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About this book

Thank you for downloading Building Myself Con dently. In

this powerful book, you’ll nd e ective scripts that will
help you to build your con dence and help you discover
what kind of person you really are. I also explain what
hypnosis is and how you can use hypnosis to build your
con dence.
You'll experience tremendous personal growth throughout
the process and have a new excitement towards living your
life con dently.
Please read or listen to the content of this book when you
are safe at home or in a place where no one can disturb
you. Also, refrain from reading or listening to the content of
this book if you are driving or operating dangerous
machinery. Please consult your physician if you are under
psychiatric or doctor's care before making use of the
content of this book.
Building My Self con dently has been written to help
people to build their con dence. All rights are reserved for
the content creator Hanz Human and may not be sold or be
included as an addition to other products free or for sale by
other individuals without permission.
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What Is Hypnosis:

For too many people hypnosis may be a mysterious process

or method. Some even believe that hypnosis is just simply a
myth and doesn't exist. The truth of the matter is, we are
all functioning hypnotically every day. From the moment
you wake up to the time that you sleep, you are
experiencing hypnosis.
I can go into the boring science and history behind
hypnosis, but I'm sure you would just like to know what
hypnosis is and how you can build your con dence with it,
Hypnosis is simply a state of mind where you are relaxed
but focused at the same time. You are fully aware of what's
going on around you and you are relaxed and in control at
all times. After all, you are working with your subconscious
mind. Hypnosis is simply a method used to relax and to
open your subconscious to create positive change, in your
case to build your con dence.


How Can I Use Hypnosis to Build My Con dence?

The process to build con dence by using hypnosis is fairly


Step 1: Find a place where you can relax without

Step 2: Each script has an audio recording available for you
to listen to or you can create a recording yourself by
reading the provided scripts. ( personal use only)
By listening to the induction you will begin to feel relaxed
as you relax your body.
Step 3: As we progress to the deepener part of the script
you'll nd your conscious mind relaxing and your
subconscious mind becomes more alert.
Step 4: This is the part where we do hypnotherapy and
create positive change for you to build your con dence.
Step 5: This is the awakening part where you will awaken
and feel refreshed and con dent.
As you know the steps that will be followed through the
process, it will be easy for you to let go of certain things or
people in your life that are causing you to have a low level
of con dence. You can say it will be as if you clearly see the
right path for you to enjoy your life as a con dent person.
By making use of hypnosis you are able to make decisions
quickly that will change your life in a positive way and help
you to maintain a healthy level of con dence.
So, shall we begin your journey to building your
con dence?





Script 1: Overcoming Fear

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Alright now, make yourself comfortable where you are

sitting or laying down. That's right, breathing in and out, in
and out. Relaxing with each breath you take as you allow
yourself to forget about the world around you at this time.
While you realize as you relax you are focused on the
present moment. Now go ahead and look up at your
eyebrows, as you are focusing on your eyebrows you realize
it is as if you may or may not feel your eyes feeling a bit
tired. It is as if they just feel so heavy as you relax even
more with each breath in and out. Allow your eyes to close
down right now as they are resting now.

That's right, and as you are comfortable you will nd it to

be even easier to relax in this moment. I would like to invite
you to go on a journey with me. You may even nd this
journey to be even more relaxing than the relaxation you
are experiencing right now. For a moment picture yourself
standing in a eld of tall grass. The grass can be any colour
you like. Because grass isn't always green as you know.
That's right and as you are looking o into the distance, you
notice the wind softly blowing the grass as you see the wind
rolling through the grass towards you. It is relaxing to
follow with your eyes where the wind is blowing as you
look at the grass, isn't it? That's right, as you are becoming




more relaxed breathing in and out you feel the wind on

your skin. It's a soothing feeling to feel the wind softly on
your skin.
As you focus a bit closer toward yourself, you notice just
how relaxing it is to watch the grass being blown by the
wind. It's almost as if the wind is dancing with the grass and
the grass follows the wind as the wind leads the grass to
sway and move in harmony. It is a tranquil experience as
you feel the relaxing e ect of the movement of the tall

In fact, it is so relaxing for you that you allow the muscles

of your body to relax. Perhaps you feel the same breeze
owing over you and throughout your body as you simply
relax the muscles of your forehead, cheeks, and even your
jaw. Allow the relaxation to ow down your neck and into
your shoulders. That's right, allowing yourself to let go of
any known and unknown stress while you are breathing in
and out. Going deeper into relaxation as you allow the
tranquil feeling of peace and relaxation to ow into your
As you are focused on your arms take a moment and lift
your left arm as if your left arm is the right choice for you
and breathe in and out as you lower your left arm. Now lift
your right arm as if you only had one choice left and
breathe in and out as you lower your right arm. Allow your
arms to lay beside you feeling comfortable and relaxed. In
fact, they are so comfortable and relaxed that you could try
to lift them, but it feels so good to let them rest you just
simply let your arms be still beside you.

That's right, allow the relaxation to ow into your hands as

if you can feel a gentle breeze caressing your hands.


Allowing your hands to simply feel more relaxed than they
have felt 2 minutes ago. Breathing in and out going deeper
into relaxation as you feel the relaxation in your chest as if
you can hear a sigh of relief as you exhale and let go of the
tension and stress you had in the muscles of your chest. It
feels good to let go of all the worries you had, doesn't it?
That's right, relax the muscles of your stomach and pelvis.
It is as if you feel all the tension and stress being blown
away by the breeze of relaxation as you relax the muscles of
your legs and even the tiny little muscles of your feet and
toes as well.
Allowing your body to be totally and completely relaxed as
you are walking in the grass eld. Feeling peaceful and
tranquil as you hear only the sound of the breeze blowing
softly as you can picture the breeze rolling through the tall
grass you may or may not feel free and totally relaxed in
this moment.



Now as you were able to relax your body it is now time to

relax your mind. The mind is a powerful tool for us to use
to create positive change and to overcome fear, wouldn't
you say so? That's right it is as if you are agreeing with
yourself to mindfully embrace positive change right now.
As you are breathing in follow the breath all the way down
to your lungs and hold your breath for a second.

That's right, and breathe out relaxing as you are breathing

in and out. Just being focused in the present moment is
rewarding on its own, isn't it?
That's right, as you are breathing in and out you'll hear me
count from 5 to 1 and with each number that I count you
will nd that you feel more deeply relaxed. It is as if you
know that you are entering a state of mind that's 5 times
more relaxing than you have ever felt before. You can say
that as you are breathing in and out you can feel your
subconscious doubling the sensation of relaxation that you
are experiencing now. Four you are able to go deeper and
deeper into relaxation. Three going down, down, down as
you are breathing in and out. Two it is as if you are just
focused on what's happening in the present moment. One
all the way down now feeling deeply relaxed and relaxed
deeply in mind and body.


Alright now, as you are relaxed in mind and body, it is as

if you have brought yourself to the state that we call
hypnosis. That's right, you are your own hypnotist and I'm
just simply following your lead while guiding you
throughout the process to overcome fear in your life.
Now for a moment as you are breathing in and out, focus
on the part of the mind where awareness takes place and
creativity over ows. It's fairly simple for you to just simply
imagine that you are entering your own mind. That's right,
you are able to think of the things that are causing fear in
your life. You know those things or people that are causing
you to have a lack of con dence and that causes you to feel
fearful and anxious.

