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?fqddldms enq B%H

Bnmrtldqr hm HmchY
ITMD 1/11
WWF-India: Varun Aggarwal, Apoorva Santhosh and Aastha Makhija
ICF India: Sushmita Ajwani, Shivali Dwivedi
Special thanks
WWF-India Ravi Singh, Dr. Sejal Worah, and Vidya Soundarajan
Thanks for Review to
Mr Promod Deo, Former Chairperson, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Mr Rajesh Kumar Mediretta, MD & CEO, Indian Gas Exchange
Mr Rahula Kashyapa, Head of Business Power, Renew Power

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WWF-India 172 B, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi 110.003 T +91.11.4150.4815 | E
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Cover photography: © Ola Jennersten /WWF /N /TT

This report has been prepared by WWF-India with research and inputs from ICF India, based
on publicly available inKormation and data gathered Krom diOerent sources. WWF-India and ICF
India disclaim any and all liability for the use that may be made of the information contained in
this report. While the experts and organisations listed in the acknowledgements and appendix
have provided inputs for the development of this report, their participation does not necessarily
imply endorsement of the report’s contents or conclusions. The tables and charts in the report are
based on the available data accessed from various reliable sources. The sources have been duly
recognised in the report. Further, the views in the document do not necessarily reQect those oK
WWF-India or ICF India.
Acronyms 4
List of Tables 6
List of Figures 7
Executive Summary 8
Chapter 1: Introduction 12
Chapter 2: Features of VPPAs 18
Chapter 3: Potential of VPPAs in India 22
Chapter 4: Action Plan for the Indian market 30
Annexure 37
Annexure 1: Recent VPPA deals within the US 38
Annexure 2: International operating frameworks for VPPA 39
Annexure 3: Detailed Case Studies 40
Annexure 4: Assumptions & Methodology for estimating VPPA
potential under diOerent scenarios 42
Annexure 5: Key Highlights of Market Based Economic Dispatch
(MBED) Concept Note 45
WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

AESO Alberta Electric System Operator
BU Billion Units
C&I Commercial and Industrial
CAISO California Independent System Operator
CDP Carbon Disclosure Project (formerly)
CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CfD Contracts Kor DiOerence
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
COP Conference of the Parties
CPI Consumer Price Index
EAC Energy Attribute CertiEcate
ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas
ETS Energy Trading System
GCC Green CertiEcate Company
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GHG Green House Gas
GoO/ GO Guarantees of Origin
GW Giga Watt
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
I-REC International Renewable Energy CertiEcates
ISO Independent System Operators
ISO-NE Independent System Operator - New England
kWh Kilo Watt Hour
MCP Market Clearing Price
MISO Midcontinent Independent System Operator
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
MoP Ministry of Power
MSP Major Swap Participant
MW Mega Watt
NAR North American Renewables Registry
NDC Nationally Determined Contributions
NSI Net Settlement Instructions
NTSD Non-TransKerable SpeciEc Delivery
NYISO New York Independent System Operator
OTC Over the Counter
PPA Power Purchase Agreement


RE Renewable Energy
REC Renewable Energy CertiEcates
REDE Renewable Energy Demand Enhancement
REGO Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin
SD Swap Dealer
SDR Swap data repository
SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
SPP Southwest Power Pool
TRC Tradable Renewable CertiEcates
US United States
VPPA Virtual Power Purchase Agreement
WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

Table 1: Suggested actions by key stakeholders to roll-out VPPA in India 11

Table 2: Current RE procurement mechanisms within India 13

Table 3: C&I RE procurement gaps/challenges that can be resolved by VPPAs 16

Table 4: Types of VPPA Pricing Structures Implemented internationally 18

Table 5: RE procurement tools likely to be utilized by C&I customers in future 22

Table 6: Projected Scenarios estimating VPPA potential in India 22

Table 7: Comparison between VPPAs and various transaction types deEned

by MOP instituted Committee 26

Table 8: Market Based Economic Dispatch (MBED) vs VPPA 27

Table 9: Suggested actions required by key stakeholders to roll-out VPPA

in India 33

Table 10: VPPA risk mitigation strategies 34

Table 11: Recent international VPPA deals 38

Table 12: International VPPA market 39

Table 13 Takeaways from the case studies 41

Table 14: Estimating C&I procurement from DISCOMs in 2030 42

Table 15: Share oK C&I customers signing VPPA under diOerent scenarios 43

Table 16: I-REC share in India under diOerent scenarios 44

List of Figures

Figure. 1: Case scenarios for VPPA demand in 2030 8

Figure 2: VPPA operating mechanism 14

Figure 3: VPPA Demand scenarios in 2030 from C&I customers procuring

power from Discoms 23

Figure 4: VPPA demand scenarios in 2030 from Indian RE projects

registered under I-REC 24

Figure 5: VPPA demand scenarios for 2030 24

Figure 6: Proposed VPPA regulatory landscape for India 32

Figure 7: C&I RE procurement from Discoms – 2021 to 2030 43

Figure 8: I-REC projects registered globally – 2021 to 2030 43

In light of the recent 26th session of the Conference of time. Under a VPPA framework, the generator
of the Parties (COP 26), climate change has and consumer enter into a bilateral contract
seen a deepening interest, with nations coming outside the power market without a physical
together to acknowledge the pressing need for transaction of power taking place between them.
immediate action. India has a big role to play The generator continues to sell the power in the
in this matter and has proactively set forth a power exchange as brown power but transfers
target of 500 GW of renewable energy (RE) the green attributes to the consumer with whom
installation by 2030 and committed to Net Zero they have signed the VPPA. The consumer
Emissions by 2070. To achieve these targets, it (buyer) is free to source its power requirement in
is imperative that the Commercial and Industrial the best possible manner, which may be through
(C&I) segment adopts RE to the maximum a DISCOM, power exchange or bilateral mode,
extent as it is responsible for half of the total or in captive mode. Since the consumer under
electricity consumption in the country. However, VPPA continues to procure physical power from
it is encouraging that many large C&I consumers DISCOM, the distribution companies do not lose
have shown a strong interest in transitioning their consumers and source of revenue.
to RE recently - as a result of RE becoming
Ideally, this model suits large corporates with
economically competitive and to meet their
Kragmented demand across diOerent locations
green mandates. Despite this, the penetration
and states. Corporates like Microsoft, Google,
of RE in the total C&I demand is poor. This low
and Amazon are successfully using this model
penetration could be explained by the limited RE
to meet their renewable targets internationally.
procurement models available today, in addition
The unique feature of a VPPA is that though it
to the policy and implementation challenges for
is essentially a Enancial instrument, yet, it does
existing models.
not interrupt the physical procurement of power.
Globally, Virtual Power Purchase Agreements Hence, VPPAs have a strategic advantage because
(VPPAs) have emerged as a popular tool for they are not inherently impacted by changing
corporate groups to increase their share of power sector regulations.
renewable power signiEcantly in a short period

Figure. 1: Case scenarios for VPPA demand in 2030

Meets 27% of
balance target

Meets 17% of
balance target

Meets 6% of
balance target 63


Estimated total VPPA demand in India in 2030 (GW)

Conservative Scenario Realistic Scenario Optimistic Scenario

© Patricia Buckley / WWF-Canada
WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

In 2019-20, C&I consumers constituted 51 per 3. Prepare a standard PPA document: A

cent, approximately 660 BU, of the total power standard PPA, serving as a guiding document,
demand in the country. This is expected to grow should be prepared to cover all the risks
at a CAGR of 4 per cent1 with an estimated aOecting power and Enancial transactions.
demand of 977 BU by the C&I segment in 2030. The intent of preparing a standard PPA is to
This report analyses the potential for VPPAs to identiKy and resolve possible conQicts that
meet the corporate RE demand by 2030. Under may arise, requiring intervention from either
this analysis, the market size of the VPPA model CERC or SEBI, or both.
is estimated for three scenarios to estimate its
4. Register VPPAs under I-REC or REC:
potential contribution to the total RE target in
Globally, VPPAs are registered under I-REC
the country by 2030.
because it allows C&I consumers to utilize
Based on the analysis, it is clear that VPPAs the certiEcate across multiple countries.
can help to drastically increase the uptake of Therefore, in India, allowing VPPA Projects
RE in the Indian market. However, there is a to register either under I-REC or REC
need to build on the regulatory framework in will oOer an advantage to multinational
India, in particular covering topics like Enancial corporations, and tap into the huge
regulations around swap contracts, REC international market demand. However, a
certiEcations and open access approvals, which proper mechanism is vital to ensure that
are explored in depth in this report. the same project does not claim multiple
green certiEcations.
After extensive discussions with stakeholders
including C&I consumers, RE developers, 5. Change REC issuance procedure: There
Power Market Regulators, DISCOMs, and policy is a need Kor CERC to clearly deEne the
makers, the below strategies for uptake of VPPAs framework for the bilateral transaction of
in the Indian market have been put forward. RECs, which could facilitate the transaction
of green attributes under VPPA. Also, for
1. Establish regulatory compliances: It
encouraging VPPA adoption, waivers and
is proposed that the mechanism be brought
concessional charges should be extended to
under the purview of CERC, considering
RE projects coming under VPPA contracts.
that the physical transaction of power under
VPPA will be done on power exchanges. SEBI 6. Utilize existing platforms for VPPA
would put necessary checks and balances for transactions: Physical transactions under
Enancial aspects. Further clarity is needed VPPA could be allowed on power exchange
regarding the framework for approval and and Enancial settlement could happen outside
associated compliances to be followed for the market on an OTC basis.
CERC and SEBI Kor both physical and Enancial
7. Facilitate Open Access approval: Since
transactions under VPPAs.
VPPAs are long-term contracts, they are
2. Develop framework for ease of suited to apply for long-term open access.
adoption: Since VPPAs will be regulated by However, a waiver to transmission charges,
CERC and SEBI, a clear approval/compliance similar to GTAM should be considered as
directive should be framed for the developer heavy transmission charges could make the
and the consumer, aiming at single-window VPPA project economically unviable.
clearance for ease of adoption for C&I
The report also puts forward a stakeholder
responsibility matrix to clarify the role of the

1 CAGR of 4% is based on the conservative assumption that C&I demand will follow the estimated CAGR of power
demand in India as mapped by CEA and TERI in various reports

