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Dec 2022

Herba Love With

Proposal by
Undercover Team

Solving The case of :

Growing HerbaKOF-Faster!

Prepared for
#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022


TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................2
1.1.Company Profile ..........................................................................................2
1.2.Problem ........................................................................................................2
2. DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................3
2.1.Objective ......................................................................................................3
2.2.Market Survey ..............................................................................................2
2.3.Situational Analysis .....................................................................................5
3. MARKETING CAMPAIGN .........................................................................11
3.1.Problem Identification ................................................................................11
3.2.Our Campaign : #HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF ............................................14
4. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ........................................................21
5. TIMELINE .....................................................................................................22
5.1.Web development.......................................................................................22
5.2.Repackaging ...............................................................................................23
5.3.Producing the jingle ...................................................................................24
5.4.Producing advertisement ............................................................................25
5.5.Cooperate with public transportation .........................................................26
5.6.Make TikTok challenge .............................................................................26
6. FINANCIAL ...................................................................................................27
6.1.Marketing campaign...................................................................................27
6.2.Revenue stream ..........................................................................................28
6.3.ROI .............................................................................................................28
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................31
Table 1.0 : KPI ...................................................................................................31
Table 2.0 : Project Timeline ...............................................................................33
Table 3.0 : Financial Projection..........................................................................35
Table 3.1 : Budget Cost ......................................................................................36
Table 3.2 : ROI ...................................................................................................36

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

1.1 Company Profile
Dexa Medica, one of Indonesia's largest pharmaceutical companies,
continuously uses its advanced research capabilities to prioritize Indonesia's
public health needs. Its vision - using expertise to promote health - is a
natural outgrowth of this long-term commitment to better health care for all.
The company and its management team are guided by four main principles:
honesty, loyalty, dedication and commitment. As the original author of
Indonesian herbs as the power to be self-sufficient without chemical-based
pharmaceuticals. With the production of advanced separation technology
from our Laboratory
1.2 Problem
According to CHIA Mat Sep '22 data, it shows that the market for
herbal cough medicine in Indonesia is only 14%, while the remaining 86%
of people prefer to consume OTC to cure the cough. HerbaKOF is one of
the herbal cough medicines in Indonesia and has several competitors in the
market but unfortunately, HerbaKOF only gets 4% of sales in the global
market and still gets the lowest sales percentage of 8.9% in retail sales such
as at Alfamart.
We conducted a survey about HerbaKOF to find out from data like
many journals about herbal remedies, articles, and national herbal medicine
policy book in Indonesia etc. The list question and our focus to find
problems and opportunities about HerbaKOF are:
a. Are herbal remedies still in the customer’s top of mind when talking
about cough remedies?
b. Should we still focus on branding ourselves as herbal remedies or not?
c. Is it possible for us to challenge ourselves to compete intensively with
all of the product categories of cough remedies (not just herbal
remedies)? If yes, how should the strategy be?

To answer this question, we drafted several surveys and analysis and

the results are as follows:

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

2.1 Objective
Our marketing strategy is to raise HerbaKOF awareness to become
market leader by the end of the year of 2023-2024. Those consumers will
result in potential customers purchasing HerbaKOF products through
offline and online sellers (E-commerce). To determine the right marketing
strategy, we conduct market analysis based on the chart below


Situasional Behavioural
Analysis Analysis

Eksternal Internal Market


Macro Micro STP 5P Demography Behaviour

PESTLE Industry
Analysis Analysis

2.2 Market Survey

Perceptions of Herbal Medicines Consumer Interest in Consuming Public Trust in Herbal Medicines
as Treatment Herbal Medicines
4% 8%



Sometimes using herbal

Often using herbal Interest Not Interest Herbal Modern
Always using herbal

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Based on a market survey behavior from a journal written by Marwati

2018 entitled The influence of culture, perceptions, and beliefs on
purchasing decisions for herbal medicines, it shows that 60.8% of
consumers of herbal medicines in Indonesia sometimes use herbal
medicines, 35.1% say they often use drugs. herbs and the remaining 4.1%
said they always use herbal medicines. Based on the influence of culture in
purchasing herbal medicines in Indonesia as much as 43.18% and consumer
perceptions that herbal medicines are guaranteed as much as 52.7% and the
trust of the Indonesian people towards herbal medicines is quite high which
states that herbal medicines are indeed efficacious and have ingredients that
can heal pain. This is also in line with a survey conducted by survey
markplus, public interest in herbal medicines is quite high at 92%, this was
also encouraged by the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. As many as 45%
of respondents trust the community in the process of healing pain by using
herbal medicines.
So it can be concluded that according to journals and data that has been
obtained that herbal medicines have not become the main choice for
consumers to become medicines. People still prefer generic and modern
medicines. because modern medicine is medicine that has been tested for its
benefits and side effects pharmacologically and clinically. But herbal
medicines have very good potential to grow in the future, especially in
Indonesia, the main reason is the wealth of natural resources so that herbal
raw materials are easy to find at affordable prices besides that herbal
medicines are felt to have small side effects and Indonesia still follows
tradition. To be able to compete in the global arena, Indonesia needs to
provide space for researchers of medicinal plants to produce quality and
competitive herbal medicines.
To find a solution to the question should we stay focused on branding
ourselves as herbal medicine or not we use the TOWS strategy to strengthen
our opinion as follows:

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

TOWS Analysis

Strength Weakness
- Fewer side effects. - Prices are less competitive than other
- Herbal medicine that is easy to consume. cough medicines.
- Medicines work more effectively because - Benefit features are less competitive than
they use fractionation technology modern cough medicines and other herbs.
compared to other herbal medicines. - Branding as herbal medicine is less than
- Contains lagundi leaves, saga leaves, optimal.
crown of gods which are rich in benefits - Sales of HerbaKOF products were the
- Already registered with BPOM. lowest in the herbal medicine class.

Opportunities Strength - Opportunity Weakness - Opportunity

- Positive public perception - Promote HerbaKOF as a herbal medicine - Prioritizing promotion of HerbaKOF
regarding herbal medicines. that has low side effects, works branding as herbal medicine is supported
- Potential of herbal plants in effectively, is easy to consume, has many by positive public perceptions.
Indonesia. benefits because it contains Lagundi - Increasing the benefits of HerbaKOF is
- Sales of cough medicine leaves, Saga leaves, Mahkota Dewa and is supported by increased sales of cough
increase every year. registered with BPOM with the support of medicine.
- Trend back to nature. positive public perceptions. - Focusing on the trend back to nature,
- Promoting HerbaKOF as a medicine although prices are less competitive due
which contains Lagundi leaves, Saga to natural ingredients.
leaves, Mahkota Dewa and is easy to
consume, supported by the increasing
trend of going back to nature.

