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Title of CPA:


Title of PoA to which CPA is to be included:

“PoA for the reduction of emission from non-renewable

fuel from cooking at household level”

UNFCCC UNPA Reference Number: 7359

Report No: CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007

Revision number: 03
Report Date: 26/05/2014

Carbon Check (Pty) Ltd.

Block-A, Ground Floor
374 Rivonia Boulevard
Rivonia, Johannesburg
Republic of South Africa 2128

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013

Title of the CPA: CPA-KE-009 KENYA

Green Development AS
CME of the PoA:

Green Development AS
CPA implementer:

Host country where

CPA is located:
Title of the PoA and PoA for the reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from
reference number: cooking at household level (UNFCCC UN PA Ref No.: 7359)
Area: Kenya
Country: Kenya
CPA Location:
Representative Geo- Latitude: (-) 0.0235
coordinates Longitude: 37.9061
AMS-I.E. Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal applications
by the user Version 04
1 (1.1) Scale: Large Scale Small Scale
Scope/Technical Area
Final CPA DD : Version: 08, Date: - 14/04/2014
Average emission
Estimated: 103777 tCO2e/year
Emission reductions from the CPA would occur due to the
implementation of Household / Community based water purification
systems utilising filtering technology or renewable sources of energy
and Biogas / Ethanol stoves. Thereby replacing non-renewable fuel
GHG reducing with renewable fuel sources. The reduction / elimination of using non-
measure/technology: renewable woody biomass for cooking / water purification (boiling of
water in baseline) results in CO2 emission reductions. The measure is
switch from non- renewable biomass for thermal application by the end

Party/ies Party considered

involved in the Project Participants/CME a project
PoA participant
Kenya (Host) No
Green Development AS
Norway No

II. VALIDATION TEAM (compliance of § 148e of VVS)

Validation Team Role
Full name Affiliatio Appointed for Sectoral
Technical Expert

Trainee Auditor
Team Member


n Scopes (Technical
Team Leader

Tech. Expert
Team leader

Expert to TR
Local Expert



Anubhav RSA 1.2 X

Pankaj RSA 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, X X
Kumar 4.5, 13.1

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013 2
Adam RSA -- X
Vikash RSA 1.2, 3.1, 13.1 X
Kumar Singh
Sunil India 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, X
Kathuria 3.1, 4.1, 13.1
Witness RSA -- X
Validation Phases and Status:
Desk Review Follow up interviews, On Site Assessment
Resolution of outstanding issues Corrective Actions / Clarifications Requested
Full Approval and Submission for registration Rejected

Summary of the CPA Validation and inclusion Opinion:

The review of the CPA design documentation and the subsequent follow-up interviews have
provided Carbon Check with sufficient evidence for the determination of the CPA’s fulfilment of
all stated criteria in the PoA. In our opinion, the CPA meets all relevant UNFCCC requirements
for including CPA in the PoA and correctly applies the applied baseline and monitoring
methodology AMS-I.E, version 04. Therefore, Carbon Check recommends the CPA for inclusion
under the PoA (PoA for the reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from cooking at
household level (UNFCCC UN PA Ref No.: 7359) to the CDM Executive Board (CDM-EB).

The review of the CPA design documentation and the subsequent follow-up interviews has
not provided Carbon Check with sufficient evidence for the determination of the CPA’s
fulfillment of all stated criteria in the PoA. Therefore, Carbon Check does not recommend the
CPA for inclusion under the PoA. Carbon Check will inform the PoA coordinating/ managing
entity, CPA implementer(s) and the CDM Executive Board of this decision.

Version Date
Report Version 1 08/04/2014
Version 2 17/04/2014
Version 3 26/05/2014
Final Approval
Approval Distribution

No distribution without permission from the Client or

responsible organizational unit
Date: 2014-05-26 Limited Distribution
Priyesh Ramlall
Unrestricted distribution

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013 3

AMS Approved Methodology Small scale

BE Baseline Emission
CAR Corrective Action Request
CCL Carbon Check (Pty) Ltd.
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CDM EB CDM Executive Board
CER Certified Emission Reduction
CPA Component Project Activity
CPRD CPA Partnership and Relations Department
CPA-DD Component Project Activity Design Document
CER Certified Emission Reduction
CL Clarification Request
CME Co-ordinating or Managing Entity
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
COP/MOP Conference of Parties/ Meeting of Parties
DRB Demonstrably Renewable Biomass
DNA Designated National Authority
DOE Designated Operational Entity
DR Document Review
EB Executive Board
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ER Emission Reduction
ESLD Equipment Supply and Logistics Department
FAR Forward Action Request
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GWh Giga Watt Hours
H/H Household
I Interview
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
kW Kilo Watt
kWh Kilo Watt Hours
Ly Leakage
LPIP Local Project Implementation Partners
MoV Means of Verification
MW Mega Watt
MWh Mega Watt Hours
NCV Net Calorific Value
NRB Non-renewable Biomass
ODA Official Development Assistance
OSV On Site Visit
PE Project Emission
PoA Programme of Activities
PoA-DD Programme of activities design document
PP Project Participant
PS Project Standard
PCP Project Cycle Procedure
RDRD Reporting and Data Recording Department
SD Sustainable Development
SDCD Survey, Data Collection Department
T Tonne
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
VVS Validation and Verification Standard
WHO World Health Organization

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013 4
Carbon Check has performed the validation of the component project activity (CPA) in Kenya
requesting inclusion in the PoA “PoA for the reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from
cooking at household level”. The validation was performed on the basis of the eligibility criteria
for including CPAs as stated in the registered PoA-DD, version 13 of 14/12/ 2013 /B04/ and
relevant UNFCCC criteria for the inclusion of CPAs into a PoA.
The validation was undertaken (by means of a document review, background investigation and
interviews with relevant stakeholders). The validation team of CCL considers that the CPA
description of the CPA titled- “CPA-KE-009 KENYA” included in CDM-SSC-CPA-DD /02/ is
accurate and complete and meets the requirements to be included in the PoA titled “PoA for the
reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from cooking at household level”/B04/, and
correctly applies the baseline and monitoring methodology AMS-I.E. (version 04)/B02/.
Standard auditing techniques have been used for the validation of the CPA. The CPA replaces
non-renewable biomass with renewable fuel for cooking in participating households. The
technologies included in the programme are ethanol and biogas stoves and water purification
systems. The PoA results in reductions of CO2 emissions that are real, measurable and provide
long term benefits to the mitigation of climate change. An analysis, as provided by the applied
methodology, demonstrates that the proposed CPA is not a likely baseline scenario. Emission
reductions attributable to the CPA are additional to any that would occur in the absence of the
CPA. Given that the CPA is to be implemented as designed, the project is likely to achieve the
estimated amount of emission reductions as specified within the CPA-DD/02/.
The annual average emission reductions of the CPA are estimated to be 103777 tCO2e per
year over the selected crediting period. The estimated emission reductions have been cross
checked and are deemed likely given that the underlying assumptions do not change. The
monitoring plan provides for the monitoring of the CPA’s emission reductions. The monitoring
arrangements as described are feasible with the CPA design and Carbon Check are of the
opinion that the CME and CPA implementer are able to implement the monitoring plan.
The validation is based on the information made available to Carbon Check (Pty) Ltd., as well
as the engagement conditions detailed in this report. The validation has been performed
following the VVS requirements.
The validation was executed in the following phases:
 Receipt of CPA-DD /01/ from the CME
 Issuance of the DVR with corrective action requests (CARs) and clarification requests
 Desk review of revised CPA-DD applying AMS-I.E. (version 04) and eligibility criteria as
stated in the registered PoA –DD.
 Review of responses for CARs/CLs
 Issuance of the final validation report (FVR)

The validation describes a total of 05 (Five) findings which include:

 02 (Two) Corrective Action Requests (CARs);
 01 (One) Clarification Requests (CLs);
 02 (Two) Forward Action Requests (FARs);
All findings have been closed satisfactorily and FAR(s) shall be checked during the 1 periodic
verification of the CPA.