Executive Summary

Table 1: Suggested actions by key stakeholders to roll-out VPPA in India

Jdx RsYjdgnkcdqr &HloYbsdc(

Oqnonrdc ?bshnm Pdpthqdc ax Jdx
Cdbhrhnm Onvdq
Hmsdqudmshnmr Cdbhrhnm LYjdqr BDPB RDAH Bnmrtldq Cdudknodq ONRNBN H+PDB
LYjdqr DwbgYmfd
Regulatory MoP/ Issue order allowing ! ! ! !
compliances MNRE power derivatives
and operating market along with
framework VPPA and deEne
the entire VPPA
framework along
with required
compliances for both
physical and Enancial
Ease of CERC/ DeEne the procedure ! !
adoption SEBI for reporting, record-
keeping, clearing
of transactions,
allowed margins
on strike price, and
other compliance
Standard PPA MoP/ Prepare the PPA ! ! ! ! !
document CERC document and list
of approvals from
required agencies
and roll it out under
MoP’s standard
guidelines for
Registration MoP/ Allow registration of ! ! ! ! !
mechanism CERC VPPA projects under
for I-REC or REC
REC issuance MoP/ Add provision in ! ! !
procedure CERC draft REC regulation
to issue green
certiEcates directly to
the consumers
Platform for CERC Allow power ! ! ! ! !
transaction exchange to transact
physical power under
VPPA on its platform
through day ahead
Open access MoP/ Projects applying ! ! ! !
approvals and CERC under long-term
waivers OA should be
given a waiver for
transmission charges

Implementation of
Draft GNA regulation

Climate change has been recognized around adoption of RE by the Commercial and Industrial
the world as a pressing issue which needs to (C&I) segment will prove vital as they are
be addressed urgently. The recent report by responsible for half of the total electricity
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change consumption in the country.3
highlighted that even in the best-case scenario
C&I consumers have shown a strong interest in
with immediate climate action being taken
transitioning to RE recently in light of the dual
globally, we are likely to see at least 1.5-degree
beneEts oK savings and sustainability. Currently,
warming in the coming decades. SigniEcant
grid tariOs in India Kor most C&I consumers
eOorts are needed to mitigate this impact by
exceed INR 7.00/kWh while RE prices have
end of the century. Fortunately, many global
dropped precipitously in the last few years.4
initiatives and collaborations have taken on this
RE power has proved highly competitive in the
challenge. The Paris Climate Agreement adopted
current scenario. Furthermore, many large C&I
at COP 21 in 2015 triggered a global change in
consumers have internal green mandates and
how these issues are being addressed.
the transition to RE procurement enables them
India has emerged as a leader in commitment to meet these targets.
to sustainability and has taken progressive
As of June 2021, approximately 18 GW5 of
actions under its Nationally Determined
Corporate RE power purchase agreements
Contributions (NDCs), These were updated
(PPAs) have been signed in India. However, this
recently at the 26th Conference of parties of the
represents only 5 per cent of total C&I demand.6
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
The low penetration could be explained by the
(COP 26) and includes reducing greenhouse gas
limited availability of RE procurement options
emission intensity of the gross domestic product
today. While power sector regulations in the
(GDP) by 33-35 per cent below 2005 levels and
country allow RE procurement through physical
shifting 50 per cent of electric power installed
PPAs (including oOsite, onsite, captive, group
capacity from non-fossil fuel by 2030. India has
captive, and bilateral PPAs), these face a number
further committed to achieve Net Zero by 2070
of policy and implementation challenges on
at COP 26.
the ground. The variation of policies across
The Government of India, as part of its Climate states also creates a signiEcant hurdle Kor C&I
Action Plan, has also emphasized the importance consumers. While a green market also exists, it
of Renewable Energy(RE) for the Indian power is still at a nascent stage. Table 2 highlights the
ecosystem. They had earlier set an ambitious various RE procurement mechanisms available
target of 175 GW of RE by 2022 and recently in India.
revised its 2030 target from 450 to 500 GW.
A Physical PPA, by its nature, requires that real-
In August 2021, India achieved the laudable
time accounting needs to take place between
milestone of 100 GW of RE installation.
generation and consumption of power. As a
Additionally, another 77 GW of installation
consequence of this, its ability to replace total
is under various stages of implementation,
power consumption by a C&I consumer over
ranging from tendering to commissioning,
the period of a year is limited to a maximum of
which indicates India is on track to achieve its
around 30% - 40%, since RE power is only
2030 targets.2 To meet the 2030 targets, the
2 Livemint news (
3 https://awsassets.ww,
4 India Corporate Renewable Brief, Q1 2021, Bridge to India (
6 PPA signed/Total C&I demand = (18 GW*8.76*20%)/(655 TWh) where 20% is the average CUF of RE plant

Chapter 1: Introduction

Table 2: Current RE procurement mechanisms within India

LdbgYmhrl ne PD
R- Mn- Onvdq Oqnbtqdldms Cdymhshnm
1 Onsite Open Access The project is installed within the factory premises. This includes roof-top net
(Long-term PPA) metering and behind-the-meter projects
2 OOsite Open Access These ground-mounted RE projects are located outside the factory premises. There
(Long-term PPA) are various types oK oOsite open access based on project structure –

Captive OOsite PPA - The consumer invests 26% oK the equity and is eligible to use
51% of the generation.7 The consumer does not have to pay any cross-subsidy or
additional surcharges

Group Captive PPA: Multiple consumers tie up with a single Developer and invest
26% of the equity proportionate to their consumption. This is as per the Captive
Rules, 2005. Cross-subsidy surcharge and additional surcharge are not applicable
here as well

Bilateral PPA: The consumer does not invest in the project and has to pay all open
access charges including cross-subsidy surcharge and additional surcharge
3 Power Exchange Power Exchanges with approval from the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(CERC) launched the Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM) in August 2020 and
Green Day Ahead Market (GDAM) in October 2021 where the consumer can procure
green power from power exchange on day-ahead basis. These are short-term power
4 Green TariO Distribution companies (DISCOMs) are oOering green tariO to C&I consumers in
Maharashtra and Karnataka. However, green tariO is premium to normal grid tariO,
adding to overall cost, which has reduced its attractiveness on wider scale
5 Renewable Energy The REC mechanism is a market instrument for promoting renewable energy and
CertiEcate (REC) facilitating compliance with renewable purchasing obligations (RPO). It is especially
useful for obligated entities to meet their RPO in states with limited availability
of RE resources. One REC is equivalent to green attributes from 1 MWh of RE

available for a limited period of time and cannot meet their renewable targets internationally.
replace the 24-hour usage of power by industries. US chemicals giant DuPont signed a VPPA in
Beyond this, most large C&I consumers have a September 2021 with a subsidiary of NextEra
fragmented demand over several geographies Energy Resources for the equivalent of 135 MW
which cannot be consolidated under the current of wind energy in Texas.8 In the same month,
open access (OA) regime, where each state has Lululemon, which is an athletic apparel company
its own regulations and accounting frameworks. in North America signed a 15 MW VPPA with a
It seems evident there are gaps in the market for wind project of Enel Green Power North America
RE procurement by C&I players, which can only to achieve its RE100 target.9
be Elled by innovative models.
VPPA has a strategic advantage over
Globally, virtual power purchase agreements many other procurement instruments
(VPPAs) have emerged as a popular tool including physical PPAs because it is less
for corporate groups to increase the share inherently impacted by changing power
of renewable power in their consumption sector regulations. It also beneEts Krom
signiEcantly in a short period oK time. Large demand aggregation and saves cost when
corporate groups like Microsoft, Google, and compared to other means of meeting RE
Amazon have successfully used this model to procurement like renewable certiEcates.
7 Electricity Rules 2005 (
8 (
9 Windinsider (

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

Annexure I illustrates some of the largest process of power procurement and open more
corporate renewable energy deals under VPPA supply options. Green attributes (or green
within the United States (US) or with US energy certiEcates) have been described in
companies. detail in section 2.3.

This report dives deep into VPPAs and this model’s Another welcome aspect is that this model does
suitability to the Indian market. It outlines the not aOect the existing relationship between the
roadmap and action plan for its adoption by the consumer and the distribution utility. VPPAs
C&I segment in India by focusing on regulatory are therefore, not seen as a threat to the business
readiness, pricing structure, required policy prospects of utilities and are unlikely to face any
changes, and the role of key stakeholders. resistance from DISCOMs.

0-0 VgYs hr Y UOO?: In a VPPA, a strike price is determined

between the generator and consumer. This
Under a VPPA, the generator and consumer price is then compared with real-time prices
enter into a bilateral contract outside the in power exchange where the generator sells
power market, but no physical transaction of the physical power. The diOerence between the
power takes place between them. The generator two prices is settled between the parties. There
continues to sell the power in the power are two main types of structures based on the
exchange as brown power but transfers the Enancial settlement terms between the parties.
green attributes to the energy consumer with
• Two-way VPPA
whom they have signed the VPPA. It stands out
• One-way VPPA
from other existing models for RE procurement
as it is essentially a Enancial instrument. The In a two-way VPPA, if the market price is below
consumer (buyer) is free to source its power the strike price, the consumer compensates the
requirement in best possible manner, which generator Kor the diOerence. IK the market price
may be through a DISCOM, power exchange is higher than the strike price, the diOerence
or bilateral mode, or in captive mode. Green goes from the developer to the consumer. This
attributes, in particular, provide Qexibility to provides a desirable hedge on power price for
C&I consumers by allowing the consumer to both. For instance, if the agreement is signed at
go green without having to change the physical INR 3/kWh but the price during actual trading

Figure 2: VPPA operating mechanism

Payment against electricity consumption

Purchase of Physical Power by

Consumer Consumer DISCOM

Virtual energy
based on
purchase attributes
contracts for
agreement (RECs)

Receives market price (INR/kWh)

Renewable Power Sale of energy generated (as brown Power Exchange

Project power) in the power market

Chapter 1: Introduction

was INR 4/kWh, then the generator needs to their total power demand to a greener source.
compensate the consumer for the INR 1/kWh However, a physical PPA has the inherent
diOerence (outside the market transaction). disadvantage of being unable to replace 100
Similarly, if the power was traded at INR 2/kWh per cent of the power requirement through RE
then the consumer would pay INR 1/kWh to sources. This is linked to a multitude of factors
the generator. This kind of settlement is called like varying load of the consumer, varying
Contracts 2or Di4erence (C2D) or ‘Fixed- generation pattern of RE, capping of open access
for-Floating Swap’. Such transactions to the sanctioned load, etc. Further, physical
are particularly appealing to corporate PPAs are unviable for projects below 5 MW due
entities because it allows them to plan for to economies of scale, therefore a large section
electricity expenditures even in a highly volatile of C&I consumers with lower average loads or
energy market. fragmented demand across geographies, have
no viable solution currently. VPPAs open up RE
However, in a one-way VPPA, only the
procurement to new segments of the market that
consumer is liable to compensate the developer
are currently excluded. Table 3 lists some of the
if the market price is below the strike price. The
key issues that VPPAs can resolve.
two-way VPPA is the most prevalent model
practiced globally. Figure 2 highlights the The role of VPPAs can extend beyond
operating mechanism of a VPPA as mentioned resolving issues of RE procurement of C&I
above. consumers in the Indian market. They oOer
an exciting opportunity to tap the demand of
0-1 HlonqsYmbd ne UOO? sn HmchY the international market Kor green certiEcates.
International companies operating in India could
In 2019-20, C&I consumers constituted 51 per meet their green certiEcation requirement across
cent, or ~660 BU, of the total power demand other geographies once VPPAs are initiated in
in the country.10 This is expected to grow at a the country. Currently, the global I-REC market
CAGR of 4 per cent11 with an estimated demand is around 2000 GWh. Allowing VPPAs under
of 977 BU by the C&I segment in 2030. I-REC would further contribute to the GOI’s
target of 500 GW renewables by 2030.
Today C&I consumers are primarily meeting
their green power requirement through physical Annexure 2 and Annexure 3 illustrate
RE PPAs under the Open Access regime. This operating frameworks of VPPA in various
procurement route allows corporates with loads countries across the globe along with a few case
above 1 MW to shift around 30 to 40 per cent of studies of VPPA implemented internationally.