Threat Strength - Threat Weakness - Threat

- There are many competitors - Conduct outreach to explain scientifically - Lowering prices so that they are more
from modern cough medicines about the advantages of herbal medicines competitive in the market because there
and herbal cough medicines. (especially the raw materials for lagundi are many competitors for cough
- The trend of taking herbal leaves, saga leaves, crown of gods) medicines.
medicine is decreasing. compared to competitors in treating - Increasing the promotion of herbal
- Low socialization of herbal coughs, and the herbal ingredients are medicines due to the low socialization of
medicine consumption. safer than cough medicines that contain consumption of herbal medicines and the
chemicals in terms of side effects. trend of taking herbal medicines.
- Increase the RND related to the benefits
of HerbaKOF because there are many
competitors for cough medicines.

So based on the TOWS analysis, our group decided to maintain the

HerbaKOF branding as a herbal medicine, because it is supported by the
large potential of the Strength Opportunities strategy.
2.3 Situational Analysis
2.3.1 PESTLE Analysis
- The government encourages increased use of local
- The Ministry of Industry encourages the use of
local raw materials
- Revenue in the Cold & Cough Remedies segment
amounts to US$0.49bn in 2022. The market is
expected to grow annually by 7.20% (CAGR

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

- The demand for traditional medicines tends to

decrease (JKN, 2022).
- Community perception of herbal medicine is
Social - Socialization of low consumption of herbal
medicines Indonesian tradition
- Trend Back to Nature
- The rapid development of the technology industry
in the business world
Technological - Exchange and delivery of information becomes
easier and faster because it can be integrated with
each other.
- There is a traditional medicine policy to encourage
traditional medicine to become a superior

- Utilization of natural resources and abundant

traditional ingredients
- Indonesia's natural resources are abundant but
there are not many industries that process these
raw materials in a standardized and continuous

Based on Pestle analysis, can be concluded that the external

factors from 6 sectors are beneficial for HerbaKOF’s growth.
2.3.2 Industry Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces Model)

Threat of New Entrants ➨ Low to Moderate

- HerbaKOF has old competitors but does not rule out the
possibility of new competitors in the future.
- The possibility of emergence of new competitors in the field
of cough medicine is very large. the threat of the emergence
of new competitors is very high. In this free market era, there

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

are lots of new products from abroad (imported) that enter

Indonesia, besides that competitive prices make the level of
competition even higher, but HerbaKOF, which is an original
Indonesian product, maintains the quality of its products so
that consumers do not switch to other products.
Threats of Substitutes ➨ High
- Modern cough medicine (example: OBH ,etc).
- Tradtional medicine concoction.
Bargaining Power of Buyers ➨ Low
- Herbal cough medicines usually have a bitter taste, have a
sharp odor, and work slowly.
- HerbaKOF cheap medicine.
- HerbaKOF is efficacious to relieve whatever type of cough
you have.
- HerbaKOF is the only herbal cough medicine in Indonesia that
is processed using the latest fractionation technology.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers ➨ Moderate
- The increase in raw material prices depends on the supplier.
- The price of natural/herbal raw material processing.
Rivalry of Competitors ➨ High
- Many competitors with similar products like Laserin, Herbal
Komix, Cough medicines for mothers & children, Ob Herbs,

The Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis which gives insights regarding

sellers positioning indicates that the initial level of competitiveness
within the HerbaKOF ecosystem is high, due to high substitution
and competitors level.

2.3.3 Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP)

We conducted STP through an accurate survey based on
journals that researched the effect of beliefs, knowledge, and
attitude on herbal medicine use during the Covid-19 pandemic by

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Indonesia Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report Q3 2022, this

survey in Indonesia. The reason we took the survey is so that the
data we get is accurate so that the determination of segmentation,
targeting, positioning can be in line with the conditions currently
experienced by Indonesia. We believe that this survey can be used
as a reference to describe our strategy to help make HerbaKOFf's
sales even better.
• Age

All Participant HM non-user HM user

N = 1621, n = N = 616, n = N = 1005, n =
(100%) (100%) (100%)

17 - 24 645 (39,8) 318 (51,6) 327 (32,5)

25 - 39 643 (39,1) 223 (36,2) 411 (40,9)

>40 342 (21,1) 75 (12,2) 267 (26,6)

*HM = Herbal Medicine

The survey conducted by Kristanto, et al shows that HM

users from the age group of 25-40 years have the largest
percentage, namely 40.9%, so they can become potential
consumers for the herbal medicine market. From this survey,
we take that the biggest and potential target is among the 25-39
years old.
• Income
• I
All Participant HM non-user HM user
N = 1621, n = N = 616, n = N = 1005, n =
(100%) (100%) (100%)
<2,5 million 783(48,3) 354 (57,5) 429(42,7)

2,5 – 5 million 561(34,6) 183(29,7) 378(37,6)

6 – 10 million 202 (12,5) 54 (8,8) 158(14,7)

>10 million 75 (4,6) 25 (4,1) 50 (5,0)

*HM = Herbal Medicine

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

The survey shows that the percentage of HM users who

have income > 2.5 – 5 million is 37.6% so that they can
become potential consumers for the herbal medicine market.
From this survey, we take that the biggest and potential targets
are consumers who have income > 2.5 – 5 million.
• Gender

HM non-user HM user
All Participant
Gender N = 616, n = N = 1005, n =
N = 1621, n = (100%)
(100%) (100%)
Male 507(31,3) 187 (30,4) 320 (31,8)

Female 1114(34,6) 429 (69,6) 685 (68,2)

*HM = Herbal Medicine

The survey shows that the highest percentage of HM

users according to gender is Female at 68.2% and has high
potential consumers but in our opinion everyone needs
medicine when sick so gender is not a focus in market
consumer segmentation. And both male and female have the
same opportunities and potential consumers.
Here is our STP conclusion.