Now picture those things in your life that are causing you to
experience negativity, doubts, and fear. See them as
physical objects. As you see them as physical objects
identify the fear and other emotions and feelings you are
experiencing. You are doing perfect, that's right, now hand
over those emotions, feelings, and fear to the things and
people that cause you to feel fearful and anxious.
As you hand them the fear and anxiety you've experienced
in your life you realize that all the emotional attachment or
judgment toward them faded away. That's right, you are
able to stand up for yourself and for what you believe in.
You are courageous and mindful. It is as if you realize just
how powerful you are. Now take all those negative things
that caused you to feel fearful and anxious and craft them
into a shape that you dislike. You can give this shape a
colour, texture, and even an aroma you dislike.



That's right, now hold the shape in your hand and realize
that you are greater than your fears, you are a powerful
person and you are taking control of fear in your life and
you are taking control of your life. Now throw that shape
that represents all the fear and fearful things in your life.
Throw it as far as you can and as you see the shape
disappearing o into the distance you may or may not feel
an emptiness within yourself. Perhaps you feel as if a great
burden has been lifted from your shoulders.
This shows that you are ready to move on to greater things
in your life to improve yourself so that you can establish
positive change in your life.
As you are breathing in and breathing out, I would like you
to draw a circle on the oor in front of you and this is your
circle of power. That's right, and in the circle, you are able
to absorb all the characteristics of someone that has great
con dence. You will be able to face your fears and
overcome your fears as well. Now step into your circle and
take a deep breath in and out feeling all the stress in your
life fading away as you are absorbing all the positive ener y
surrounding you. You realize that you are a powerful
person. You know that you are courageous and you're able
to overcome fear in your life. You are strong and you stand
up for yourself and for what you believe in.
That's right, step out of your circle and notice the way you
are feeling. Notice the way you see yourself and noticed the
way you think about yourself. Perhaps you can hear your
thoughts as well. As you realize that you have the skills and
abilities to overcome fear in your life, and you have let go of
the fearful things in your life. It is as if you are able to
attract positive ener y in your life that will help you to be
more courageous and more con dent each and every day.
Now step back into your circle, as you are in your circle,


take a deep breath in slowly, and picture yourself what you
would feel like in the future. It can be in the distant future
10,20 years from now, or in the near future such as a
month, a week into the future or even tomorrow. Notice
the level of courage that you have and notice how fearless
you are. Breathe out and it is as if you're able to overcome
your fear easily. You know how to face your fears and
overcome the challenges in your life.
As you breathe in you inhale the courage, motivation, and
con dence of your future self. And when you breathe out
let go of anything holding you back from overcoming your
fears, and that's keeping you from being con dent. Breathe
in again and merge with that positive image of yourself, that
fearless image of yourself where you are able to, live
fearlessly and con dently. When you breathe out, you let
go of all the stress and worry in your life. You can say you
realize that as a fearless and powerful person, you can
overcome anything in your life. It is as if you stepped into a
new chapter of your life where you are able to stand up for
yourself and enjoy your life in a way that is meaningful to
Now take a deep breath in and out and step out of your
circle and look back from the future to the present moment
and notice the obstacles that you have overcome. And you
have the abilities and skills to overcome these challenges,
and you have overcome those challenges and fears in your
life. It is as if you can see yourself in the present moment
how your life has changed, and how you have changed. It is
as if you have become a person that is fearless and
powerful and that realizes just how unique you are. You
can express yourself in a way that is respectful to others
and to yourself. Because you are worthy of expressing
yourself, and you stand up for what you believe. Instead of


being fearful, you are courageous. Instead of being anxious,
you are optimistic. Because you realize that you are able to
overcome any challenges you face, and that is wonderful.


Alright now, it is almost time to awaken, and you will hear

me count from one to three and when I reach three you will
be fully wide awake. One thing that you need to remember
each and every day is to take a deep breath in and out.
Because you will feel more vibrant and fearless each day. It
is as if it is second nature for you two just simply think of
yourself as you realize how powerful and courageous you
are. As you are becoming more awake, and more alert with
each breath that you are taking in and out. You realize that
you could've been relaxing for one moment or perhaps two
hours you could've even been relaxing and focusing in this
moment for three seconds as you are opening your eyes
right now, and taking a deep breath in and out feeling
vibrant, refreshed and fearless as you have overcome your
fears and that is wonderful

Sc pt 2: Fin ng y r inner

Con denc
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Alright now make yourself comfortable and take a

deep breath in and out. Relax with each breath in and
out. As you are comfortable, you simply close your
eyes and relax, even more, allowing your eyes to relax,
as if your eyelids are heavy and sleepy. That's right,
you are so relaxed, so relaxed it is as if you are able to
imagine yourself, drifting on a white pu y cloud. You
are laying comfortably on your white pu y cloud and
the more you relax the more you sink into your cloud
of relaxation. You can say that the cloud has the
abilities to relax you even more as you're drifting up.
You can see your house and the area around your
house, the people look so small walking outside. The
cars look like toy cars. That's right, and as you're
drifting up relaxing even more you can feel your
muscles relaxing, you can feel your face relaxing as
you relax, your cheeks, and even your jaw.
Enjoying this time that is so rewarding and bene cial
for you. Feel that relaxation going down your neck and
into your shoulders as you are breathing in and out, in




and out. You can say it is as if you are doubling the

sensation of relaxation that you are experiencing right
now, while relaxing your body. That's right, allowing
tranquility and peace to ow through your body and
relaxing your arms as you feel the stress, fading away,
fading away, fading away. Relax your hands and allow
your chest to relax as well.

Feel the relaxation in your chest and allow all that

stress to fade away. Relax the muscles of your stomach
as you're oating up, becoming more relaxed. Relax
your legs and you may focus on the left or the right leg,
allowing them to relax evenly and calmly. Feeling the
relaxation in your feet and even in the tiny little
muscles of your toes.Going deeper and deeper into
relaxation as you are breathing in and out in, and out.

Deepener :

As you are oating up into the sky it is as if you can

see the Earth beneath you and the galaxies around
you. But for a moment as your eyes are closed,
envision yourself oating within yourself exploring
yourself in your inner mind. That's right, you may
experience thoughts, and when you have a thought,
you simply bring your focus back to the present
moment while you are mindfully focused on your
breath, and exploring your inner mind. You become
more calm and relaxed, as you hear me count from
ve all the way down to one. So take a deep breath in
and out, it is as if you are becoming ve times more
relaxed than you were before. As you are four times
more focused in the present moment, you realize that
you are deeply relaxed going down, down, down.
Three allowing yourself to just simply double the
sensation of relaxation. That's right being so relaxed as
you are exploring your inner thoughts and your inner
mind. Two become more relaxed, more deeply
relaxed. One all the way down now being deeply
relaxed and relaxed deeply in mind and body.


Alright now, as you brought yourself to the state that
we call hypnosis, it is as if you realize that you are your
own hypnotist and I am simply following your lead
while guiding you through this process to nd inner
con dence.