10 MoSPI – Energy Statistics Report 2021 (,les/reports_and_publication/ES/Energy

Statistics India 20211.pdf)
11 CAGR of 4% is based on the conservative assumption that C&I demand will follow the estimated CAGR of power
demand in India as mapped by CEA and TERI in various reports

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

Table 3: C&I RE procurement gaps/challenges that can be resolved by VPPAs

Dkdldmsr Hrrtdr. FYor RsYjdgnkcdq ?cuYmsYfdr ne UOO?r
Demand C&I consumers with demand less than Consumers Aggregates demand of multiple
1 MW currently have no option of RE users across diOerent geographies
procurement – except through green under one contract since there are
tariOs in the two states oK Maharashtra no consumer obligations Kor oO
and Karnataka where the consumers taking power under VPPAs
have to pay an additional premium of
66 paise/kWh12 and 50 paise/kWh13
respectively for procuring green energy
from DISCOMs
C&I consumers with ofces/plants Consumers
across diOerent locations are required to
sign multiple PPAs
Regulations Challenges in meeting compliance of OA Consumers/ Since the power is not being oO
(OA) regulations across States Developers taken by the consumer but rather
transacted in power exchange, the
Uncertainty in OA charges makes Consumers
consumer is not impacted by OA
existing PPAs unviable
regulation and charges.
Resistance from DISCOMs in getting OA Consumers/ Since the consumer continues to
approvals for shifting to a third-party DISCOMs procure power from the distribution
source utility, VPPAs are not seen as a
threat to the utility business and will
face no resistance
Regulations Corporates are required to establish that Consumers VPPAs are unique because they
(REC) they are adding new renewable energy to allow the consumer to assign the
the grid under their sustainability goals, certiEcate to a particular project.
but current RECs do not assign back to Therefore, it eliminates the
any particular project making it difcult possibility of multiple trading of
for corporates to prove additionality RECs and establishes the addition
of new clean energy projects in an
undisputable manner
Regulation Energy settlement is done on 15 minutes Consumers/ The consumer procures the
basis and issuance of a credit note for DISCOMs green certiEcate directly thereby
green power consumed eliminating the energy settlement
process for the consumer and
DISCOM. In VPPA, the accounting
will be done at the exchange and
associated price variation will be
Financial Merchant14 RE plants Kace difculty Developers VPPA will provide a Erm revenue
in funding due to uncertainty in the stream to the project developer
revenue stream Kor 10-15 years. Such Enancial
support facilitates the development
and construction Enancing Kor the
No savings to C&I consumers in case of Consumers RECs necessarily incur a cost for
purchase of REC the consumer whereas VPPAs with
prudently agreed ‘strike prices’ allow
potential cash gain to the consumer.

12 MSEDCL Commercial Circular (

13 KERC, Tarif Order 2021 – Page 216 ( Order 2021/Orders/BESCOM -
14 Power plants which sells power on power exchange under short-term route

© Jason Houston

Copyright Credit © Copyright owner / WWF-

VPPAs are unique power transaction tools which
involve physical trade, Enancial accounting, and
1-0 Oqhbhmf Rsqtbstqd
transfer of green energy credits simultaneously VPPAs may have varying pricing structures.
between a generator and a consumer. To prepare While Exed price structure is the most practiced
a structured and eOective virtual power purchase contract type, some corporate buyers prefer
agreement, it is imperative to deEne the Kollowing alternative pricing structures that are closely
three key elements in detail: – customized for their needs. The World Business
1. Pricing structure Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
2. Settlement mechanism, and in a recent report15 has captured the following
3. Issuance oK Green CertiEcate ten types of pricing structures used in VPPA
transactions across the globe (Table 4).
Table 4: Types of VPPA Pricing Structures Implemented internationally
Rsqhjd Oqhbd
Oqhbhmf Phrjr Ymc Nsgdq
R- Mn- &ywdc nq NodqYshmf EqYldvnqj Admdysr
Rsqtbstqd OnsdmshYk Cnvmrhcdr
1. Fixed price Fixed Fixed electricity price Straightforward structure Results in higher
PPA contract between starting prices,
generator and consumer Easy to budget which can
(with no impact of discourage some
EOective inQation hedge
inQation) Kor the duration buyers
for buyer
of the PPA contract
Better cash inQow Kor
the seller in the Erst Kew
years since strike price is
high (to compensate for
the expected inQation in
2. Fixed Fixed Contract between Consistent with Lower initial cash
price with generator and consumer conventional energy Qow to seller iK
escalation on a strike price that budgets that typically escalator is positive.
escalates (or de-escalates) change year-to-year
for the duration of the If an index is used,
PPA. The escalation could Higher ability to shape transparency and
be: transaction costs to meet permanence of
buyer & seller needs than index can be a risk
In nominal terms simple Exed price factor
(without inQation)
Typically, the escalator
In real terms with is positive, allowing the
inQation indexation on buyer to have a lower
top initial PPA price, showing
cash Qow savings earlier.
A simple Exed percentage Such early savings may
increase per year be needed for transaction
approval for certain buyers
The strike price can
be sculpted to match
wholesale price
expectations in the future

15 WBSCD Report: Pricing structures for corporate renewable PPAs (


Chapter 2: Features of VPPAs

Rsqhjd Oqhbd
Oqhbhmf Phrjr Ymc Nsgdq
R- Mn- &ywdc nq NodqYshmf EqYldvnqj Admdysr
Rsqtbstqd OnsdmshYk Cnvmrhcdr
3. Fixed Fixed Contract between Assures that PPA costs Transparency and
price with generator and consumer rise with general costs in permanence of
inQation on a strike price that national market index can be risk
indexation increases annually as factors
a result oK inQation, Reduces the risk for the
typically measured by buyer by keeping PPA Constant tracking
changes in a consumer prices approximately in of index required
price index (CPI) or line with prevailing annual especially in a
similar publicly produced inQation high-inQation
inQationary index environment
Allows lower starting price
(than simple Exed price),
which can be necessary for
some buyers
4. Discount to Floating The buyer secures a Floor price provides SigniEcantly less
market price (dependent discount to market (Exed guaranteed income to the secure than Exed-
with Qoor on market percentage or amount) seller in case the market price arrangements
price) over the duration of the price goes too low
Buyer gets the beneEt oK
In exchange, the buyer discount over market price
provides the power
producer with a Qoor
price, guaranteeing a
minimum price for plant
production that provides
bankability to the project
5. Discount to Floating The buyer secures a Floor price provides SigniEcantly less
market price (dependent discount to market (Exed guaranteed income to the secure than Exed-
with Qoor on market percentage or amount) seller in case the market price arrangements
and ceiling price) throughout the PPA price goes too low
Discount aOects
In exchange, the buyer Buyer gets the beneEt oK placement of ceiling
provides the power discount over market price versus Qoor; same
producer with a Qoor product could have
price, guaranteeing a Added beneEt to the buyer no discount and
minimum price for plant of a price cap diOerently placed
production that provides ceiling and Qoor
bankability to the project

There is also a ceiling

price that protects the
buyer from price spikes
6. Market price Floating The buyer does not get Seller gets the beneEt No discount to the
with Qoor (dependent any discount on the of selling at wholesale buyer
and ceiling on market market price market price and is
price) secured by the Qoor price SigniEcantly less
Strike price Qoats with secure than Exed-
the market within certain Buyer is secured by the price arrangements
boundaries – Qoor and cap price
ceiling price
No CKD within the Qoor
There is no VPPA and ceiling makes the
settlement (no CfD) settlement process easier
provided if the market
price is within the band
i.e., above the Qoor and
below the ceiling price

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

Rsqhjd Oqhbd
Oqhbhmf Phrjr Ymc Nsgdq
R- Mn- &ywdc nq NodqYshmf EqYldvnqj Admdysr
Rsqtbstqd OnsdmshYk Cnvmrhcdr
7. Reverse Fixed CfD payment is Fixed strike price deal Greater risk
Collar constrained within collar between buyer and seller involved since CfD
within a Qoor and ceiling settlement will be
The CfD paid by the within the collar
buyer is the settlement of Floor gives protection only
market price less the PPA to buyer if price drops
strike price, provided the beyond Qoor (buyer need
market price is within the not pay the CfD to the
band i.e., above the Qoor seller)
and below the ceiling
price Ceiling gives power
producer upside from
power spikes (need not
settle with buyer in such
8. Hybrid - % Hybrid A Exed percentage oK The structure allows seller Less secure than
of output (Fixed and the output (e.g., 70%) is to get attractive Enancing long-term Exed-
Floating) contracted at a Exed price from lending agency price arrangements
as there is lower
The remaining percentage visibility over
of the output (e.g., 30%) revenue Accounting
is contracted at a Qoating complexity
price with a discount to

9. Hybrid – Hybrid A Exed price Kor a number The structure allows seller Less secure than
over time (Fixed and of years (e.g., 6 years), to get attractive Enancing long-term Exed-
Floating) could be followed by from lending agency price arrangements
a Qoating price with a as there is lower
ceiling and Qoor (e.g., 6 visibility over
years) revenue

