Biology Research Paper Format Assignment

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Name: ____Juliet Rucker____________

Research Paper Format Assignment

1. What is a biological research paper?

A biological research is a paper that communicates research data conducted on living


2. What initiates an investigation?

Any questions that come from gathering information, and any information collected from any

readings related to the text that will help you to gain a better understanding and or conclusion to

your research hypothesis.

3. What is your responsibility when conducting a research report?

My responsibility is that of the investigator which is to; write content that the reader can

understand clearly, review my draft to make sure the structure is in proper English format

sequence, ensure that the content within each section is the information regarding only the

section, correct any grammatical errors, gather the proper data, and actually test out the


4. What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is simply copying another student's work, ideas, or even words and claiming it as

your own. I actually had to take a oath in my senior year of high school stating that plagiarism is

something I would never do, and the certification is hanging up at my house to constantly

remind me not to do it.

Name: ____Juliet Rucker____________

Research Paper Format Assignment

5. Write an example of a proper citation format?

Smith, Ali. “The Universal Story.” The Penguin Book of the Contemporary British Short Story,

edited by Philip Hensher, Penguin Books, 2018, pp. 99–107.

6. Type your report using ___________ spacing, _______ point font, _________ margin

justified, and ________ inch margins.

Double, 12, left, 1-inch.

7. Should your pages be numbered? Yes / No

8. Should you use running heads? Yes / No

9. Where should your name appear on your report?

Your name should be on the Cover page only.

10. Should you have a Title page? Yes / No

11. The scientific research report format is based on what method?

Name: ____Juliet Rucker____________

Research Paper Format Assignment

It is based on the scientific method and should present the data from your investigation clearly in

order for the reader to easily comprehend.

12. Where should your Title be?

The title should be on the cover page that is just before the abstract page.

13. What is an Abstract?

This is a short 5 sentence paragraph covering the overall purpose of your research and the

conclusions you drew.

14. What is the purpose of an Introduction?

This is the paragraph or two where you explain to the reader the topic, hypothesis, your

investigation data, and the method you used. This is in general how you can present all the

background information you may have pertaining to the subject matter, and this is a tool that will

enable you to retain your readers attention.

15. In detail write and describe the meaning of Methods?

Name: ____Juliet Rucker____________

Research Paper Format Assignment

Here you would explain your data collection in detail while including any procedure you may

have used to gather your data. Make sure to mention any internal or external factors that may

have influenced your findings.

16. In detail write and describe the meaning of Results?

This is the conclusion to your research and should be as uncomplicated as possible for the

reader. Never regurgitate any obvious information that your photos or tables will show, instead

go in depth about any patterns that you have noticed with your data, and explain your data and

all the factors involved.

17. Under RESULTS should your research paper be written in (circle)

Present Tense or Past Tense?

18. Should you use a Table of Figures in your report? Yes / No

19. Will your experimental research paper has a section for Table of Content?

We were not instructed to use a Table of Content page with this project.
Name: ____Juliet Rucker____________

Research Paper Format Assignment

20. Finally, how should your Discussion be organized?

According to the information we were given we are supposed to organize our discussion by:

explaining the results, refer back to the hypothesis and how it correlates with the found data,

compare and contrast the difference and similarities with our partner, and write any take away

points we would want to leave for our reader.

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