That's right, as you are oating within your mind,

access that part of the mind where awareness is
created and creativity, over ows. It is as if you can
imagine yourself oating within your mind, as if you
are in your own galaxy, observing planets and stars.
Large planets and stars are simply oating and rotating
around as you may or may not realize that you are a
con dent person. Perhaps you have the con dence of
a planet or you have the con dence of a little star
twinkling in the night sky. No matter the size of the
con dence that you have, you have con dence within

You are able to tap into that con dence and grow it
each day as you are breathing in and out. You are
learning the skills and abilities to tap into your inner
con dence. Everyone has a certain level of con dence
that can be improved, the question is, are you willing
to improve your con dence? I am sure you are willing
to improve your con dence, aren't you?


That's right, as you are looking at all the planets and
stars oating around you feeling free and tranquil as
you relax in this moment, breathing in and out. It is as
if you are able to let go of all the worries and stress and
things that are keeping you from being con dent.

That's right, now for a moment, I would like you to

focus on those things that are keeping you from being
con dent and causing you to experience fear, doubt,
anxiety, and negative emotions. Now as you are
focusing on those things that are negative in your life,
see them before you as they are physical objects. Look
at them without emotional attachment or judgment as
you're breathing in and out.

You may feel intimidated by those things and that is

what anybody would feel, but you are a con dent
person and you have the con dence to stand your
ground con dently. You are able to access that inner
con dence that you have even if it is just a little bit of
con dence you're able to stand your ground. You can
say that con dence is like salt and a little bit goes a
long way, and you may or may not be amazed by what
you can achieve with a little bit of con dence.
Now take those things that are causing you to lack
con dence in your life, that have a negative impact on
your life, and create them into a shape. As you're
holding this shape in your hands, you're able to take
control of your life and the level of con dence you
experience each day. Now as you look in front of you,
you can see a black hole, and as you know, a black hole


is known for making things that go into it, fade away

forever. Now for a moment, take a deep breath in and
throw that shape as far as you can into the black hole
as you breathe out, let it go, let it go. Realize that, you
have taken control of your con dence and you have
taken control of your life.

Now as you have thrown the shape that represented

the negative things in your life that caused you to have
a lack of con dence into the black hole you may or
may not feel an emptiness within you. That is good
because it shows that you have room for improvement
to grow your con dence as well. For a moment, Take
the time to travel through time as you are oating
inside your mind. It is as if you can travel through time
to the future and see yourself being con dent, and use
your inner con dence in a positive way.

That's right, it is as if you notice how con dent you

sound, and how con dent you appear. You are aware
of the con dent and positive thoughts that you are
thinking. You have improved your life in a way that is
rewarding and bene cial for you. You realize that you
are a con dent person in the future and I'm sure you
want to be a con dent person right now, so take a
deep breath in and out. As you are breathing in, inhale
the con dence of your future self, and as you exhale,
you let go of fear. Breathe in again and absorb that
con dence, as you breathe out let go of self-doubt and
things that have happened in the past.



Now as you are breathing in merge with the future
you, that is so con dent and that has the skills and
abilities to control your con dence in a positive way.
Now breathe out and let go of all the known and
unknown negative ener y in your life. As you have
merged with, the con dent version of yourself. You
realize that just by simply breathing in, you are able to
tap into your inner con dence. As you breathe out you
simply focus your mind as you relax in the present
moment. That's right, whenever you feel you need a
con dence boost you simply take a deep breath in and
feel that con dence rising up in you, and when you
breathe out, you let go of fear and anything that's
holding you back.

Now, bring yourself back to the present moment,

and as you're traveling back to the present moment, it
is as if you can see all the obstacles and challenges that
you have faced and overcome to be able to tap into
your inner con dence. Now see yourself in the present
moment in your day-to-day life and notice how
con dent you are. Notice the things that have changed
in your life and as you are more con dent and positive
about your life you're able to enjoy your life
con dently and that is wonderful.



Alright now, it is almost time to awaken, and you will

hear me count from one to three. With each number
that I count, you will become more awake, more alert,
feeling more con dent, and vibrant. You know that
there is only one thing that you need to remember to
tap into your con dence as you are becoming more
awake. That can be done by breathing in and out as
you are tapping into your inner con dence and letting
go of, whatever is holding you back. You can say that
you are more con dent today than you were yesterday,
and being con dent is second nature to you now. It is
as easy as 1,2,3 as you open your eyes, feeling, wide
awake, con dent, and vibrant as you are ready for a
new day and that is wonderful.


Sc pt 3: Self Acceptance

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Alright now, as you are breathing in and out, make

yourself comfortable and close your eyes it is as if your eyes
are feeling heavy and sleepy as they would like to relax with
you. You can say that you are so relaxed and comfortable in
this moment that you can just simply lay back and enjoy
this time, which is so rewarding and bene cial for you.
That's right, now for a moment picture yourself walking at
the beach, you can feel the sand beneath your feet and the
temperature of the sand is just right for you. Now you can
feel a slight breeze in the air on your skin and you can taste
the saltiness of the air on your lips.

That's right, as you hear the waves of the ocean washing

onto the beach as the waves ow in and out, in and out. As
you are breathing in and out you can say it is as if your
breathing and the motion of the waves are harmoniously in
tune with each other.

That's right, you notice the colour of the sand it might be

white or perhaps a slightly yellowish coloured sand.
Because of the sun shining on the beach. You can feel the
warmth of the sand beneath your feet. It's so relaxing to
walk at the beach, isn't it? That's right, and as you are
looking at the waves going in and out, you notice the


di erent shades of blue and green of the water. As you are
walking, you become more relaxed, breathing in and out
enjoying this time that is so relaxing for you. You notice
some coconut trees at the beach and a few coconuts lying
on the sand beneath the trees. You take a moment and walk
towards the coconut tree, and you sit in the shade under
the tree. As you're sitting under the tree, you're relaxing,
even more, and enjoying the view in front of you going
deeper and deeper into relaxation as you feel the muscles
of your body relaxing and going down more deeply it is as if
you allow yourself to relax in this time, just as you are open
to, accepting yourself at this moment and accepting this
moment of relaxation right now.

As you're going deeper and deeper into relaxation, feel

the waves of tranquility and peace owing throughout your
body and over your body, allowing you to let go and let be
in this moment of relaxation.


You are so relaxed in body and it is now time to just let go

of all the unwanted thoughts as you relax your mind. As
you enjoy this time that is so refreshing and rewarding for
you to be yourself and to enjoy this time of relaxation.
You'll hear me count from ve all the way down to one and
with each number that I count you will feel more relaxed as
you're entering the state of hypnosis. Take a deep breath in
and out relaxing. Five take another deep breath in and out
doubling the sensation of relaxation that you are
experiencing right now. Four you realize that it is time for
you to let go of all the known and unknown stress in your
life, and just enjoy this time of relaxation. Three going
down, down, down, being deeply relaxed in this moment
as you're sitting beneath the coconut tree, feeling the sand
beneath you, and hearing the waves going in and out, in
and out. Two you are so relaxed, so relaxed and one being
deeply relaxed and relaxed deeply in mind and body.



Alright now, as you were able to relax yourself in body

and mind it is as if you brought yourself to the state that we
call hypnosis. That's right, it is as if you are your own
hypnotist, and I am simply following your lead while
guiding you through this process, to nd self-acceptance.