10. Clawback Hybrid Fixed strike price until The Exed strike price gives Complex
(Fixed and wholesale price is higher some level of certainty
Floating) than the Exed strike price on the revenue (until Accounting may be
(giving buyer the beneEt wholesale price is high) a challenge
of CfD) as compared to entire
Not all power
Qoating strike price
Floating price when the producers may be
wholesale price falls familiar with the
below the Exed strike structure and larger
price. In such case, the power producers
market price becomes the will generally
strike price i.e. no CfD be more open to
payment is done from the bespoke structures
buyer to the producer

Subsequent upward
price movements go to
the power producer until
the power producer has
clawed back the amount
gained by the buyer
(relative to the PPA price)

Chapter 2: Features of VPPAs

1-1 Rdsskdldms ldbgYmhrl 3. National RECS-CertiEcates in countries

with their own national or regional crediting
There are two crucial elements in the settlement systems (e.g. Australia, South Africa)
mechanism Kor a VPPA. The Erst is real-time
Enancial accounting, carried out as per the 4. REC in India
pricing interval in the market. The second is the Additionally, not-to-proEt organizations also
Krequency oK submission oK the Enancial reports issue international RECs. These RECs are
accounting for these real-time transactions and contingent on rules, regulations, and best
is typically a month or a quarter. practices that must be used by all attribute
The output is sold on a pay-as-produced basis; tracking systems. International RECs are
therefore the real-time settlement is done on a recognized by large corporates to meet their
pricing interval of 15 minutes, hourly, or even renewable purchase obligations. Today most of
daily basis. It is generally a good practice to the VPPAs, globally, are issued by I-REC/
follow the country’s existing price declaration TIGR.
intervals for this. In cases where the pricing Within India, Green CertiEcate Company (GCC)
interval agreed is not at the smallest time unit is authorized to issue I-REC certiEcation to
at which published market prices are available, the projects. Around 2500 MW of RE projects
the complexity of computation increases are already registered under I-REC. These RE
signiEcantly. This is because the average oK the projects range across all technologies from solar
market-determined price would then need to be and wind to hydro and biomass. Statkraft was the
calculated for the agreed pricing interval. Erst agency to register its hydro project (Malana)
VPPAs are unique in that they are highly under the I-REC standard.
customized, untraded contracts tied to physical The next chapter illustrates the potential of
development, unlike the other complex VPPAs in India based on the Endings Krom our
hedged Enancial instruments which involve primary and secondary research and in light of
trading in the derivatives market. Globally, certain assumptions.
VPPA is considered a swap instrument and
triggers ‘mark-to-market’ accounting.16
Commodities Acts of various countries impose
reporting, record-keeping, clearing, margining,
and other compliance obligations on these
transactions. The details are discussed in the
section on International Case Study.

1-2 HrrtYmbd ne Fqddm BdqshybYsd

The issuance of RECs is an essential component
of these contracts. Therefore, it is of fundamental
importance that RECs are properly certiEed by
a recognized body to maintain their legitimacy.
DiOerent countries have their own REC
certiEcations such as:

1. Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) within Europe

2. North American Renewable Energy

CertiEcates (RECs) Kor active companies in
North America

16 Market-to-Market accounting values an asset to its current market level. It shows how much a company would
receive if it sold the asset today. For that reason, it’s also called fair value accounting or market value accounting.

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India


Institutionalization of VPPA will open an entirely for three scenarios (mentioned in Table 6) to
new arena for C&I consumers to meet their understand its contribution to the total RE target
demand for green power. It will aptly complement in the country by 2030. The DISCOM load for the
the existing RE procurement tools and help C&I C&I segment currently has been taken as a base
consumers to precure 100 per cent RE. for assessing the VPPA potential. This is assumed
because VPPA consumers would continue to
To estimate the potential of VPPA in India in
procure physical power from the utility.
a realistic manner, it is assumed that other
innovativetoolsforrenewablepowerprocurement In addition to C&I customers who will enter into
will also be available. These procurement models VPPAs, RE projects registered under I-REC in
and their features are mentioned in Table 5. India would also contribute to the total quantum
of VPPA.
The market size of the VPPA model is estimated

Table 5: RE procurement tools likely to be utilized by C&I customers in future

Mn- PD Oqnbtqdldms Snnkr Admdysr B%H Rdfldms TrYfd
1. Physical PPA – Captive/ Assures savings that yield Most common procurement tool that could be
Third Party/ Rooftop direct beneEt during the used by the C&I segment. Approximately 40% of
Solar lock-in period the total C&I demand could be met using this tool

2. Green TariO Meets sustainability goals Mainly useful for C&I consumers with smaller
and keeps a safety net- loads but who prioritize going green
load on grid by larger C&I
consumers Larger C&I consumers may also use this for
maintaining a limited safety load on grid for back
up support

3. Direct REC Purchase Meets RPO of obligated Mainly for renewable power obligated entities
C&I entities like captive (like thermal captive power plants) as per the
power plant users RPO guideline of the Government of India

4. Virtual PPA Makes 100% RE a viable All power that cannot be met through physical
solution for corporates PPA will be signed under VPPAs

Table 6: Projected Scenarios estimating VPPA potential in India

RbdmYqhnr Cdymhshnm
Scenario I: Only large consumers, who have signed on for sustainability goals would adopt VPPA. Global
Conservative I-REC demand captured by India will be limited17

Scenario II: The majority of large and medium-sized C&I customers would also adopt VPPA to meet
Realistic sustainability goals and save on energy costs. Global I-REC demand captured by India will be
relatively higher than Scenario I
Scenario III: Scenario II would be further complemented by the adoption of VPPA by small and fragmented
Optimistic industries to meet sustainability goals and save on energy costs. India will provide a signiEcant
market share for global I-REC demand

Based on this, the potential of VPPA (in GW) in India by 2030 has been estimated as:

VPPA signed by C&I consumers (GW) + RE projects

registered under I-REC by 2030 (GW)

The detailed methodology and assumptions to estimate the VPPA potential are mentioned in
Annexure 4
17 It assumes global I-REC demand met by VPPA projects in India

Chapter 3: Potential of VPPAs in India

Part I: C&I customers entering into Assuming that C&I customers would sign the
VPPA by 2030 VPPA with wind-solar hybrid (operating at an
average Plant Load Factor of 50 per cent18),
Based on the assumed share of C&I customers
the total VPPA demand in 2030 is expected to
signing VPPA, it is estimated that under
rise to 19 GW in Scenario I, 62 GW in Scenario
Scenario I, the VPPA demand from C&I
II, and 92 GW in Scenario III. The Endings
customers in 2030 would reach 85 BUs, while
from the three scenarios are represented in
in Scenario III, it would go as high as 402 BUs.
Figure 3.

Figure 3: VPPA Demand scenarios in 2030 from C&I customers procuring power from Discoms

In BUs In GW

402 92
271 62
85 19

Estimated C&I VPPA Demand in 2030 (BUs) Estimated C&I VPPA Demand in 2030 (GW)

Conservative Scenario Realistic Scenario Conservative Scenario Realistic Scenario

Optimistic Scenario Optimistic Scenario

18 Assumption that C&I would sign VPPA with solar-wind hybrid plants is based on the fact that hybrid
plants are the technologically more advanced version and more economically feasible when compared
to individual solar or wind plants. A hybrid plant is designed to ensure optimal utilization of transmission
network. Hence under this model, individual solar and wind capacities are combined, and energy
accounting is done in parallel to ensure that maximum electricity can be provided to the consumer against
the contracted capacity when compared to stand alone wind or solar power plants. For instance, if a
consumer is signing 10 MW hybrid PPA, the developer may set 8 MW solar power plant and 10 MW wind
power plant to inject maximum power at a given point in time against the contracted capacity of 10 MW.
This is to reduce the risk o4 low and in,rm generation associated with solar and wind. This model can also
be taken as a representation for standalone wind and solar, as similar quantum of solar and wind will be
needed to be installed if a plain vanilla case is taken. Further, for VPPA, if the solar developer is applying
4or long term open access (LTOA) at a PLF o4 ~18% then the LTOA charges would be as high as INR 2.5/
kWh to INR 3/kWh. However, 4or a hybrid plant (having average PLF o4 >50%), the LTOA charges would
come down to INR 1/kWh to INR 1.5/kWh with the simple fact that cost of transmission will be spread
across higher generating units. During stakeholder consultation, developers second the view.

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

Part II: RE projects registered under existing mechanisms and Ell in the gaps in the
I-REC by 2030 market today.

Indian RE projects registered under I-REC would Figure 5: VPPA demand scenarios for 2030
also contribute to VPPA demand as these projects
Meets 27% of the
would be capable of issuing green attributes. It is balance target
estimated that under scenario I, VPPA demand
Meets 17% of the
from I-REC projects would be 2.8 GW, 7.2 GW in balance target
scenario II, and 12.9 GW in scenario III.
Meet 6% of the
Figure 4 illustrates the quantum of I-REC balance target 104
projects in India by 2030 for the three scenarios.” 69
Figure 4: VPPA demand scenarios in 2030 from Indian 22
RE projects registered under I-REC Estimated VPPA demand in 2030 (GW)
Conservative Scenario Realistic Scenario
Optimistic Scenario

2-0 Onvdq lYqjds qdYchmdrr enq UOO?

