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Submitted by
Ramyalakshmi. G
3122 21 3001 072


KALVAKKAM- 603 110

Case Study Statement

Accountability can have a positive impact on a group or organization by promoting a sense of

responsibility and ownership among individuals. My case study demonstrates the negative
impact created in the society due to few police officers who failed to realize their accountability
which brought distrust into the society.

I. Introduction

Accountability is the concept of being responsible for one's actions and decisions. It
involves being answerable and taking ownership for the outcomes of those actions and
decisions, both positive and negative. In a professional setting, accountability is often used
to describe the responsibility that employees or team members have to their employer or
organization. This can include being accountable for completing tasks and projects on time,
adhering to company policies and procedures, and achieving performance goals. It can also
be applied to organizations or governments, which are responsible for delivering services,
meeting regulations, and achieving goals. In personal life, where individuals are
accountable to make choices that align with their personal values and goals. Overall,
accountability is a key aspect of effective leadership, management, and governance, as it
promotes a sense of responsibility and ownership among individuals and organizatio

II. Survey
Accountability and public accountability are related concepts, but they have some differences.
Accountability in general refers to the responsibility of an individual or organization to
account for their actions, decisions, and outcomes to someone else, whether it be a supervisor,
manager, or other higher authority. Public accountability, on the other hand, specifically refers to
the responsibility and answerability of public officials and institutions to the public for their
actions and decisions. This includes being held accountable for the use of public resources,
compliance with laws and regulations, and the provision of services to the public. Public
accountability is a key aspect of good governance and democracy, as it ensures that public
officials and institutions are accountable to the citizens they serve.
It can be achieved through various mechanisms such as
 Transparency
 independent oversight
 citizen participation
This survey aims at finding out the position of India in comparison with the other 5 countries
which are said to be least corrupted. It also includes the position of India in the list of 180
countries for the past 5 years.

Justification for choosing this survey:

We, as the students may blame the society for the corruption and the ineffectiveness to satisfy all
our needs. But it is not the case. Everything starts with us. We are the one who have to bring the
change to the world. This implies that the individuals have a significant role to play in the
development of a country. Ultimately, the collective actions of individuals can drive the
economic, social, and environmental progress of a country. So, in order to find out how much of
them are aware of this and to create further awareness this survey has been chosen.

III. Case Study details

The Jayaraj and Bennix case, also known as the Sathankulam case, refers to the custodial deaths
of Jayaraj and Bennix, a father and son from Sathankulam in Tamil Nadu, India in June 2020. On
19 June 2020, P. Jeyaraj (59 years old) and his son J. Beniks(31 years old) were picked up for
inquiry by the Tamil Nadu Police in Sathankulam, Thoothukudi district for allegedly violating the
Indian government's COVID-19 lockdown rules. According to the police, the duo was held for
allegedly keeping their mobile accessories shop open beyond permissible hours on June 19. An
FIR was filed against the two on 19 June and both were taken into custody. However, CBI in
chargesheet claimed there were no violation of the lockdown rules. They were sexually
assaulted and tortured by the police while in custody, leading to their deaths. On 22 June 2020,
Beniks fell ill and was moved to the Kovilpatti General Hospital, where he died later that day. The
following day, 22 June 2020, his father also died. The custodial death of the two men in Tamil
Nadu's Sathankulam town in Thoothukudi district sparked massive outrage in the state over police
brutality. The case was handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the State
Human Rights Commission for investigation. Several police officers were arrested and charged
with murder, abuse of power and other crimes.The case is currently under investigation by the
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the State Human Rights Commission. The National
Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has also taken suo moto cognizance of the case and issued
notices to the government of Tamil Nadu and the Director-General of Police. The outcome of the
case is yet to be announced by the court.
IV. A brief discussion on

A. Importance of Understanding Harmony at 4 levels

(Individual, Family, Society, Nature)

Accountability at the individual level means taking responsibility for one's actions and their impact
on others. It involves being accountable to oneself, one's community, and society. Understanding
harmony at the individual level means recognizing the interconnectedness of all people and the
importance of working towards the common good.


Accountability and understanding harmony at the individual level are closely related as they both
involve taking responsibility for one's actions and their impact on others. Accountability involves
being responsible for oneself and one's actions, while understanding harmony involves recognizing
the interconnectedness of all people and the importance of working towards the common good.
When individuals take accountability for their actions and understand the impact they have on
others, they are more likely to act in a way that promotes harmony within their community and
society. By being accountable, individuals are more likely to be aware of the impact their actions
have on others and to take steps to minimize negative effects. By understanding harmony,
individuals are more likely to be aware of the interconnectedness of all people and to work towards
the common good. In short, they both require empathy, compassion, and a willingness to listen to
and learn from others. These attitudes and behaviours are crucial for building a harmonious and
cohesive society, which is key for any country's development.