The review of the CPA-DD/02/, subsequent follow-up interviews, and further verification of
references/evidences have provided Carbon Check (Pty) Ltd., with sufficient evidence to
determine the fulfilment of stated criteria in the registered PoA-DD /B04/. Hence, Carbon Check
is of the opinion that the CPA meets all relevant UNFCCC requirements for CDM provided that
the underlying assumptions do not change. Carbon Check (Pty) Ltd., thus recommends the
CPA for inclusion in the registered PoA.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013 5

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Objective 7
1.2 Scope 7

2. METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................. 7
(compliance of § 21 of VVS)
2.1 Desk review 7
2.2 On-site visit and follow-up interviews with project stakeholders 10
2.3 Resolution of outstanding issues 11
2.4 Internal quality control 12
(compliance of § 148 e of VVS)
2.5 Validation Team 12
3. VALIDATION FINDINGS AND SUMMARY ............................................ 13
3.1 CPA Description 13
3.2 CPA Boundary 15
3.3 Eligibility Criteria 16
3.4 Additionality 29
3.5 Emission Reduction 29
3.6 Monitoring Plan 33
3.7 Stakeholder Consultation 35
3.8 Environmental Analysis 35

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013 6
Green Development AS (hereafter referred to as “the CME”) has commissioned CCL to perform
the validation of the proposed small scale CPA in Kenya requesting to be included in the PoA.
Carbon Check was commissioned to assess the information in the CDM-SSC-CPA-DD for the
CPA titled “CPA-KE-009 KENYA” (hereafter called “the CPA”) against the requirements for
including CPAs to the registered PoA “PoA for the reduction of emission from non-renewable
fuel from cooking at household level” and further documentation requirements for including
CPAs to a PoA.

This report summarizes the findings of the validation of the small-scale component Project
Activity Design Document (CDM-SSC-CPA-DD), performed on the basis of UNFCCC criteria for
the CDM, as well as criteria given to provide for consistent project operations, monitoring and
reporting and eligibility criteria for inclusion of the CPA as established in the registered PoA
/B04/. The term “UNFCCC criteria” refers to Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, the CDM
modalities and procedures and the simplified modalities and procedures for small scale CDM
project and the subsequent decisions by the COP/MOP and CDM Executive Board. In addition
to these criteria, host country criteria are also taken into account.

1.1 Objective
The assessment of a CPA requesting to be included in a registered PoA shall ensure that all the
requirements (as defined in the form of eligibility criteria) determined in the PoA are met. The
assessment was performed on the basis of the eligibility and additionality criteria established in
the PoA and the UNFCCC criteria for including CPAs to a Programme of Activities (PoA) under
the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), as well as criteria given to provide for consistent
project operations, monitoring and reporting according to AMS I. E., version 04.

1.2 Scope
The validation scope is defined as an independent and objective review by a Designated
Operational Entity (DOE) of the CPA-DD to be included in the registered PoA. The DOE shall
scrutinize the information in the CPA-DD to assess compliance with the eligibility criteria and
criteria for demonstrating additionality established by the PoA, to confirm the accurate
application of AMS I.E., version 04 and to check the compliance with documentation
requirements for CPAs and relevant UNFCCC criteria for including CPAs into PoAs.

The validation is not meant to provide any consulting towards the programme participants.
However, stated requests for clarifications and/or corrective actions may have provided input for
improvement of the component project design.

The validation consists of the following three phases:

1. A desk review of the CDM-SSC-CPA-DD and supporting evidences;

2. On-site visit and follow-up interviews with relevant project stakeholders
3. The resolution of outstanding issues and the issuance of the final validation report and
The following sections outline each step in detail.
(compliance of § 21 of VVS)
2.1 Desk review
The following table outlines the documentation reviewed during the validation:

Ref Reference Document

/01/ First CPA-DD , Version-07, Date-31/03/2014, titled “CPA-KE-009 KENYA”

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013 7
/02/ Final CPA-DD , Version-08, Date-14/04/2014, titled “CPA-KE-009 KENYA”
/03/ Spread sheet (in .xls format) containing emission reduction estimation corresponding to
/04/ Spread sheet (in .xls format) containing emission reduction estimation corresponding to
/05/ Copy of Map of CPA geographical area (indicating area, which is the part of CPA
geographic boundary). (Cp p- 11 of 48, eligibility criteria 1 of the PoA-DD).
/06/ End user agreement template (Cp p- 11 of 48, eligibility criteria 2 of the PoA-DD).
/07/ Product Data sheet or product specification (for the Ethanol/biogas stove and for the
water purification system) provided by the product supplier or a certified laboratory
product test (Cp p- 11 of 39, eligibility criteria 3 of the PoA-DD).
1. Biogas Stove -
2. Ethanol Stove -
3. Community based water purification systems -
4. Households water purification system - http://www.scan-

/08/ Baseline survey dated 07/01/2014 – confirming that equipment is not employed at the
time of the baseline survey and the contract with the first households included in the
CPA (Cp p- 12 of 48, eligibility criteria 4 of the PoA-DD).
/09/ Baseline survey dated 07/01/2014, confirming that households that have existed since
before 1989, have used woody biomass since before 1989 (Cp p- 12 of 48, eligibility
criteria 5 of the PoA-DD).
/10/ a) Stakeholder consultation report (Cp p-13 of 48, eligibility criteria 7 of the PoA-DD).
b) Environmental Assessment report (Cp p- 13 of 48, eligibility criteria 7 of the PoA –
/11/ Declaration (dated 28/02/2014) from CME confirming that no component of the CPA is
included in any other CPA of the same CDM PoA.
/12/ a) Spread sheet with all the responses from the baseline survey (Cp p- 14 of 48,
eligibility criteria 9 of the PoA-DD).
b) Copy of the baseline questionnaire from each of the households surveyed for
baseline data (Cp p- 14 of 48, eligibility criteria 9 of the PoA-DD).
C) Copy Monitoring manual, which is a chapter of the program management manual
(Cp p- 14 of 48, eligibility criteria 9 of the PoA-DD).
/13/ a) Template for contract between CME and partners or LPIP (Cp p- 15 of 48, eligibility
criteria 12 of the PoA DD).
b) End user agreement template. (Cp p- 15 of 48, eligibility criteria 12 of the PoA DD).
/14/ Declaration from CME providing approval for the CPA to be included into its registered
PoA (=Proof of consistency/eligibility check done by CME) (Cp p- 15 of 48, eligibility
criteria 14 of the PoA DD)
/15/ Emerging Africa. Biz, Inventure Management Ltd. Emerging Africa Capital: Third Party
Confirmation on legal and/or policy requirements for households to use the equipment
promoted by the PoA or that there are any law or policy against using such solutions
dated 04/04/2013 (Cp p- 15 of 48, eligibility criteria 15 of the PoA DD)
/16/ Baseline survey, end user contract template to confirm that the project is not registered
with another CPA or CDM project (Cp p- 15 of 39, eligibility criteria 16 of the PoA DD)
/17/ CPA inclusion validation agreement between CME and DOE.
/18/ Project implementation plan (biogas stove, ethanol stove and water purification) by CME
– Proof of CPA expected start date.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013 8
/19/ CME management system manual for the PoA.
/20/ Baseline survey report for the parameter 𝜂old
/21/ University of Antananarivo: Copy of Laboratory test for Parameters WBLB and
/22/ Baseline survey for Portion of woody biomass that is used in the form of Charcoal in the
project area (CP)
/23/ Undertaking on proof of parameters used for the emission reduction estimation including
the consideration of number of H/H in the CPA.
/24/ Green Development AS: Confirmation mail dated 27/02/2014 from CME on external
partners and financing options
/25/ Evidence for the parameter Charcoal conversion factor (CCF)
1. FPAN: Protecting and restoring forest carbon in tropical Africa
2. Perspective climate change: Proposal for a new standardised baseline for
charcoal projects in the clean development mechanism
3. Union of concerned Scientists: Wood for fuel
/26/ Monitoring Database for PoA

Background documents:
Ref no. Reference Document
1. CDM Validation and Verification Standard (Version 6).
/B01/ 2. CDM Project Standard (Version 6)
3. CDM Project Cycle Procedure (Version 6)

/B02/ Approved Baseline & Monitoring Methodology: AMS-I.E., version 04, “Switch from
non-renewable biomass for thermal applications by the user”.
PoA Specific guidelines / standards published by UNFCCC:
1. Guidelines for completing the component project design document form for
small-scale component project activities, version 01, annex 17, EB 66
2. Component project activity design document form for small scale component
project activities ( F-CDM SSC-CPA-DD) Version 02
3. Standard for demonstration of additionality, development of eligibility criteria
and application of multiple methodologies for programme of activities, version
03, annex 05, EB 74.
4. Guidelines on assessment of de-bundling for SSC project activities, Version 03,
EB 54/Annex 13
Documents available (at the time of PoA registration) on UNFCCC website:
/B04/ 1. PoA-DD, version 10, Date: 27/11/2012

2. Validation report of the PoA

3. Program Management Manual For Green Development AS & PoA for the
reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from cooking at household

4. Real case CPA DD for “CPA-MA-001-Ambhohidratrimo”, Version: 07, Date:


5. Validation report for the real case CPA.

6. PoA-DD, version 13, Date: 14/12/2013 (post-registration change)

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013 9
7. Validation Opinion on post-registration change

8. CPA-DD, CPA-KE-001 KIBERA (CPA reference number: 7359-0027) and the

validation inclusion report

Glossary of CDM terms, version 07

/B06/ Information Note: Default values of fraction of non-renewable biomass for Parties with
10 or less registered CDM project activities as of 31 December 2010, SSC 37 Annex

/B07/ Websites referred:

1. (CDM)
/B08/ IPCC 2006
/B09/ AMS-I.I “Biogas/biomass thermal application for households/small users” version 02

/B10/ Guidelines on the demonstration of additionality of small-scale project activities, EB

68 Annex 27, version 09

/B11/ Software : Google Earth

/B12/ Standard for sampling and surveys for CDM Project Activities and Programme of
Activities, EB 74 annex 06, version 04

2.2 Follow-up actions and interviews

Representatives from the validation team held interviews with project representatives and
stakeholders, details of interviewees, topics covered and additional information presented is
documented below:

Interview (I.)

