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Louie Quir Joseph L. Ijao

City University of Seattle

BC-306: Ethics and Leadership

Dr. Rolando Islas, PhD

August 09, 2022


Ethical Decision-Making Process:

Who is involved?

The parties involved in this case are pornographers or those involved in the business of

pornography, their producers, and viewers or those who viewed explicit content.

 Actor/Actress

 The viewers (the people)

What are relevant issue?

 The issue in this case involves pornographic material.

 Actors and actresses are used to create pornographic videos. Like Mia Khalifa is one of

the most popular pornographic artists. She had the desire to perform the task, but she

stopped out of embarrassment.

 The viewers and the domino effects to people are in threat. The desire to have sexual

relations. The media intensify desire. Making sexuality normal and vital for everyone.

The development of human sexual desires.


Pornography is deeply immoral and unethical in my opinion, but I occasionally have the urge to

watch it. My sexual feelings or emotions. I have no idea if this is normal or not. I still aspire to

be a decent person and maintain a decent appearance, but sometimes I have a strong desire for

sex. However, I have never had sex with many people. I only attempted once. The motivation to

do it. To be romantic. I am aware of it, and after committing it, I feel guilty.
The negative effects of pornographic content viewing on future generations. Commonly

damaging effects of pornography include addiction, isolation, increased aggression, distorted

beliefs and perceptions regarding relationships and sexuality, negative feelings about oneself,

and neglecting other areas of life.


 Canada Law, Section 163 regulates “obscenity” by making it an offence to fabricate,

distribute, or possess for distribution obscene publications. That means that if

pornography is not child pornography or not considered obscene, it is legal to make, buy

or sell. (Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada, 2017)

 Pornography addiction rates are rising.

 Many conditions co-occur with porn addiction, including anxiety, depression, sex

addiction, social anxiety and substance use disorders. (Hull, 2022)


 Porn addictions are rising.

 Adult contents are legal in Canada.

 Sex workers are in demand in Canada.

 Laws about adult content in Canada is made for income not thinking the long-term effects

to people. The domino negative effects of producing and watching pornography.

Factual Problems

 People desire to watch pornographic content for their desire of sex.

PASSION AND REASON: When Hume asserts that reason is the servant of passions, he does

not imply that reason is of no consequence. He is merely stating that reason alone does not

motivate action. It is one's passion, whether it be love, anger, pride, envy, fear, or desire, that

drives them to act.

According to Hume's theory of mind, passions (what we call emotions, feelings, and desires

today) are impressions rather than ideas (original, vivid and lively perceptions that are not copied

from other perceptions). (Cohon, 2018)

Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any

other office than to serve and obey them

The reason to watch and or produce pornographic content can never influence the will to action.

The reason to watch porn are desire.

The reason to produce porn are desire and income.

RATIONALITY: Kant argued that the moral law is a truth of reason and that the same moral

law binds all rational beings. Consequently, in response to the question "What should I do?"

Kant responds that we must act rationally by a universal moral law.

Is it really worthy of happiness after watching porn? NO

Is it really worthy of happiness after producing porn? NO

ALTRUISM is the principle, and moral practice of concern for the happiness of other people or

animals, resulting in a material and spiritual quality of life. It is a core aspect of various religious

and secular worldviews and a traditional virtue in many cultures.

a theory of conduct that regards the good of others as the end of moral action.

Maybe they really need to do sexual things that really matter to them. Maybe they really need to

do it in order to conquer the struggles they are facing. They earn from producing adult films or

pornographic content. We cannot and should not judge people by its cover.

Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada. (2017). Pornography. Ottawa:

Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Canada. Retrieved from


Cohon, R. (2018, August 20). Hume's Moral Philosophy. (E. N. Zalta, Ed.) Retrieved from The

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 Edition):

Hull, M. (2022, July 28). Pornography Facts and Statistics. Retrieved from The Recovery



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