Targeting Positioning

- Age : 25 – 40
- Income : > 2,5 million HerbaKOF as herbal
cough medicine for
Segmentation Interest and lifestyle active working
- Working millennials (9 to 5 job) millennials and family
- Active/high mobility person
- Back to nature
- Family oriented

2.3.4 5P
• Product
HerbaKOF is a herbal cough remedy produced with Natural
Advanced Fractionation Technology, the first in Indonesia
market. We are using local herbs such as Daun Legundi, Jahe
Gajah, Daun Saga, and the most special is Mahkota Dewa – the

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

only one in the market to use these ingredients. The formulary

has been approved by BPOM to help relieve cough and soothe
the throat.
Format: Syrup (bottle 60ml and 100ml and box 5s, 24s stick pack
sachet @15ml) ; Tablet (box 5 strip @6 tablet)
• Place
Currently we distribute HerbaKOF ASIAN-wide plus
Africa. Nationwide, we distribute HerbaKOF to the General
Trade, Modern Trade, E-commerce and Reseller, and through
tender business to the Government Healthcare Institution.
o 60ml bottle: All channels, esp. Mini market;
o 100ml bottle: General Trade; Sachet of 5’s & 24’s: E-
commerce & Reseller.
o Tablet : HCP, Hospital channel.
• Price
HerbaKOF has an affordable price, about IDR 3,500 for the
smallest sachet, up to IDR 25,000 for the 100ml bottle. And IDR
130.000 a box for a tablet.
• Promotion
We massively use both conventional and digital channel
while also actively join the local activation promotion to do
sampling (All integrated ATL, BTL, Digital)
• People
The human factor is the basis of marketing, because without
people, the message is neither created nor received. Besides, we
have a great internal team. We create consumers into brand
advocate, trust our agency partner, invest in influencers, and
have good relationships with stakeholders
Based on our PESTLE, 5 Forces Porter, and market survey
we conclude that HerbaKOF has the opportunity to compete in
the cough remedies category as a herbal remedy in Indonesia.

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Service quality and Promotion strategy are key to the success of

HerbaKOF in the future.

3.1 Problem Identification
Based on market surveys in various studies, there are only a few
respondents who consume herbal medicine. Studies provided by Marwati
related to factors of herbal medicine buying decision in 2018 shows that
only 4.1% of respondents always use herbal medicine as their medication
choice. This study is also supported by research conducted by Pramudita in
2022 showing that most respondents are using herbal medicine 1 – 3 times
per month and studies by Natu in 2015 which shows that only 11.6% of
respondents choose herbal medicine as their medication choice when
compared to modern medicine. These prove that herbal medicine is still not
the top of mind for Indonesian people.
But most respondents are having positive perceptions when asked
about herbal medicine efficacy and benefits. A study conducted by
Pramudita in 2022 about herbal medicine perception shows that 97% of
respondents believe that herbal medicine is safe to consume because it has
no side effects if consumed at the right doses. This study supported by
research conducted by Arimbawa shows that 63,8% of respondents agree
that consuming herbal medicine generates perceived benefit and 68% of
respondents believe that consuming herbal medicine also cures their
sickness. Therefore when being asked about their interest in herbal
medicine, 92% of respondents are having a high interest in purchasing
herbal medicine supported by the benefits of herbal medicine which are
made from natural ingredients (84%) and have no side effects (69,6%).
Therefore, even though most of the respondents are not choosing herbal
medicine as their medication remedy, most of them are having a positive
perception of herbal medicine. These statements are supported by studies
conducted by Fahrudin (2015) which stated the advantages of herbal

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

medicine are having fewer side effects, high efficacy, and being able to cure
disease. Therefore herbal medicine is safe for long term medication.
Based on studies conducted by Marwati, 2018 in their in-depth
interview, there are factors why respondents are not used to herbal medicine
which is a habit/culture where herbal remedies consumption is still not being
a habit, especially in their family. The other factor is that the respondent
judged that consuming herbal medicine as remedies have a longer time to
relieve and sometimes have no guarantee to be healed. Therefore some
respondents are not sure if herbal remedies are able to cure their diseases.
These statements are also supported by studies conducted by Marwati, there
are some weaknesses of herbal medicine which take longer time to work
and are not reliable because not under health expert supervision.
Habit or culture is a factor of behavior which is mainly adapted by
its family and environment. For example in a family where the parent does
not mainly use herbal medicine as their medication remedies, will influence
their children's behavior when choosing remedies while having illness. A
study conducted by Wulandari shows that knowledge and attitude are
factors of decision when choosing remedies including herbal remedies. The
better the knowledge and the more positive attitude the community has, the
more appropriate the use of traditional medicine will be. Appropriate use of
traditional medicines will provide benefits to public health and avoid the
harmful effects of traditional medicines.
Doing health promotion and socialization is an activity to improve
the level of knowledge in public, especially for herbal medicine. Therefore
it is essential to improve the knowledge that will influence people's habits
and attitudes by doing health promotion for consuming herbal medicine as
remedies. One of our team campaign objectives is upgrading the public level
of knowledge and awareness to consume herbal medicine. That’s why we
came out with the #HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF tagline which is to increase
the level of awareness of herbal medicine advantages which will increase
the level of herbal medicine consumption.

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Herbal medicine modernization can solve the issues of herbal

medicine weakness which is low in efficacy and takes longer time to work.
Herbal medicine traditionally in its manufacture still uses raw materials that
are not standardized. So in this modern era, herbal medicine began to
experience development and modernization. Various innovations in
medicines and herbal-based pharmaceutical products are growing rapidly.
Modernizing herbal medicine as an effort to increase the consumption of
herbal medicine among Indonesian people is a good goal. Modernization of
herbal medicine has the potential to increase the popularity of herbal
Therefore HerbaKOF came as herbal medicine fully made from
herbal plants consisting of hero ingredients which are daun legundi, jahe
gajah, daun saga and mahkota dewa and processed using advanced
fractionation technology which is able to relieve cough and soothe the
throat. HerbaKOF with mahkota dewa is able to work as anti inflamation
and due to the fractionation technology used when processing it, HerbaKOF
can work more effectively and quickly than other herbal cough medicines.
So HerbaKOF came as the solution for the weakness of herbal medicine.
Currently, HerbaKOF has the lowest market share when compared to other
brand competitors in herbal cough medicine and all product categories of
cough remedies. This is also supported by the sales comparison between
liquid cough remedies and herbal remedies, in which herbal cough remedies
only achieve 7.7% of the market share in 2020 even though the competition
could be supported by Covid19 momentum.
Technology adaptation in customers also affects how to increase the
technology adaptation in the marketing industry. COVID-19 has become
the accelerator for digitalization for society. The implementation of
technology in marketing can be done through Marketing 5.0. Technology
can enhance marketing by more informed decisions based on big data,
predict outcomes of marketing strategies and tactics, bring the contextual
digital experience to the physical world, augment frontline marketers’
capacity to deliver value and speed up marketing execution. We realise it or

