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The twelve principles of green chemistry DID YOU KNOW?

The twelve principles of green chemistry are

Enzymes are very specific
1 Prevention: It is better to reduce waste than to treat it after it to the reactions they
has been formed. catalyse. They work at
2 Atom economy: The methods used for synthesis should use up room temperature and
as many of the materials used in the process as possible and are not generally harmful.
incorporate these into the required product. In other words, Synthesising a product using
the atom economy should be as near 100% as possible. enzymes rather than inorganic
catalysts fits principles 3, 6
3 Less hazardous chemical synthesis: The harm of reactants, and 9 among others.
products and catalysts to the environment and life should be
Liquid carbon dioxide
(supercritical carbon dioxide)
4 Safer chemical products: The effectiveness of the products can be used as a solvent
should not be reduced at the same time as decreasing their in the manufacture of
possible harm. polystyrene instead of CFCs or
toxic hydrocarbons. This fits
5 Safer solvents and other agents: Reactions should be devised
principles 3, 5 and 12 among
so that harmful solvents, catalysts and substances used in
separation techniques are not used or their use is minimised.
6 Minimum energy requirements: As little energy as possible
should be used. The reactions should be carried out at r.t.p. if
possible. The heat evolved in exothermic reactions should be KEY POINTS
used for another job and not released to the environment,
e.g. 1 Green chemistry is a
as hot water.
set of principles that
7 Use of renewable raw materials: Raw materials and feedstocks reduces or eliminates the
should be renewable instead of depleting natural resources. use and generation of
A feedstock is a material taken from nature hazardous substances in
(or a substance
that has undergone the manufacture and use of
some slight processing) that is used as the
starting material for a chemical process, e.g. air, iron ore, the chemical products.
naphtha fraction from petroleum distillation.
2 The manufacture of chemical
8 Reduce of additional chemicals or additional
steps: When products involves a series
a substance is synthesised in several of chemical reactions (a
(blocking groups) are used to stop reactive particular
steps, chemicals
unwanted ways. The blocking groups reacting in synthesis).
groups are removed later. 3
9 Use of catalysts: The use of Green chemistry seeks
because the reaction takes
catalysts reduces energy costs to reduce the waste of
more specific the
place at a lower temperature. The chemicals used in the
the likelihood of
catalyst for a particular reaction is, the less is reaction, reduce waste of
getting additional unwanted products. energy and increase the
10 Nature of breakdown of
products: Products should designed efficiency of the processes
so that
they break down in the environment to formbeharmless 4
substances. The breakdown Reactions, where possible,
environment for a long time. products
should not stay in the should take place at
and use catalysts.
Monitoring to prevent pollution: Each
synthesis should be monitored for the step in a chemical 5
Monitoring the course of
and methods presence of pollutants a reaction and
should be developed to control
these pollutants or the formation of of
release into the environment. pollutants reaching the
Minimise chemical accidents: The environment are preferable
hazards to treating pollutants after
should be taken into account.presented by reactants
and products
should minimise these. Conditions chosen they have entered the
LEARNING OUTCOMES Example 1: Maleic anhydride

At the end of this topic you

Maleic anhydride is used in the manutacture of polyester resins and
should be able to: paints. It was formerly manufactured by heating benzene, CH, with
Oxygen in the presence of a catalyst:
understand the application CH+ 4,0, C,H,O, + 2CO, + 2H,O0
of the principles of green
benzene maleic anhydride
It is now manutactured from butan
explain why a given chemical
process or procedure is an CH+3,0, CH,O, +4H,0
example of green chemistry. butane maleic anhydride

The process using butane is 'greener' because:

The atom economy in terms of carbon is better. There is no loss of

EXAM TIP carbon.
No carbon dioxide is produced. So the reaction does not increase
You do not need to make
global warming.
in-depth study of
green chhemistry or give
details ofparticular Example 2: Treating emissions
examples. You do, however Coal and oil-fired power stations and other industries burning fossil fuels
need to understand how have to take steps to control the release of harmful gases into the air.
apply the principles Flue gas desulfurisation is used to remove sulfur dioxide arising
of green chemisty from burning fossil fuels containing sulfur. The gases containing
examples that have sulfur dioxide are passed through powdered calcium oxide, which
been provided, e.g. some is kept in constant movement. The sulfur dioxide reacts to form
solvents are harmful, harmless calcium sulfite, CaSOD,
so search
for alternative SO,(g) +CaO(s)> CaSO,(s)
harmless ones. The calcium sulfite can be used to make sulfuric acid.
.Filters are used to remove dust and particles from chemical plants
and power stations. Air is drawn through the filters and dust
collects on the outside (see Figure 18.2.1.
To chimney
Catalytic converters are used to reducethe emission of harmful
gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from petrol
engines. The exhaust gases from the car engine are passed
over a platinum or rhodium catalyst. Harmful nitrogen oxides
Air sucked
are converted to harmless nitrogen. Toxic carbon monoxide is
Converted to harmless carbon dioxide.

Dust Polyester 2NO(g)+ 2CO(g)> N,(g) +2cO,(g)

collecting- 'sock
Dirty air in

Dust removed

used to collect
Figure 18.2.1 Bag filters are
dust from waste gases.
Example 3: Making polyesters
A chemical called
propene-1,3-diol is used to make
carpets and clothing. The chemical is made from polyesters
a product arising from
propene. Propene is
cracking the naphtha fraction of petroleum.
Propene-1,3-diol can now be madeby using genetically modified
bacteria. The genetically modified bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli)
can be grown on mashed-up corn.

The process using bacteria is 'greener' because:

.The process does not depend directly on non-renewable resources
such as petroleum. Renewable corn is used as a feedstock.
Less carbon dioxide is produced. So there is less effect on the Figure 18.2.2 Escherichia coli (E.coli
environment. bacteria). Genetically
The energy costs are lower because modified strains of this
on average lower temperatures bacterium can be used
are used.
to make propene in a
.The process uses an etticient catalyst: enzymes in the bacteria. green way.

Example 4: Fuels from algae

Chemists are currently investigating new ways of using algae (simple Some scientists have suggested
plants) to make biofuels. Methane and hydrocarbons containing that algae should be grown in
6-12 carbon atoms per molecule can be produced from
particular huge quantities in the oceans
strains of algae. Other strains can produce butanol. The algae are to absorb carbon dioxide and
grown in water in glass vessels or reservoirs in the presence of so reduce global warming. The
light and suitable nutrients. Carbon dioxide is bubbled through the added bonus is that fuels could
mixture. Although relatively small amounts of hydrocarbons are
produced compared with petroleum fractionation, the processis
be produced from the algae as
well. Algae could also be grown
greener' because: in controlled environments
The process does not depend directly on non-renewable resources using the nutrients (nitrates and
Such as petroleum. phosphates) from the waste
water trom sewage works.
Carbon dioxide is absorbed for photosynthesis, so the process is
almost 'carbon neutral"'.
The energy costs are lower because the process OCCurs at r.t.p. KEYPOINTS
The process uses an efficient catalyst: enzymes in the algae.
1 Genetically modified bacteria
can be used to produce
Example 5: Using an improved catalyst compounds useful for
chemical synthesis.
We can attach an alkyl group to benzene, CH
by reacting it with
alkene in the presence of an aluminium chloride catalyst.
2 Algae can be used to
produce fuels.
Water is added to the reaction to stop more alkyl groups being added 3 Flue gas desulfurisation, filters
and catalytic converters are
quenching). The water reacts with the catalyst, forming hydrogen
chloride gas. used to reduce the emission
of harmful compounds into
When the catalyst is modified by combining it with silica, the process the atmosphere.
IS 'greener' because:
4 Improvements in catalysts
The yield is higher. can lead to greater yields,
No and a reduction in harmful
corrosive fumes of hydrogen chloride are produced. emissions.
Ihe catalyst can be filtered and reused.

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