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Ezio Auditore da Firenze

:Alex Uriel Cervantes Q.

Jesus Matías Vargas

Third semester
Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 - 1524

Was the Prophet and the Mentor of the Order of the Assassins of Italy

Renaissance between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, becoming one of the
most controversial historiographical figures and crossed out, having participated
in conjunction with characters of universal stature of the time, such as Nicolás
Machiavelli or Leonardo da Vinci. Ezio is also an ancestor of Clay Kaczmarek and

Desmond Miles by his father.

Born and raised as a nobleman of the Florentine Republic in its most prosperous
period, Ezio did not know of his inheritance corresponding to the Assassins until,
at the age of 17, he witnessed the execution with false charges from his father
and his brothers, taking refuge in the Ville

Tuscany of Monteriggioni with his uncle, and after that dedicating himself to
hunting the Templar resurfaced of the time on a trip that would take him all over
Italy and make him live the hardest moments of the Renaissance, including the
Conspiracy of the Pazzi and the Bonfire of the Vanities.

In 1500, after the death of his uncle at the hands of the Captain General of the
Pontifical Army César Borgia, Ezio resguarded in Rome with the mission to free
the holy city of the lineage of Pope Alexander VI, until he managed to end the
family for the year 1507, becoming then the highest ranking member of the order
worldwide. Also, as acts of remarkable reference, he helped in the preparation of
travel for

Cristóbal Colón, saved Nicolás Copernicico from the

The papal conspiracy against him prevented the Ermes Massimo's cult of Hermes
from acquiring power in Rome, spread the ideals of freedom and independence
for Renaissance Europe, and established contact with a
Fruit of Eden.

In the following years, Ezio began a journey to discover an ancient library of

the Assassins, arriving at the Syrian fortress of Masyaf, after that venturing into
the heart of the Ottoman Empire,

Constantinople, and undertaking the search for

Keys of Masyaf. During his search, Ezio fought fought against the remnant of the
Byzantine Empire, led by the Templar Ahmed. Once he obtained all the keys and
finished with his enemies, Ezio discovered in Masyaf the Apple of Eden that
belonged to the Mentor Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, but he gave up his life as an Assassin
and left the artifact in the

library .

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