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

not, technology is steadily becoming a bigger part of our daily lives

including our marketing target. Therefore, our team will bring strategies to
build digital capabilities for the marketing campaign by adopting the
technology and introducing the customer experience. So by our main tagline
#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF we believe that we are able to make HerbaKOF
as the leader in all product categories of cough remedies by implementing
our digitalized and human-centric marketing strategy campaign.
3.2 Our Campaign : #HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF
3.2.1 Creative message
Knowledge is one of the factors in the decision-making when
choosing remedies including herbal remedies. Doing health
promotion, especially in herbal remedies consumption will increase
the level of awareness of herbal medicine which will increase the
level of consumption of herbal medicine in public. That’s why we
came up with #HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF as our creative message
which the objective is to engage people to love and support herbal
medicine by consuming HerbaKOF as their herbal cough medicine.
This is also supported by the back-to-nature trend which increases
the awareness of herbal product consumption which is a solution for
healthier lifestyle choices and brings less harmful effects to the
body. Society's tendency to return to nature (back to nature) in the
middle of technological advances is the starting point for the
development of herbal medicine. And HerbaKOF products which
answer the consideration when choosing herbal medicine will play
as the main solution of herbal medicine.
3.2.2 Strategy
Based on our main objectives, we want to deliver
“HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF” as the main message of the campaign.
This will be implemented in Indonesia starting in June 2023 and will
be held in 1 year. This marketing plan will be responsible for the
marketing team of HerbaKOF. We start from implement these items
as mentioned below:

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

a) Product : Web improvement, Product rebranding

• Web development
Website is the most effective and efficient
promotional media. According to the Global Web Index,
62% of customers visit websites only to find information
about brands or products. By having a website, you can
directly present information that helps you introduce brands
or products and to build trust in the business you are running,
and of course, you can have two-way communication
through the website. For web development, we add some
features as follows:
1) Add chatbot feature where it provides personal health
assistant service “Dr. Kof”
Chatbot is a program that simulates human
conversation which will make people able to interact that
help find answers fast and can influence a customer
relationship by responding to requests faster while
meeting expectations. Our chatbot feature which is
named Dr. Kof will be able to engage users to our
marketing campaign by giving personal consultation for
cough disease which is able to answer user questions
related to cough type diagnosis, etc. Chatbot features will
increase the good customer experience supported with
AI technology by improving chatbots’ quality of
understanding and decision-making.
2) Create eCommerce web development to lead customers
who already opened the website to be able to buy
HerbaKOF products directly.
Website has been proven to become the most
effective and efficient promotional media to present a
product. Providing purchasing product options through a
website will upgrade the upselling and cross-selling

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

which will increase profits. This feature will also have a

higher rate of conversion for users who have already
been exposed and opened our website. These actions will
convert the engagement into sales and increase company
3) Send push notifications into user mobile and website.
Push notification will provide customized messages
with information from the user profile. These push
notifications objective is to give medication reminders
by Dr. Kof as personal health assistant service. This
feature will allow us to remind the customers to take
medicine and share healthy tips, especially for herbal
medicine that will increase the
#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF message delivery. This
service will be provided for customers who have bought
our product via website (Customers who have done the
payment will be offered) and by scanning the QR code in
the product packaging.
At the end of customer journey, push notifications
also will pop up to invite users to share experiences in
medication using HerbaKOF product customer journey
by giving ratings and comments to be shared via social
media. These actions support the final stage that a
customer becomes an advocate for your company. They
might recommend our product to friends and family and
give testimonials for our product.
4) Maximize the SEO performance
SEO is about the tactics to get your website to appear
at the top of the results when people use search engines.
Maximizing SEO websites has become the high-
performing sales pipeline to generate conversion into
sales. By increasing, SEO performance websites will be

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

able to set the HerbaKOF website as the top list shown

when customers are searching for herbal cough
medicine. SEO website performance is also able to bring
out marketing strategies to be sustainable and optimized
for the long run.
• Website user experience journey
1) Customers exposed with #HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF
campaign at various sources of campaign promotion
which include social media digital campaign and
advertisement. These campaigns will provide embedded
link and QR code that will lead customers directly to the
HerbaKOF website.
2) Visitor opened the HerbaKOF website. The chatbot
feature will automatically pop up and deliver an
engaging message for example “Lagi sakit batuk? Sini
Dr. Kof kasih tau solusinya!”. Visitor click next as the
engagement action for the previous message.
3) Visitors will be requested to create an account by signing
up through SSO (single sign on) using their google
account. This action will generate the user's main identity
such as name and email to the database.
4) Chatbot appeared with personalized messages, for
example “Hai <name>, yuk lengkapi data diri untuk
verifikasi akunmu dan dapetin layanan premium dari
kami”. Users will be directed to fill out identity forms
such as complete name, age, and gender. Users finished
completing their identity form.
5) Chatbot pops up with personalized message introducting
Dr. Kof as personal health assistance “Hai <name>,
perkenalkan namaku Dr. Kof, aku hadir sebagai dokter
pribadi untuk tuntaskan batukmu. Gejala apa saja yang
kamu rasakan akhir akhir ini?”. There will be closed

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

questionnaire to diagnose the symptom of user cough

disease. In the end Dr. Kof will answer the type of cough
(Batuk kering, batuk berdahak, radang tenggorokan), the
cause and recommend ways to heal which will directed
to HerbaKOF product as the remedies to solve all types
of cough.
6) Chatbot giving message “Yuk obati segala jenis batuk
dengan HerbaKOF. Kamu bisa dapetin poin dengan
belanja via Web loh! Klik disini untuk membeli”. Link
will direct customer to purchase HerbaKOF product
through website.
7) Customers finished purchasing the product through the
website. The point will automatically be generated to the
user account for additional discount on the next purchase
via the website.
8) Chatbot giving message “Terima kasih sudah membeli
produk kami. Yuk Dr. Kof bantu untuk dampingi proses
pengobatan kamu supaya sembuh lebih optimal.” User
will be given option to accept the medication reminders
service by Dr. Kof or reject it.
9) Dr. Kof notifications will automatically pop up on the
phone as medication reminders to take medicine
properly, ask the user health condition, and share
informative health tips in herbal ways.
10) Medication periods end. Dr. Kof notification will pop up
to ask for user feedback by giving ratings regarding
medication and medical assistance/web experience by
Dr. Kof to social media.
11) Users gave ratings and shared reviews to social media.
User journey finish.
• Product rebranding

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Packaging is one of the fundamental parts of sales strategy.