That's right, and as you are breathing in and out you

realize just how special you are and you are able to access
that part of the mind where awareness takes place and
creativity over ows. It is simply you being able to imagine
yourself being in a room. You're the only person in this
room and you are safe in this room. Now for a moment, see
a table in front of you and you notice that the table is a long
table, and has a left side and a right side. Almost as if the
table represents a scale of positive ener y and negative
ener y in your life.

That's right, now for a moment identify all the things that
you don't like about yourself. I will give you in a minute all
the time in the world to identify the things that you don't
like about yourself. As you are identifying them, place them
on the left side of the table as I'm silent now.

Alright, and as you identi ed all the things that you don't
like about yourself, you can ask yourself "in what way do I
bene t from these negative things in my life"? You may or
may not even bene t from any of these things or perhaps
you receive secondary gain from these things, but I'm sure
in the end you realize that it is not worth it to spend your
time on these negative things. As you are looking at these
negative things, lying on the table, see them for what they



are and also place any negative emotions such as fear,

anxiety, sadness, and any other hurtful feelings, such as
resentment or rejection on the table as well. Because all
those emotions belong to the negative things in your life.
Now without emotional attachment or judgment, see
them now for who and what they are all those negative
things in your life as if you have removed them from your
life and they are just sitting on the table there powerless
they have been immobilized. They have impacted your life
for so long but you are able to take control back now.

Now take a deep breath in and breathe out. As you are

breathing in and out, focus your mind on the positive
things in your life. I will give you in a minute all the time in
the world to focus on those positive things in your life that
you nd to be uplifting and encouraging to you and that
you can use to build yourself to be a better person.

You can even place those positive emotions and feelings

with the positive things in your life. As you're looking at
both the negative and positive things laying on the table,
you notice a line in the middle of the table that separates
the positive and the negative things from each other.

That's right, and the more you focus on the negative

things in your life you realize the heavier you feel within
yourself, in your inner being. It is as if you dislike yourself.
Now take a deep breath in and out and direct your focus to
the positive things in your life. The more you focus on the
positive things in your life, the lighter you feel, and the
more you can express the joy that you have and the true
essence of who you are. You can express yourself and show

the world who you really are as you accept yourself as a

positive and powerful person.

Now for a moment, focus on the positive things in your

life, and you realize the more you focus on the positive
things in your life the bigger they become, growing more
and more. That's right, they are growing more and more as
if they are showing dominance in your life. You can say you
are accepting yourself in a positive way and the more
positive you are about yourself the less negative you are
about your life and about yourself.

Now you may think to yourself that is obvious, but the

truth of the matter is, you are really more positive, and it is
as if the positive things on the table are crossing the line in
your life.

Now, as the positive things are laying on the table,

embrace them and merge with them. As you breathe in you
become one with the positive things in your life that are
motivating you to be the best version of yourself. Breathe
out and let go of the things that you dislike as if the things
that you dislike about yourself simply fade away as if they
never existed. You accept yourself as you are in a positive
way. That's right, you are open to accepting yourself even
though in your past you may or may not have had
embarrassing moments and moments that were shameful
to you, or perhaps, fearful, and showed the ugly side of
yourself. The only thing that you can do is accept that it
happened, and as you accept the negative things that
happened you can place the past behind you so that you
can move on and step into a new chapter of your life. It is
as if the negative thoughts of your past faded away but you

remember the life lessons you've learned. As you have

embraced the positive things in your life to have a better

That's right, and now draw a circle on the oor in front of

you. This is your circle of acceptance, everything that you
accept about yourself is in the circle. Everything positive
about yourself you will nd in the circle as well. Now as you
step into your circle take a deep breath in, and notice how
worthy you feel. And breathe out and as you breathe out
you let go of doubts you may or may not have about
yourself. Take another deep breath in and inhale love
because you love yourself for who you are. Now as you
breathe out, you let go of fear and the negative ener y in
your life. That's right take another deep breath in and
inhale positive ener y and you feel happy about yourself.
Notice how good you feel about yourself as you accept
yourself for who you are.

That's right and you can step out of your circle and take
another deep breath in and out and relax. You are a
positive person, you love yourself, and you accept yourself
for who you are. It is as if you realize that you are worthy of
loving yourself and to be loved by others as you accept
yourself for the wonderful and amazing person that you

Now step back into your circle and picture a movie

screen in front of you. On the movie screen, you see
yourself in the future. That's right, see your future self on
the screen accepting yourself. Notice how much you love
yourself and how much you believe in yourself that you are
worthy of being accepted by yourself and by others. Notice


how good you feel about yourself and notice how con dent
and motivated you are.

You're positive about life and you accept life's challenges

as they come. That's right, and you are able to mindfully
and con dently overcome any challenge that you face in
your life. Because you accept yourself for the wonderful,
powerful, and remarkable person that you are.

Now introduce yourself to your future self on the screen

and shake your future self's hand. As you touch each
other's hands, you are merging with your future self. That's
right as you take a deep breath in you simply inhale, the
level of con dence, self-acceptance, and positive ener y of
your future self. You are absorbing the true essence of your
being of accepting who you really are. As you breathe out
you realize no matter what other people think about you,
you accept yourself for who you are and you are satis ed
with who you are, aren't you? That's right, as you breathe in
you merge even more, and absorb more of the future you,
and when you breathe out, you let go of the past, you let go
of all the hurts all the deceptive thoughts, and self-
sabotaging thoughts that hindered you to live out your full
potential. That's right, you accept yourself for who you are
and you can accept yourself for who you are. Now as you
look back from the future to the present moments while
being in your circle, you can see all the obstacles that you
have overcome to accept yourself for who you really are.


You can see how you overcome all those challenges and
you can see the adjustments you had to make in your life,
and some things you had to let go of and that is OK.
Because you believe in improving yourself and by
improving yourself, you accept yourself as you accept
yourself to improve yourself each, and every day. Instead of
other people wanting you to change or improve yourself,
you simply change in a way that you want to develop
yourself into the person that you accept. That's right you
accept yourself and that is wonderful.


Alright now, it is almost time to awaken and you will hear

me count from three to one, and with each number that I
count you become more awake and more alert realizing
that you are accepting yourself for who you really are and
that you are loved by yourself, and you value yourself even
more than before. You can say that it took about three steps
for you to reach this point in your life. Where you let go of
your past and the things that kept you from accepting
yourself. So that you can accept yourself right now. You can
say living a life where you accept yourself is the way that
you want to live and there are two things that you really
like about yourself and you are the only person that knows
those two things, as you embrace your love for yourself and
your worthiness. And it's only one step to go as you are
accepting yourself even more as you are becoming more
awake more alert, open your eyes and be wide awake
feeling vibrant, and ready for a new day. While you accept
yourself in this new chapter of your life and that is

Sc pt 4 : buil ng con dence

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Alright now make yourself comfortable and take a

deep breath in and out. As you are breathing in and
out, you are becoming more relaxed. That's right, now
for a moment close your eyes and just envision
yourself becoming more relaxed as you double the
sensation of relaxation with each breath in and out.
Now picture yourself sitting on a wooden bench at the
beach. It is a lovely day at the beach, the sun is
shining, and there is a slight breeze in the air. The
temperature is just right and you can feel the breeze
caressing your skin and blowing your hair slightly.
Perhaps you can even taste the saltiness in the air
while you are looking at the waves washing outs on the
sand. It is a lovely relaxing day where you can just
simply allow yourself to let go of any known or
unknown stress. You may hear the sounds of seagulls
in the distance and the waves crashing and washing
out on the beach.