Identify any personnel who have been interviewed and/or provided additional information to the
presented documentation.
Date Type Name (Organisation Topic
and Position)

 CPA design
 Technical Description of
the stoves and water
purification systems
 CPA source of financing
Face to Face Havard Norstebo
 CME Management
1. 03/04/2014 Telephone (Green Development
Email AS, General Manager)
Skype  Distribution &
 Programme Design
 Start date of the CPA
2. 03/04/2014 On-site Liva Harisoa  CPA design

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
Face to Face Ranaivoarison  Technical Description of
Telephone (Green Development the stoves and water
Email AS, Reporting and purification systems
Skype Data Recording  Monitoring plan
Manager)  CPA source of financing
 Local Stakeholder
On-site Consultation
Face to Face  Type of stove used
Sample households
3. 03/04/2014 Telephone  Cooking fuel usage
part of baseline survey
Email  Water consumption
Skype  Water purification
Face to Face Faith Mwangi (Country  Baseline Survey
4. 03/04/2014 Telephone Representative,  Local Stakeholder
Email Kenya) Consultation

2.3 Resolution of outstanding issues

The CPA assessment is based on the “Clean Development Mechanism Validation and
Verification Standard” version 06/B01-1/ in particular §185, §187, §188, §204, § 21 Annex 5 of
EB 74/B03-3/ and §156 of project cycle procedure version 06/B01-3/ and is conducted using
standard auditing techniques to assess the correctness of the information provided by the
CME/project participant(s) and/or CPA implementer(s).

Before the assessment begins, members of the validation team covering the technical scope(s),
sectoral scope(s) and relevant host country/region experience for evaluating the CDM CPA are
appointed in line with applicable UNFCCC and CCL requirements. Once the CPA documents
are made available, members of the team carry out the desk review, follow-up actions,
resolution of issues identified, and the preparation of the validation report. The prepared
validation report including the validation findings underwent a technical review. The technical
review was performed by a technical reviewer qualified in accordance with UNFCCC
requirements and Carbon Check (Pty) Ltd’s qualification scheme for CDM validation and

In order to ensure transparency the criteria (requirements, means of validation and the results
from validating the identified criteria) were validated and findings raised are listed in the findings
table as depicted below. All assumptions are clearly stated and background material

Findings established during the validation could either be seen as a non-fulfilment of CDM
criteria or where a risk to the fulfilment of programme objectives is identified.
Corrective action requests (CAR) are issued, where:
(i) The project participants have made mistakes that will influence the ability of the project
activity to achieve real, measurable additional emission reductions;
(ii) The CDM requirements have not been met;
(iii) There is a risk that emission reductions cannot be monitored or calculated.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
A request for clarification (CL) may be raised if information is insufficient or not clear enough
to determine whether the applicable CDM requirements have been met.
A forward action request (FAR) may be raised during validation to highlight issues related to
project implementation that require review during the first verification of the project activity.
The findings of validation process are summarized in the tables below.

Classification CAR CL FAR
Description of finding (DOE)
Corrective Action or clarification #1
(PP shall write a detailed and clear
corrective action or further information
for clarification as per finding)
DOE Assessment #1
The assessment shall encompass all
open issues in the finding. In case of
non-closure, additional corrective action
and DOE assessments (#2, #3, etc.)
shall be added.
Conclusion To be checked during the first periodic verification
Tick the appropriate checkbox Outstanding finding (not closed)
The finding is closed

2.4 Internal quality control

Before the assessment begins, members of the team covering the technical area(s), sectoral
scope(s) and relevant host country experience for evaluating the CDM PoA/CPA are appointed.
The CPA validation report underwent a technical review before requesting inclusion (upload) of
the CPA. The technical review was performed by a technical reviewer qualified in accordance
with Carbon Check (Pty) Ltd’s qualification scheme for CDM validation and verification.

2.5 Validation Team (compliance of § 148 e of VVS)

Carbon Check has appointed a competent team as per the Accreditation Standard and Carbon
Check’s internal procedures, the team and their involvement is outlined below:

Validation Team Type of Involvement

Full name Location Appointed for
Technical Expert Input
Supervising the work

Sectoral Scopes
Site Visit / Interview

Technical Reviewer
Reporting Support

(Technical Areas)
Report Writing
Desk review

Anubhav Dimri RSA 1.2 X X X X

Pankaj Kumar RSA 1.1,1.2,3.1,4.5,13.1 X X X X
Adam Simcock RSA -- X
Vikash Kumar RSA 1.2, 3.1, 13.1 X
Sunil Kathuria India 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1, X
4.1, 13.1
Witness RSA -- X

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013

Under the validation by means of document review including background investigation and
interviews with stakeholders, the validation team of CCL considers that the CPA titled “CPA-KE-
009 KENYA”, as described in the CDM-SSC-CPA-DD /02/ is accurate and complete; meets the
requirements to be included in the registered PoA titled “PoA for the reduction of emission from
non-renewable fuel from cooking at household level” /B04/ (UNFCCC UNPA Ref No : 7359) and
correctly applies the baseline and monitoring methodology AMS I.E, version 04 /B02/. 01
clarification, 02 corrective actions and 02 forward action requests had been raised during the
course of validation and have been closed (please refer appendix A for the detailed closure.

In summary the CPA “CPA-KE-009 KENYA” in Kenya, as described in the CPA-DD, version 08
of 14/04/2014:
 meets the eligibility criteria established in the PoA “PoA for the reduction of emission
from non-renewable fuel from cooking at household level”, as described in the PoA-DD,
version 13 /B04/ of 14/12/2013;
 meets relevant UNFCCC requirements for including CPAs in a PoA; and
 correctly applies the baseline and monitoring methodology AMS-I.E, version 04 /B02/.
Hence, the CPA “CPA-KE-009 KENYA” in Kenya meets the requirements for inclusion to the
PoA titled “PoA for the reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from cooking at
household level”.

3.1 CPA Description

The following description of the proposed component project activity as per CPA-DD /02/ is
The CPA titled “CPA-KE-009 KENYA” is developed under the Small-Scale Programme of
Activities (PoA) titled “PoA for the reduction of emission from non-renewable fuel from cooking
at household level”, which is coordinated and managed by Green Development AS. The CPAs
of the PoA /B04/ involves sale or lease of equipment to replace the use of non-renewable
woody biomass with renewable fuels (biogas and/or denatured alcohol). Based on the review of
CPA-DD /02/, the validation team has verified that the proposed CPA involves the installation of
the following technologies (solutions):

 Biogas stoves (with a thermal output of not more than 10 kW and thermal efficiency of
no less than 50%)- shall be implemented where biogas sources are available and/or
 Ethanol stoves (with a thermal output of not more than 10 kW and thermal efficiency of
no less than 50%) - shall be implemented where ethanol sources are available and/or
 Household water purification systems; membrane-based system which uses no energy
and relies on gravity based technology and/or
 Community based water purification systems (shall be powered by renewable energy)
using filtering technology where households can buy clean drinking water from a water
Both the water purification solutions shall provide water that meets applicable national
microbiological water quality standards / Guidelines or WHO‟s interim performance target on
household’s water treatment. Any pumps to be used in the process of purifying water will use
renewable energy.

