Laracy - Ept Smart Goals

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Name: Alice Laracy


Goal 1: Professional  Gain understanding of  De-identified student and class

Knowledge the characteristics of profiles
my students by
To understand the student in creating student and  De-identified notes and
my classes and the learning class profiles. comments about the specific
needs of those students. needs of student in the classes.

This aligns with standard 1:

know students and how they
learn; focus area 1.1: physical,  Investigate the needs  Lesson plans that highlight
social and intellectual of specific student by evidence of the differentiation
development and discussing with the for learning needs where
characteristics of students. supervising teacher. required.

 Written and verbal discussion
My experience on previous
with supervising teacher on
placements has allowed me to
suggestions for future lessons
understand the necessity for
teachers to understand the
diversity of students in the
 Research common  Collection of tools to cater for
classroom and to take this into
learning needs that are various learning needs to use in
consideration when planning
present in my class my future classrooms.
and implementing lessons. I
believe this to especially profile to compliment

important for teacher education the teacher’s

students to take into strategies.

consideration when planning

lessons, to ensure all students
are able to reach achievable
learning goals.

Goal 2: Professional Practice  Develop lesson plans  Lesson plans that have
that are tailored to evidence of a variety of both
meet the unique needs teaching and learning
To establish lesson plans and abilities of each strategies
that accommodate for the stage of development,
needs of students whilst while setting  Reflections on completed
allows challenging students challenging learning lesson plans, commenting on
to strive for achievable objectives that are the suitability of each activity.
outcomes. appropriate for the
specific stage.

This aligns with standard 3:

plan for and implement
effective teaching and learning;
focus area 3.1: establish  Conduct thorough
 Notes generated from
challenging learning goals. research to identify
conversations with the
and adopt diverse
supervising teacher about
Rationale: teaching strategies that
suitability of lesson
Through my experience on effectively promote the
placements and as a casual attainment of
teacher, I understand the challenging learning
importance of setting objectives.
challenging learning goals that
encourage students to achieve
higher order thinking, whilst
also understanding that setting
learning goals that are too
challenging can deter students
from their learning. This focus
area has been identified by my
last supervising teacher, as an
area to further develop.

Goal 3: Professional  Acknowledge good  Written feedback from my

Practice. behaviour in class as a supervising teacher on the
means of positive effectiveness of my teach
To improve my professional reinforcement. behavioural management
practice by implementing strategies.
effective behaviour
management strategies, with
a focus on positive
reinforcement.  Positive verbal feedback from
 Implement my
behaviour students and supervising
This aligns with standard 4: management strategy teacher.
create and maintain supportive cohesively through all
and safe learning lessons to provide
environments; focus area 4.3: structure to my
manage challenging teaching.

Rationale:  Ask my supervising

 Comments and reflections in
On previous placements, I teacher to provide
my daybook and lesson plans
have experienced how other feedback to my
once completed.
teachers implement the use of behaviour
positive reinforcement and management
acknowledgement of good strategies and adapt
behaviour, to effectively my teaching strategies
manage a classroom. This is a accordingly.
practice that I have witness to
show favourable outcomes in
the classroom, and therefore
would like to build on my own
skills in this area.

Goal 4: Professional  Seek feedback from  Written and verbal feedback

Engagement my supervising teacher from the supervising teacher on
after each lesson and the conclusion of each lesson
To improve my professional at the end of each and day.
practice by seeking feedback teaching day.
from supervising teachers
and implementing this in
future teaching.

 Implement the  Reflect on how I have

This aligns with standard 6: feedback in my further implemented the feedback from
engage in professional lessons. the supervising teaching in my
learning; focus area 6.3: day book.
engage with colleagues and
improve practice.

 Reflect on my own  Write summary notes from
As a pre-service teacher, I
believe there is always room to learning and discuss feedback from my supervising
improve professional practice teaching strategies to teacher.
by seeking feedback from further my practice
others. Seeking feedback to from others in the
improve my teaching practice school.
enables me to develop my
skills from more experienced
practitioners. Through previous
placements this has shown to
be extremely beneficial to
improving my own practice,
and therefore I would like to
continue working towards
these goals.

Other aims you may have for the professional placement:

 Present myself in a professional manner at all times.
 Be organised and prepared for each of my lessons
 Communicate with all staff to make collegial connections.

Teacher Education Student: Date:

Supervising Teacher: Date:

Subject Coordinator/Marker: Deanne Everett Date:19th April, 2023.

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