You may or may not notice the colour of the waves
changing when they wash out on the beach, as they
are rolling toward the beach. They are a deep blue
colour, and as they get closer to the sand the waves
become turquoise and then it is as if the salt in the
water creates a foam that washes out onto the beach.
The colour of the sand also changes when it is wet,
being a lovely yellowish colour and white when the
sand is dry. That's right, and when the sand is wet, you
notice the sand appears to be a bit darker. It is so
relaxing to notice all these things around you and it is
so tranquil to just sit on the wooden bench and be
aware of the things you are observing right now,
while you are comfortably relaxed with your eyes

You can say that you can allow your muscles to relax
and let go of all the nervous tension in your body. As
the waves wash out on the sand, you relax, even more
allowing your body to be totally and completely
relaxed at this time.


That's right, as you relax, every muscle in your body

your face, your shoulders, your neck, even your back,
and your chest are relaxed as well. You can even feel
your arms, hands, and legs being loose and limp as
they are comfortably relaxed as well. When you feel
you need to move or change position to be more
comfortable you'll simply just double the sensation of
relaxation that you are experiencing right now. As you
hear me count from ve all the way down to one you
will become deeply relaxed in mind and body. Take a
deep breath in and out, realizing that you are mindful,
ve going deeper and deeper, being relaxed feeling the
tranquility within yourself. Four you are relaxing as
you hear the sounds of the waves while breathing in
and out and allowing yourself to relax even more.
Three going down, down deeper and deeper, being
relaxed letting go of any known or unknown stress, as
you are focused in the present
moment. One going down deeper and deeper, being
deeply relaxed and relaxed deeply in mind and body.



Alright now, as you were able to relax yourself in

body and mind it is as if you are your own hypnotist.
That's right, you brought yourself to the state that we
call hypnosis and I am simply following your lead
while guiding you through this process to build
con dence.

As you are relaxed, breathing in and out, Think

about what it would be like to be con dent. Just
imagine what that feels like to have a lot of con dence.
Imagine the way you would speak or present yourself
and it is as if you can hear yourself, communicating
more con dently with other people. As you see
yourself as a con dent person notice your body
posture and how you project con dence easily.
Anybody can see that you are a con dent person and
you believe that you are a con dent person.

So as you have this con dent image of yourself I

would like you to place your thumb and index nger
together and take a deep breath in and out and just
make that image that you have of yourself more vivid.
It is as if you realize that you are a con dent person
and as you breathe in you inhale con dence, and
when you exhale you let go of fear in your life. You can
identify the fear in your life. Now take another deep
breath in and out. Now feel the con dence building


within you as if you are tapping into your inner
con dence.
Now release your thumb and index nger. As you
breathe in and out it is as if you realize that you are a
con dent person and you have the abilities and skills
to build your con dence. But you may or may not feel
as if something is holding you back. That's right, for a
moment, open your eyes and close your eyes and just
double the sensation of relaxation that you're
experiencing right now. That's right, bring yourself
even deeper into the state of hypnosis. Just by simply
relaxing you're able to identify the negative things in
your life that are keeping you from being con dent.
Identify for a moment the things in your life that are
keeping you from being con dent, as I am silent now.

As you were able to identify the things in your life,

that are keeping you from being con dent and you
realize that you are a con dent person. You are able to
build con dence easily. It is as if you can look at those
things that are keeping you from being con dent
without emotional attachment or judgment. Take
those negative things into your hands and realize that
you are in control of those things. You are con dently
in control of this moment and you are taking control of
the things that kept you from being con dent and you
express your con dence dominantly to them.



You undeniably have the most con dence right now

compared to the things that kept you from having
con dence. Now shape those things into a ball and
throw it as far as you can. As you throw the ball that
represents all the negative things that kept you from
being con dent you can see the ball disappearing o
into the horizon never to be seen or experienced

That's right, and as you may feel the emptiness

within you as if there's a void that needs to be lled.
This gives you the opportunity to build your
con dence right now. You may have a little bit of
con dence or perhaps a lot of con dence right now
compared to when you began the session. Just as
before, touch your thumb and index nger together
and bring yourself to that state of pure con dence
where you are inhaling con dence and exhaling
anything that's keeping you from being con dent. You
are a con dent person, you're powerful and mindful in
every way. And release your thumb and index nger
and realize that you are more con dent now than you
were before.


Touch your thumb and index nger together again
and realize that you have con dence in yourself and
you believe in yourself that you are able to succeed in
anything that you do. You are open to suggestions from
others that will bene t you and you have the abilities
to con dently motivate other people to have
con dence as well. It is as if your con dence is
contagious and anybody close to you will feel
con dent as well.

You are the ultimate con dent person and you are
able to be con dent in any situation you nd yourself
in. Now release your thumb and index nger. Take a
deep breath in and out and see yourself in the future
being so con dent and merge with that image that you
see of yourself having an ultimate level of con dence.
That's right, you absorb the con dence that you
have from the future version of yourself and you make
it yours so that you can have con dence in the present
moment. You let go of anything known and unknown
that's in your way to being con dent. Release your
index nger and thumb as you take a deep breath in
and out and realize that you are a con dent person.
You have the con dence to be con dent and you are
motivated to live your life con dently in every area of
your life. You express yourself freely in an appropriate
manner and you are respectful towards other people.


Notice the challenges that you have overcome and,

you have overcome these challenges in your life in
order for you to be con dent right now. So in the end
you realize that you are improving yourself and you
are able to live your life con dently and that is


Alright now, it is almost time to awaken. You will

hear me count from one to three and when I reach
three you will be fully wide awake feeling con dent
and vibrant. One is a number that is very special to you
because it takes one second for you to be con dent. As
you breathe in and out, you notice that it only takes
two seconds for you to tap into your con dence and to
be more alert, and you realize that you are the one that
has the most con dence in the present moment. Three
breathe in and out as you are wide awake feeling
vibrant and con dent and ready for a new day and that
is wonderful.

Alternative Sc pts
Con dence to do public


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Alright now, as you breathe in and breathe out, just

simply relax and as you close your eyes and open your
eyes just double the sensation of relaxation as you
make yourself comfortable. And if you feel you need to
move or scratch an itch, it is OK. It will just help you to
be more comfortable. Now, you will hear me count
from 20 all the way down to zero, and with each
number that I count you become more relaxed in the
present moment. Now as you hear me count you
simply open and close your eyes for example. 20 open
your eyes and close your eyes and take a deep breath
in and out. 19 open your eyes and close your eyes
becoming more relaxed, more deeply relaxed. 18 open
your eyes and close your eyes. Going down, down
more deeply relaxed. 17 open your eyes and close your
eyes as you breathe in and out relaxing more deeply.
16 open your eyes and close your eyes and just simply
relax the muscles of your face, your forehead, and
your cheeks. You can even unclinch your jaw and just

relax even more. 15 open your eyes and close your

eyes, going deeper and deeper into relaxation as you
relax the muscles of your neck and shoulders. 14
feeling as if a burden, has been lifted o your
shoulders as you breathe in and out, and let that
relaxation go down your back and down your chest,
relaxing each and every muscle.