Packaging holds huge value in the process of generating sales.
The main reason packaging is important is because according to
a study, 70% of shopper purchase decisions are made in store.
Therefore, despite the digital selling pipeline, most customers'
decision is to buy the product by visiting the store. This means
packaging has huge potential to inform customers about the
product knowledge and influence them to purchase the product.
Therefore our strategy is to redesign the HerbaKOF product
packaging to emphasize HerbaKOF as herbal cough medicine as
a form of rebranding. We will highlight the hero ingredients of
the product which are Daun Legundi, Jahe Gajah, Daun Saga,
dan Mahkota Dewa as the visual component in the packaging to
raise brand awareness for HerbaKOF as herbal cough medicine
using herbal material originally from Indonesia.
b) Promotion : Digital campaign and advertisement
Our team will implement the digital campaign promotion
which will be held digitally at various social media platforms
such as Instagram, Tiktok and also cooperate with outdoor
advertisements. The campaigns are :
• Social media campaign to highlight #HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF
by health practitioner influencer @reisabrotoasmoro will be
launched as Instagram post, instagram story and tiktok video.
Social media is one of the widely used tools in marketing
communications resulting in brand-related consequences
including brand awareness and customer engagements to
HerbaKOF products. The content of social media influenced
promotional strategies facilitate interactive options for
consumers to engage with the brands. Social media provides
extended options to clients to be aware and motivated towards
buying decisions on brands being influenced via posts, tweets,
and pins in the platforms. Therefore, every campaign will

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

provide an embedded link and HerbaKOF profile account to link

customers to the main website that will generate conversion to
• TikTok challenge to raise virality of the tagline by engaging to
join the #HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF dance.
TikTok has the power to make anything go viral. Much like
a popular dance or trending audio track, products can achieve
cult-favorite status when picked up by the app’s algorithm. By
bringing HerbaKOF products which could be shown being used
by influencers, this advertisement will get engagement with
thousands of viewers. That’s why we brought up the challenge
by micro to macro influencer in TikTok and supported by
#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF jingle sound, choreography and
tiktok filter. We will cooperate the main message of
#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF in our jingle lyrics and
choreography moves by emphasizing the power of herbal
medicine using HerbaKOF. This will also be supported by
TikTok filters which picturing the main product packaging and
main ingredients to raise the product knowledge.
• Collaborate with public transportation in Jabodetabek
To maximize the reach of this outdoor advertising, we utilize
public facilities as advertising platforms because public facilities
are busy places that are within reach of many people such as
Commuterline (KRL). We will place an advertisement at
Commuterline to raise brand awareness with the matching target
audience according to our campaign segmentation.
Commuterline carriage operates in Jabodetabek area which is
able to deliver the campaign promotion to reach 1.4 million
people daily. The advertisement also integrates with the QR code
that will link directly to the HerbaKOF website. This aims to get
greater customer interaction opportunities. In addition,
HerbaKOF's advertisements will also be supported by creative

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

storytelling to be able to compete and get consumer attention.

This also serves to increase the user's involvement in the story
indirectly. These strategies will increase the brand's awareness
which will result in high brand recall.
c) Service quality : Retail distribution
By considering the huge potential in offline markets such as
pharmacies, supermarkets, etc, we will maximize the product
distribution in the retail market. Businesses that run strong and
efficient supply chains tend to generate more revenue and higher
profits. Maximizing the supply chain service in distribution will
improve product or service availability and speed up delivery
times. This will impact the availability of product stock and
expand the product distribution coverage all over Indonesia. By
improving the product availability in various offline market
channels, will impact higher probability to higher sales and


Key performance indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates
how effectively a program is achieving key business objectives. We have 5
promotion programs:
• Web development: Develop and provide new features on website.
• Instagram campaign (story, reels) by KOL: social media campaign by
• Tik Tok campaign by KOL : endorsement with artists via tiktok.
• Tik Tok Challenge: create a #HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF campaign with a
tik tok challenge
• Public Transportation Advertisement: put advertisement on Commuterline.
KPI for each promotional activity can be seen in the attachment. Overall,
promotional activities for one year have the following achievement targets:

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Indicator Units Target

Website and social media traffic Number 45606
Number of online sales Number 15891
Number of offline sales Number 47673
Satisfaction score at e-commerce Number 4.00
Net income Rp 1,475,028,011
ROI Percentage 264%

The target number of people visiting the website is 45606 people. The
number is obtained from the sum of the target Click through rate (CTR) for each
promotional program. The target number of online and offline purchases is
15,891 and 47,673 HerbaKOF units, respectively. The online sales target is
obtained from the sum of the target conversion rate for each promotion program.
Meanwhile, offline sales are three times of online sales, because according to a
MarkPlus survey, only 24.1% of people buy pharmaceutical products
completely online, while 75.9% buy them offline. The net income target is IDR
1,475,028,011, with an ROI of 264%. (based on financial calculations).

5.1 Web Development
The development of this HerbaKOF Web and ChatBot Project
involves a series of steps and activities to ensure that it meets the needs of
the user and functions effectively. One of the first steps in this process is
requirement gathering. This involves collecting input from stakeholders,
such as customers, clients, and team members, to understand their needs and
expectations for the product. This helps to identify the key features and
functionality that the product should have. Once the requirements have been
gathered, the next step is to design the product. This involves creating a
quick design to align with the overall concept and ensure that it meets the
requirements identified in the previous step. This design will be presented
to stakeholders or in this case DexaGroup for feedback and approval before
moving on to the next stage. After the design has been approved, the next

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

step is to build a prototype of the product. This allows the team to test and
evaluate the product in a simulated environment before it is fully developed.
It can also be used to demonstrate the product to potential customers or
investors. Once the prototype has been built, the team can conduct A-B
testing and utilization testing to determine how effective the product is and
identify any areas that need improvement (Wiebe Joanna, 2013). A-B
testing involves comparing two versions of the product to see which
performs better, while utilization testing involves evaluating the product's
performance under real-world conditions (M. Atif and M. A. Imran, 2011)
. Based on the results of these tests, the team may need to refine the
prototype to address any issues that were identified. This may involve
making changes to the design or functionality of the product. Finally, once
the prototype has been refined and all necessary changes have been made,
the product is ready to be deployed. This involves completing any remaining
development work and preparing the product for distribution or release.
5.2 Repackaging
Redesigning packaging for a product involves a series of steps to
ensure that the new packaging is effective, visually appealing, and meets the
needs of the product and its target audience. One of the first steps in this
process is concepting. This involves brainstorming ideas and coming up
with a concept or vision for the new packaging. It involves researching the
needs and preferences of the target audience, as well as exploring potential
solutions to identified problems or challenges with the current packaging.
Once the concept of the HerbaKOF Campaign has been developed, the next
step is to arrange with the design team. This involves assembling a team of
designers, developers, and other professionals who will be responsible for
bringing the concept to life. The next step is designing the packaging. This
may involve creating prototypes, diagrams, and other visual representations
of the packaging to help the team visualize and understand how it will
function. The design process also involves evaluating and testing various
design options to determine the most effective and efficient solution. Once
the design has been finalized, the next step is producing the packaging. This

