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Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Education Towers, No.6 St. Vincent Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad 868.622.2181 E: 15/12/13 FROM : Chief Education Officer To : Principals ~ Secondary Schools us, Schools Supervisors III DATE + February 22, 2023 SUBJECT — : May/June 2023 Examinations: Submission of SBA Scores and Samples The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) has implemented procedures to guide the submission of School-Based Assessment (SBA) scores and samples for the May/June 2023 examinations, Principals and Online Registration System (ORS) Administrators are kindly asked to note the following: * The Online Registration System (ORS) Electronic SBA Submission User Guide and the associated video are located at: https:/www.exc.orglesba; and © The quality assurance reports provided must be used to confirm that all of the required data is submitted and accurate, when submitting SBA scores and uploading SBA samples. Further details regarding the submission of SBA scores and samples and the CSEC and CAPE subject listing are outlined at Appendices I IIT respectively. Principals are kindly asked to share this information with the relevant members of staff. ‘Your usual cooperation is anticipated. Zé ue Chief Education Officer MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Chief Educstion Officer “ee Director, School SupervsToW’and Management Division ‘Supervisor, Examination Unit Local Registrar Appendix I 1. SBA SCORES AND SBAs © All SBA Scores must be submitted electronically via the SBA Data Capture Module of the Online Registration System (ORS). Paper-based submissions will not be accepted. © All SBAs, except those moderated on site, must be submitted electronically via the SBA Data Capture Module of the Online Registration System (ORS). Paper-based submissions will not be accepted. © An SBA must be submitted for each candidate with an SBA score in the ORS, that is, all SBAs must be submitted, Deadline for the Submission of SBA Scores and Samples ‘The deadlines for the submission of SBA scores to CXC are as follows: * CSEC — Mareh 15, 2023 for all subjects moderated on-site, © CAPE = April 14, 2023 for all subjects moderated on-site EXCEPT. CAPE Physical Education Unit 1 i March 1, 2023 CAPE Physical Education & Sport Unit 2: May 1, 2023 Absolute Deadline for the Submission of SBA Samples The absolute deadline beyond which NO SBA Samples will be accepted to be moderated online are as follows: CSEC April 30, 2023 CAPE May 31, 2023 2. SBA SCORES/PRACTICAL SCORES ‘Teachers are reminded to: © Ensure that the Estimated Rank and Grade are submitted for each candidate. ‘© Ensure that all required scores are keyed into the ORS: E.g. Practical scores (Paper 02) for CSEC Theatre Arts must be submitted. © Vetify the accuracy of the scores keyed into the ORS: E.g, CSEC Family Resource Management, Fashion, Clothing and Textiles, Food and Nutrition - score must be out of 60, + Ensure that the correct SBA score is assigned to each candidate, (The SBA Scores Report should be checked and signed by the relevant Teacher(s). This document will be used during the SBA Audits); Review and update SBA scores for each candidate for whom amendments are made. ‘© Submit changes to SBA scores through the ORS. * Select "No SBA" for candidates who did not submit an SBA. A score of zero must not be submitted for these candidates. 