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Juarez 1

Melanie Juarez

Dr. Sharity Nelson

ENGL 1302-208

31 January 2023

The Benefits of Waking Up Early


Many people don't know about the benefits of waking up early. There is a saying that

goes, “The early bird gets the worm.” This saying is used most of the time for people who wake

up first. It means people who are early get things done early, are healthy, and achieve goals.

Although many people around the world wake up early for school, jobs, etc, many don't like

waking up early. People who don't like the morning tend to be the people who sleep late during

the night. Scientific research by Edinoff, et al, has been done on insomnia side effects and how it

disrupts a person's life. Another study by Kadian, Arnav, et al., was provided by the subjects who

were medical undergraduate students and were tested on how phones affect their sleep health.

Lastly, a research by Harada, Tetsuo, et al., called “three benefits,” which are going to bed early,

waking up early, and eating nutritiously in the morning.


The methods gathered for the experiment by a student from Texas A&M International

University (TAMIU). The TAMIU student scheduled all the classes to start at 8:30 in the

morning in order to get up early. While scheduling early class, the TAMIU student has the

mindset that waking up early will later be a natural habit and will help her in the future. The

subject would get up at seven in the morning and get changed and do things needed before

leaving or class. The subject is studying nursing, so getting used to waking up early and being
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active during the day is something that is needed in the medical field. The medical field and

school require for the subject to be up at early times, active, and productive. This schedule will

later on get the subject to be accustomed to wake up at early times without trouble. As soon as

the subjects class finished, they went to run errands early in the morning or afternoon. On

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the subject would leave around the afternoon, and on Tuesdays

and Thursdays, the subject would leave at ten in the morning. This scheduling left the subject

with a lot of time span to do what was needed early in the day. Since most establishments open at

ten it was a beneficial time to finish class. During Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, the subjects

had an hour between. The subject would go to bed early and have some things prepared for the

morning in order to be ready faster.


The experiment resulted in waking up early does help in productivity and has benefits for

daily activities. The results are very positive, since the subject got more done throughout the day.

The subject's day was productive all day, even with the free time left over. The subject seemed to

be more productive throughout the day as they woke up early in the day and had more time to

study up on classes. In the morning, the subject would get up and get dressed and go to the

classes. In between classes, there was an hour to two hours gap in which the subject studied and

caught up on work. As we observed the day of the subject, productivity can be concluded. The

subject would finish classes around the afternoon or before, therefore leave the subjects a lot of

spare time to do errands. The subject overall seemed to be very satisfied with the results of

waking up early and having a productive day. As the subject had a very productive day, sleeping

at night was much easier. The productive and active day made the subject get tired, in which

sleep and rest was very much necessary. After a week, the subject got accustomed to waking up
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and going about their day without any trouble. The subject would go to classes and then do

chores leaving still spare time to do whatever the subject wanted. According to Tetik and Kar

Şen, ¨Sleep is a state that affects adolescents health, learning, school performance, quality of life

and the family as a whole,¨"(119). After the first week passed by the subject started to wake up

fifteen to twenty minutes late. This made the subject have to get ready faster in order to start

their day at the same time they alway would. The subject would not get to do breakfast and

would forget things. The subject was sleeping in late, because of their phone and being on social

media. As the subject kept feeling tired in the morning and guilty at night for being on their

phone, they felt their sleep health going down. The subject started to dislike the feeling of not

getting insufficient sleep, the next day and the notice of less productivity throughout the day.

After two weeks of the same fast paced and tired wake up morning, the subject started to wake

up early again in order to have more time to get ready and have breakfast. As the subject went

back to waking up early, a more efficient morning was noticed. More productivity was seen than

on the first day, since the subject has experienced that waking up early gets you more

productivity throughout the day.

The subject got many things done through the first week and a little less in the second and third

week. The overall productivity aroused in the fourth week and the subject had the most

productive day.


In another study research by Edinoff, et al., “Insomnia can significantly impact daytime

functioning resulting in decreased workplace productivity, ... and poor quality of life,”when sleep

health is affected a person tends to be out of their usual mind set and overall looks drowsy (2).

This explains why the subject had more productivity and woke up feeling fresh everyday.
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Kadian, et al., studied how medical students' mobile phones affected their sleep. According to

Kadian, et al., “The findings of this study suggest that high mobile phone usage by medical

students adversely impacts their sleep health,” this research statement is mentioned in order to

support that phones affect sleep (131). When one's sleeping cycle is affected it makes one feel as

though they were ill, which is why sleeping early and getting enough sleep is recommended

worldwide in order to live a healthy and productive life.


In conclusion, the subject and the experiment overall proved that waking up early is

beneficial for productivity and success. The experiment proved that waking up early has many

benefits. Tetsuo Harada talks about the benefits of waking up early to improve the performance

of his university soccer team (S67). According to Harada, et al., “Sleep quality of the soccer
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team members three months after the intervention was better …,” this research statement proves

that waking up early will improve your health and productivity (S68). Proving that getting

enough sleep and waking up early will improve health, productivity, performance, success, etc…
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Works Cited

Edinoff, Amber N., et al. “Zolpidem: Efficacy and Side Effects for Insomnia.” Health

Psychology Research, vol 9, no. 1, 2021, pg. 1-14. Academic Search Complete,


Kadian, Arnav, et al., “Mobile Phone Use and Its Effect on Quality of Sleep in Medical

Undergraduate Students at a Tertiary Care Hospital.” Open Journal of Psychiatry &

Allied Sciences, vol 10, no. 2, 2019, pg. 128-131. Academic Search Complete,


Harada, Tetsuo, et al., “Intervention Study Using a Leaflet Entitled ‘Three Benefits of ‘‘Go to

Bed Early! Get Up Early! and Intake Nutritionally Rich Breakfast!’’ a Message for

Athletes’ to Improve the Soccer Performance of the University Soccer Team.” Sleep Biol.

Rhythms, vol 14 no. 1, 2016, pg S65–S74. Academic Search Complete, doi:S65–S74 DOI


Tetik, Nihal Gamze and Kar Şen, Gülcan ¨Impact of Adolescents’ Sleeping Problems and Habits

on the Quality of Their Sleep.¨ Journal of Turkish Sleep Medicine. Vol. 8 Issue 2, June

2021, p118-125. Academic Search Complete, DOI: 10.4274/jtsm.galenos.2021.52523.

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