2.88 Transactions on the power exchange have grown
steadily in the last few years. In 2018-19, electricity
I-REC Projects in India in 2030 (GW)
transacted through Indian Energy Exchange
Conservative Scenario Realistic Scenario (IEX) and Power Exchange India Limited (PXIL)
Optimistic Scenario amounted to 53.5 BU. This increased to 56.4 BU in
Total VPPA Demand = C&I customers 2019-2020 which accounted for ~5 per cent of the
entering into VPPA + RE Projects total consumption in the country. As DISCOMs
registered under I-REC move away from long-term PPAs and the power
market evolves with the introduction of new
Figure 5 illustrates the total VPPA demand elements like GTAM, RTM, ancillary markets,
estimated for 2030, viz sum of VPPA demand and derivative contracts21, the share of power
from C&I customers procuring from DISCOMs exchange in the overall consumption is expected
and VPPA demand from I-REC projects in to increase substantially. The recent resolution
India. From the analysis, it is estimated that for of jurisdiction issued between Securities and
meeting the balance 395 GW RE target19, out of Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and CERC has
the total target of 500 GW, by 2030, VPPAs could also opened up opportunities for the introduction
contribute a share of 27% in Scenario III, and 6% of longer duration delivery-based contracts on
of the target under Scenario I. The other modes of the power exchanges. This will further take the
procurement of RE power such as physical PPAs power market from the present level of ~5% of
with RE developers, green tariOs, etc. would the volume to the targeted volume of 25 per cent
continue to co-exist and contribute a larger share by 2024-25.22
for procuring green power in India. However,
VPPAs have the potential to supplement these
19 As announced in COP 26, the new target 4or India is to raise its RE capacity to 500 GW by 2030. As on January
2022, the cumulative RE installed capacity is 105 GW (Source: MNRE,
progress). Thus, a balance of 395 GW RE capacity is remaining to be met by 2030.
20 CERC: Short Term Power Market Report ( Report 2019-20.
21 Derivative Contract is an electricity contract transacted in the OTC markets or Exchanges and that derives its
value from an underlying asset in electricity (e.g. day ahead electricity contract or other spot market contract or
other reference index)
22 Business Standard News Article (

Chapter 3: Potential of VPPAs in India

To accommodate the growing demand on power 1. Energy accounting of the power transacted in
exchanges in the future, the Power Market exchange
Regulation 2021 has proposed the introduction
2. Financial regulation of the swap contract
of a market coupling agency that would be
between developer and consumer
responsible for collecting bids from all power
exchanges, matching them, and discovering a 3. REC certiEcation
uniform market-clearing price for the day-ahead
market or real-time market after taking all the 4. Open access approval for power transaction
bids into account. Further, to operationalize
Currently, there is an adequate regulatory
VPPA/derivatives market, the Regulation
framework to cover energy accounting for
also introduced ‘Over-the-Counter (OTC)’23
transactions on the power exchange. CERC in
transactions, which would be carried out on the
2000 issued Availability-Based TariO regulation
OTC Market. As per the Regulation, the price,
(ABT) to deEne the energy accounting and
and other terms of a contract in the OTC Market,
scheduling procedure in which 15-minute
would be determined either through mutual
scheduling, metering, accounting, and settlement
agreement between the buyer and the seller
system was introduced. Power exchanges, which
directly, through a trading licensee, a competitive
initially operated on an hourly market also
bidding process, or as determined by CERC.
migrated to sub-hourly (15-minute) market
To accommodate the increasing short-term with bidding for every 15-minute time block.
power demand and allow more competition The CERC has recently proposed for 5-minute
across the power exchanges, CERC has also accounting in the future for improved ancillary
approved a third power exchange, Pranurja services.25
Solutions Ltd.24
While the framework for energy accounting
It is expected that once these mechanisms come is in place, a clear pathway is required to
into play, the power exchange would have higher set the regulatory regime for the remaining
liquidity which will help in discovering more three elements mentioned above – Enancial
robust prices, leading to a better derivatives accounting, issuance of REC, and open access
market. approvals.

2-1 Btqqdms PdftkYsnqx Oqnuhrhnmr hm HmchY

Financial regulations of swap contracts

Various case studies have concluded globally that

There are four key elements in a VPPA VPPAs are non-tradable Enancial instruments or
transaction. These are: swap contracts that are governed by laws of the
derivatives market.
23 Over the Counter (OTC) Contracts means the contracts transacted outside the power exchanges.
24 Economic Times News Article (
25 Sub-Group Report on Introduction of Five-Minute Scheduling, Metering, Accounting and Settlement in Indian
Electricity Market (

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

Table 7: Comparison between VPPAs and various transaction types deEned by MOP instituted Committee
PdftkYsnqx itqhrchbshnm
?ssqhatsd rgYqdc vhsg
Mn- SqYmrYbshnm Sxod Yr hcdmshydc ax sgd
1. The contracts are settled only by physical delivery without CERC Yes (for the physical
netting transaction on
power exchange)
2. The rights and liabilities of parties to the contracts are not CERC Yes (for the physical
transferable transaction on
power exchange)
3. No such contract is performed either wholly or in part by any CERC Yes (for the physical
means whatsoever, as a result of which the actual delivery of transaction on
electricity covered by the contract or payment of the full price power exchange)
therefor is dispensed with
4. No circular trading shall be allowed and the rights and CERC Yes, VPPAs are
liabilities oK parties to the speciEc delivery contracts shall not be non-transferable
transferred or rolled over by any other means whatsoever
5. The trading shall be done only by authorized grid-connected CERC Yes
entities or trading licensees on behalf of grid-connected entities,
as participants
6. The contracts can be annulled or curtailed, without any transfer CERC Yes
of positions, due to constraints in the transmission system or
any other technical reasons as per the principles laid down by
CERC in this regard. However, once annulled, the same contract
cannot be reopened or renewed in any manner to carry forward
the same transaction
7. All information or returns relating to the trade, as and when CERC Yes
asked for, shall be provided to CERC, who shall monitor
the performance of the contracts entered into on the power
8. Commodity derivative in electricity, other than Non- SEBI Yes
TransKerable SpeciEc Delivery

In India, the concept of power derivatives in electricity, other than NTSD Contracts as
has been under discussion between CERC deEned in Securities Contract (Regulation) Act
and SEBI since a long time. To resolve (SCRA) would fall under the regulatory purview
the issue, the Ministry of Power (MoP) oK SEBI. The regulatory jurisdiction identiEed by
constituted a committee on “Efcient the Committee for various transaction types has
Regulation of Electricity Derivatives” been mentioned in Table 7. The Table shows
to examine the technical, operational, and that these transaction types (recommended by
legal framework of derivatives. In 2019, the the Committee) have many attributes in common
Committee submitted its Report and decided with VPPAs.
that all Ready Delivery Contracts(RDC)26 and
Non-TransKerable SpeciEc Delivery (NTSD)27 On 7th October 2021, the Supreme Court gave
on the power exchanges would be regulated by a go-ahead to this suggested arrangement,
CERC. At the same time, commodity derivatives opening up the market for power derivatives

26 Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956 Regulation 10 (ea.): “ready delivery contract” means a contract
which provides for the delivery of goods and the payment of a price therefor, either immediately, or within such
period not exceeding eleven days after the date of the contract and subject to such conditions as the Central
Government may specify. (
27 Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956 Regulation 8 (ca.): “non-trans(erable specifc delivery contract”
means a speci,c delivery contract, the rights, or liabilities under which or under any delivery order, railway
receipt, bill of lading, warehouse receipt or any other documents of title relating thereto are not transferable.

Chapter 3: Potential of VPPAs in India

in India. As per the Supreme Court Order and VPPAs) are also in the conceptualization stage –
mutual agreement between SEBI and CERC, like Market Based Economic Dispatch (MBED).
CERC will now regulate all the physical delivery
In June 2020, MoP issued the concept note on
based Korward contracts whereas the Enancial
MBED and had proposed launching a pilot in
derivatives will be regulated by SEBI.28
April 2022. The goal of MBED is to optimize
However, concerning VPPA, the following dispatch at the national level, overall cost
questions remain unanswered – savings, and maximize the utilization oK Qexible
generation available in the system. Key features
1. How will SEBI and CERC jointly monitor this
of the MBED concept note are highlighted in
instrument in light of the fact that physical
Annexure 5.
transaction of power needs to be monitored
by CERC and Enancial settlement by SEBI? MBED is being designed under the regulatory
jurisdiction of CERC as it more of a physical
2. In case conQicts arise due to physical or
transaction where the decided contract price is
Enancial transactions oK power; how will
Enally used, and only the dispatch is through
arbitration be done keeping in view the
power exchanges. It operates on the principle
jurisdiction oK both SEBI and CERC?
of Bilateral Contract Settlement (BCS) – similar
This report seeks to address these lingering areas to CFD, which is a hedging arrangement of
of doubt and set forth recommendations that will reKunding/collecting the diOerence between the
clarify and simplify VPPAs in India. market-clearing price and the contracted price
of the PPA. Such an arrangement safeguards the
The power derivatives market is expected to be generator and the consumer from variation in
launched in 2022, but regulatory clarity still the MCP.
remains to be developed for VPPA transactions.
This report attempts to address these regulatory The underlying mechanism of CFDs in VPPAs
gaps and put forward suggestions that will is quite similar to the concept of BCS in MBED.
facilitate the smooth implementation of VPPAs However, it is important to note that there
in India. are some crucial diOerences between the two
mechanisms. How these two compare with each
A few other market instruments that have a other in highlighted in Table 8.
similar underlying mechanism of CFDs (as in
Table 8: Market Based Economic Dispatch (MBED) Vs VPPA
Currently, RE developers
NTPC generating plants
OYqshbhoYmsr C&I consumers
DISCOMs having long-term PPAs with
NTPC plants
MBED involves the direct sale of In VPPA, the physical delivery of the power between
electricity between the generating plant two entities (developer and the consumer) entering into
RYkd ne onvdq and the DISCOM having PPA with this framework does not exist. Only green attributes are
generating plant traded between them
NodqYshmf CfD (BCS) CfD

Power by the generator is sold on the Physical power by the developer is sold on the exchange
exchange and DISCOM purchases the and the oO-taker purchases the power at MCP
NodqYshmf power at MCP
ldbgYmhrl CKD Kramework is used Kor balancing the diOerence
BCS Kramework balances the diOerence between strike price (at which VPPA is signed for green
between variable cost (of the PPA) attributes) and the MCP
and market-clearing price. Fixed cost
settlement happens outside the market

28 PIB notice: CERC and SEBI Jurisdiction (

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

REC CertiOcation RECs is not available as an option for one-one

In 2010, CERC introduced Renewable Energy arrangements between a consumer and dedicated
CertiEcate (REC)29, a market-based instrument RE supplier. This mandatory requirement of
to trade green power. Once a developer registers procuring RECs through power exchange puts
the project under REC regulation, they receive signiEcant additional burden on the corporate
RECs for the actual units generated which can RE consumer due to the following implications
be further traded in power exchange. However, • Increased transaction costs (due to GST being
one of the downsides is that these RECs cannot levied on RECs)
be assigned back to their original project.
• Exposure to irregular market supply of RECs
The price of REC is determined by the market, but • Risk of sudden price escalation in instances
to safeguard the interest of various stakeholders, when the REC supply falls below the demand
CERC introduced Korbearance (ceiling) and Qoor Allowing corporate RE consumers to procure
prices, which were determined periodically. CERC RECs through bilateral transactions in instances
had also formulated procedures for accreditation, of one-to-one arrangements between a consumer
registration, issuance, and redemption of RECs. and a dedicated RE project developer would be
However, the REC mechanism has now been beneEcial. It would not only make it easier Kor the
redesigned by the Ministry of Power (approved consumers to claim the source and track RECs
on September 29, 2021).30 Some of the major but also provide certainty to the supplier in cases
changes include: on long term PPAs, which will make it easier for
• Validity of REC would be perpetual i.e., till it them to secure funding for RE projects.
is sold While traders and bilateral transactions have
• Traders and bilateral transactions of RECs been allowed for in the latest amendment, there is
have now been allowed a need Kor CERC to clearly deEne the Kramework
• RECs can be issued to obligated entities for bilateral transaction of RECs while issuing
(including DISCOMs and open access the Enal REC regulation keeping in mind the
consumers) beyond their RPO compliance. pre-requisites of VPPAs and the challenges being
This will help them in meeting their internal faced currently.
targets for going green and procuring RE
Open Access Approval