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

involves sourcing materials, assembling components, and testing the

packaging to ensure that it meets quality and performance standards. This
step involves collaborating with manufacturers, suppliers, and other
partners to ensure that the packaging is produced efficiently and effectively.
Finally, the process is finalized by completing any remaining tasks and
preparing the packaging for distribution or use. This involves completing
final tests, preparing marketing materials, and establishing a plan for
distribution and sales.
5.3 Producing the Jingle
The first step in producing a jingle is to come up with a concept or
idea for the jingle. This often involves brainstorming sessions with a team
of creative professionals, known as the BOD or Brainstorming On Demand
(Paul B. Paulus and Bernard A. Nijstad, 2003). During this phase, the team
considers the target audience, the purpose of the jingle, and the message it
should convey. Lyric matching: Once the concept for the jingle has been
developed, the next step is to write the lyrics. This involves matching the
lyrics to the concept and ensuring that they are catchy and memorable. The
lyrics should also be concise and easy to understand, as jingles are typically
only a few seconds long. Arrangement: After the lyrics have been written,
the next step is to create the musical arrangement for the jingle. This
involves selecting the instruments and sounds that will be used and
determining the overall structure of the jingle. The arrangement should
support the lyrics and convey the desired mood or message. Talent search:
Depending on the nature of the jingle, it would be necessary to search for
and hire talent to perform the jingle. This could include singers, musicians,
or voice actors. It is important to choose talent that is appropriate for the
jingle and can effectively convey the desired message. Recording and
finalizing: Once the arrangement and talent have been selected, the jingle
can be recorded. This typically involves setting up a recording studio,
rehearsing the jingle, and making any necessary adjustments. After the
recording is complete, the jingle may need to be edited and finalized, which
may include adding sound effects or mastering the audio.In conclusion,

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

producing a jingle requires a multi-step process that involves concepting

with BOD, lyric matching, arrangement, talent search, and recording and
finalizing. By following these steps, it is possible to create a memorable and
effective jingle that helps to promote a product or service.
5.4 Producing Advertisement (KOL and agency)
Research for marketing content and suitable KOL: The first step in
producing an advertisement is to conduct research to determine the
marketing content and the most suitable KOL (Key Opinion Leader) for the
campaign (Lim et al., 2018). This involves analyzing the target audience,
studying market trends, and identifying the most effective channels for
reaching the desired audience. Brief and meeting with KOL: After the
research has been completed, the next step is to brief the KOL on the
campaign and hold a meeting to discuss the details. During this phase, the
KOL and the advertising team will collaborate to develop a clear
understanding of the campaign's objectives and the role that the KOL will
play in achieving those objectives. Campaign implementation: Once the
campaign has been planned and the KOL has been briefed, the next step is
to implement the campaign. This involves creating the actual advertisement
(e.g., creating a video, designing print materials), as well as selecting the
channels and platforms through which the advertisement will be distributed.
Evaluating KOL marketing campaign: After the campaign has been
implemented, it is important to evaluate its effectiveness. This may involve
collecting data on the reach and engagement of the advertisement, as well
as measuring the impact on sales or other desired outcomes. By evaluating
the campaign, the advertising team can identify any areas for improvement
and optimize future campaigns for greater success.
5.5 Cooperate with Public Transportation
The first step in collaborating with a commuter line is to make
contact with the public relations team. This involves reaching out to the
team via email or phone to inquire about opportunities for advertising on
the commuter line. Make a concept with the agency: Once contact has been
made with the commuter line's public relations team, the next step is to work

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

with an agency to develop a concept for the advertisement. This involves

brainstorming ideas, creating mock-ups or prototypes, and refining the
concept until it is ready to present to the commuter line. Contact the vendor:
After the concept has been developed and approved by the commuter line,
the next step is to contact vendors who can help bring the concept to life.
This involves selecting a printing company to produce physical
advertisements, or a digital marketing agency to create and distribute online
ads. Publish the advertisement: Once the advertisement has been created
and produced, the final step is to publish it on the commuter line. This
involves placing physical ads in train stations or on trains.
5.6 Make Tiktok Challenge
Creating a TikTok challenge campaign involves a series of steps that
involve both creative and technical skills (Singh et al., 2020). The process
typically includes developing a concept and rules, creating music and a
dance, recording and uploading the video challenge, and collaborating with
TikTokers to make it go viral. Here is an overview of each step: Make the
concept, rule, hashtag: The first step in creating a TikTok challenge
campaign is to develop a concept and define the rules for the challenge. This
involves brainstorming ideas, deciding on a theme or message, and coming
up with a catchy hashtag that will be used to identify and promote the
challenge. Producing music (developed from a jingle): After the concept
and rules have been established, the next step is to create the music for the
challenge. This involves developing a jingle or adapting an existing song,
and ensuring that it is catchy and easy to dance to. In addition to the music,
it is also important to create a dance that is easy to follow and fun to perform.
This involves choreographing the dance and rehearsing it until it is ready to
be recorded. Once the music and dance are ready, the next step is to record
the video challenge. This involves setting up a recording studio or using a
smartphone to film the challenge. It is important to ensure that the video is
high quality and easy to follow. After the video challenge has been recorded,
the next step is to collaborate with TikTokers to make it go viral. This may
involve reaching out to popular TikTokers and encouraging them to

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

participate in and promote the challenge. The final step in creating a TikTok
challenge campaign is to upload the video challenge and start the challenge
period. This involves uploading the video to TikTok and using the hashtag
to promote the challenge and encourage participation.

6.1 Marketing Campaign
Marketing Strategy Cost (Rp)
Digital campaign - KOL 68.000.000
Tiktok Challange 62.500.000
Public Transportation Advertisement 184.000.000
Web Development 90.400.000
Total Cost 404.900.0000
- Total Marketing Strategy Investment : Rp 404.900.000
- Digital Campaign uses Instagram (Story. Reels) of Influencer
- Tiktok Challenge strategy also collaborate with Tiktok Content Creator and
Tiktok Advertisement
- Public Transportation Advertisement in Commuter Line in 2 carriages with 2
Routes ( Jakarta Kota - Bogor and Cikarang - Tangerang)
- Web Development strategy are building Chat Bot in Website and making
interactive website
6.2 Revenue Stream
Marketing Strategy Cost (Rp)
Instagram Campaign 117.331.365
Tiktok Challenge 79.998.658
Tiktok Campaign 23.999.597
Public Transportation Advertisement 175.997.047
SEO Optimizing 192.379.008
Online Market 589.705.675
Offline Market 2.360.350.348
Total Revenue Stream 2.950.056.023

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

- Online Market Stream : Instagram Campaign, Tiktok Challenge, Tiktok
Campaign, Public Transportation Advertisement, and SEO Optimizing).
- Offline Market Stream : Pharmacy, Mini Market and Supermarket.
- Using HerbaKOF Price : 16.000
6.3 ROI
Year 2023 2024 2025 2026
Total Revenue (Rp) 2,950,056,002 3,097,558,802 3,252,436,742 3,415,058,579
COGS (Rp) 1,475,028,001 1,548,779,401 1,626,218,371 1,707,529,290
Profit (Rp) 1,475,028,001 1,548,779,401 1,626,218,371 1,707,529,290
ROI (Rp) 264.29% 282.51% 301.63% 321.72%

- COGS is 50% x Total Revenue
- Revenue Growth is 5% every year
- ROI = ( Profit - Investment Cost)/Investment Cost x 100%

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022


Adrian, K., 2018. Masyarakat Indonesia Masih Lebih Percaya Obat Herbal di
Bandingkan Obat Modern. Alodokter.