That's right, and as you relax your arms and hands

while focusing on your left hand, you may or may not
feel that it may be the right choice for you. Perhaps
you feel more comfortable relaxing right now and as
you focus on your right hand, you realize there's only
one choice left to relax and let go of all the nervous
tension and stress. 12 open your eyes and close your
eyes as you double the sensation of relaxation. As you
relax the muscles of your stomach, your legs, and your
calves. 11 relaxing the muscles of your feet and even
the tiny little muscles of your toes. Going down, down
more deeply relaxed. 10 simply imagine opening your
eyes and closing your eyes as you keep your eyes
closed right now, being deeply relaxed and relaxed
deeply in mind and body. 9 going deeper and deeper
as you imagine, opening your eyes and closing your
eyes as you keep your eyes closed right


8 Imagine opening your eyes and closing your eyes

and just simply relaxing more deeply. 7 imagine
opening your eyes and closing your eyes as you
breathe in and out, in and out, relaxing even more. 6
keep your eyes closed while you imagine opening and
closing your eyes while breathing in and out simply
double the sensation of relaxation. As you go deeper
and deeper into the state of hypnosis. 5 imagine
keeping your eyes closed and breathing in and out
going down, down, and relaxing, relaxing even more.
4 imagining opening and closing your eyes can be so
relaxing in this moment, going down, down increasing
the sensation of relaxation even more. 3 it may even
feel to you as if you want to sleep, but it is as if you are
focused and relaxed in this moment. 2 going down,
down more deeply relaxed more deeply relaxed. 1 all
the way down, being completely and totally relaxed. 0
breathing in and out and realizing that you are relaxing
in this moment and you are so comfortable that you
simply continue to stay relaxed and focused in this


Alright now, as you relaxed your body. It is now time

to relax your mind. As you are relaxed at this time
now, it is as if you can think of a clock with two hands.
As you see the hands of a clock moving clockwise
perhaps from 12 o'clock to 1 o'clock and from 1 o'clock
to 3 o'clock. Each time you see the Clock moving its
hands it is as if you become more deeply relaxed as
you breathe in and out. You can say time is active here,
which is no longer a factor in your life right now. As
you consciously realize that your clock moves
clockwise you subconsciously see the hands of a clock
moving counterclockwise as you relax more deeply
going from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock perhaps from 9
o'clock to 7 o'clock as you realize you are breathing in
and out, doubling the sensation of relaxation even
more, that's right going down, down more deeply

Now for a moment, it is as if you've been relaxing for

an hour. As you are deeply relaxed and relaxed deeply
in mind and body realize that time is standing still for
you. It may feel as if it's a long time that time is
standing still, or just simply a second of a moment
standing still, while you are relaxing right now, and
that's all that matters to you being deeply relaxed and
relaxed deeply in mind and body.


Alright now, as you are breathing in and out it is as if

you realize that you have the ability to bring yourself to
the state that we call hypnosis. That’s right, it is as if
you realize that you are your own hypnotist and I’m
just simply following your lead while guiding you
through the process of having con dence when doing
public speaking.
That's right, now as you are comfortably lying down
or sitting, picture yourself being in a room. You are the
only person in this room, and you are safe in this
room. You notice a table and chair in the room as well,
and on the table, you see a laptop. Now we all know
laptops nowadays, you open the laptop. You noticed
that the laptop has a WebCam. You are able to do video
calls on this laptop and I am sure you've done video
calls before on any other laptop. As you are looking at
the camera you can see your face on the screen. As
you see yourself on the screen, you open a new
window and place it next to your face. It is as if the
screen has been split into two. Now on the one side,
you see your face and on the other side, a video is
playing about someone that's doing public speaking.
Now, as you look at the person doing public speaking,
you notice how con dent they are. You notice their
body posture and also how con dent they sound.
That's right now, wouldn't it be nice to have that level
of con dence when you do public speaking as well?
Standing con dently on stage and speaking to a lot
of people.



That's right, it is as if you are imagining yourself

having that high level of con dence, and what it would
feel like to have the con dence to stand on stage and
to do public speaking. Now for a moment, as you are
looking at the person, doing public speaking in the
video, noticed the person turning and looking at you.
You notice that the public speaker is actually you in the
future. That's right, you are a con dent public speaker.
You are calm and relaxed and you notice how calmly
you breathe when you are on stage. Before you go on
stage you simply take a deep breath in and out and tap
into your inner tranquility and peace. That's right, you
know that a peaceful person is a con dent person and
you are a con dent person. You're mindful and
powerful in each and every way and you are able to do
public speaking as you see yourself on the screen.
That's right, it is your future self that you are seeing on
the screen right now next to your face which is in the
present moment.

It may feel as if there is a time-lapse between you

and your future self, but you are able to merge with
the con dent future version of yourself. That's right,
now place your nger on your screen, where the video
is playing of you doing public speaking in the future
and drag the video over to your face and it is as if all
you can see is the future version of yourself. That's
right, as you look at yourself it is as if you realize that,
self-doubt, has faded away as you are a con dent
public speaker. Now release your nger from the

screen it is as if the con dent future self is merging
with the present image of yourself.

Take a deep breath in and absorb that high level of

con dence that you see on the screen. And when you
breathe out you let go of fear and self-doubt. Take a
deep breath in and merge, even more with the
con dent version of yourself. It is as if you realize that
you have unlimited con dence and you are able to do
public speaking in the present moment. That's right,
breathe out and realize how relaxed you are on the
stage. Realize how tranquil you are within yourself and
how much you believe in yourself. As you breathe in
you realize that you are worthy of doing public
speaking, you have the con dence to do public
speaking right now. Now breathe out and notice how
calm and con dent you are. As you see yourself on the
screen it is as if you appear to be more con dent, you
see yourself as a con dent, mindful, and powerful
person. That is because you are a con dent and
powerful person. You are able to do public speaking,
and you are calm and peaceful in the present moment.
That's right, now bring yourself back to the present
moment and see yourself doing public speaking in
your day-to-day life. Before you do public speaking,
you take a deep breath in and tap into your inner
peace and tranquility that unleashes your con dence.


You realize that you can do public speaking right

now as you breathe out. Taking a deep breath in and
out allows you to realize that you have unlimited
con dence to do public speaking and that you have the
skills and abilities to tap into your con dence to do
public speaking and that is wonderful.


Alright now, it's almost time to awaken and you will

hear me count from one to three and when I've
counted till three you will be fully wide awake. So
ready, you realize that you had one goal in mind to
build con dence to do public speaking. It is as if you
already know that you have gained two new skills to
unleash that con dence to do public speaking, and
that is to be peaceful and tranquil as you breathe in
and out. Take another deep breath in and out as you
become more awake and more alert and three realize
that you are a con dent public speaker and that you
have the inner peace to unleash your con dence to do
public speaking, and that is wonderful.