It should be kept in mind that RECs issued in While VPPAs are long-term Enancial contracts
VPPAs have the following two requisites: with the consumer, the generator sells the
physical power in the merchant market. This
1. They must be issued directly to the consumer
raises questions about whether approval of OA
with whom VPPA has been signed.
should be considered long-term or short-term.
2. They must be linked back to the original There are challenges in either model, which
project as corporate consumers will need needs to be taken into account. If the project is
to declare the additional renewable power registered under long-term open access, then the
installation which occurred owing to their generator will be liable to pay long-term charges
power demand. which could make the project unviable. In the
case of the short-term market, there will be an
In the current scenario, all RECs in the Indian imminent risk of curtailment which will impact
market are traded through the power exchanges. both generator and consumer in fructifying the
However, the CERC does allow bilateral retention signed contract. Therefore, a clear directive
of RECs for compliance of renewable purchase should be designed for open access approval for
obligation by Captive Generating Plants (CGP).31 VPPA projects to deal with these challenges.
Other than CGP, bilateral procurement of

29 CERC (Terms and Conditions 4or Recognition and Issuance o4 Renewable Energy Certi,cates 4or Renewable
energy Generation) Regulations, 2010 (henceforth REC Regulations) on January 14, 2010
30 REC redesigning notice (

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WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India


The current regulatory provisions, as discussed the framework for approval and associated
in Section 4.2, propose an action plan that compliances to be followed for CERC and SEBI
covers interventions required at various levels Kor both physical and Enancial transactions
of decision making to institutionalize VPPAs in under VPPAs.
a structured manner. This action plan highlights
2. Mechanism to encourage ease of
the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders
adoption: Since VPPAs will be regulated
across the entire value chain of VPPA.
by both CERC and SEBI, a clear approval/

3-0 PdbnlldmcYshnmr enq onkhbx lYjdqr Ymc compliance directive should be framed for both
the developer and the consumer, aiming at
qdftkYsnqr single-window clearance for ease of adoption
for C&I consumers.
Comprehensive consultations were held with
key stakeholders such as CERC, IEX, DISCOM, 3. Preparation of a standard PPA
developers, consumers, and international experts. document: A standard PPA, which will
The concept of VPPA and the approaches taken in serve as a guiding document to all the entities
the international marketplace were discussed in entering into a VPPA, should be prepared to
detail and the suggestions of these stakeholders cover all the risks aOecting power and Enancial
were consolidated. From these sessions, the transactions. The intent of preparing a standard
Kollowing suggestions Kor the eOective roll-out oK PPA is to identiKy and resolve possible conQicts
VPPA model have emerged: that may arise, requiring intervention from
either CERC or SEBI, or both. Some potential
1. Establishing regulatory compliances: instances could be cases where the developer
Establishing regulations regarding VPPAs does not sell power on the exchange but
poses a unique challenge because of it involves claims to provide the green attributes to the
both physical and Enancial transactions oK consumer; or instances where the consumer
power. Further, the Enancial transaction does not gain the green attributes despite the
under VPPA is a non-tradable OTC contract, signed VPPA. DeEning the clauses beKorehand
unlike other advanced instruments of the would streamline the involvement of both the
derivative market (like forward and futures) regulators. Some of the key points that the PPA
where the contracts are traded multiple times. should include relate to settlement period,
Since the actual transaction is happening in settlement mechanism, events of default,
power exchange, it will be prudent to bring obligation oK parties, Enancial accounting,
the entire mechanism under the purview of and associated compliance documents. The
CERC. However, to monitor the Enancial standard PPA document will only act as
transactions which happen outside the market, a model document, allowing fexibility
SEBI must put necessary checks and balances. to the developer and the consumer
for deciding the pricing structure and
The Supreme Court has recently resolved tenure of the contract.
the long-pending jurisdictional issue related
to power markets between CERC and SEBI. 4. Allowing VPPAs to register either
CERC will now regulate all the physical under I-REC or REC: Globally, VPPAs
delivery-based forward contracts whereas are registered under I-REC because it allows
the Enancial derivatives will be regulated by C&I consumers to utilize the certiEcate across
SEBI. The Ministry of Power has accordingly multiple countries. Therefore, in India,
issued an order on 07.10.2020 to this eOect.32 allowing VPPA projects to register either
For VPPAs, further clarity is needed regarding under I-REC or REC will oOer an advantage to

32 The Economic Times News Article (


Chapter 4: Action Plan for the Indian market

multinational corporations, and tap into the may defer the adoption of VPPA amongst RE
huge international market demand. However, projects. For encouraging VPPA adoption,
a proper mechanism is vital to ensure that waivers and concessional charges should be
the same project does not claim multiple extended to such contracts.
green certiEcations. Indian entities with
6. Utilizing existing platforms for VPPA
Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) may
transaction: Physical transactions under
also be provided with the Qexibility to opt Kor
VPPA could be allowed on power exchange
CERC deEned REC certiEcates. Accordingly, a
and Enancial settlement could happen
generator could set up a VPPA project under
outside the market on an OTC basis. The
REC mechanism.
CERC has already notiEed the draKt guidelines
5. Changing REC issuance procedure: Kor registration and Eling application Kor
Until now, REC certiEcates were issued establishing and operating OTC platform, in
to the developer and were further traded February 202
in the power exchange (except in the case
of captive generating plants who could 7. Facilitating Open Access approval:
retain their RECs). With the redesigned VPPAs are long-term contracts even though
REC mechanism approved by the Ministry the physical power is sold on the power
of Power in September 2021, traders and exchange. Therefore, it should be allowed to
bilateral transactions in REC mechanism apply for long-term open access. MoP has
have been allowed in India. However, there already approved draft regulations paving
is still a lack of clarity whether this would way for General Network Access (GNA),
be applicable in all one-one agreements and this will ease availing long-term open
between consumers and dedicated RE access. Generally, long-term open access for
suppliers Therefore, CERC, while issuing the RE projects results in heavy transmission
Enal REC regulations need to clearly deEne charges (due to low-capacity utilization
the framework for bilateral transaction of factor), which could make the VPPA project
RECs in all cases, which would then facilitate economically unviable. A waiver similar to
the transaction of green attributes under GTAM, could help to ensure a smooth rollout
VPPA between consumers and RE suppliers. of this instrument. In the event that such a
waiver to such a transaction is a challenge,
Further, as per the discussion paper on the alternative would be to streamline the
redesigned REC mechanism, no REC is to be short-term open access process VPPAs.
issued to the beneEciary oK the concessional Curtailments associated with short-term
charges or waiver of any other charges. This open access can be avoided by providing high
priority for evacuation.
© McDonald Mirabile / WWF-US

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

3-1 RsYjdgnkcdq qdronmrhahkhsx lYsqhw

This section elaborates on the actions to be taken by key stakeholders to facilitate the above-mentioned
recommendations to roll-out VPPAs in an eOective manner (Figure 6 and Table 9).

Figure 6: Proposed VPPA regulatory landscape for India

Purchase of physical power by consumer

Green Power Credit Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Consumer

Financial Strike price

Accounting above IEX REC generated for units
& price traded in the market
for CfD Virtual Power
Agreement DISCOM
Strike price below IEX price

(Fixed Pric Price base

Contract of CfD
“Strike Price”) settlement
(selling the
green credit)

Power Exchange

Renewable Power
Project Physical trade of power

CID: Contract Kor DiOerences

Dark Blue indicating SEBI’s Jurisdiction
Light Blue indicating CERC’s jurisdiction

Chapter 4: Action Plan for the Indian market

Table 9: Suggested actions required by key stakeholders to roll-out VPPA in India

RsYjdgnkcdqr &HloYbsdc(
Oqnonrdc Jdx Cdbhrhnm ?bshnm Pdpthqdc ax Jdx
Hmsdqudmshnmr LYjdqr Cdbhrhnm LYjdqr BDPB RDAH Bnmrtldq Cdudknodq ONRNBN H+PDB
Regulatory MoP/ MNRE Issue order allowing ! ! ! !
compliances power derivatives
and operating market along with
framework VPPA and deEne
the entire VPPA
framework along with
required regulatory
compliances for both
physical and Enancial
Ease of CERC/SEBI DeEne the procedure ! !
adoption for reporting, record-
keeping, clearing,
margining, and
other compliance
Standard PPA MoP/ CERC Prepare the PPA ! ! ! ! !
document document and list
of approvals from
required agencies
and roll it out under
MoP’s standard
guidelines for
Registration MoP/ CERC Allow registration of ! ! ! ! !
mechanism for VPPA projects under
certiEcates I-REC or REC
REC issuance MoP/ CERC Add provision in ! ! !
procedure draft REC regulation
to issue green
certiEcates directly to
the consumers
Platform for CERC Allow power ! ! ! ! !
transaction exchange to transact
physical power under
VPPA on its platform
through day ahead
Open access MoP/ CERC Project applying ! ! ! !
approvals and under long-term
waivers OA should be
given a waiver for
transmission charges

Implementation of
Draft GNA regulation

Note: Since the commencement of this assignment, India has witnessed several developments in the power and renewable sector. This includes issuing
of draft GNA regulations, supreme court clearance to jurisdictional issues between SEBI and CERC, allowing bilateral transactions of REC, etc. These
developments will certainly help in boosting the VPPA market in coming future. However, the initial step that remains to be taken for opening the VPPA
market is creation oK an eOective Kramework Kor its implementation which requires CERC and SEBI to work in tandem.

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

3-2 Phrjr Ymc LhshfYshnm RsqYsdfhdr enq UOO?