The CPA implementer is Green Development AS /02/. As confirmed by reviewing the CPA- DD
/02/ and interviews with the representative of CME /I-02/, it is confirmed that the CME shall be
responsible for the implementation of the proposed CPA. As the CPA implementation will take
place, partners will/may take on the role of LPIPs or other LPIPs will be engaged to take
responsibility for implementation, this has been confirmed during the interview with the CME.
An email confirmation has also been provided by the CME to confirm the same/24/. The
validation team based on interviews with the CME and review of the CME management system
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013
manual of the PoA /19/ confirms that for each country of the PoA (in the present case Kenya)
the Country Manager is employed, and the Country Manager /B04-3/ /I-02/ shall oversee the
Reporting and Data Recording Department (RDRD), Survey, Data Collection Department
(SDCD), Equipment Supply and Logistics Department (ESLD), CPA Partnership and Relations
Department (CPRD), Technical Support and Training Department(TSTD) and Energy Supply
Department(ESD) for each country. Responsibility for quality control of surveyed data, data
processing, and emissions reductions is with the PoA Country Manager /I-02/, this is confirmed
by interviewing the CME representative /I-01/. The CME/PoA manager shall be responsible to
perform quality control activities for the proposed CPA and the same has been checked and
confirmed by reviewing the CME management system manual /19/. The implementation
schedule has been provided in the ER sheet/04/. Implementation of this proposed CPA had not
started till the preparation of this validation report and the expected start date of the CPA is
01/05/2014. CL 01 had been raised in this regard and has been closed (please refer appendix A
for the detailed closure. The implementation schedule/04/ for the CPA is:

Year Number of Participating Households

Year 1 5000
Year 2 7000
Year 3 8000
Year 4 9000
Year 5 10000
Year 6 11000
Year 7 12000
In the context of the review of the project implementation, FAR-01 has been raised and shall be
checked during first periodic verification. Hence the physical on-site visit was not conducted
during the course of validation of this proposed CPA. Nevertheless, a telephonic interview/I-04/
was conducted with the organization undertaking the survey to confirm with the baseline survey
responses and local stakeholder consultation. The baseline survey was cross-checked through
the interviews/I-03/ with baseline survey participants. It was confirmed that the comments were
invited from the local stakeholders. This was further compared with the local stakeholder
consultation report/10-a/. Local Stakeholder consultation has been conducted at national level
for Kenya. The environment assessment has been done at national level for Kenya/10-b/. A
confirmation has been provided through a third party study that there are no mandatory or legal
requirements in Kenya for implementation of stoves or purification systems/15/. Hence
paragraph § 65, 66 and 67 of VVS version 06 /B01/ has been complied with.
Baseline survey has been conducted for the CPA to find the ex-ante parameters and confirm
the baseline conditions stated in the methodology AMS-I.E., version 04/B02/. Validation team
confirms that the baseline survey meets the requirements for baseline survey
representativeness, sample size and data collected.

The validation team based on the review of the unique identification number of the CPA
confirms that there is no double counting of emission reductions due to the
implementation/inclusion of the CPA, as this CPA does not belong to or included in any other
PoA or stand -alone CDM project or part of other CPA in the same PoA. The validation team
has cross checked this from the UNFCCC website /B07/ and further compared with the
declaration from CME/11/ and interviews /I-01/ and confirms that there is no other similar PoA
or CDM project occurring in the CPA area and the CPA is neither registered as an individual
CDM project activity nor is part of another Registered PoA. Furthermore the validation team
based on the review of the CME Management system manual /19/ confirms that in order to
avoid double counting, the CME has adopted a provision of a record keeping system. The
record keeping system for the proposed CPA under the PoA includes detailed sales information
collected from each H/H in the form of an end user contract /06/ (template part of management
system manual /19/). Review of this end user contract /06/ (in the form of a sales contract and
/or lease contract to be used for proposed CPAs) reveals that it includes the name of the
customer, address, telephone number, CPA area, date of sale/lease, sales information, and the
retailer’s name (supplier of solution). The information from the written sales/lease contracts /06/

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
shall be entered by the CPA implementer into a database where a unique identification number
for each individual H/H shall be assigned /19/. This identification number /19/ of H/H consists of
the country code, CPA number within the country and a unique ID number for each participating
household and then recorded on the sales contract. The unique number consists of the country
code, CPA code and region name matching the unique CPA numbering system plus a
participating household identification number. The sales/lease contracts consist of a provision
/19/ for signature by the participating household and clearly indicate that the equipment supplied
is part of the proposed CPA. This unique id shall allow future cross-checking to avoid any
double counting of H/H participating in the CPA and thus shall ensure no double counting of
emission reductions. CAR 04 had been raised with regard to the unique ID for the households
and has been closed (please refer appendix A for the detailed closure). Sample unique IDs from
the PoA have also been provided as evidence in the monitoring database/26/. Furthermore, the
end user contract /06/ contains a provision that the carbon credits generated from the solutions
belong to the CME and also a confirmation that the participating H/H is not part of any other
program in which carbon credits are generated from the same solutions as implemented in the
proposed CPA.

Review of Management system manual of the PoA /19/ reveals that the CME (and CPA
implementer of the proposed CPA) i.e. Green Development AS is the entity responsible for
identifying training, enrolling and managing partners implementing SSC-CPAs according to the
PoA criteria. CME has a system in place with partners that clearly state that the proposed CPA
subscribes to this PoA.

The CPA will result in average emission reductions of 103777 tCO2e per annum /02/, /04/.
Emission reduction calculation has been done as per the applied methodology AMS I.E. ver 04

Based on the information furnished /02/ by the CME/CPA implementer, no ODA contributes to
the financing of the CPA.

No external funding has been secured for the CPA; the CPA will be funded by the LPIPs and
the end users who will buy the stoves/24/.

The validation team has checked that the CPA is not a de-bundled component of large scale
project or PoA in line with Annex 13, EB 54 /B06-6/ and the same has been
described/demonstrated in the CPA-DD /02/, checked and confirmed by the validation team.

In conclusion, CCL confirms that the CPA’s project description is sufficiently accurate and
complete in order to comply with the requirements of the PoA.

3.2 CPA Boundary

The CPA geographical boundary is assessed based on documented evidence /02/, /B02/, /B04/
and interviews. The validation team confirms that the identified boundary, the selected sources,
and gases as documented in the CPA-DD /02/ are justified; hence all sources and GHGs
required by the applied methodology /B02/ have been included within the project boundary. The
validation team based on the review of the registered PoA-DD /B04/ and CPA-DD/ 02/ further
confirms that any energy (to run the connected load i.e. Pump) required by the community water
purification system shall be based on the renewable energy i.e. Denatured alcohol only and
hence there is no project emission on the account of these connected loads. Further review of
PoA-DD /B04/ and CPA DD /02/ confirms that the proposed CPA will include one or several of
the technologies as defined in the PoA depending on the local conditions. Each household may
use a single solution or a combination of solutions depending on its needs and local conditions.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
There will be no cross over effects between the various solutions as all solutions only contribute
with their part to the reduction of non-renewable woody biomass.

The geographical boundaries are clearly included in the CPA-DD, as well as all GHG sources
associated with the CPA. According to the methodology AMS I.E version 04 /B02/, the project
boundary is the physical and geographical site of the use of the biomass or renewable energy.
In the case of proposed CPA, water purification system (H/H and/or community) and stoves
(biogas and ethanol) producing renewable energy in targeted areas of Kenya, and hence in line
with the applied methodology/B02/.

3.3 Eligibility Criteria

All the eligibility criteria required for the inclusion of the CPA under the PoA have been
addressed in the CPA-DD /02/. The eligibility criteria for the CPA has been assessed in
accordance with § 204 of the VVS, version 06/B01-1/, § 21 of EB 74 Annex 5 /B03-3/ and § 156
of the PCP, version 06/B01-3/. The stated confirmation against each eligibility criteria has been
checked/ assessed and found acceptable by the validation team.

S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation

criteria Description ity team
Category check
1. Boundary and The CPA is located From the review of CPA-DD/02/ and
Location of within geographical Yes the copy of map/05/ provided, it is
the CPA areas included in confirmed that the boundary of the
the PoA. No proposed CPA lies within the
geographical territory of Kenya, the
It has been validation team confirms the
considered if there compliance of this eligibility
are any time- criterion.
induced boundaries
to be consistent with Conclusion :
the geographical
boundaries of the Based on the above assessment,
PoA. No time- the validation team concludes that
induced boundaries this eligibility criterion of the PoA is
have been found. complied with the subject CPA.