Con dence to socialize:
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Alright now, as you're breathing in and out, make

yourself comfortable and if you feel you need to move
or scratch an itch, it will just simply help you to double
the sensation of relaxation. Now, for a moment, as you
are sitting or laying comfortably, just simply close your
eyes and allow your eyelids to just simply relax and
feel heavy. As your eyelids feel heavy. It is as if you are
becoming more sleepy, and more drowsy. Now as your
eyelids relax, relax the muscles of your forehead and
your cheeks. Being more deeply relaxed, simply let go
of the tension in your jaw and just let all the stress just
fade away, fade away. Breathing in and out, allowing
the relaxation to ow down your neck and into your
shoulders relaxing your shoulders as if you've let go of
all the tension and stress that you've kept in your

It is a relaxing feeling you are experiencing right

now, isn't it? That's right, now relax the muscles of
your arms as you relax the muscles of your arms you
can feel the sensation of relaxation owing into your
hands. As you feel your hands relaxing, it is as if you
realize you have the option to focus on either your left
hand which might be the right choice for you, or you


may focus on your right hand, which may leave only
one hand left for you to focus on.
Perhaps you just simply want to focus on both hands
while you relax in this time. Now for a moment, I
would like you to focus on your hands as they are
relaxing beside you, even though they are suspended
in the air in front of you, they are laying comfortably
beside you. That's right, they are so relaxed in this
moment in time. Now relax the muscles of your chest
and stomach. As you relax the muscles of your chest
and stomach you realize that you are so relaxed while
enjoying this time that is so peaceful and tranquil to
you. Now relax the muscles of your legs and your
calves and just breathe in and out, in and out, relaxing
even more. You are so relaxed. It is easy for you to
relax the tiny little muscles of your toes and feet. While
breathing in and out you can feel your legs relaxing
even more going down, down more deeply, more
deeply relaxed.


Alright now, as you relax your body, it is now time to

relax your mind. Your mind is a powerful tool for us to
use to create positive change in your life while you are
subconsciously in control and consciously totally and
completely relaxed. That's right you are the operator
here and you enjoy this time that is so rewarding and
so bene cial for you while you're relaxed in a focused
state of hypnosis. Now as you breathe in and out it is as
if you will hear me count from ve all the way down to
zero and with each number that I count, you become
more deeply relaxed and relaxed deeply in mind and
body. So ready ve breathing in and feel the oxygen go
to the deepest part of your lungs, as you inhale deeply,
and notice the inhale becoming an exhale as you
breathe out slowly. Four, breathing in deeply becoming
more relaxed more deeply relaxed as you breathe out.
Three as you're going deeper and deeper into
relaxation while breathing in and out. Two going
down, down, down, being deeply relaxed in this
moment. One breathing in and breathing out,
normally feeling relaxed and tranquil and feeling the
peace within yourself in mind and body and zero, as
you are completely and totally relaxed in mind and
body right now.


Alright now, as you brought yourself to the state we
call hypnosis, it is as if you are becoming more relaxed
as you breathe in and out. That's right, you can say
that you are your own hypnotist, and I am just simply
following your lead while guiding you through this
process to have the con dence to socialize.

That's right, now access the part of the mind where

awareness is created and your imagination can be free.
Now picture yourself in the past at a time when you
used to be con dent. Perhaps you may not have had
the opportunity to be con dent in your past, and in
that case, you can just simply imagine yourself being
con dent in the present moment. Picture yourself
being at a social event, perhaps a party, perhaps you
were at the o ce social, or just simply at the club or
any other social event.

Notice the con dence that you have at that moment,

you can see how other people enjoy themselves. As
they have their own level of con dence which they
maintain, just like you maintain your level of
con dence at social events. Perhaps you may feel
fearful to approach people, but you still feel con dent
enough to approach them in the end and to
communicate with them.




You are able to be con dent in social situations,
perhaps at rst you feel fearful, perhaps you doubt
yourself. Or maybe you believe that you are OK on
your own. Now as you are breathing in and out identify
all the feelings and emotions that kept you from being
con dent in social situations. You can take them and
place them aside as if they are physical objects. Now as
you place the emotions, feelings, and things that kept
you from being con dent aside. It may seem that they
are trying to intimidate you. But in actual fact, you
realize that you are a powerful person. You are able to
just simply believe that you are greater than those
fears, feelings, self-doubts, and other negative
emotions, and thoughts that you have believed about
yourself. They are meaningless to you and, it is as if
you realize that you have gained power over them
right now.

That's right, now create them into a shape as you

take them into your hands. This can be any shape that
you dislike and you can even give the shape a colour,
and texture that you dislike. So as you're holding the
shape in your hands, you can look at the shape
without judgment or emotional attachment. You
realize that you are stronger and better than those
negative emotions and thoughts you've believed about
yourself. Now take the shape and throw it as far as you
can. As you throw the shape, you see it disappearing
o into the distance, fading away, fading away. As you
see all those negative emotions, thoughts, and feelings
that kept you from being con dent in social situations


just simply fade away into the distance, you realize

there's space for you to create positive change in your
You're able to establish a higher level of con dence
in your life to socialize with other people.
You are comfortable around other people. Notice
how much con dence you have right now, you are
super con dent just as you envisioned yourself, in the
beginning, to have a lot of con dence to communicate
with other people and to socialize with them. You feel
peaceful within yourself and you realize that you have
the con dence to communicate with other people.
Now as you breathe in merge with the con dent image
of yourself. Notice how you feel more con dent as you
become your future self and when you breathe out,
you let go of any remaining fears or self-doubts that are
known or unknown to you.

That's right, take another deep breath in and feel

that level of con dence just doubling right now, and as
you breathe out you realize how con dent you are and
how good you are at socializing with other people. It is
as if you can just randomly and openly start talking to
somebody and start a conversation with them easily
and e ortlessly.

That's right, you know by breathing in you realize

that you're able to tap into your inner peace and
con dence, and as you breathe out you know that you
can be a social person that has the con dence to




socialize and you are open to socializing with other
people right now and that is wonderful.
Awakening :
Alright now, it is almost time for you to awaken. You
will hear me count from 1 to 3 when I reach three you
will open your eyes and be wide awake. One take a
deep breath in feeling the oxygen go to every part of
your body, energizing your body, and breathe out.
Two take another deep breath in feeling the furniture
beneath you, and the air in the room around becoming
more awake, more alert, and breathe out. And three
open your eyes and be wide awake realizing that you
have the con dence to socialize as you breathe in and
out you're able to tap into your inner peace and
con dence and that is wonderful.

Be sat ed wi y rself.

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Alright now, as you are breathing in and out, make

yourself comfortable. That's right, and as you make
yourself comfortable, you may feel that you need to
move or scratch an itch during the session. It will just
simply help you to double the sensation of relaxation
that you are experiencing in the present moment. Now
breathe in and out, relaxing each and every muscle in
your body, feeling relaxation, and tranquility ow
through your body as if water is being poured on your
head. You may or may not feel the relaxing water
owing through you like a stream, relaxing each and
every part of your body, every cell and ber of your
body, being relaxed in this moment, while breathing in
and out, in and out. Going deeper and deeper being
relaxed in this moment, allowing yourself to relax,
relax as you let go of all the nervous tension and stress
as it simply fades away, fades away, fades away.