VPPA has seen a rapid rise globally during the last Kew years due to the numerous beneEts it oOers
large corporates. However, the risks associated with VPPA need to be understood by both parties in an
agreement. Table 10 highlights the risks identiEed Kor both the stakeholders participating in a VPPA
and proposes strategies to mitigate the same.
Table 10: VPPA risk mitigation strategies

Phrjr Cdudknodq Bnmrtldq Phrj lhshfYshnm rsqYsdfx

Market Price/ Exposure to wholesale power market prices – the eOectiveness oK Utilizing best in class energy price
Financial hedge is contingent on price discovered in power markets forecasting models and completing
Risk a comprehensive Enancial analysis.

Adopting Qoor and Korbearance

Operational Operational/ Execution risk associated NA Adopting efcient weather
Risks with operating RE plant on a day-to-day forecasting tools
basis including technical performance and
weather variations

Congestion and curtailment of generated

energy while bringing power to the market
Liquidity Chance oK oO-take oK the power generated NA Pricing power at a reasonable
Risk from the power exchange – lack of internal rate of return (IRR)
liquidity in cases where no buyer is (competitive to the market)
available on the power exchange for
buying the power due to the high price
Contractual Risk around the integration of suitable Risk around Ensuring that the contractual
Risk clauses in the VPPA contract from integrating suitable legalities are favourable for both
the developer’s perspective –e.g. clauses in the parties
compensation when there is no oO-take oK VPPA contract as
power on the power exchange, etc. per the company’s Vetting of the contract by a legal
operating strategy. expert
E.g. inclusion of a
non-compete clause
in the contract to
ensure that another
C&I competitor
does not contract
for RECs from the
same renewable
Execution Lack of in-house skills to negotiate VPPA including poor Hiring and training the team to
Risk accounting or legal performance ensure proper execution

Hiring a consultant who has

knowledge of the process and is
capable of handholding before and
during the signing of VPPA
Credit Risk Risk of non-dispatch in instances of uneconomical pricing - this Ensuring proper income Qow
uncertainty impacts the cash Qow oK the project and creates a by adopting suitable pricing
challenging situation Kor the Enanciers to extend Kunds mechanisms with Qoor/
forbearance on the strike price
Regulatory Compliance with various regulations and changes in the law Certifying RECs in line with the
Risk regulations of the country
Proper certiEcation oK RECs

An increase in open access charges makes the short-term

transaction at power exchange costly

Chapter 4: Action Plan for the Indian market

© Lawrence Murray / WWF-Aus

© Shutterstock / ostill / WWF
WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

?mmdwtqd 09 Pdbdms UOO? cdYkr vhsghm sgd TR

Table 11: Recent international VPPA deals
BnloYmx rhfmhmf
CYsd BYoYbhsx &LV( Pdrntqbd KnbYshnm Cdudknodq CtqYshnm
June 2021 Hood 25 Wind Texas Enel Green 12 years
June 2021 Charles River 102 Solar Texas Duke Energy 15 years
April 2021 Budweiser 38 Solar Canada Capital Power -
April 2021 Facebook 5 Floating Solar Singapore Sunseap Group -
March 2021 Kellogg’s 100 Wind + Battery Texas Enel Green -
Jan 2021 Pepsi 108 Wind Texas and Orsted 10 years
Dec 2020 McDonald’s 1130 Solar & Wind Illinois, - -
Carolina, and
Nov 2020 Nucor 250 Solar Texas EDF 15 years
Nov 2020 Crown - Wind Texas Longroad 15 years
Oct 2020 Facebook 100 Solar Singapore Sunseap Group -
Source: GreenBiz Renewable Energy Deal Tracker


?mmdwtqd 19 HmsdqmYshnmYk nodqYshmf eqYldvnqjr enq UOO?

Globally, many large companies such as Google, the United States has a more stringent regulatory
Amazon, Bimbo Bakeries, Apple, etc. are signing requirement wherein VPPA contracts have to
VPPAs to acquire green energy. However, the comply with the Dodd-Frank Act, which increases
VPPA framework varies from country to country the complexity of reporting framework for entities
as per its market structure. In countries like UK entering into VPPAs. More details about the VPPA
and Spain, there are no regulatory compliances for pricing mechanism and the Enancial accounting
VPPAs, and transactions under this mechanism framework being followed by key countries across
require only balance sheet recognition. However, the globe have been provided in Table 12.

Table 12: International VPPA market

Sxod ne UOO? EhmYmbhYk ?bbntmshmf
R-Mn Bntmsqx PDB EqYldvnqj Onvdq LYqjds
Rsqtbstqd BnlokhYmbd enq UOO?r
1. USA Fixed price EACs called Only certain regions have Dodd-Frank Act
nominal Renewable Energy a competitive wholesale
arrangements CertiEcates (RECs), market with liquid
Green Tags, trading hubs – these are
Renewable Energy represented by seven
Credits, Renewable independent system
Electricity CertiEcates, operators (ISOs)
or Tradable Renewable
CertiEcates (TRCs)
2. UK Fixed price with EACs called Day-ahead market International Financial
consumer price Renewable Energy (which is also the most Reporting Standards
index (CPI) Guarantees of Origin liquid) (IFRS) Accounting
escalation (REGOs) rule which typically
requires on- balance
sheet recognition of
3. Australia Fixed price with Large-scale generation Physical spot market
partial or full certiEcates (akin to matching supply and
CPI escalation EACs/RECs) demand, and a Enancial
market to hedge
commodity risk. The
settlement price interval
used is a 30-minute
block comprised of the
settlement of 5-minute
dispatch and pricing
intervals. The market is
moving to a 5-minute
settlement in October
4. Spain Fixed-price EACs called Day-ahead and intraday International Financial
nominal Guarantees of Origin market Reporting Standards
structure (GOs) (IFRS) Accounting
rule which typically
requires on- balance
sheet recognition of

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

?mmdwtqd 29 CdsYhkdc BYrd Rstchdr

?-2-0 BYrd Rstcx H fl ?kadqsY &BYmYcY( • To protect the seller and buyer from the negative
price issues, a Qoor and a ceiling price is kept as
Alberta, with a deregulated wholesale electricity a threshold.
market and a carbon compliance requirement, Tenure of agreement
is the logical hub for Canadian non-utility
procurement, and oOers buyers the opportunity • In Alberta, these agreements are often of a
to meet RE goals in the Canadian context through duration of 15 to 20 years and the value of
the following three mechanisms: VPPAs is measured against the long-term
power price forecasts.
1. Procuring from an onsite project

2. Procuring Krom an oO-site project

?-2-1 BYrd Rstcx HH fl SdwYr &Tmhsdc RsYsdr(
The US electricity market is relatively complex and
3. Investing directly into a project
fragmented due to mixed levels of deregulation.
Out of the three mechanisms mentioned above, the Only certain regions have a competitive wholesale
most common structure is oO-site procurement market with liquid trading hubs that can more
via a VPPA. easily accommodate PPA contracting – these
are represented by seven independent system
Operating framework of VPPA operators (CAISO, ERCOT, SPP, MISO, PJM,
• In a deregulated market like Alberta’s, the
oOsite RE projects bid into the market and sell The majority of corporate PPAs to date (and
electricity when dispatched by Alberta Electric VPPAs in particular) have been in ERCOT, SPP,
System Operator (AESO). AESO is responsible MISO, and PJM. Given below are the details of
for administering the wholesale power pool of one such VPPA arrangement in Electric Reliability
Alberta. Council of Texas (ERCOT).
• The RE project developer is paid directly by the
AESO for the renewable electricity it delivers to Bntmsqx Tmhsdc RsYsdr
the grid based on the hourly pool prices. Corporate buyer Novartis
• The VPPA signed between the developer and Developer Invenergy
the buyer does not transfer the legal title of RE project under VPPA 302 MW Santa Rita
electricity to the buyer. The buyer buys physical East wind farm in Texas

electricity to meet its energy demand from the Capacity signed under VPPA 100 MW
power market or any other physical PPA. Duration of VPPA 12 years

• The buyer under the VPPA framework receives ERCOT is the power grid in Texas that operates
environmental attributes from the project the electric grid and manages the deregulated
through North American Renewables market for 75 per cent of the state. ERCOT is
Registry™ (NAR). ideally suited for VPPAs as it is a deregulated
wholesale power market, and permits the sale of
Price settlement and accounting period
the electricity output into a day-ahead or real-
• The parties settle price amongst themselves time market.
by one party paying the other an amount
Operating framework of VPPA
representing the aggregate net hourly diOerence
between the agreed-upon strike price and pool • As per the virtual power purchase agreement
prices in a month. between Novartis (corporate buyer) and
• If the wholesale electricity price falls below a Invenergy (RE developer), 100 MW of power
VPPA’s Exed price, the contract would be “out from Invenergy’s wind farm located 70 miles
of money” and would be costly to the buyer, west of San Angelo is supplied to the organized
depending on the contract details and hedge spot market of Texas – ERCOT.


• Novartis receives RECs from Invenergy for the registered and all related transactions are to be
100 MW of power. reported.
• The VPPA Kramework is such that there is a Qoor
Dodd-Frank Reporting
and a ceiling price for the agreement tenure.
This hedging mechanism has helped both Entities involved in the swap transaction are
entities. Invenergy pays Novartis if electricity required to report diOerent kinds oK inKormation
prices are above a benchmark price (ceiling at the execution of the contract and on an on-going
price). Novartis pays the project the diOerence basis to a swap data repository (SDR). One entity
if the market price falls below the benchmark of the transaction is designated as the reporting
(Qoor price). party. The reporting party is responsible for
• The contract has not aOected Novartis’s actual initial and on-going reporting. Regulators have
electricity usage or the geographic location of established a framework for determining which
its actual oO-take. party is responsible for reporting, including the
on-going updates to the underlying data of the
Price settlement and accounting period transaction. The order is as follows:
• Here, VPPA is settled monthly. 1. Swap Dealer (SD)
• The project is for 302 MW. However, the 2. Major Swap Participant (MSP)
transaction will be settled for the contracted
3. Non-SD/MSP
capacity under VPPA, i.e. 100 MW.
Dodd-Frank – reporting mechanism for When both entities are at the same hierarchical
VPPA in the United States level, regulation calls for them to select the entity
obligated to report amongst themselves. VPPAs
Registration and reporting of VPPAs are regulated
are often between a RE developer and a C&I
by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
consumer. In this case, generally, both parties
(CFTC) as “swaps” under the Dodd-Frank Wall
are considered non-SD/MSPs. Accordingly, the
Street Reform and Protection Act or Dodd-Frank
VPPA speciEes the reporting entity.
Act. Under this Act, VPPAs are required to be