2. No double A unique numbering Yes The Validation team reviewed the

counting. system for each CPA-DD /02/ to assess the unique
project participating No numbering system for each project
household within participating household within the
the CPA. The CPA. It is further reviewed and
unique numbering assessed in the CME Management
will consist of a system manual /19/ and confirms
country code, a that in order to avoid double
CPA number within counting, the CME has adopted a
the country and a provision of a record keeping
unique ID number system. The record keeping system
for each project for the proposed CPA under the
participating PoA includes detailed sales
household the CPA. information collected from each H/H
A contract with all in the form of an end user contract
the participating /06/ (template part of management
households system manual /19/). Review of this
confirms that the end user contract /06/ (in the form
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
households are not of a sales contract and /or lease
part of any other contract to be used for proposed
system that CPAs) reveals that it includes the
generates carbon name of the customer, address,
credits. The contract telephone number, CPA area, date
can be a written of sale/lease, sales information, and
contract signed by the retailer’s name (product supplier
individually information). The information from
households, or it the written sales/lease contracts
can be a contract /06/ shall be entered by the CPA
submitted through implementer into a database where
the representative a unique identification number for
from the LPIP each individual H/H shall be
through a smart assigned /19/. This identification
phone application, number /19/ of H/H consists the
subject to the country code, CPA number within
households the country and a unique ID number
approving all the for each participating household
information filled out and then recorded on the sales
by the LPIP. contract. The unique number
consists of the country code, CPA
The Reporting and code and region name matching the
Data Recording unique CPA numbering system plus
Department shall a participating household
implement a system identification number. The
where it will be sales/lease contracts shall consist
automatically of a provision /19/ for signature by
registered if two the participating household and
project participating shall clearly indicate that the
households has: equipment supplied is part of the
proposed CPA. This unique ID shall
1. The same contact allow future cross-checking to avoid
phone number, any double counting of H/H
participating in the CPA and thus
2. The same shall ensure no double counting of
number emission reductions. Furthermore,
the end user contract /06/ contains
a provision that the carbon credits
generated from the solutions belong
to the CME and also a confirmation
that the participating H/H is not part
of any other program in which
carbon credits are generated from
the same solutions as implemented
in the proposed CPA.

Conclusion :

Based on the above assessment,

validation team concludes that this
eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
3 Technological The CPA consists of Yes The thermal output and thermal
requirements solutions to reduce efficiency of the stoves used in the
emission from No CPA has to be determined through
burning non- the Product data sheet. Validation
renewable woody team based on review of product
biomass for specification provided by the
cooking. The equipment supplier /07/ confirms
solutions include: the following:
=> Biogas and ethanol stoves have
1. Biogas stoves. a thermal output of no more than 10
The type of kW and thermal efficiency of no less
biogas stove shall than 50% /07/.
have a thermal
output of no more => The community water
than 10 kW and purification systems provide water
thermal efficiency that meet WHO standards for safe
of no less than drinking water, and have energy
50%. output of less than 10 kW /07/. The
water purification system is using
2. Ethanol stove that non- renewable energy sources
shall have a /B04/ /07/. The energy output
thermal output of indicated for the community water
no more than 10 purification system is 1 kW as per
kW and a thermal the evidence submitted/07/.
efficiency of no
less than 50%. =>The Household water purification
systems provide water that meets
3. The community WHO standards /07/ for safe
water purification drinking water. These membrane-
systems shall based water purification systems do
provide water that not use any energy and use gravity
meet applicable settlement method for purification.
microbiological FAR 02 has been raised to confirm
standards/guidelin the compliance of the eligibility
es or WHO’s criterion.
performance Conclusion :
targets on
households water Based on the above assessment,
treatment, and validation team concludes that this
have energy eligibility criterion of the PoA is
output of less than complied with the subject CPA.
50 kW.

4. The Household
water purification
systems shall
provide purified
water that meet

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
water quality
es or WHO’s
target on
household water
treatment. As the
system does not
have an
energy output, the
energy output will
be estimated
based on the
energy output per
household in the
community water

5. The water
system is using
non- renewable
energy sources.

4 CPA start CPA start date shall Yes Based on the review of Baseline
date not be before PoA survey /08/, CPA-DD /02/ and the
registration date No implementation plan/18/ validation
and not before the team confirms that the expected
CPA baseline study start date of the proposed CPA is
has been after the PoA registration and hence
conducted. eligible to be included in the PoA.

The start date is; The starting date of the CPA has
been provided 01/05/2014. This
1. From the date in date is later than the PoA
the first registration date, 30/11/2012.CL 01
households within has been raised with regards to the
the CPA is starting date of CPA and has been
registered as a closed (please refer appendix A for
project the detailed closure).
Conclusion :
2. The start date of
the CPA according Based on the above assessment,
to the start date in the validation team concludes that
the CPA DD. this eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
The start date is the
date that is latest of

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
the two dates.

Please note that

equipment might be
deployed in the
CPA during the time
after the CPA
registration date
and before the CPA
start date according
to the CPA DD. In
such cases,
emission reductions
will only be
calculated from the
project start date,
according to the

5 Conditions Households have Yes The CPA /02/ meets the

that ensure been using woody applicability criteria of AMS I.E,
compliance biomass since No version 04 /B02/:
with 1989.
methodology => The CPA involves the
displacement of the use of non-
renewable biomass by using
renewable energy technologies
/02/. The renewable energy
technologies involved in the CPA
include ethanol stoves, biogas
stoves, and water purification
systems that either use no energy
(gravity based household systems)
or uses renewable energy i.e.
ethanol (community based
systems). The CPA shall be
implemented in area that are
predominantly using three stone
and other inefficient cookstoves
with biomass (fraction contains a
high non-renewable biomass /B07/)
as fuel as verified from the baseline
survey conducted in the CPA area
/09/. The proposed CPA shall
displace the use of non-renewable
biomass by shifting the fuel used for
cooking to ethanol or biogas, and
by shifting the fuel used for boiling
water for purification to systems that
do not use energy or that use
renewable energy(i.e. denatured
alcohol) /02/.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
=> The validation team based on
the review of the baseline survey
/09/ confirms that the households
that have existed since 1989 have
been using non-renewable biomass
since this time. This has been
further cross checked by reviewing
the FAO country report of Kenya

=> From the review of CPA-DD/02/

and Emission reduction estimation
spread sheet /04/, the validation
team confirms that the CPA is
under the small scale thermal
threshold i.e 45 MW. The total
installed capacity is 19.7 MW for
12000 households. Expected
thermal capacity (average for the
crediting period) of each household
is of 1.64 kW. FAR 02 has been
raised to confirm the compliance of
the actual thermal capacity of the
stove/water purification systems
installed in the CPA.

Conclusion :

Based on the above assessment,

validation team concludes that this
eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
6 Additionality The employed Yes From the review of CPA-DD/02/,
by CPAs technologies are validation team confirms that the
within the positive No proposed CPA shall solely consist
list of technologies of households or communities and
and project activity further confirms that even if a
types that are combination of technologies will be
defined as deployed in a H/H of the proposed
automatically CPA (i.e. biogas or ethanol stove in
additional. The combination with a community or
project activities household based water purification
solely consist of system), the thermal output
households or deployed in a household will not be
communities or more than 20 kW(see eligibility
small and medium criteria 3 and its assessment above)
enterprises (SMEs) and thus smaller than 5% of the
and where the size small-scale CDM threshold (i.e.
of each unit is no 2.25 MW). The employed
larger than 5% of technologies thus comply with the
the small-scale requirements for technologies on
the positive list of project activity

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
CDM threshold. types that are defined as
automatically additional according
As the small scale to the Guidelines on the
threshold is 45 MW, demonstration of additionality of
the project activity is small-scale project activities,
considered version 09/B10/ and thus the
additional if the proposed CPA is deemed
project activity additional, checked and confirmed
solely consist of by the validation team.
households or FAR 02 has been raised to confirm
communities or the compliance of the actual
small and medium thermal capacity of the stove/water
enterprises where purification systems installed in the
the installed CPA.
capacity at each
project participant is Conclusion :
less than 2.25 MW.
Based on the above assessment,
validation team concludes that this
eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
7 Stakeholder Stakeholder Yes From the review of CPA-DD/02/,
consultation consultation and validation team confirms that the
and environmental No geographical boundary of the
Environmenta impact assessment proposed CPA is within the
l Impact will be done for geographical territory of Kenya.
Assessment each CPA. Stakeholders have been invited to
comment on the program on a
For the first CPA in national level for Kenya. This is in
each Country, the accordance with the PoA-DD /B04/,
Stakeholder where it is stated that the first CPA
consultation and the in each country might conduct a
Environmental stakeholder consultation at a
Impact Assessment national level. The stakeholder
might be done on consultation was also validated
the National level as through telephonic interview/I-03/
an alternative to the and through the stakeholder
CPA specific consultation report /10-a/. This is
Stakeholder the case for environmental impact
Consultation and assessment /10-b/ as well.
the CPA specific Nonetheless, documents for LSC
Environmental and EIA at national level /10-a, b/
Assessment. If so, as provided by the CME are cross
the stakeholder checked and found acceptable to
consultation must the validation team of CCL.
stakeholders that Conclusion :
are represented in
the CPA area and Based on the above assessment,
or are familiar with the validation team concludes that
the conditions in the this eligibility criterion of the PoA is
CPA area. If a complied with the subject CPA.
national level

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
Assessment is done
for the first CPA in
the country, the
conditions in the
CPA area should be
representative for
the country.

