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The compassionate thief is about a boy that grows up in the rubber estates that plans to join

his friends occupation. The character that I like the most from the story is Thana Rajah. He is a young
Malaysian’s U23 Thai National kickboxing team.

The reason that I like Thana Rajah because he is a friendly person that he didn’t seem to
realize that the boy was a stranger to him. Although, Rajah also, told the boy that could make the
boy boost his confidence and trying not make the conversation became awkward. “He told the boy
that you look like a fighter” thus, the boy replied “which amaze me and put my stride for a moment.

Therefore, Rajah is a kind hearted person “because you are underaged, and I cant pay you
wages” instead, Rajah let him stayed with him and his mother. Rajah also trained the boy Muay Thai
under his own eyes without no limit on what he could achieve once he gets to fight professionally
and the boy doesn’t have to pay even a cent for the training.

To sum up all, Rajah has a generous heart. I wonder whether my behaviour would have been
like this because in life that we should help people in need such as charity kids that they need people
to support them in financial terms.

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