Table 13 Takeaways from the case studies

R-Mn- Bntmsqx
1. In countries like the USA, VPPA is a regulated segment involving reporting as per the Dodd-Frank rule.
A similar Kramework has been observed in the EU also where the Kunctioning oK Enancial markets is
governed by MIFID regulations i.e. Markets in Financial Instruments Directive. VPPA framework in these
countries has been put under the purview oK Enancial reporting to ensure that no possible gaming or
multiple trading is done. However, in countries like Canada, VPPA is a bilateral agreement between the
developer and corporate buyer, and no mandatory compliances are required Kor Enancial reporting
2. There exist diOerent platKorms in diOerent countries Kor attaining green attributes such as NAR, TIGR,
I-REC, etc
3. Globally, it has been observed that VPPAs are OTC contracts with physical power transacted on the power
exchange and green attributes transacted outside the power market. This is a standard business practice/
model and no variation in this has been observed
4. Countries Kollow diOerent pricing mechanisms Kor VPPA. In Canada, the Exed price mechanism is more
prevalent whereas mature markets like the US follow various pricing structures. The particular case study
under discussion has a ‘market price with Qoor and ceiling’ pricing structure
5. The average tenure of a VPPA is more than 10 years
6. In both countries, VPPA price settlement and accounting is generally done every month

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

?mmdwtqd 39 ?rrtloshnmr % Ldsgncnknfx enq drshlYshmf UOO? onsdmshYk tmcdq

ch–dqdms rbdmYqhnr
?-3-0 ?rrtloshnmr companies would continue buying from
DISCOMs while signing VPPA with RE developers
• Since the GOI target for renewable power is set alongside for attaining green attributes. Further,
for FY 2030, VPPA quantum is estimated for projects registered under I-REC in India would
the same time scale. also be available for providing green attributes in
• The assumption regarding share of C&I VPPA.
customers procuring power from DISCOMs
Hence, the total quantum of VPPAs to be signed
signing VPPAs by 2030 under three scenarios
by 2030 has been estimated as:
is mentioned in Section 6.4.2.
• The assumption regarding share of projects Table 14: Estimating C&I procurement from DISCOMs
registered under I-REC in India by 2030 under in 2030
three scenarios is mentioned in Section 6.4.2.
• Increase in power procurement from DISCOMs SnsYk dkdbsqhbhsx bnmrtloshnm hm BUs per 1291.5
by C&I customers is at a CAGR of 4 per cent33 HmchY hm EX 1/10
until FY 2030 from the existing quantum of Dkdbsqhbhsx bnmrtloshnm ax BUs per 551.5
655 BUs per year. annum
HmctrsqhYk rdbsnq &32 (9 &?(
• Increase in projects registered under I-REC is
at a CAGR of 20 per cent from FY 2019 until Dkdbsqhbhsx bnmrtloshnm ax BUs per 103.3
FY 2030.34 BnlldqbhYk rdbsnq &7 (9 &A(
• C&I customers will be signing VPPAs with SnsYk dkdbsqhbhsx bnmrtloshnm ax BUs per 654.8
Wind-Solar hybrid developers having an B%H rdbsnq9 &B( h-d- &?)A(
average PLF of 50 per cent.35
BnqonqYsd OO?r rhfmdc hm EX 1/10 BUs per 3.7

?-3-1 Ldsgncnknfx &C(


BUs per 651.1

The underlying principle of our analysis for
Oqnbtqdldms eqnl CHRBNLr9 &B+C( annum (~651)
estimating the potential of VPPA (until 2030)
in India is based on the fact that C&I customers Source: Bride to India Report, MoSPI Energy Statistics Report 2021,
currently buying power from distribution and ICF Analysis

C&I procuring from

Project under VPPA Demand
DISCOMS signng
I-REC in India in India

33 CAGR of 4% is based on the conservative assumption that C&I demand will follow the estimated CAGR of power
demand in India as mapped by CEA and TERI in various reports.
34 Annual growth of I-REC projects registered globally from 2018 to 2019 is 20% (
35 Assumption that C&I would sign VPPA with solar-wind hybrid plants is based on the fact that hybrid plants are
the technologically more advanced version and more economically feasible as compared to individual solar or
wind plants. Hybrid plant is designed to ensure optimal utilization of transmission network. Hence under this
model, individual solar and wind capacities are combined, and energy accounting is done parallelly to make sure
maximum electricity can be provided to the consumer against the contracted capacity compared to stand alone
wind or solar power plants. For instance, if a consumer is signing 10 MW hybrid PPA, the developer may set 8
MW solar power plant and 10 MW wind power plant to inject maximum power at a given point in time against the
contracted capacity o4 10 MW. This is to reduce the risk o4 low and in,rm generation associated with solar and
wind. This model can also be taken as a representation for standalone wind and solar, as similar quantum of solar
and wind will be needed to be installed if a plain vanilla case is taken. Further, for VPPA, if the solar developer is
applying 4or long term open access (LTOA) at a PLF o4 ~18% then the LTOA charges would be as high as INR
2.5/kWh to INR 3/kWh. However, 4or a hybrid plant (having average PLF o4 >50%), the LTOA charges would come
down to INR 1/kWh to INR 1.5/kWh with the simple fact that cost of transmission will be spread across higher
generating units. During stakeholder consultation, developers second the view.


Figure 7: C&I RE procurement from Discoms – 2021 to Figure 8: I-REC projects registered globally – 2021 to 2030

4% C CA
927 %
20 126

FY 2021 FY2030(Estimated) FY 2019 FY2030(Estimated)

C&I RE procurement from DISCOMs (BUs) I-REC projects registered globally (BUs/year)

In FY 2021, the C&I consumers in India procured into a VPPA varies accordingly (depending on the
651 BUs from DISCOMs. As mentioned above, deEnition oK the scenario). The three scenarios
it is assumed that power procurement from are mentioned in Table 15.36
DISCOMs by C&I customers will increase at
Based on these scenarios, the VPPA quantum
a CAGR of 4 per cent until FY 2030, thereby
by C&I consumers is calculated for 2030. It
increasing the procurement from 651 BUs in FY
is estimated that VPPA demand from C&I
2021 to 927 BUs in FY 2030 (Figure 7).
customers entering into this framework would
Estimating VPPA demand from C&I reach 19 GW in Scenario I, 62 GW in Scenario II
customers procuring from DISCOMs and and 92 GW in Scenario
entering into VPPA
III. Estimating I-REC growth until 2030
For estimating the VPPA demand due to C&I
For I-RECs, we have assumed that projects
customers entering into VPPA framework, three
registered under this standard would increase
scenarios are considered (Conservative, Realistic
from 2019 (17 BUs per year) to 2030 (126 BUs
and Optimistic). Under each scenario, the
per year) at a CAGR of 20 per cent (Figure 8).
percentage share of C&I consumers procuring
power from DISCOMs and parallelly entering

Table 15: Share oK C&I customers signing VPPA under diOerent scenarios
RgYqd ne bnlldqbhYk RgYqd ne hmctrsqhYk btrsnldqr
btrsnldqr &eqnl sgnrd oqnbtqhmf &eqnl sgnrd oqnbtqhmf onvdq
RbdmYqhnr RbdmYqhn cdymhshnm
onvdq eqnl CHRBNLr( rhfmhmf eqnl CHRBNLr( rhfmhmf UOO?r
UOO?r ax 1/2/ ax 1/2/
Scenario I: Only large consumers, who have signed 5% 10%
Conservative on for sustainability goals would adopt
Scenario II: The majority of large and medium-sized 25% 30%
Realistic C&I customers would also adopt VPPA
to meet sustainability goals and save on
energy costs
Scenario III: Scenario II would be further 35% 45%
Optimistic complemented by adoption of VPPA by
small and fragmented industries to meet
sustainability goals and save on energy

36 The assumption 4or percentage share o4 C&I customers under each scenario is based on the de,nition o4 each
scenario, and on the subjective understanding from the market that uptake in commercial segment is slower than
the same in industrial segment considering the low load of the commercial segment.

WWF India — Virtual Power Purchase Agreement for C&I Consumers in India

Table 16: I-REC share in India under diOerent scenarios

ne fknaYk H+PDB cdlYmc
RbdmYqhn RbdmYqhn cdymhshnm
lds ax HmchY ax 1/2/
Scenario I: Conservative Global I-REC demand captured by India will be limited 10%
Scenario II: Realistic Global I-REC demand captured by India will be relatively 25%
higher than Scenario I
Scenario III: Optimistic India will provide a signiEcant market share Kor global I-REC 45%

Estimating VPPA demand from RE Based on these scenarios, the VPPA quantum
projects registered under I-REC by 2030 for I-REC projects is calculated for 2030. It is
estimated that under scenario I, VPPA demand
The share of projects registered under I-REC
from I-REC projects would be 2.8 GW, 7.2 GW in
in India (until 2030 under the three scenarios)
scenario II, and 12.9 GW in scenario III.
which would contribute to the VPPA potential/
quantum signed is further estimated. The VPPA demand from C&I customers and VPPA
percentage share of RE projects under I-REC demand due to projects registered under I-REC
in India under three scenarios is mentioned in are combined to estimate the total potential as 22
Table 16. GW in Scenario I, 69 GW in Scenario II, and 104
GW in Scenario III.


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Eligible plants: NTPC thermal stations period until the results of DAM are announced.
• RTR will be reinstated in respect to the
Pilot implementation: From 1 April 2022
quantum not cleared in the DAM
Scheduling mechanism: Payment and settlement:
• Discoms and generators have to mandatorily • Payment to the generator will be done at the
participate in the day-ahead market segment market clearing price
of power exchanges for bidding
• Bilateral contract settlement would be carried
• Once the bids and oOers are received, the out to balance diOerence between market
market clearing engine will seek to optimize the clearing price (MCP) and contracted price i.e.
dispatch of generation sources taking technical variable cost
constraints into account
• NTPC generators will be paid Exed cost
• Cheaper NTPC plants shall be dispatched to separately outside the market
the maximum extent whereas costlier plants
• NTPC plants can sell the unrequisitioned
will run optimally as required
surplus (URS) power in the market, and revenue
Schedule revisions: from URS will be shared in the ratio of 50:50
subject to a ceiling of 7p/kWh to the generator
• Right to Revision (RTR) Kor the complete Qeet and balance to the concerned beneEciary
of NTPC plants shall cease to exist for the

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