3. SBAs Supported File Types CXC will only accept the file types outlined in the table below. File types which do not meet these requirements will NOT be accepted and the affected candidates will be reported "UNGRADED: NO SBA RECORDS/SAMPLES RECEIVED" CATEGORY | SUPPORTED TYPES _| SIZE LIMITATIONS ‘i MP3, M4A, ‘Must not exceed 50 MB | Audio Document | doe, docx, pdf, rtf | Must not exceed 150 pages (A4 or letter- sized page) Viewing the file in "Print Preview" indicates how it will be displayed in the marking tool Image JPEG, PNG, JPG ‘Must not exceed 15 MB Presentation | Ppt, pptx | Must not exceed 20 MB | Spreadsheet | XLS, XLSX Must not exceed 20 MB | Video | mp4, Mav Must not excoed 50 MB Size The total size of the files uploaded for a given candidate/group must not exceed the stated size limitations. Zip Files These files must be one of the supported types and will be accepted for the following subjects ONLY: CAPE Animation and Design CSEC Information Technology CAPE Computer Science CSEC Electronic Document Preparation and CAPE Digital Media Management CAPE Information Technology File Name Filenames must NOT include the following characters —“<, >, : , /,\, 2, * and must consist of the following: Candidate Number - 10 digits (numeric) SBA Moderation Code- 8 digits (numeric) (Appendix IZ, IID) Document number* - — “—”+ Document number “Document Number indicates whether a single SBA file or multiple SBA files are uploaded for @ candidate, | ‘Number of SBA Files uploaded for Candidate cument Num ] Single SBA Sample File Uploaded for Candidate -l | Second SBA Sample File Uploaded for Candidate |-2 ‘Third SBA Sample File Uploaded for Candidate | Ifa single SBA Sample file is being uploaded for a candidate, the document number would be "= 1", If multiple SBA files are uploaded for a candidate, the document number for the second file uploaded would be "-2" and the document number for the third, "-3" and so on, For example, if only one file is being uploaded for the CSEC Geography SBA sample submitted by Candidate 1000750100, the file name would consist - Candidate Number 1000750100 - SBA Moderation Code 01225090 - Document Number -l ‘The file name would be: 100075010001225090-1 Files which are incorrectly named will not be accepted and the affected candidates will be reported “[UNGRADED: NO SBA RECORDS/SAMPLES RECEIVED" 4, PRESENTATION OF SAMPLES Cover Sheets The project/assignment submitted by each candidate/group must include an official Cover Sheet. Cover Sheets are available on the CXC website ( The file name of the cover sheets must be: Candidate Number - 1000750100 SBA Moderation Code - 1225090 Identifier - “cs” ‘The file name for the Cover Sheet for the candidate would be: 100075010001225090CS, Submission of Cover Sheets ‘The Cover Sheet must be printed, completed by the teacher and scanned; OR, The Fillable Cover Sheet is downloaded fiom the CXC website and completed electronically. [T MUST THEN BE PRINTED TO PDF (e.g. Select the Microsoft Print to pdf option). The Cover Sheet must then be uploaded as a pdf. Cover Sheets must be uploaded as separate documents. Title Page Each project/assignment must include a Title Page with the following information: © Year of the Examination © Subject © Candidate Number(s) © Candidate Name(s) * Title of the project (if applicable) * Name of the Teacher(s) who supervised the project Mark Schemes Ifa Mark Scheme is required, a Mark Scheme must be uploaded for each candidate, The file(s) should be named as follows: - Candidate Number 1000750100 - SBAModerationCode . — 01225090 - Document number . w+ Document number of the relevant sample - Identifier = Ms Using our example, if a mark scheme is being uploaded for the SBA sample file 100075010001225090-2, the file mame for the Mark Scheme would be 100075010001225090-2Ms. Teachers are reminded that marks schemes (along with the candidates’ tests, module tests and solutions) must be submitted for: > CAPE Accounting Unit 2 > CAPE Pure Mathematics Units 1 and 2 Confirmation of Upload Centres must ensure that they receive email notification that the SBA Sample files have been successfully uploaded. Administrators must ensure that the email address provided on the ORS is current so that confirmation emails are received. The email m uploaded. Admi ication also includes information on files which were not successfully -w the email notification and take the requisite steps to istrators must re ensure that all files have been uploaded successfully. Submission of SBA Samples Teachers/administrators