Evolution of Bioaggregate Strength During Aerobic Granular Sludge Formation

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Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78

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Biochemical Engineering Journal

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Evolution of bioaggregate strength during aerobic granular sludge formation

Junfeng Wan a,b,c , Irene Mozo a,b,c , Ahlem Filali a,b,c , Alain Liné a,b,c , Yolaine Bessière a,b,c ,
Mathieu Spérandio a,b,c,∗
Université de Toulouse, INSA, UPS, INP, LISBP, 135 Avenue de Rangueil, F-31077 Toulouse, France
INRA, UMR792 Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés, F-31400 Toulouse, France
CNRS, UMR5504, F-31400 Toulouse, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work investigated the modification of aggregate properties during the formation of granular sludge
Received 7 January 2011 in a sequencing batch airlift reactor (SBAR). The cohesion of biological aggregates was quantified by
Received in revised form 23 July 2011 subjecting sludge samples to two different controlled shear stresses in a stirred reactor. For reference
Accepted 25 August 2011
sludge (without granules), flocs broke and reformed easily, indicating that floc size was controlled by
Available online 31 August 2011
the turbulence micro-scale (Kolmogorov scale, here from 17 ␮m to 62 ␮m). In contrast, granules showed
high strength which enabled them to resist turbulence and their size was no longer imposed by the
Kolmogorov micro-scale. Different steps were observed during the granulation process: a first increase
Aerobic granular sludge
Aggregate strength
of aggregate cohesion associated with a decrease in sludge volume index (SVI), a growth of aggregates
Shear with detachment of fragile particles from the surface and, finally, an increase in the sizes of small and
Cohesion large granules to reach a pseudo-stable size distribution. Results suggest that small particles could have
formed the seeds for new granules, as they were maintained in the bioreactor. Here, granular sludge was
formed in an SBAR with a conventional settling time (30 min), i.e. without particle washout, and with
a low superficial air velocity (SAV = 0.6 cm s−1 ): it is thus demonstrated that high SAV and low settling
time are not necessary to produce granules, but probably only accelerate the accumulation of granules.
It is shown that the increase of cohesion is the initial phenomenon explaining the granule formation
concomitantly with bacterial aggregates densification. It seems important, in the future, to investigate the
reasons for this cohesion increase, which is possibly explained either by bacterial bounding interactions
or the excretion of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS).
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and extracellular polymeric substances [7,8]. However, if mech-

anisms involved in the initial formation of granules have been
Since the phenomenon of aerobic granular sludge was first the subject of many researches, relationships between microbial
reported in the 1990s [1,2], research on the subject has flourished aggregation mechanisms, reactor operational conditions and the
and this new technology has shown its significant perspectives resulting physical properties of granules still need to be clarified.
in wastewater treatment [3–5]. Compared with conventional So far, the literature proposes biological and process conditions
activated sludge, aerobic granular sludge presents a variety of leading to granular sludge formation. Concerning the biological
attractive properties such as more compact structure, higher spe- selection pressure, stability of granules is found to be improved
cific activity and better settling properties as required to improve when selecting slow growing bacteria. This can be done either when
solid–liquid separation. In most of the studies, granular sludge increasing the substrate N/COD ratio [9] to favour nitrifying bacte-
was formed in a sequencing batch reactor [6]. Aerobic granules ria or by alternating feast/famine and anaerobic/aerobic periods
were obtained by consecutively inoculating with conventional acti- [10] to promote selection of phosphate or glycogen accumulating
vated sludge and applying operating conditions which favoured organisms.
the development and selection of granules. Because of its com- Concerning the process conditions, the literature [11–14]
pact structure, this particular aggregate is expected to present underlines that aeration rate is an important factor, influenc-
similarities with biofilm, which is mainly composed of bacteria ing granular sludge formation through three main, simultaneous
mechanisms: (i) oxygen transfer, which modifies the dissolved oxy-
gen in the bulk and hence within the granule, (ii) mixing, which
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 561559785; fax: +33 561559760. influences mass transfer of substrates in the liquid boundary layer
E-mail address: mathieu.sperandio@insa-toulouse.fr (M. Spérandio). and (iii) hydrodynamic shear stress, which controls erosion and