Breathing in and out, relaxing even more you may

even feel as if you are thinking of your favorite colour,
perhaps blue, which is so relaxing, or green becoming
more deeply relaxed, perhaps you feel like thinking of
the colour yellow being joyful and happy or perhaps
orange being warm and friendly. Perhaps the colour
purple relaxes you more or pink or red being so fun
and vibrant as you relax more and more going
deeper and deeper into relaxation.

That's right, as you relax each and every muscle of

your body. You can feel your arms being so heavy and
relaxed laying next to you or just simply resting on
your tummy. You may try to lift your arms, but they
are so heavy and so relaxed at this moment, that it is
pointless for you to just simply lift them and you just
let them lay beside you right now that's it. Allowing
them to be comfortable and relax even more in this
moment. Going down, down more deeply relaxed, and
as you are relaxed, you know that your body is so
relaxed consciously as you subconsciously realize that
you're preparing yourself to relax more


As you prepare your subconscious mind to be open

in this moment, you realize consciously you have
relaxed your body, but subconsciously your body is
relaxed as well. As you consciously realize that your
subconscious is still wide awake and focused. You are
so deeply relaxed at this time, and as you hear me
count from Five all the way down to one you will
become more deeply relaxed with each number that I
count. That's right, so ready ve take a deep breath in
and out, going deeper and deeper being relaxed. Four
as you are relaxing, even more allowing your mind to
just simply focus in the present time. Three because
you realize there is no time like the present time as you
breathe in and out to relax even more. Going down,
down more deeply relaxed. Two be more relaxed as
you breathe in and out, in and out. One all the way
down, now being deeply relaxed and relaxed deeply in
mind and body.


Alright now, as you are breathing in and out you

realize that you have brought yourself to the state that
we call hypnosis. That's right, it is as if you are your
own hypnotist, and I am simply following your lead
while guiding you through this process to be satis ed
with yourself.

That's right, as you are breathing in and out focus on

the part of the mind where awareness takes place and
creativity over ows. It is as if you realize that your
imagination is free and you are able to think about
anything at this moment that is bene cial for you right
now. I would like to tell you a story about the tree.
Now you may or may not be able to relate to this story,
but in the end, I am sure you will be able to learn
something of great value from the story.

There once was a beautiful garden in a magical place

and in this garden was one of the biggest apple trees.
Now as you can think to yourself how big this apple
tree is, you can just imagine how big the apples are.
That's right, the apples on the tree are big and juicy
and the skin of the apple is vibrant in colour.


Now as you are thinking that the apple tree is just a
normal apple tree. It is as if you wouldn't think that the
apple tree would ask questions about itself, right? Now
remember the apple tree is standing in a garden in a
magical place, and this means that the apple tree has
other capabilities which a normal tree doesn't have.

That's right, the apple tree can think for itself, and
you may wonder why the apple tree asks the
question," Am I good enough?" That is actually strange
because the apple tree is so big and beautiful and the
tree produces so many beautiful apples that are so big
and juicy.

One would think that the apple tree would be

satis ed with itself, right? That's right, there are so
many positive things in the apple tree's life that the
apple tree just doesn't realize at the current time. One
day there was a dove that sat on one of the branches of
the apple tree. The dove complimented the apple tree.
But the apple tree didn't believe the truth that the dove
told the apple tree. That's right, the dove asks the
apple tree do you produce beautiful fruit?

The apple tree said yes. The dove asked the apple
tree do you produce shade for the other creatures in
the garden? Yes, I do, the apple tree answered. The
dove smiled for a moment and repeated what the

apple tree told him. So, you produce beautiful fruits,

and you produce shade for the creatures in the garden.
Wouldn't you say that is good?
Yes, that is good. The dove told the tree that
producing such beautiful fruit and producing so many
bene ts, for the other creatures in the garden is a good
thing, and that the tree can be satis ed with himself.
The apple tree replied, really? Yes of course, if you
look at the other trees in the garden, some are small
and some are tall. You are the tallest tree in the garden
and some of the trees don't even produce fruit or

Some trees only have dried-up leaves, and others

have fungi on their branches. You are healthy, you are
beautiful, and you are productive as you achieve your
goals, each day by providing shade and beautiful fruit
for the other creatures in the garden. This made the
apple tree think for a moment. The apple tree saw the
point the dove is making. He started to feel grateful for
what he had, and for what he can provide. It is as if the
apple tree had a mind shift from negative to positive.

Suddenly, the apple tree began to feel better about

himself. The leaves of the apple tree looked lush and
green. The apple's colours were even more vibrant
than before. It is as if the apple tree has received a new
perspective on his life and that made him very satis ed
with himself. The tree thanked the dove for opening
his eyes and helping him to see himself with a new


As the days went by, it is as if the apple tree felt

better about itself, and the other animals could see the
joy and love the apple tree produces. The positive
ener y in the garden was so overwhelming that the
other trees could feel it too. They even began to feel
positive about themselves and started to see why they
can be satis ed with themselves as well.

Now as you were listening to the story you may or

may not have been able to relate to this story, but I'm
sure you have gained great value from the story. So as
you are breathing in and out, identify all the negative
things in your life, that are keeping you from being
satis ed with yourself. Just simply breathe in and out
as you simply think of those things that are keeping
you from being happy and accepting yourself
con dently.

I'm sure you are able to think of a few things that are
keeping you from being satis ed with yourself. Some
of these things may be known or unknown to you but
in the end, you are able to identify them. Now see
them as physical objects as you breathe in you realize
that you are a con dent person, you are mindful and
powerful. That's it and breathe out knowing that you
are in control in this moment. Take another deep
breath in and out relaxing in this moment.


Simply look at those objects without emotional

attachment and judgment. You know they were part of
your life and that is why you can tell them now that it
is time for you to move on to greater things. You are
open to being positive and you are done with
negativity in your life. You are worthy of loving
yourself and you are worthy to be loved by others.
Now think of the positive things in your life and realize
that you are a positive person. Notice how much better
you feel about yourself when you think positively.
Notice how good you feel when you are grateful for
even the small things in your life. The more you are
grateful the more positive and satis ed you are with
yourself. It is as if the negative things in your life
simply fades away as the positive things take their
place in your life.

This allows you to focus on yourself in the present
moment. Notice how good you feel about yourself. It is
as if you have stepped into a new chapter of your life
where you can be con dently satis ed with yourself.
You accept yourself for the wonderful person that you
are and you are open to communicating with other
people. You express yourself and show people who
you really are. You love yourself and accept yourself
more and more each day. You are a powerful and
amazing person. You leave the things of the past in the
past as you realize that you are satis ed living in the
present moment as you succeed in your goals in life.
You are valuable and your opinion matters as you
realize that you are totally satis ed with who you are
and that is wonderful.


Alright now, you will hear me count from one all the
way to three, and when I reach three you will be fully
wide awake and ready for a new day. So ready, one
take a deep breath in and out becoming more awake
and more alert. Two breathing in and feeling the air in
the room around you and the furniture beneath you
and breathing out becoming more awake. And three
open your eyes and realize that you are satis ed with
yourself as you love and accept yourself and that is



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