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Semester Projects Revised

Stephanie Juarez

ENGL 2311: Introduction to Technical Writing

Professor Tiffani Tijerina

May 2, 2023
Semester Projects Revised

Assignment One

The feedback that I received on my cover letter was minimal but still impactful. After

reviewing my document and analyzing the feedback that I received, I decided that I needed to

make revisions to take my cover letter to the next step. The first step that I took in revising my

cover letter was to go through and make sure that grammatical errors were taken care of. There

were several punctuation issues that stopped my cover letter from flowing properly. It was also

extremely important for me to make sure grammar was proper in order to sound professional to

my future employer. The next thing I did was include specifics. In the first paragraph I stated that

I have worked in customer service “since my first job”. This is extremely unclear and could be

seen as confusing to a future employer. I went back and added an actual date so that whoever

reads this document can get an actual time frame. The last thing that I did to correct this

document was connect the job roles back to how I could complete them. In the third paragraph I

decided to go into further detail as to how customer service has shaped me and how I can fill the

role with my skills. Overall, I think by making these changes I sound more professional as well

as the document is more clear.

The second part of assignment one was creating a resume. I did not make many revisions

to my resume. I believe that I have created a document that is accurate and telling of my

experience thus far in my career. I decided to include projects that I have completed in my

education due to my lack of work experience in my field. I believe by doing this future

employers can see what I am capable of. The two revisions that I made were removing the

references and changing the formatting. The reason for removing the references was that I did

not have them listed and put that they could get requested. This took away from the document
and did not offer any important information. The second change was made so that all of my

information could fit in one page. I made two columns at the bottom of the page so that I could

fit everything in one page. This creates a better flow and makes the document aesthetically

pleasing. Hopefully future employers enjoy the simplicity of reading my experience.

Assignment Two

Assignment two was writing a research proposal in memo form. This document had quite

a few revisions done to it. The first change that was made was who the memo was addressed to.

The audience for this memo was my classmates. The audience was established in the assignment

details. The audience was my classmates because they would later have to choose which

proposal they would like to take part of. My original audience was the College of Human

Sciences Undergraduate Studies. While that audience made sense for my proposal, it was

intended for my classmates to read. The next change that I made was following APA more

closely to make my document more professional and easier to read. I made sure to cite sources of

information that I had originally put down in my document. It is important to let others know that

your information is credible and reliable. I also broke down some acronyms so that my audience

did not have to guess what I was discussing in my document. The last revision that I made was

on the team roles and schedule. I decided to add two new roles, team lead and revisionist, as

these roles became real during the third assignment. I also provided specifics in the writing of the

report so that the division of labor could be seen. I added a few more dates in the schedule to try

and be more specific. These changes were made so that when the audience read my report they

could know exactly what they would be getting themselves into if they chose to participate.
Assignment 3

Introduction: For the Introduction, the revisions made were primarily concerned with

word choice. The overall language was improved to include more active voice, and other word

choice revisions were made for clarity. Largely though, the introduction is the same.

Research Methods, Recommendation, and Problem Description: There were not many

changes made to these sections. The main changes made were fixing grammar mistakes and

ensuring there was clarity. One of the feedback comments I got was to make sure I was choosing

the correct words. I was able to re-read my sections and did not change any verbiage as I felt that

it fit the topic of discussion well.

Conclusion: For the conclusion, similar to the introduction, the revisions were minimal,

concerned with word choice and sentence structure. Minor revisions were made in order to

ensure that ambiguous words like “they” and “them” were removed when necessary, for clarity

purposes. Additionally, 2 sentences were restructured in order to make them more impactful, but

the information contained in those sentences remained the same.

Executive summary: In the Overview revision, I summarized the breakdown of each of

the papers elements into a much more simple description instead of the subheadings. I also

moved the summary place to before the table of contents.

Appendix: Instead of just adding the survey link, I added the whole survey as it was

presented. I listed every question given in the survey, the answer choices as well as the result

graphs with the number of participants.

Assignment 4

Assignment four was the most interesting and difficult assignment assigned to us this

semester. This assignment allowed me to understand the need for clarity and simplicity.
Technical documents can already be hard to understand and adding ambiguity is the last thing

that we should do. The revisions that I made added clarity but also made it so that the audience

felt more welcome. I decided to add more pictures so that the text makes sense. I also gave a

little more background on weaving so that the audience could feel that they learned a little more

than a new skill. Lastly, I went back and simplified some of the text and measurements that

better fits the audience. To further explain, in the document state that most items are found

around the home but I include measurements in yards. I am aware that most people do not own a

yard stick in their home so I converted the measurements to feet to better fit the audience.

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