8 Non- The CME shall Yes From the review of CPA-DD/02/, the
Diversion of confirm that in case validation team confirms that the
ODA in case of public funding No proposed CPA has not received any
of Public there shall not be public funding.
funding diversion of Official
Development Conclusion :
Based on the above assessment,
the validation team concludes that
this eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
9 Sampling Sampling will be Yes From the review of CPA-DD/02/,
requirements done for; Baseline survey /12-a,b/ and
No Monitoring manual /12-c/ in CME
1. The baseline Management Manual/19/, the
and validation team confirms the
adherence/provision of the
2. To determine the sampling plan (as contained in the
emission registered PoA DD /B04/) by the
reduction during proposed CPA.
the monitoring
process. Validation team confirms that the
baseline survey meets the
requirements for baseline survey
For both of these representativeness, sample size
processes the and data collected.
project will comply Conclusion :
with the requirement
of a 90% confidence Based on the above assessment,
interval and a 10% the validation team concludes that
margin of error. this eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
In case it the option
for doing verification
for a group of CPAs,
then the confidence
level of 95/10 shall
be achieved in
accordance with
EB74, annex 6 or
the latest standards.

The emission
reduction will be

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
calculated based on
ex-post survey.

The baseline survey

shall be done on a
sample size of at
least 68

10 SSC Limit for The CPA will remain Yes From the review of CPA-DD/02/ and
CPAs under the thermal Emission reduction estimation
threshold of 45 MW No spread sheet /04/, the validation
throughout the team confirms that the CPA is
crediting period of under the small scale thermal
the CPA. threshold i.e. 45 MW. The total
installed capacity based on 12000
Please note that not households is 19.7 MW (or
all equipment 19694.12 kW)/04/. FAR 02 has
necessarily have been raised to confirm the
been deployed at compliance of the actual thermal
CPA inclusion date, capacity of the stove/water
the SSC limit for purification systems installed in the
CPAs shall be CPA.
checked during
verification, and in Conclusion :
case any deployed
solution will be Based on the above assessment,
found to be not in validation team concludes that this
line with CPA SSC eligibility criterion of the PoA is
limit for CPAs complied with the subject CPA.
requirement, those
equipment’s will not
be counted for in
the emission

Thermal output is
determined to be
0.5 kW for each
household that get
purified water as
part of the project.

11 De-bundling The CPA is Yes From the review of CPA-DD/02/ and

exempted from emission reduction spread sheet
performing the de- No /04/, validation team confirms
bundling check (please also refer to the
since each assessment of eligibility criteria 3)
individual sub- that each individual sub-system and
system and each each participating household has
participating thermal energy savings/installed
household has capacity of less than 1% of the SSC

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
thermal energy threshold. As the SSC threshold is
savings of less than 45 MW, the threshold for exemption
1% of the SSC from performing a de- bundling
threshold and will check will be 450 kW. The total
remain within this installed capacity based on 12000
threshold households is 19.7 MW (or
throughout the 19694.12 kW)/04/. FAR 02 has
crediting period. been raised to confirm the
compliance of the actual thermal
Please note that not capacity of the stove/water
all equipment and purification systems installed in the
solutions may have CPA.
been deployed at
the CPA inclusion Conclusion :
stage but the 1%
threshold can Based on the above assessment,
however also be validation team concludes that this
checked during eligibility criterion of the PoA is
verification, and in complied with the subject CPA.
case of any
household will be
found not in line
with the De-
requirements, those
households will not
be counted for in
the emission

12 CER The CERs shall be Yes The end user contract /13-b/
ownership the sole ownership contains a provision that the carbon
of the CME, and the No credits generated from the solutions
CME shall provide belong to the CME, checked and
part of the income confirmed by the validation team.
generated from the
CERs to pay for Conclusion :
subsidies of the
equipment to be Based on the above assessment,
deployed in the the validation team concludes that
CPA. this eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
Please note that
loan agreements
might be made so
that the equipment
will be financed by
loans to be paid for
with the income
generated from the

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
sales of the CERs.

13 CPA crediting CPA starting date of Yes From the review of the CPA-DD/02/
Period the crediting period validation team confirms that the
of inclusion into No CPA starting date of the crediting
registered PoA or period is 01/05/2014 or the date of
any date thereafter inclusion whichever is later/02/.CPA
and crediting period has a renewable crediting period of
not to exceed the 7 years and does not exceed PoA
PoA end date. end date, i.e. 30/09/2040.

Conclusion :

Based on the above assessment,

the validation team concludes that
this eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
14 Approval of CME approves the Yes The validation team reviewed the
CPA by CME inclusion of this provided document i.e. CME’s
project in the SSC No approval /14/ for the inclusion of the
PoA proposed CPA in the SSC PoA,
checked and confirmed by the
validation team.

Conclusion :

Based on the above assessment,

validation team concludes that this
eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
15 Legal CME has Yes From the review of confirmation /15/
requirements commissioned (on legal or policy requirements for
studies in each No households to use the equipment
country included in promoted by the PoA or that there
the program to are any law or policy against using
determine if there such solutions) provided through
are any legal or the study conducted by Emerging
policy requirements Africa Biz/15/, validation team
for households to confirms that there is no legal
use the equipment requirement in Kenya for the
promoted by the participating H/H to implement
PoA or that there solutions to be implemented under
are any law or the proposed CPA.
policy against using
such solutions.
Conclusion :

Based on the above assessment,

the validation team concludes that
this eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.
16 Confirm that The baseline survey Yes The validation team based on the
the project is will confirm that the review of the declaration from the

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
not registered solutions to be No CME /11/ /16/ confirms that there is
with another employed by the no double counting of emission
CPA or CDM program of activities reductions due to the
project in the particular implementation/inclusion of the
CPA have not been CPA, as this CPA does not
employed prior to belong/included in any other PoA or
the project stand-alone CDM project or part of
registration. other CPA in the same PoA. The
validation team has assessed from
The end user the UNFCCC website /B07-1/ and
contracts will interviews /I-01/ and confirms that
confirm that the end there is no other similar PoA or
user solutions CDM project occurring in the CPA
provided as part of area and the CPA is neither
the CPA is not part registered as an individual CDM
of any other project activity nor is part of another
program that might registered PoA. Furthermore the
generate carbon validation team based on the review
credits of the CME Management system
manual /19/ confirms that in order to
avoid double counting, the CME
has adopted a provision of a record
keeping system. The record
keeping system for the proposed
CPA under the PoA includes
detailed sales information collected
from each H/H in the form of an end
user contract /06/ (template part of
management system manual /19/).
Review of this end user contract
/06/ (in the form of a sales contract
and /or lease contract to be used for
proposed CPAs) reveals that it
includes the name of the customer,
address, telephone number, CPA
area, date of sale/lease, sales
information, and the retailer’s name
(product supplier information). The
information from the written
sales/lease contracts /06/ shall be
entered by the CPA implementer
into a database where a unique
identification number for each
individual H/H shall be assigned
/19/. This identification number /19/
of H/H consists the country code,
CPA number within the country and
a unique ID number for each
participating household and then
recorded on the sales contract. The
unique number consists of the
country code, CPA code and region
name matching the unique CPA

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
numbering system plus a
participating household
identification number. The
sales/lease contracts shall consist
of a provision /19/ for signature by
the participating household and
shall clearly indicate that the
equipment supplied is part of the
proposed CPA. This unique id shall
allow future cross-checking to avoid
any double counting of H/H
participating in the CPA and thus
shall ensure no double counting of
emission reductions. Examples of
the unique ID of CPA and the
households are provided in the
means of proof for eligibility criteria
17. Furthermore, the end user
contract /06/ contains a provision
that the carbon credits generated
from the solutions belong to the
CME and also a confirmation that
the participating H/H is not part of
any other program in which carbon
credits are generated from the
same solutions as implemented in
the proposed CPA.