1369-703X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
70 J. Wan et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78

fragmentation. A high superficial gas velocity (SGV) has been seen mation on the modification of the particle sizes. This method has
as a major factor enhancing the formation of aerobic granular been combined with image analysis to compare two different types
sludge but its roles (shear stress, mixing and oxygen transfer) are of aerobic granules developed in aerobic sequencing batch reactors
still controversial due to the interdependency of these processes (SBRs) [35]: fungal granules from one SBR were larger and weaker,
[12]. Investigations have focused more on biological aspects and with a loosely packed, fluffy structure whereas the bacterial gran-
aerobic granulation has not been thoroughly studied from the fluid ules from another SBR were smaller and stronger, with a compact
mechanics point of view [15]. So far, little information concerning structure and higher decantation feasibility.
the influence of mechanical stresses on granule size and shape has Little information is available to understand how the operating
been reported. The results of Zima-Kulisiewicz et al. [15] suggest conditions can affect the particle strength in an aerobic granular
that the shear stress (tangential force) and elongation stress (nor- sludge process. A study carried out by Di Iaconi et al. [36] investi-
mal force) together with stresses induced by fluctuating velocities gated the influence of hydrodynamic shear forces on the properties
are the main forces influencing granule building. Although the ori- of granular biomass developed in a sequencing batch aerobic biofil-
gin and significance of mechanical stresses in the bioreactor have ter reactor. They found that granular biomass density increased
been clarified, only few approaches has been developed to esti- quasi-linearly with the increase of shear forces in the reactor and
mate whether bioaggregate strength and size are altered by these that EPS content and composition were not affected by hydro-
stresses, whereas a strong relationship has been reported between dynamic shear forces. More recently, an energy-dissipation-based
the size of physicochemical flocs and the Kolmogorov microscale model has been established by Ren et al. [37] to quantify the shear
[16]. Particle strength (or cohesion) has rarely been measured on stresses in an aerobic granular sludge SBR and predict the rate
aerobic granular sludge but it is reasonable to think that this prop- of particle detachment. Simulations indicate that shear is induced
erty plays a role in granule formation and stability as underlined on mainly by gas bubbles or granule collisions and only slightly by the
Anammox granules where an increase of input specific power was fluid. The possible modification of particle strength has not been
shown to affect activity and biomass retention [17]. Because it gen- integrated in this model. Because the detachment is quantified by
erally controls surface detachment (erosion) and particle breakage, absorbance measurement, no information is provided on the size of
aggregate strength should receive more attention. the detached particles and remaining granules. In conclusion, little
Detachment of particles is a crucial phenomenon for aerobic is known at present about the evolution of cohesion during granular
granular sludge, as it limits the growth rate and controls the stabil- sludge formation, and yet this should be helpful in understanding
ity of granules (as well as the specific activity of supported bacteria). the mechanism of granule formation.
Detachment rate also controls the microbial competition between Consequently, the goal of this study is to characterise the evolu-
fast-growing heterotrophic bacteria and slow-growing autotrophic tion of aggregate cohesion during the formation of aerobic granular
bacteria as has been shown numerically and experimentally in the sludge, and the behaviour of granules under given hydrodynamic
case of biofilms [18,19]. This phenomenon is of importance as both conditions. To determine aggregate strength, biological aggregates
kinds of bacteria are necessary for simultaneous carbon and nitro- were subjected to a calibrated stress in a stirred reactor and the par-
gen removal. The significance of detachment is strongly related to ticle size distribution was measured. Flocculated biomass was first
the cohesion of granules. Cohesion is a physical property of the characterised and considered as a reference point. Then granular
aggregate defining how it can resist shear and elongation force, sludge was developed in a statically filled sequencing batch air-
which induce erosion and/or break-up. It is well known that the lift reactor (SBAR) by applying substrate feast and famine periods
strength of aggregates depends on the strength and number of the coupled with alternating anoxic/aerobic conditions. The analysis
bonds holding the aggregates together [20]. Aggregate breakage is focused on the progressive conversion from a floc-like structure
likely to occur if the stress applied to the surface of the aggregate to granule-like aggregates, and non-significant hydraulic particle
can counterbalance the bonding strength [21], which means that selection was applied during this period (using a 30 min settling
the more compact the structure of aggregates is, the more difficult phase). Finally, at the end of the study, granules were collected
they are to break. Thus, cohesion is directly related to structure after sieving and their specific behaviour was characterised in the
and is, therefore, highly dependent upon the aggregate formation stirred reactor.
Techniques for measuring granule strengths can be derived from
those developed for measuring floc strength. Floc strength has been 2. Materials and methods
largely studied [22,23] using various methods. Most of the methods
used have been impeller-based techniques [24–29]. Floc strength 2.1. Sequencing batch airlift reactor (SBAR)
may be estimated through floc size analysis by examining its break-
up consecutively by exposing to known stresses [30]. The method The reactor employed was an airlift column with a working vol-
consists of subjecting flocs to single or increasing levels of shear ume of 17 L (internal diameter = 15 cm, total height = 105 cm, H/D
within a vessel and comparing the ratio of the floc size before and ratio = 7). A plate baffle (length: width = 83:15 cm) placed vertically
after breakage, thus quantifying the energy input necessary for floc in the middle of the reactor divided the column into two zones:
breakage [31]. Other techniques, such as ultrasonic methods, have riser and downcomer. Air was introduced through a fine bubble
also been adapted to test aggregate strength but are more suitable aerator at the bottom of the reactor, and induced the circulation
for application to mineral flocs than to bioaggregates due to the of air, liquid and solid. The system is schematically presented in
effect of ultrasound on bacterial components [32]. Similar studies Fig. 1a.
have recently focused on characterising granules from anaerobic The column was inoculated with 10 L of conventional acti-
processes in the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) system. vated sludge taken from the aeration tank of a local municipal
For example, the resistance to compression forces has been mea- wastewater treatment plant at a mixed liquor suspended solid
sured recently [33]. In a previous work [34], anaerobic granules (MLSS) concentration of 4.5 g L−1 and a sludge volume index after
were subjected to strong mechanical stirring (200 rpm) for 5 min. 30 min (SVI30 ) of 172 mL g−1 . The reactor was fed with a syn-
The granular strength of anaerobic granules was deduced from the thetic wastewater having a mixed organic carbon source: glucose,
ratio of solids in the supernatant to the total weight of the gran- ethanol, sodium propionate and sodium acetate, each contribut-
ular sludge. This ratio gives an indicative index of the granules’ ing 25% of the total COD (total = 750–1000 mgCOD L−1 ). The other
resistance when subjected to abrasion and shear, but gives no infor- components of the wastewater (mg L−1 ) were as follows: NH4 Cl
J. Wan et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78 71

