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Ed 802 Education and Development

Lesson 1: The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Direction: In addition to the Reflection Paper, submit a Journal Article Analysis on a topic
relevant to the UN SDGs. Use the guidelines to writing journal article analysis as

Title of the article:



Valencia, M. I. C. (2018). Introducing education for sustainable development (ESD) in the
educational institutions in the Philippines. Journal of Sustainable
Development Education and Research, 2(1), 51-57.

1. What is the author’s thesis? The major point s/he is trying to make?

In order to provide high-quality education and promote sustainable human

development, ESD is concerned with all dimensions and forms of learning. The author
emphasized that the secret to sustainable development is education.

The Philippines has various efforts to institute ESD in various sectors, particularly
in educational institutions. Different international and national laws have provided the
legal basis and have strengthened the implementation of various policies on education
for sustainable development (ESD) among Philippine educational institutions

2. What are the major assumptions the author makes (expects you to accept) in
arguing that thesis?

The author also emphasized that the objectives of Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) are to advance and enhance educational quality and to concentrate
on knowledge, skills, and value acquisition throughout lifelong learning. This is manifested
in the curricular reorientation particularly in the basic education level. It stressed daunting
task for HEIs and other academic institutions in terms of ESD implementation and
integration considering the environmental challenges that the Philippines regularly

The enactment of two (2) landmark legislations - Climate Change Act of 2009 (RA
No. 9729) and Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 (RA No
10121) - has all the more bolstered the efforts regarding the integration of climate change
and disaster risk reduction into the curricula of educational institutions.

In order to make the curriculum a tool for imparting the knowledge needed to create
a sustainable world, ESD also aims to reorient, rethink, and reform it.

3. What are the implications for research or practice if the author’s thesis and
underlying assumptions are valid or true?

Since the government implemented policies and legislation, as well as various

programs initiated by educational institutions, there will be a significant impact on
education, particularly on climate change awareness and disaster risk reduction and
management. Citizens, particularly students, who represent the hope of future
generations, will be equipped with knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward sustainable
development. With their studies, researchers will have the opportunity to investigate
projects and initiatives involving sustainable development. Government policies may be
adjusted based on the findings of these studies in order to chart a clear and correct course
for long-term development.
4. What are some important or useful concepts that author presents?

ESD is a dynamic concept and encompasses a novel vision in education. Since

the 1950s, various organizations had been pushing for the institutionalization of
sustainable development in the Philippines.

Republic Act (RA) No. 9512 or the National Environmental Awareness and
Education Act of 2008 has been enacted. The National Service Training Program (NSTP)
has been used as a medium for ESD in colleges and universities. Disaster Readiness
and Risk Reduction Education (DRRRE) is a core course in senior high school wherein
students are expected to develop a community preparedness plan and be able to prepare
survival kits and materials for one's family. For its part, the Department of Education in
1995 carried out a "School Inside a Garden (SIGA) Program". Other efforts to reorient the
school curriculum and integrate ESD and disaster risk reduction has been done by

5. Critically reflect on and assess the article as a whole; what are its strengths and

The author made it clear how education and sustainable development are related.
The author also provided various facts and figures about sustainable development
worldwide that came from various sources. A wide range of references was provided
regarding how ESD emerged globally for the reader's benefit. Numerous academic
studies, legal precedents, frameworks, policies, and initiatives taken by various
organizations and nations to advance education for sustainable development were also
used to support the discussions (ESD).

It is beneficial that readers can recognize the efforts made by various nations,
especially the United Nations, to address sustainable development. The reader will then
have a better understanding of how governments and educational institutions use
education to help students learn the fundamentals of sustainable development. The
author cited every source available to highlight the Philippine government's efforts to
promote ESD. It was noted that numerous organizations had pushed for the
institutionalization of sustainable development in the Philippines starting in the 1950s.
Additionally, all ESD-related concepts, including climate change and disaster risk
reduction, were discussed in detail.

Overall, the discussion was excellent, and the author's goal was accomplished.
Other intriguing concepts and problems were also raised, not just in the Philippines but
also elsewhere in the world. Both the issue and the solution were apparent.

The impact and present state of those Philippine agency initiatives, however, are
lacking. Take the DepEd's implementation of the School Inside a Garden (SIGA) program
and the National Service Training Program (NSTP), for instance. The report of each
committee involved in the program's implementation may also be included by the author.

6. Are there any other arguments or perspectives that might explain the topic better
than the author’s argument?

It is also worthwhile to read the findings of several studies that looked at how to
implement education for sustainable development (ESD). Finally, the author may also
discuss how ESD is related to other elements that contribute to a higher standard of living,
such as the economic growth of the Philippines.

7. What insights have you gained from reading and analyzing the article?

Education is critical for long-term development. Global efforts are required to

achieve sustainable development. Furthermore, government agencies must work
together to develop policies and programs, as well as monitor and evaluate the progress
of various initiatives. The government should invest in this for the sake of the next
generation's future.

This article discusses the following major topics: the nature of ESD, genesis of
ESD in the Philippines, integration of ESD in the schooling system in the Philippines,
climate change and disaster risk reduction. It examined the various efforts to institute ESD
in various sectors, particularly in educational institutions in the Philippines. Different
international and national laws have provided the legal basis and have strengthened the
implementation of various policies on education for sustainable development (ESD)
among Philippine educational institutions. This is manifested in the curricular reorientation
particularly in the basic education level. It stressed daunting task for HEIs and other
academic institutions in terms of ESD implementation and integration considering the
environmental challenges that the Philippines regularly experiences.

ESD is a dynamic concept and encompasses a novel vision in education. Since

the 1950s, various organizations had been pushing for the institutionalization of
sustainable development in the Philippines. Republic Act (RA) No. 9512 or the National
Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 has been enacted. The National
Service Training Program (NSTP) has been used as a medium for ESD in colleges and
universities. The enactment of two (2) landmark legislations - Climate Change Act of 2009
(RA No. 9729) and Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 (RA
No 10121) - has all the more bolstered the efforts regarding the integration of climate
change and disaster risk reduction into the curricula of educational institutions. Disaster
Readiness and Risk Reduction Education (DRRRE) is a core course in senior high school
wherein students are expected to develop a community preparedness plan and be able
to prepare survival kits and materials for one's family. For its part, the Department of
Education in 1995 carried out a "School Inside a Garden (SIGA) Program". Other efforts
to reorient the school curriculum and integrate ESD and disaster risk reduction has been
done by UNESCO.

Roldan, M. D. G. Z. (2018). Towards Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals: The

Philippines and the 2030 Agenda. In DLSU Research Congress 2018.

Valencia, M. I. C. (2018). Introducing education for sustainable development (ESD) in the

educational institutions in the Philippines. Journal of Sustainable Development
Education and Research, 2(1), 51-57.

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