. You need to identify the cause of the problem and suggest a solution to resolve the problem. How will you accomplish the task? a. Server 1 is configured to support only local user accounts. Add a remote access policy that uses MS-CHAP on Server 1 to resolve the problem. b. Server 1 is configured to support only local user accounts. Configure Routing and Remote Access on Server 1 to use RADIUS Authentication to resolve the problem. c. Server 1 is configured to support only local user accounts. Add a realm replacement rule for

the Windows Server 2003 domain on Server 1 to resolve the problem. d. Server 1 is configured to support only local user accounts. Add Server 1 to the RAS and IAS Servers group in Active Directory to resolve the problem. Correct Answer: -> d 82/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems, which has many departments, such as Accounts, Sales, and IT. Each department has its own network. Therefore, connection is required between the departmental networks so that devices are able to send messages to each other within a network or across multiple networks. To make a connection between the different networks of Red Sky IT Systems you are required to make a computer function as a router using Windows Server 2003 Routing and Remote Access Service. The internal network infrastructure of the organization changes from time to time according to the requirements of the new projects. The communication between the various computers should be as fast as possible. As a system administrator, what should you do to provide fast and efficient communication between the various computers over the network? a. Use static routing on Windows Server 2003. b. Use dynamic routing by implementing Routing Information Protocol V1 (RIP V1) on Windows Server 2003. c. Use dynamic routing by implementing Routing Information Protocol V2 (RIP V2) on Windows Server 2003. d. Use dynamic routing by implementing Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) on Windows Server 2003. Correct Answer: -> d 83/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. You are responsible for monitoring the network and troubleshooting network problems. The users of the network complain of slow connection speed. The cause of the slow connection speed is diagnosed as excessive collision in the network due to large amount of unauthorized data transfer. Which utility would you use to detect the same? a. Network Monitor. b. Nslookup. c. Ipconfig. d. Netstat. Correct Answer: -> a 84/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You have established the internal network of the organization. You have set one computer as a DHCP server with Windows Server 2003 installed on it. All other computers receive their IP addresses from the DHCP server. While monitoring the performance of the DHCP server, you decided to view DHCP statistics. For this, you want to enable DHCP server statistics to refresh automatically. To enable DHCP server statistics and to refresh automatically, you need to perform the following steps: 1. Select the DHCP server in the DHCP console. 2. Select the Automatically update statistics every option and configure Hours and Minutes text boxes appropriately and Click the Ok button. 3. Select the Properties option from the Action menu. 4. Select the DHCP server in the console tree. 5. Select the Display Statistics from the Action menu. What is the correct sequence of steps to enable DHCP server statistics to refresh automatically and to view the DHCP server statistics? a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 b. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 c. 1, 4, 3, 2, 5 d. 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 Correct Answer: -> b 85/ Global Systems Inc. is a multinational organization and deals with a number of business

operations. It has separate departments for respective operations. John Barrett, the system administrator in Global Systems Inc., has connected a computer in the IT department with a computer in the manufacturing section using a router. Why has he done this? a. To minimize delay b. To minimize load c. To optimize use of network bandwidth d. To ensure reliable data flow Correct Answer: -> c 86/ The database of Blue Moon Computers contains confidential information. The information needs to be secured from any unauthorized access. The organization works in coordination with Red Sky Inc. The employees working on a project need to send confidential information using an external network. You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The project manager tells you that if any unauthorized person accesses the information while it is transferred from their computer to the client's computer, it can cause a heavy financial loss to the organization. How can you make sure that such a loss does not occur? a. Use Dial-in constraint parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. b. Use IP properties parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. c. Use Multilink parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. d. Use Encryption parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database. Correct Answer: -> d 87/ You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The organization has various departments. Each department has its separate internal network. Many new air conditioners are installed in the production department. The cables providing electric power to the air conditioners run side-by-side to the cables connecting the various computers in the organization. An employee of the production department complains that he is unable to send and receive messages from any other computer over the network. What do you think is the reason of the problem? a. Assignment of same IP address to more than one computer in the network. b. Changed configuration of the network connectivity component, such as a hub, a router, or a switch. c. Changed path of the signals passing through the network cables due to interference between the electric cables and the network cables. d. Effect of the electricity in the electric cables on the wavelength of the signals passing through the network cable. Correct Answer: -> c 88/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. Red Sky IT Systems has various departments, such as Accounts, Sales, and IT and a network setup with one server and 50 client computers. The server has MS Windows Server 2003 installed on it and the clients have Windows 98 installed on them. You install DHCP service on the server to assign IP addresses automatically to the clients. Each department is in a different subnet. The Accounts department requires a different default gateway. Therefore, DHCP clients of the Accounts department require similar configuration settings. You want to save the effort of specifying the similar TCP/IP settings manually for each client computer in the Accounts department. What would you do to configure similar TCP/IP settings for the Accounts department? a. Configure DHCP options using Server-level option. b. Configure DHCP options using Scope-level option. c. Configure DHCP options using Reserved Client-level option. d. Configure DHCP options using Class-level option. Correct Answer: -> d