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the SBAR (a) and cohesion test vessel (b).

(143–191), NaNO3 (610), NaHCO3 (100), KH2 PO4 (100), CaCl2 (30), In this study, the optical index of the dispersant was set to 1.330,
MgSO4 ·7H2 O (4) and other necessary elements were similar to the which corresponded to the value for the water. As biological aggre-
trace solution described elsewhere [38]. The organic and ammo- gates are mainly composed of organic matter, the optical index was
nium loading rates were simultaneously increased during the study set to 1.596 as indicated in the work of Lambert et al. [40]. Qualita-
with a constant COD/N ratio of 20 (Table 1) by increasing the influ- tive observations were performed by using either a microscope or
ent concentration or decreasing the cycle duration. The system was a stereoscopic microscope depending on the size of the aggregates.
first operated by cycles of 6 h including influent filling (30 min), pre-
anoxic phase (30 min), aeration (240 min), settling (30 min) and
2.3. Cohesion tests
effluent withdrawal (30 min). Reduction of the cycle to 4 h was per-
formed by a proportional reduction of the filling, anoxic and aerobic
Cohesion tests were performed in a stirred vessel, equipped with
phases. A relatively low particle selection pressure was imposed
an impeller (5 cm in diameter), consisting of a 145 mm × 245 mm
compared to those used in previous studies on granular sludge
(inner diameter × height) cylinder providing a testing volume of
[3,11,14]. The process was initially operated with a high aeration
2.5 L (Fig. 1b). The shear level corresponding to the operating con-
rate (superficial air velocity SAV = 2.23 cm s−1 ) and a purely aerobic
ditions induced during this experiment can be approximated by the
reaction phase. From day 80, the SAV was reduced to 0.63 cm s−1 ,
average velocity gradient value (G) for isotropic and homogeneous
and the pre-anoxic phase was introduced from day-120 (by means
turbulence as follows:
of nitrogen gas sparging at the same gas velocity).

2.2. Analytical methods G= (1)

Sludge samples taken from the column were characterised in where G is the velocity gradient (s−1 ), P is the power input (W),  is
terms of suspended solids (SS) and volatile suspended solids (VSS) the dynamic viscosity (Pa s) and V is the suspension volume (m3 ).
using standard methods [39]. Sludge volume index (SVI) was mea- The power input (P) was calculated as the energy dissipated by
sured in a 1000 mL graduated cylinder with the sludge sample taken the impeller:
from the mixed liquor at the end of the aerobic phase. SVI5 and SVI30
were measured after 5 and 30 min, respectively, so as to compare P = Np N 3 d5 (2)
aggregates properties with the one proposed for granular sludge
in literature. The particle size distribution (PSD) of aggregates was where Np is the power number given by the manufacturer (4 in
analysed using a laser diffraction technique (Mastersizer, Malvern our case: turbine, 4 flat blades),  is the mass density of the fluid
2000, UK) with a particle size ranging from 0.02 ␮m to 2000 ␮m. (kg m−3 ), N is the rotation speed (s−1 ) and d is the impeller diameter
The mechanical stirring system provided an average velocity
Table 1
Strategy for organic and ammonium loading rates. gradient of up to 3400 s−1 . By considering the energy dissipation
(ε in m2 s−3 ) in terms of a gradient (G) dependent expression:
Time Duration of OLR (kg COD d−1 m−3 ) ALR (kg N-NH4 d−1 m−3 )
cycle (h)
ε =  · G2 (3)
d70–120 6 1.412 0.071
d120–175 6 1.882 0.094 where  is the kinematic viscosity (m2 s−1 ), the Kolomogorov
d175–256 4 2.822 0.141
microscale ( in ␮m), corresponding to the size of the smallest
72 J. Wan et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78