Furthermore, review of the baseline

survey /16/ reveals that the
solutions to be employed by the
proposed CPA have not been
employed prior to the project

Conclusion :

Based on the above assessment,

validation team concludes that this
eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.

17 Exclusivity of No component of a Yes Validation team based on the

boundary project activity of review of confirmation provided by
one CPA shall be No the CME/11/ end user agreement
part of any other template and example unique IDs
CPA. Every project from the monitoring database /26/
participating confirms that every project
household is participating household is exclusive

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
S. No. Eligibility Eligibility criteria Eligibil Assessment by the Validation
criteria Description ity team
Category check
exclusive to one to one CPA. FAR 01 has been
CPA raised for verifying DOE to
check/review the unique IDs
assigned to households and ensure
that each household is part of only
one CPA.

Conclusion :

Based on the above assessment,

validation team concludes that this
eligibility criterion of the PoA is
complied with the subject CPA.

CME intends /I-01/, /I-02/ to engage the empanelled suppliers/partners/ manufacturer which
supply solutions as required by the design of the PoA /B04/, /19/.

According to the requirements of § 9 and § 10 of Annex 05 of EB 74, the validation team by

means of interviews with the representative of CME and through document review /19/ confirms
that the CME is competent to check the features of the CPA and ensure via letter /14/ that the
CPA meets all requirements and eligibility criteria. The PoA manual /19/ transparently defines
the roles, responsibilities and authorities within the managing entity. The validation team has
also confirmed through document review and interviews with the representative of CME
confirms that there exist procedures to avoid double counting /19/, training and capacity
development for personnel /19/, Records and documentation control process /19/, Measures for
continual improvements of the PoA management /19/.

In conclusion, CCL confirms that the CPA complies with the eligibility criteria requirements of
the PoA /B04/.

3.4 Additionality

3.4.1 Approach for demonstrating CPA additionality

Validation team confirms that since the CPA meets the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the PoA
therefore deemed additional. Additionality of the CPA is one of the eligibility criteria; please refer
to eligibility criteria 6 in Section 3.3 of this report.

3.5 Emission Reduction

Parameters determined ex-ante

Ex-ante parameters provided under section D.6.2 of the CPA DD /02/ is found deemed
appropriate and in line with the applied methodology AMS I.E version 04/B02/. Ex-ante
parameters of this proposed CPA are as follows:

Every project component, that is every project participating household, shall be exclusive to one CPA. When the small
scale threshold of 45 MW is reached, a new CPA might be registered which might include the same
geographical area as a previously registered CPA, but the project participant shall ensure that each project
participating household is only part of one CPA so as to avoid double counting.
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013
Parameter Description Verified Verified
Value Source
fNRB,y Fraction of woody biomass used in 0.92 Default
the absence of the project activity in values of
year y that can be established as fraction of
non-renewable biomass. non-
biomass for
Parties with
10 or less
CDM project
activities as
of 31
2010, SSC
37 Annex
EFprojected_fossil Emission factor for the substitution of 81.6 AMS .I.E.
fuel non-renewable biomass that is tCO2/TJ Version 04
substituted. /B02/
NCVbiomass Net Calorific Value of the non- 0.015 AMS .I.E.
renewable biomass that is TJ/tonne Version 04
substituted. /B02/
NCVdenatured Energy Content of denatured alcohol. 0.0213 IPCC 2006
alcohol TJ /m3 /B08/

NCVbiogas Energy content of the biogas. 0.000215 IPCC 2006

TJ/ m3 /B08/ AMS-I.I
ass thermal
small users”
version 02

NCVCharcoal Energy content of Charcoal. 0.0295 IPCC 2006
TJ/Tonne /B08/

ηold Efficiency of system being replaced. 0.1 Baseline

Survey /22/
version 04
WBLB Mass of woody biomass that would 0.4356 WBT
have been required to boil one litre of Kg/litre REPORT on
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013
P.8 /21/
WBLB,Charcoal Mass of woody biomass that would 0.2041 WBT
have been required to boil one litre of Kg/litre REPORT on
water. 25th
P.8 /21/
CCF Charcoal conversion factor. 10 Protecting
and restoring
forest carbon
in tropical
Africa /25-1/.
This has
been cross-
against the
provided in
Proposal for
a new
baseline for
projects in
the clean
/25-2/, which
gives same
value as the
document for
Africa and
Wood for
which gives
an average
value of 8-17
for Africa.
CP Portion of woody biomass that is 0.8556 Baseline
used in the form of Charcoal in the survey /22/
project area.

LF Net to gross adjustment factor of 0.95 0.95 AMS I.E.

to account for leakage. version 04
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013
Thermal Thermal energy output from water 0.5 kW As per
output of purification system. eligibility
water criteria 3, part
purification 3 for
systems household
systems in
the PoA DD
/B05/ “As the
system does
not have a
output, the
output will
be estimated
based on
the energy
output per
household in

Hence this
value has
based on the
energy output
of community
system based
on the
output of
stoves. As
per the ER
sheet only
have been
estimated to
use the
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013
water. Hence
the value of
output of
systems has
been set at
0.5 kW.
Therefore the
confirms the
ss of the

Ex-ante fixed parameter presented in the table above, along with the source of the values were
verified and were found as the values/ default values either from applied methodology or CDM
EB or IPCC or other sources for e.g. baseline survey, lab test report and found appropriate or
conservative and hence acceptable to the validation team.

3.5.2 Emission Reduction calculations

The equations and choices provided in the methodology are correctly quoted in the CPA-DD
/02/. The emission reductions of the CPAs of the PoA would be calculated using the formulae
mentioned in the applied methodology AMS.I .E / Version 04 /B02/.

GHG emission reduction (ER) calculation is carried out based on the applied methodology
AMS-I.E, version 04 /B02/. The parameters and equations presented in the registered PoA-DD
/B04/, CPA-DD /02/ and ER spreadsheet /04/ have been compared with the information and
requirements presented in the methodology/B02/. Validation team based on the review of CPA-
DD /02/, confirms that the formulae are correctly presented for the determination of emission
reductions at CPA level. An equation comparison has also been made to ensure consistency
between all the formulae presented in the PoA-DD /B04-1/, emission reduction spread sheet
/04/, and the applied methodology AMS.I.E, version 04 /B02/. As stated in the CPA-DD/02/ no
equipment currently being utilized is to be transferred to the project boundary, no such leakage
applies due to “equipment currently being utilised is transferred from outside the boundary to
the project boundary” in line with § 11 of methodology. The validation team confirmed during
interviews with the CME, that the proposed CPA shall utilize all new equipment and hence this
leakage source is not applicable. Furthermore the validation team confirmed with the CME that
any equipment currently being utilized shall be excluded from the project boundary.

3.6 Monitoring Plan

The monitoring plan presented in the CPA-DD /02/ complies with the requirements of the PoA -
DD /B04/, the applied monitoring methodology /B02/. The validation team of CCL has verified all
parameters in the monitoring plan against the requirements of the methodology and no
deviations have been found.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
The procedures have been reviewed by the validation team through a document review and
interviews with the relevant stakeholders. The information provided has allowed the validation
team to confirm that the proposed monitoring plan is feasible within the project design. The
relevant points of monitoring plan have been discussed with the PoA managing entity / CPA

The parameters that are to be monitored ex-post are:

Parameter /02/, Description /02/, /B04/ Frequency /02/,
/B04/, /B04/

ETstoves, units,y Average number of ethanol stoves Annually

used by the project participating
households in year y.

ETusage,y Average daily denatured alcohol Annually

usage by project participating
households in year y.

ETstove,capacity,y Average thermal capacity of ethanol Annually

stoves used by project participating

ETstove,Efficiency, y Average thermal efficiency of Annually

ethanol stoves used by project
participating households.

BGstoves, units,y Average number of biogas stoves Annually

used by the project participating
households in year y.

BGusage,y Average daily biogas usage by Annually

project participating households in
year y.

BGstove,Capacity,y Average thermal capacity of biogas Annually

stoves used by project participating

BGstove,Efficiency, y Average thermal efficiency of biogas Annually

stoves used by project participating

Np,y Average number of people in project Annually

participating households that are
drinking purified water provided by
the equipment supplied by the

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
QDW p,y Average number of litres of purified Annually
water used by each person in
participating project households in
year y.