89/ Which component of a rule in IPSec policy specifies the network traffic on which action needs to be performed? a. Filter Action b. Filter c. Authentication Method d. Certificates Correct Answer: -> b 90/ You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Inc. The organization has decided to establish a local area network consisting of 250 computers at its new branch office. You are assigned the task of configuring all the network settings for this LAN. The LAN has a DNS server with DHCP services installed. You need to configure DHCP scope for the DNS server. What should be considered while configuring DHCP scope for the server? a. Network ID, Subnet mask, Network IP address range, Lease duration, Reservation name, and Exclusion range. b. Network ID, MAC address, Reservation name, Lease duration, Router, Scope name, and Exclusion range. c. Network ID, Subnet mask, Network IP address range, Lease duration, Router, Scope name, and Exclusion range. d. Network ID, Lease duration, Router, Scope name, and Exclusion range. Correct Answer: -> c 91/ You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization currently has a set up with two servers and 50 clients. The servers have MS Windows Server 2003 installed on them and the 50 clients have either Windows XP Professional or Windows 98 installed. The network contains two routed subnets: Subnet A and Subnet B. Each subnet contains a Windows Server 2003 system configured as a DHCP server. The clients on Subnet A and Subnet B are receiving IP addresses from their DHCP servers. The DHCP servers maintain the DHCP database. Therefore you are required to secure the DHCP database from unauthorized users. What arrangements will you make to secure the DHCP database? a. Keep the default permissions of the DHCP folder. b. Provide Write and execute permissions to the users who are responsible for analyzing the DHCP server log files. c. Change the permission of System group of DHCP folder to read and execute. d. Remove the Authenticated Users and Power Users to minimize the access of DHCP folder. Correct Answer: -> d 92/ Which of the following NetBIOS computers provides Routing and Remote Access services? a. Computer1 [00h] b. Computer2 [03h] c. Computer2 [06h] d. Computer4 [20h] Correct Answer: -> c 93/ You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You are reviewing the network traffic and notice that there are a large number of DNS queries for resolving the host name of the File server in the network. You also find that the network services are becoming slow because of the DNS queries and irrelevant network traffic for the File server. You decide to configure the entry of the File server in the Hosts file on each computer. The Hosts file will be preloaded in the client resolver cache. You also plan to add name-to-IP address mapping to the Lmhosts file so that the NetBIOS names in the organization can be resolved. What is the correct sequence of steps you should take to accomplish this task? a. View and flush client resolver cache. Preload the client resolver cache. View and release NetBIOS name cache. b. Preload the client resolver cache.