Atif, I., 2011. Utilization Testing of Web Application: A Survey . The Journal of
Computer Science .

Badan POM RI, 2020. Potensi Obat Herbal. Jakarta: Badan Pengawas Obat dan
Makanan RI

Dissanayake, 2019. Social Media Marketing and Customer Engagement: A Review

on Concepts and Empirical Contributions. Malaysia: Kelaniya Journal of

Fitchsolution, 2022. Indonesia Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report Includes 10-

year forecasts to 203., Q3 2022. Accessed on 6 December 2022,

Jurnal entrepreneur, 2022. Pentingnya website untuk bisnis anda.

Kristianto,, 2022. The effect of beliefs, knowledge, and attitude on herbal
medicine use during the Covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey in
Indonesia . Proquest .

Lim,, 2017. Key Opinion Leaders in Social Media Marketing: A Review . The
Journal of Business Research .

Marawati, A., 2019. Pengaruh Budaya, Persepsi dan Kepercayaan Terhadap

Keputusan Pembelian Obat Herbal. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen .

Markplus, S., 2020. Di tengah Pandemi Pamor Herbal Melonjak.

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Okepa, 2022. SEO for sustainable brands – why it makes sense.

Pagin, 2022. The Ultimate Guide to Rebranding & Redesigning Your Product

Paul,, 2003. The Group Creativity: Innovatio Through Collaboration . The
Annual Review of Psychology .

Salesforce Emea, 2022. What Is a Chatbot and How Is It Changing Customer


Sertis, 2022. Marketing 5.0 Technology for Humanity.

Sertis, 2022. The 5A’s Customer Path: A framework that uses 5 stages to map a
customer’s journey.

Singh,, 2020. Tiktok Challenges and Online Health: A Review of the
Literature. The Journal of Health Psychology .

Wiebe, J., 2013. A/B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into
Customers . The Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing.

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022


Table 1.0 KPI

Method of KPI
Key Performance Work program Calculation / weight Target Unit
Reporting (%)
Complete the chatbot
Before June 13,
according to the 40 13 Jun Date
Task Success Rate,
Task Completion
Satisfaction survey
Time, Retention 20 40 %
when using the web
Rate, Error Rate
Web Development
Less than 2% of
code deployed for
Stable Code the year should 20 2,0 %
result in downtime
of the application
Total Share per Total Share Per
20 60.000 Number
month of web month
KPI reach Potential reach 15 2.200.000 Number
Numbers of likes 10 3.000 Number
Numbers of
KPI social media 10 3.000 Number
Instagram campaign comments
(story, reels) by Numbers of share 10 3.000 Number

KOL Profile visit 15 4.400 Times

Click through rate

20 4.400 Times
Conversion KPI (CTR)
Conversion rate 20 4.400 Number
Video views 15 30.000 Number
Reach of a specific
15 30.000 Number
Tiktok campaign by Reach hashtag
KOL Number of song
10 30.000 Number
Engagement Number of likes 10 700 Number

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Method of KPI
Key Performance Work program Calculation / weight Target Unit
Reporting (%)
Number of
10 700 Number
Number of shares 10 700 Number
Click through rate
15 900 Number
Conversion (CTR)
Conversion rate 15 900 Number
Video views 15 100.000 Number
Followers growth 10 10.000 Number
Reach of a specific
15 200.000 Number
Number of likes 5 700 Number
Number of
5 700 Number
Tiktok Challange Number of shares 5 700 Number
Number of
10 2.000 Number
Number of song
5 2.000 Number
Click through rate
15 12.000 Number
Conversion (CTR)
Conversion rate 15 3.000 Number
Number of
Commuter Line 20 2 Number
Publish Adv in Number of Types
20 2 Number
Public Commuter Line of advertisement
Transportation Number of railway
Advertisement coach in every 20 2 Number
Click through rate
20 28.306 Number
Conversion (CTR)
Conversion rate 20 7.077 Number

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Table 2.0 Project Timeline Gantt chart

1 Jan 2, 2023 Jan 9, 2023 Jan 16, 2023 Jan 23, 2023 Jan 30, 2023 Feb 6, 2023 Feb 13, 2023 Feb 20, 2023 Feb 27, 2023 Mar 6, 2023 Mar 13, 2023 Mar 20, 2023 Mar 27, 2023 Apr 3, 2023
Display Week:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Planning marketing concept Marketing Team 0% 1/1/23 1/31/23 31

Web Development IT Dev 0% 1/12/23 7/14/23 184

Repackaging Marketing Team 0% 1/12/23 4/3/23 82

Producing the jingle Marketing Team 0% 1/12/23 3/20/23 68

Producing advertisement (KOL and agency) Marketing Team 0% 5/5/23 7/18/23 75

Cooperate with public transportation Public Relations 0% 5/1/23 7/13/23 74

Make TikTok Challenge Marketing Team 0% 5/13/23 7/13/23 62

Web Development

Requirement Gathering IT Dev 0% 1/12/23 1/24/23 13

Quick Design (alligning with concept) IT Dev 0% 1/24/23 2/28/23 36

Building Prototype IT Dev 0% 2/28/23 4/4/23 36

A-B Testing / Utilization Testing IT Dev 0% 4/4/23 5/9/23 36

Refining Prototye to Deploy IT Dev 0% 5/9/23 6/13/23 36

Engineer product after Deploy IT Dev 0% 6/13/23 7/13/23 31


Concepting Marketing Team 0% 1/12/23 1/24/23 13

Arrangement with design Team Design Team 0% 1/24/23 2/7/23 15

Designing Design Team 0% 2/7/23 3/9/23 31

Producing and Finalizing Design Team 0% 3/9/23 4/3/23 26

Producing the jingle

Idea / Concept from BOD Marketing Team 1/12/23 1/26/23 15

Lyric Marketing Team 1/27/23 2/4/23 9

Arrangement Marketing Team 2/5/23 2/18/23 14

Talent Search Marketing Team 2/18/23 2/28/23 11

Recording and Finalizing Marketing Team 2/28/23 3/20/23 21

Producing advertisement (KOL and agency)