Harmony within a family can provide accountability to individuals by promoting a sense of shared
responsibility and interdependence among family members. When there is harmony within a
family, family members are more likely to communicate effectively, listen to one another, and
support each other. This creates an environment where individuals feel responsible for their actions
and the impact they have on others. When family members understand the interconnectedness of
all family members and work towards the common good, they are more likely to hold themselves
accountable for their actions. They are more likely to take responsibility for their own behavior
and work to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner. This promotes a sense of ownership and
accountability for one's actions, which can lead to personal growth and development for everyone
in the family. Additionally, when family members take accountability for their actions, they are
more likely to be role models for children and other family members, which can help instill a sense
of responsibility and accountability in them. This can lead to a virtuous cycle of accountability and
harmony within the family, which can contribute to the overall well-being and development of the
family and individuals.
In summary, harmony in a family can provide accountability to individuals by fostering a sense of
shared responsibility, interdependence, and constructive communication among family members.
This can lead to personal growth and development and sets a positive example for children and
other family members.


Harmony in society and nature can lead to an increased sense of accountability in several ways:
1. Interconnectedness: Understanding the interconnectedness of all people and the natural
world can lead to a greater sense of responsibility and accountability for the impact of our
2. Shared responsibility: When society and nature are in harmony, individuals,
communities, and nations are more likely to work together towards shared goals, promoting
a sense of shared responsibility.
3. Sustainable development: When society and nature are in harmony, individuals,
communities, and nations are more likely to prioritize sustainable development, which can
lead to more responsible and accountable decision-making.
4. Environmental conservation: When individuals, communities and nations are
accountable for the environment, they are more likely to take action to preserve and protect
the natural world, which is fundamental for a harmonious relationship between society and
5. Collective impact: When society and nature are in harmony, individuals, communities,
and nations are more likely to take collective action to address global issues such as climate
change, deforestation, and pollution, which can lead to more accountability and results
oriented outcomes.
6. Ethical considerations: harmony in society and nature can promote ethical considerations
in decision making, which can lead to more accountability in terms of how actions are
impacting the society, community and environment.
B. UHV proposals relevant to the case study statement

My case study clearly reveals the status of lack of accountability.

Lack of accountability can negatively affect the harmony of individuals, society, and families in
several ways. For individuals, it can lead to a lack of personal responsibility and a sense of
entitlement, which can harm their relationships and overall well-being. It leads to a sense of
mistrust and resentment towards those who are not held accountable for their actions. This can
lead to conflicts and disagreements, making it difficult for individuals to work together effectively.
Additionally, when individuals are not held accountable, they may feel a lack of motivation to take
responsibility for their actions, which can lead to poor performance and decreased productivity.
Overall, a lack of accountability can create a toxic work environment that harms the harmony of
individuals. Here the father and son suffered due to the lack of accountability of police officers.

For families, it can lead to a lack of communication and cooperation, which can harm
relationships and make it difficult to achieve common goals. Overall, lack of accountability can
lead to a decline in social cohesion and an increase in conflict and negative outcomes.
When family members are not held accountable for their actions, they may engage in behaviors
that harm other members of the family. This can lead to conflicts and disagreements, making it
difficult for family members to communicate and work together effectively. Additionally, when
family members are not held accountable, they may feel a lack of motivation to take responsibility
for their actions, which can lead to poor performance and decreased productivity within the
household. Here this case affected the harmony of several families due to the loss of their family

For society, it can lead to a breakdown of trust and cooperation between different groups and a
lack of progress towards shared goals. It leads to a lack of trust in institutions and individuals in
positions of power. This can lead to cynicism and apathy among citizens, making it difficult for
them to actively participate in the democratic process and engage in civic activities. Additionally,
when individuals and institutions are not held accountable, they may engage in unethical or illegal
behaviour, which can harm society. This can lead to social unrest and division, making it difficult
for society to function effectively. Overall, a lack of accountability can create a sense of injustice
and undermine the social contract, causing harm to the harmony of society. Here the entire police
department got accused by the people and further certain people would not trust the police even
though the mistake was due to the individuals.
C. Self-Exploration related to the case study:

Self-exploration can improve accountability by helping an individual to gain a deeper

understanding of their own behaviours and actions, as well as the impact that those behaviors have
on others. Through self-reflection, an individual can identify patterns of behavior that may
contribute to a lack of accountability, such as procrastination, avoidance, or defensiveness. By
gaining insight into these patterns, an individual can take steps to change them, making it more
likely that they will take responsibility for their actions in the future.
Additionally, self-exploration can help an individual to develop a sense of personal responsibility,
which is an essential component of accountability. By understanding the impact that one's actions
have on others, an individual is more likely to take responsibility for their actions and be
accountable for their decisions. Self-exploration can also help an individual to identify their values
and goals and align their actions with those values and goals, which can increase their motivation
to take responsibility for their actions.

V. Activities

Some steps that can be taken to promote accountability in society include:

1. Encourage and support civic engagement:

Encourage people to get involved in their communities and take an active role in shaping
the policies and decisions that affect their lives.
2. Promote transparency and open communication:
Ensure that government and other institutions are transparent about their decision-making
processes, and that there are channels through which citizens can provide feedback and
hold them accountable.
3. Hold elected officials and public servants accountable:
This includes holding them accountable for their actions through regular elections, as
well as through oversight and investigation mechanisms such as parliamentary
committees and independent oversight bodies.
4. Promote and support independent media:
A free and independent press plays a vital role in holding those in power accountable by
providing citizens with information and analysis on the actions and decisions of
government and other institutions.
5. Encourage a culture of personal responsibility:
Encourage individuals to take responsibility for their actions and to hold themselves
accountable for their impact on society.
6. Foster a culture of integrity and ethics in all sectors:
Encourage organizations and individuals to act with integrity and to adhere to ethical
principles, and to hold themselves accountable for their actions.
7. Promote education on the importance of accountability and civic engagement:
Education plays a key role in promoting civic engagement and encouraging people to
take responsibility for their actions and hold themselves accountable.
It is important to note that building an accountability culture in society is a complex task that
requires the efforts of many different actors and stakeholders. It will take time and sustained
effort to change the culture, but by working together, we can promote a more accountable and
responsible society.

VI. Outcome

Survey outcome:

India in comparison with top 5 least corrupt countries

According to the 2021 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) released by Transparency International, the top
5 least corrupt countries are:
1. New Zealand
2. Denmark
3. Finland
4. Singapore
5. Switzerland
India is ranked at 86 out of 180 countries on the 2021 CPI, with a score of 40 out of 100, where 0 is highly
corrupt and 100 is very clean. India's ranking has improved by 5 points from 2020 but still considered as
moderately corrupt country which is described in the graph below.

India corruption rank

Corruption is the abuse of power or position for personal gain. It can take many forms, such as
bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and influence peddling. Accountability refers to the obligation
of an individual or organization to account for their actions, decisions, and performance. In the
context of corruption, accountability means that individuals and organizations are held responsible
for any corrupt activities they engage in. This can include legal and financial penalties, as well as
reputational damage. When there is a lack of accountability for corruption, it can lead to a culture
of impunity, where corrupt officials and organizations are not held accountable for their actions
and are free to continue engaging in corrupt activities.

VII. Analysis

The lack of accountability can have several negative effects on society and the functioning of
organizations and institutions. When individuals and organizations are not held accountable for
their actions, it can lead to a culture of impunity where misconduct and unethical behaviour goes
unchecked. This can have serious consequences for both individuals and society.
 One of the main effects of a lack of accountability is that it undermines the rule of law.
When individuals and organizations are not held accountable for their actions, it sends a
message that the laws and regulations that are in place to protect citizens and society do
not matter. This can lead to a breakdown of the social contract, where citizens lose faith in
the ability of the government to protect their rights and interests.
 In addition to undermining the rule of law, a lack of accountability can also lead to a lack
of trust in institutions and organizations. When individuals and organizations are not held
accountable for their actions, it can lead to a perception that they are not acting in the best
interests of society or the public. This lack of trust can have serious consequences for the
functioning of institutions and organizations, as it can lead to a lack of public support and
a lack of cooperation from stakeholders.
 Another effect of a lack of accountability is that it can lead to a lack of accountability of
employees working in organizations. When there are no consequences for misconduct and
poor performance, employees may feel less motivated to work to the best of their abilities.
This can have a negative impact on the overall performance and effectiveness of the

In conclusion, lack of accountability can lead to a variety of negative consequences including

undermining the rule of law, lack of trust in institutions and organizations, lack of motivation and
poor performance among employees and a culture of impunity.