View and flush client resolver cache. View and release NetBIOS name cache. c. View and flush client resolver cache. View and release NetBIOS name cache. Preload the client resolver cache. d. View and release NetBIOS name cache. Preload the client resolver cache. View and flush client resolver cache. Correct Answer: -> a 94/ James is the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. The organization has a network of 2000 systems and a DNS server provides domain name resolution services to the client systems. Peter is using a client system that is configured for automatic dynamic update. The system registers its host resource records automatically into the DNS database. Peter's system has a power failure and is not available on the network. What can be its consequence? a. DNS server will not provide host name resolution to any client. b. DNS server will maintain an outdated resource record in the DNS database. c. DNS server will not provide host name resolution for Peter's system. d. DNS server will show an increase in response time. Correct Answer: -> b 95/ You are the system administrator at the Houston branch of BlueMoon Computers. The organization has an internal network. The users of the HR department of the organization access the Internet using unique dial-up connections. The organization is facing financial loss due to this. The CEO of the organization wants you to make some arrangements to restrict the access to the Internet so that the financial loss could be minimized. As the system administrator, what action should you take to fulfill the requirements of the CEO? a. Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Unicast routing feature of Windows Server 2003 allows you to share a single public IP address and Internet connection. b. Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Demand-dial routing feature of Windows Server 2003 allows you to share a single public IP address and Internet connection. c. Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Network Address Translation feature of Windows Server 2003 allows you to share a single public IP address and Internet connection. d. Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Multicast routing feature of Windows Server 2003 allows you to share a single public IP address and Internet connection. Correct Answer: -> c 96/ You are the system administrator in Best Paints, Inc. The head office of the organization has implemented a class-based class B addressing structure. One of the employees, Chris, complains that he is unable to connect to the file server of the organization and an error message, Invalid subnet mask is being displayed on his computer. You check the TCP/IP properties configured on Chriss computer and find that the subnet mask has been incorrectly specified. Identify the correct subnet mask for Chriss computer. a. b. c. d. Correct Answer: -> c 97/ You are the system administrator at Best Software Solutions. The head office and the branch offices of the organization have implemented TCP/IP network infrastructure without Internet access. You need to assign IP addresses to the two new workstations assigned to two recruits. However, when you connect to the DHCP server, you find that the DHCP server has been shutdown for its periodic maintenance. Which of the following methods can you use to assign IP addresses to the new computers? a. DHCP reserved addressing

b. Manual addressing c. APIPA d. Dynamic addressing Correct Answer: -> c 98/ Consider the following statements: Statement A: Classless-based addressing structures are a 24-bit long stream of zeros and ones. Statement B: The separation bit that separates the network ID and the host ID in a classlessbased addressing structure can be between bit 0 and bit 31. Statement C: Classless-based addressing enables you to specify customized subnet masks, according to the num0ber of subnets in the network. Which of the following is correct about the above statements? a. Statements B and C are True. b. Statements A and B are True. c. Only Statement B is True. d. Statements A and C are True. Correct Answer: -> a 99/ The head office of Skylight, Inc. is located at Mexico City. The network setup of the organization consists of 50 computers running on Windows Server 2003. The branch office of this organization is located at Denver. The network setup of the branch office consists of 25 computers running on Windows Server 2003 with one DHCP server to provide automatic IP addressing. One computer is promoted as a domain controller at each location. Which of the following methods will you use to secure DHCP servers in the network? a. Use Windows Server 2003 users b. Authorize DHCP servers in Windows Server 2003 c. Use Windows Server 2003 groups d. Authorize DHCP servers in Active Directory Correct Answer: -> d 100/ You are the system administrator of StarMoon Technologies. The head office of StarMoon Technologies is located at Boston and the branch office is located at Paris. The head office is connected to the branch office using slow WAN links. You notice that the DNS server takes a long time in resolving names. To troubleshoot this problem, you want to restrict the Internet users from accessing the DNS server of your organization for resolving names. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task? a. Configure a caching-only server at the Paris branch office. b. Configure the DNS server located at the head office as a conditional forwarder. c. Configure the DNS server located at the head office as a forward-only server. d. Configure the DNS server located at the head office as a non-recursive server. Correct Answer: -> b 1 d 21 b 41 a 61 a 2 c 22 c 42 a 62 d 3 c 23 d 43 a 63 d 4 a 24 d 44 b 64 d 5 b 25 c 45 d 65 b 6 c 26 b 46 b 66 a 7 a 27 c 47 d 67 a 8 b 28 a 48 a 68 b 9 d 29 d 49 a 69 a 10 b 30 b 50 a 70 c 11 a 31 a 51 b 71 c 12 a 32 b 52 c 72 a 13 b 33 c 53 d 73 a 14 c 34 b 54 c 74 b 15 b 35 b 55 a 75 b 16 c 36 a 56 c 76 b 17 b 37 a 57 c 77 c 18 d 38 d 58 d 78 b 19 b 39 c 59 b 79 d 20 c 40 c 60 d 80 d

81 d

82 d

83 a

84 b

85 c

86 d

87 c

88 d

89 b

90 c

91 d

92 c

93 a

94 b

95 c

96 c

97 c

98 a

99 d

100 b

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