must: Ensure that a Cover Sheet is submitted with each sample (these must be uploaded as separate documents.) Ensure that the SBA samples and Cover Sheets are correctly labelled. Scan the files, before uploading, to confirm that they are virus-free. Follow the guidelines for the upload of electronic SBA samples. (lntips:// Ensure that the correct SBA sample is uploaded for each candidate/group; Ensure that all of the required documents are submitted. CXC will not issue notification concerning missing documents. Retain, for the school's records, the receipt received after the SBAs have been uploaded, ‘SBA AUDITS (On-site Moderated Subjects) Officers/representatives of the Council will be inspecting all samples from all centres, for subjects. Principals and teachers must retain all assignments, projects and assessments of candidates and must produce/submit these when asked to do so. During the Audits, Candidates for whom SBA scores are submitted but for whom there is no corresponding SBA, will be identified. ‘These candidates will be reported 'UNGRADED: NO SBA RECORDS/SAMPLES RECEIVED", REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SUBMISSION OF SBA Principals are reminded of the following Regulations: 2.1.10: Candidates presented by recognized educational institutions must submit within the year of the examination, their SBA assignments as required by the syllabus, 13.4.3: Candidates will be reported "UNGRADED: NO SBA RECORDS/SAMPLES RECEIVED" if the required SBA was not submitted by the presenting institution on their behalf or if the Council, having requested samples of the work done by the class, did not receive any from the presenting institution. Appendix: II CSEC SUBJECT LISTING [ SEC poner sre sussner 01254090 ‘Additional Mathematics 01210090 Caribbean History 01216090 ‘Economics 7 01251090 Electronic Document Preparation and Management (ZIP files _ - permitted) J 01218090 English A ] 01219090 - English B | 01225090 Geography ~ 01229090 Information Technology (ZIP files permitted) (01234090 Mathematics - 01237090 Office Administration 7 01252090 Physical Education and Sport _ | (01239090 Principles of Accounts 1 01240090 Principles of Business ~ 01241090 Religious Education 7 01243090 Social Studies = | 01248090 Theatre Arts i" 01253090 Human and Social Biology Appendix I CAPE SUBJECT LISTING CAPE MODERATION CODE _ CAPESUBJECT | Unit 1 02101090 ‘Accounting | Unit 2 02201090 (Unit 2 Submit The Module Tests, Mark Schemes and | Candidate Responses) | Unit 1 02102090 Unit 2 Agricultural Science - | 02202090 | Unit 1 02142090 ‘Animation and Game Design (ZIP files permitted) Unit 202242090 Unit 1 02105090 Applied Mathematics Unit 2 02205090 Unit 1 02111090 Caribbean Studies Unit 1 02114090 Communication Studies Unit 1 02115090, Computer Science (ZIP files permitted) Unit 2 02215090 Unit 102159090 Design Technology 7 Unit 2:02259090 Unit 1 02159090 Digital Media (ZIP files permitted) Unit 2 02259090 Unit 1 02116090 Economics Unit 2 02216090 Unit 102160090 Entrepreneurship Unit 202260090 Unit 1 02120090 Environmental Science Unit 2 02220090 Unit 1 02172090 Financial Services Unit 2:02272090 Unit 1 02121090 Food and Nutrition Unit 2.02221090 Unit 1 02122090 French Unit 2 02222090 Unit 1 02125090 Geography Unit 2 02225090 Unit 1 02165090 Green Engineering Unit 2:02265090 Unit 102127090 History - Unit 2.02227090 Unit 102129090 Information Technology (ZIP files permitted) Unit 1 02144090 Unit 202244090 Unit 202229090 Unit 1 02167090 Integrated Mathematios j Unit 102131090 Law Unit 202231090 Unit 102132090 Literatures in English Unit 2 02232090 Unit 1 02166090 Logistics and Supply Chain Operations Unit 2 02266090 Unit 1 02133090 ‘Management of Business Unit 2 02233090 Unit 1 02134090 Pure Mathematics 7 Unit 2:02234090 (Units 1 and 2: Submit Candidates! Tests, Mark Schemes, Solutions) Sociology Unit 102145090 Unit 202245090 Unit 102163090 | Unit 202263090 Spanish } Tourism

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