WQuality,y Water Quality – to confirm that Annually

purified water meet national or
WHO interim microbiological
standards for drinking water in year

CAR 01 and CAR 02 had been raised for the parameters and have been closed (please refer
appendix A for the detailed closure. As verified from the CPA-DD /02/, all monitored data shall
be kept for the duration of the program plus two years and will be stored by the Recording and
Data Department. Statistical sound sampling has been adopted and sampling plan design has
been described transparently in the CPA-DD /02/. Stratified random sampling approach has
been adopted. The sampling size is determined with minimum 90% confidence interval and
maximum 10% error margin. The minimum sample size is in accordance with the methodology
requirements. In case the verification is done for a group of CPAs then sampling shall be
undertaken with 95% confidence interval and maximum 10% error margin.

In summary, the parameters determined ex-post have been presented correctly according to
requirements are considered in accordance with the applied methodology /B02/.

The responsibilities and institutional arrangements for data collection and archiving have been
clearly provided. The information provided in the CPA-DD /02/ could be confirmed based on the
interviews and also through the submitted documentary evidence – monitoring Manual /19/
covering all requirements as stated in PoA-DD /B04/.

Based on above assessment, it can be confirmed that the CME and the CPA implementer will
be able to implement the monitoring plan and the achieved emission reductions can be reported
ex-post and verified.

3.7 Stakeholder Consultation

Stakeholders have been invited to comment on the program on a national level for Kenya. This
is in accordance with the PoA-DD /B04/, where it is stated that the first CPA in each country
might conduct a stakeholder consultation at a national level. The stakeholder consultation was
conducted on 20/02/2013 in Nairobi, Kenya. The stakeholders were also sent the presentation
and feedback on the stakeholder consultation. Documents for LSC /10-a/ are checked and
found acceptable to the validation team of CCL. Validation team confirms that since already
included CPA/B04-8/ of PoA was also from Kenya (i.e. the same host country where the
proposed CPA is based), the stakeholder consultation for the Kenya (national) level was already
validated at the time of inclusion of other CPA/B04-8/. Nonetheless, documents for LSC /10-a/
is checked and found acceptable to the validation team of CCL. Interviews were also conducted
with local stakeholders/I-03/. Please also refer to the assessment of eligibility criteria 7 in
section 3.3 of this validation report.

3.8 Environmental Analysis

National Environmental Impact Assessment Study was carried out at a national level and
approved by DNA. A national environmental Impact Assessment Study may be carried out at a
national level for the first CPA in each country in accordance with the PoA-DD /B04/. Validation

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
team confirms that since confirms that since already included CPA/B04-8/ of PoA was also from
Kenya (i.e. the same host country where the proposed CPA is based), the Environmental
Impact Assessment Study for Kenya (national) level was already validated at the time of
inclusion of other CPA/B04-8/. Nonetheless, documents for EIA at national level /10-a/ is
checked and found acceptable to the validation team of CCL. Please also refer to the
assessment of eligibility criteria 7 in section 3.3 of this validation report.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013

Table-1: List of findings (compliance of § 148 b of VVS)

Finding (CPA-DD, Section D.6.2) CAR-01
Classification CAR CL FAR
The font for value(s) applied for parameter Cp in section D.6.2 of the CPA-DD, and
parameters ETstoves,units,y, ETusage,y, ETstove,Capacity,y, ETstove,Efficiency,y, BGusage,y, BGstove,Efficiency,y,
Np,y, QDW p,y in section D.7.1 of the CPA-DD do not meet the requirements of the guidelines
for completing the CPA-DD.
Corrective Action or clarification #1
(PP shall write a detailed and clear corrective action or further The fonts have been changed.
information for clarification as per finding)
DOE Assessment #1
The assessment shall encompass all open issues in the The fonts have been changed. However, a comma (,) has been used to separate decimal
finding. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action places instead of a dot (.) as per international format requirement.
and DOE assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.
Corrective Action or clarification #2
The issue has been corrected.
(PP shall write a detailed and clear corrective action or further
information for clarification as per finding)
DOE Assessment #2
The assessment shall encompass all open issues in the The fonts and the decimal presentation of the values for the parameter have been
finding. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action corrected in section D.6.2 and D.7.1 of the CPA-DD.
and DOE assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.
Conclusion To be checked during the next periodic verification
Tick the appropriate checkbox Outstanding finding (not closed)
The finding is closed

Finding (CPA-DD, Section D.7.1) CAR-02

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03 Initial Adoption: February 2013
Finding (CPA-DD, Section D.7.1) CAR-02
Classification CAR CL FAR
The QA/QC procedures for the parameter ET stove,Efficiency,y in section D.7.1 of the CPA-DD
have not been provided in line with the PoA-DD.
Corrective Action or clarification #1
(PP shall write a detailed and clear corrective action or further “Not Applicable” has been filled in the QA/QC procedures.
information for clarification as per finding)
DOE Assessment #1
For the parameter ETstove,Efficiency,y,the QA/QCprocedures in the registered PoA-DD are
The assessment shall encompass all open issues in the
different. The QA/QC procedures have to be aligned to the PoA-DD. PoA-DD states, “See
finding. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action
Project Management Manual” in the QA/QC procedures for the parameter.
and DOE assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.
Corrective Action or clarification #2
“See Project Management Manual” has been filled in the QA/AC Procedures.
(PP shall write a detailed and clear corrective action or further
information for clarification as per finding)
DOE Assessment #2
The assessment shall encompass all open issues in the The QA/QCprocedures for the parameter ETstove,Efficiency,y have been updated in the section
finding. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action D.7.1 of the CPA-DD in line with the PoA-DD.
and DOE assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.
Conclusion To be checked during the next periodic verification
Tick the appropriate checkbox Outstanding finding (not closed)
The finding is closed

Finding (CPA-DD, Section A.8.1) CL-1

Classification CAR CL FAR
The start date of the CPA as stated in section A.8.1 of the CPA-DD is 01/04/2014 and the
start date of crediting period is provided as 01/04/2014. It was found out during the
interview with the CME that the CPA start date has not met the requirements as stated in
eligibility criteria 4 of the CPA-DD.
The justification for the stated dates needs to be provided.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03 Initial Adoption: February 2013
Finding (CPA-DD, Section A.8.1) CL-1
Corrective Action or clarification #1 The start date of the CPA DD has been changed to 01/05/2014. This apply for both the
(PP shall write a detailed and clear corrective action or further start date of the project activity and the start date of the crediting period.
information for clarification as per finding)
Project was expected to start by 01/04/2014, but start dates have been postponed as we
do not want to start the project activity until we feel confident that we will be able to include
the CPA in the CDM PoA.
DOE Assessment #1
The assessment shall encompass all open issues in the The start date of the project activity and the start date of crediting period has been
finding. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action corrected to 01/05/2014 and is acceptable to the validation team
and DOE assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.
Conclusion To be checked during the next periodic verification
Tick the appropriate checkbox Outstanding finding (not closed)
The finding is closed

Finding FAR-1
Classification CAR CL FAR
During the Validation stage, the CPA is in stage of its conceptualization and
implementation. Referring to paragraph 27 of VVS version 06, during 1st periodic
verification, verifying DOE shall check/review the unique IDs assigned to households and
ensure that each household is exclusive to the CPA and shall have a unique ID assigned to
Corrective Action or clarification #1
(PP shall write a detailed and clear corrective action or further
information for clarification as per finding)
DOE Assessment #1
The assessment shall encompass all open issues in the
finding. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action
and DOE assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03 Initial Adoption: February 2013
Finding FAR-1
Conclusion To be checked during the next periodic verification
Tick the appropriate checkbox Outstanding finding (not closed)
The finding is closed

Finding FAR-2
Classification CAR CL FAR
During the Validation stage, the CPA is in stage of its conceptualization and
implementation. Referring to paragraph 27 of VVS version 06, during 1st periodic
verification, verifying DOE shall check/review the project implementation in accordance with
the CPA DD including the check of solutions/technologies (water purification system,
biogas/ethanol stoves) to be implemented in the CPA and its compliance with the
requirements of the PoA (in particular compliance of eligibility criteria 3 and 6 and thermal
threshold of 45 MW of the applied methodology).
Corrective Action or clarification #1
(PP shall write a detailed and clear corrective action or further
information for clarification as per finding)
DOE Assessment #1
The assessment shall encompass all open issues in the
finding. In case of non-closure, additional corrective action
and DOE assessments (#2, #3, etc.) shall be added.
Conclusion To be checked during the next periodic verification
Tick the appropriate checkbox Outstanding finding (not closed)
The finding is closed

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03 Initial Adoption: February 2013
Certificates of Competence

FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03

Initial Adoption: February 2013
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013
FM 4.9 CPA Validation Report Template VVS CDM N° CCL182B/CPA/ROEFNRFFGAIIL/CPA0046/20131007, Rev. 03
Initial Adoption: February 2013

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