Reseach for marketing content and suitable KOL Marketing Team 5/5/23 5/25/23 21

Brief and meeting with KOL Marketing Team 5/25/23 6/4/23 11

Campaign Implementation Marketing Team 6/13/23 7/13/23 31

Evaluating KOL marketing campaign Marketing Team 7/13/23 7/17/23 5

Cooperate with public transportation

First contact with Commuter line PR Marketing Team 5/1/23 5/12/23 12

Make a concept with the agency Marketing Team 5/12/23 5/23/23 12

Contact the vendor Marketing Team 5/23/23 6/8/23 17

Publish the Advertisment Marketing Team 6/13/23 7/13/23 31

Make Tiktok Challenge

Make the concept, rule, hashtag Marketing Team 0% 5/13/23 5/18/23 6

Producing music (develop from jingle) Marketing Team 0% 5/18/23 5/28/23 11

Producing the dance Marketing Team 0% 5/24/23 6/7/23 15

Recording the video challange Marketing Team 0% 6/7/23 6/12/23 6

Colaborate with tiktokers to viraling the video Marketing Team 0% 6/13/23 7/13/23 31

Upload & start the challenge period Marketing Team 0% 6/13/23 7/13/23 31

This is an empty row

Insert new rows ABOVE this one

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Apr 10, 2023 Apr 17, 2023 Apr 24, 2023 May 1, 2023 May 8, 2023 May 15, 2023 May 22, 2023 May 29, 2023 Jun 5, 2023 Jun 12, 2023 Jun 19, 2023 Jun 26, 2023 Jul 3, 2023 Jul 10, 2023 Jul 17, 2023

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23


#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Table 3.0 Financial Projection

Conversion to
CAMPAIGN Assumption
The number of Instagram followers @reisabrotoasmoro : 2.200.000
Instagram campaign Assume that 0,2% is the conversion rate(4.400 followers)
(story, reels) by 4,400
KOL Note : A conversion occurs when a visitor to your website completes a desired goal, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. The percentage of total
visitors that convert is called your conversion rate.
The number of TikTok followers @reisabrotoasmoro : 155.000
Assume that 3% is the conversion rate (900 followers)
Tiktok campaign by
Note : A conversion occurs when a visitor to your website completes a desired goal, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. The percentage of total
visitors that convert is called your conversion rate.
Reach hashtag : 200.000
Tiktok challenge 3,000
We assume that 1,5% of the user buy HerbaKOF
- Number of commuterline user : 24.000 passengers every carriage per month
- The ads were put on 4 carriages of the commuter line (@2 Carriages/routes).
- 55% of the passengers aware with the advertisement
- 25% of the aware passengers scan the QR Code link to the website and 50 % passengers who get ino the website buy HerbaKOF
Public transportation
advertisement Calculation:
There are 96.000 targeted passengers
- 52.800 passenger aware with the ads
- 13.200 passanger scan the QR
- 6.600 pasaanger buy HerbaKOF
Number of keyword searched on Google per month (source :google trend)
- Herbal Cough Remedies = 1834
SEO optimizing 991 - Cough Remedies = 2130.
According to the data, we assume that 50% of them (1982 internet users) click or get into the HerbaKOf website and 50% of the people (991 internet users) who
get into the website buy HerbaKOF

Online market 15,891

Supermarket, Minimarket and Pharmacy (Channel)

Offline market 47673 - 24,1% respondent buy remedies in online store (15.891)
- 75,9% respondents buy remedies in offline store (47.673)

TOTAL 63,564

*Number of products generated to sales

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
campaign (story, 70,400,000 28,160,000 11,264,000 4,505,600 1,802,240 720,896 288,358 115,343 46,137 18,455 7,382 2,953 117,331,365
reels) by KOL
Tiktok campaign
14,400,000 5,760,000 2,304,000 921,600 368,640 147,456 58,982 23,593 9,437 3,775 1,510 604 23,999,597
by KOL

Tiktok challenge 48,000,000 19,200,000 7,680,000 3,072,000 1,228,800 491,520 196,608 78,643 31,457 12,583 5,033 2,013 79,998,658

transportation 105,600,000 42,240,000 16,896,000 6,758,400 2,703,360 1,081,344 432,538 173,015 69,206 27,682 11,073 4,429 175,997,047

SEO optimizing 15,856,000 15,887,712 15,919,487 15,951,326 15,983,229 16,015,196 16,047,226 16,079,320 16,111,479 16,143,702 16,175,989 16,208,341 192,379,008

Online market 254,256,000 111,247,712 54,063,487 31,208,926 22,086,269 18,456,412 17,023,712 16,469,915 16,267,717 16,206,197 16,200,987 16,218,341 589,705,675

Offline market 762,768,000 518,682,240 352,703,923 239,838,668 163,090,294 110,901,400 75,412,952 51,280,807 34,870,949 23,712,245 16,124,327 10,964,542 2,360,350,348

TOTAL 1,017,024,000 629,929,952 406,767,411 271,047,594 185,176,563 129,357,811 92,436,664 67,750,722 51,138,666 39,918,442 32,325,314 27,182,883 2,950,056,023

*Amount in Rupiah (Rp)

• Amount were generated by multiplying the number of products converted to sales and price of HerbaKOF 60 mL which have the highest sales (Rp 16.000).
• Strategies applied for a month to build the awareness of HerbaKOF as Herbal Cough Remedies
• The revenue for the following month is 40% from the last month (Instagram, Tiktok and Public Transportation Ad)
• The revenue for SEO Optimizing assume increasing 2% in next month
• The revenue for offline market channel is 68% of the sales from last month

#HerbaLovewithHerbaKOF – Marketition 2022

Table 3.1 Budget Cost

Campaign Cost (Rp)

Digital campaign - KOL 68.000.000
Tiktok Challange 62.500.000
Public Transportation Advertisement 184.000.000
Web Development 90.400.000
TOTAL COST 404.900.000
*Amount in Rupiah (Rp)

● Total Marketing Strategy Investment : Rp 404.900.000
● Digital Campaign uses Instagram (Story. Reels) of Influencer
● TikTok Challenge strategy also collaborate with TikTok Content Creator and TikTok Advertisement
● Public Transportation Advertisement in Commuter Line in 2 carriages with 2 Routes ( Jakarta Kota - Bogor and Cikarang - Tangerang)
● Web Development Strategy are building Chat Bot in Website and making interactive website

Table 3.2 ROI

Year 2023 2024 2025 2026

Total Revenue 2,950,056,002 3,097,558,802 3,252,436,742 3,415,058,579

COGS 1,475,028,001 1,548,779,401 1,626,218,371 1,707,529,290

Profit 1,475,028,001 1,548,779,401 1,626,218,371 1,707,529,290

ROI 264.29% 282.51% 301.63% 321.72%

*Amount in Rupiah (Rp)

● COGS is 50% x Total Revenue
● Revenue Growth is 5% every year
● ROI = (Profit - Investment Cost)/Investment Cost x 100%


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