Where there is blame, there is no learning. Where there is blame, open minds close, inquiry tends
to cease, and the desire to understand the whole system diminishes. When people work in an
atmosphere of blame, they naturally cover up their errors and hide their real concerns. And when
energy goes into finger pointing, scapegoating, and denying responsibility, productivity suffers
because the organization lacks information about the real state of affairs. It’s impossible to make
good decisions with poor information.
VIII. Discussion

Self-exploration, education, and right understanding can increase the accountability of a person by
helping them develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.


 Self-exploration can increase the accountability of a person by helping them develop a

deeper understanding of themselves and their values. When an individual takes the time
to explore their thoughts, feelings, and motivations, they can gain a greater understanding
of what drives their actions and decisions. This self-awareness can help them take
responsibility for their actions and make conscious choices that align with their values.
Self-exploration can also help an individual identify and acknowledge any unconscious
biases or prejudices they may have, which can lead to a more objective and fair decision-
making process. Additionally, self-exploration can help individuals identify areas in
which they may need to improve, such as communication skills or time management. By
being aware of these areas and actively working on them, individuals can become more
responsible and accountable for their actions and performance.

Overall, self-exploration can help individuals develop a sense of personal responsibility

and accountability by increasing self-awareness, encouraging self-reflection and
promoting personal growth. By becoming more self-aware, individuals can take ownership
of their actions and decisions, and be accountable for the outcomes of those choices.


Education can increase the accountability of a person by providing them with the knowledge,
skills, and understanding they need to make informed decisions and take responsibility for their
 Firstly, education can provide individuals with the knowledge and information they need
to understand the consequences of their actions and make informed decisions. For
example, an education in environmental science can help an individual understand the
impact of their consumption and disposal habits on the environment, leading to more
responsible and sustainable behavior.
 Secondly, education can also help individuals understand their rights and responsibilities
as citizens, and develop a sense of civic responsibility. For example, an education in
political science can help an individual understand their role in the political process, and
the importance of participating in elections and other civic activities.
 Thirdly, education can also provide individuals with the skills they need to effectively
communicate, collaborate and problem-solve, which can lead to more effective decision
making and a greater sense of accountability for the outcome of those decisions.
 Lastly, education can also provide a diverse exposure to information and perspectives
which can help individuals understand the complexity of an issue and not to have a
narrow perspective, which can lead to making informed decisions that take into account
the broader context and potential consequences of their actions.
In conclusion, education can increase the accountability of a person by providing them with the
knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to make informed decisions, understand their
rights and responsibilities as citizens, and develop a sense of civic and personal responsibility.


Right understanding, also known as critical thinking, can increase the accountability of a person
by helping them make informed and well-reasoned decisions. It refers to the ability to understand
the complexity of an issue and not to have a narrow perspective.
 When an individual has right understanding, they are able to consider multiple
perspectives and understand the potential consequences of their actions.
 Right understanding can help an individual identify and acknowledge any unconscious
biases or prejudices they may have, which can lead to a more objective and fair decision
making process. By understanding the complexity of an issue, an individual is less likely
to make hasty or uninformed decisions, and more likely to take into account the potential
consequences of their actions.
 Right understanding also helps an individual to recognize the responsibilities and
consequences that come with their actions, it makes them aware of the impact of their
choices on others and the society as a whole, and it helps them to be more reflective
about the morality and ethics of their actions.
 Furthermore, right understanding can also be a tool to evaluate the reliability of sources
and information, this can help an individual to be less susceptible to manipulation and
propaganda, and be more accountable for their beliefs and decisions.
In conclusion, right understanding increases the accountability of a person by helping them make
informed and well-reasoned decisions, recognizing the responsibilities and consequences that
come with their actions, being aware of the impact of their choices on others and the society, and
being more reflective about the morality and ethics of their actions.

IX. Conclusion
Building a culture of accountability in society is crucial for promoting responsibility and
integrity among individuals and organizations. It involves holding people accountable for their
actions and decisions and creating systems and processes that support this. This can include
things like implementing performance metrics, providing regular feedback, and coaching, and
creating a culture of transparency and open communication. By fostering a culture of
accountability, individuals and organizations can improve their performance, increase trust and
collaboration among stakeholders, and ultimately lead to a stronger and more prosperous society.

X. References

[2] Castiglione, Dario. "accountability". Encyclopedia Britannica, 22 Oct.
2012, Accessed 22 January

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