Fig. 2. Hydrodynamic test conditions in the vessel and the measurement time: (a) theoretical hydrodynamic characterisation of the system (vessel + impeller); (b) hydrody-
namic test conditions during the three phases: low mixing intensity (phases I and II) and high mixing intensity (phase II) and symbols used for different times.

eddies during mixing (linked to the shear level in the vessel), could observed (Fig. 3c) indicating a reflocculation of the particles and
be determined: resulting in full recovery of the initial particle size. Furthermore,
 1/4 it can be seen that the suspension seemed to be calibrated by
3 the turbulence scale as the average diameter (70 and 16 ␮m)
= (4)
ε was close to the Kolmogorov microscale (62 and 17 ␮m, respec-
tively). Similarly, it has been demonstrated that chemically induced
Based on the previous definitions, a theoretical characterisation
flocculation is controlled by hydrodynamic turbulence in stirred
of the cohesion test system was performed in terms of average
coagulation reactors [41]. The present results suggest that the
velocity gradient and Kolmogorov microscale resulting from a rota-
approach proposed for physicochemical flocs is still valid for bio-
tion speed as presented in Fig. 2a. As shown in Fig. 2b, the cohesion
logical flocs developed in the laboratory with soluble synthetic
test consisted of a three-phase procedure: the vessel was first oper-
ated at a low mixing intensity (300 rpm/250 s−1 ) for 45 min (phase
I); then the shear intensity was increased (1700 rpm/3400 s−1 ) for
45 min (phase II) and, finally, decreased to the original condition
for 45 min (phase III). Those operating conditions lead to turbu- 3.2. Evolution of aggregate properties during granular sludge
lent flow regime with impeller’s Reynolds numbers of 12 500 and formation in SBAR
70 000, respectively. During the entire period, PSD was measured
5 min before the end of each phase (Fig. 2b). The Kolmogorov 3.2.1. Suspended solid concentration, SVI and particle size
microscale corresponding to the applied G values was 62 ␮m for As shown in Fig. 4, the profiles of MLSS and SVI versus time
a G value of 250 s−1 (300 rpm) during phases I and III, and 17 ␮m varied inversely during the study. Before day 120, MLSS first
for 3400 s−1 (1700 rpm) during phase II. For each test, the sludge increased from 2.5 to 4.5 g L−1 whereas SVI30 decreased from 150
was sampled at the end of the aerobic phase of the operational to 100 mL g−1 . Then the pre-anoxic mixing phase was introduced
cycle of the SBAR and systematically diluted to 1 g L−1 by using the in the cycle after the static filling phase, from day-120 (by sup-
ultra centrifuged supernatant (10 000 × g, 15 min) in order to avoid plying nitrogen gas instead of air at the same gas flow rate). Later
any modification of the environment, such as the ionic strength, again, a significant decrease of SVI30 from 100 to 45 mL g−1 and
which is known to have a significant effect on flocculation pro- an increase of MLSS up to around 9.5 g L−1 were observed. These
cesses. data are thoroughly described in Wan et al. [42]. From day-175, the
organic, ammonium and nitrate loading rates were increased, as
3. Results the cycle time was reduced from 6 to 4 h. After a temporary drop
for a short period, MLSS recovered the same level as before, and
3.1. Characterisation of floc behaviour (reference) during the larger and larger particles (>200 ␮m) were observed in the airlift
cohesion test column. MLSS continued to increase during the following months
and stabilised around 15 g L−1 after 350 days. Simultaneously, SVI
As a starting point, the cohesion test was performed on a floc- decreased to 30 mL g−1 indicating typical properties of granular
culated sludge (Fig. 3a) developed in a purely aerobic SBAR fed sludge.
by the same synthetic influent as for the anoxic/aerobic SBAR. Aggregates’ PSD in the column was measured on different days
Sludge was sampled from the reactor and placed in the stirred (Fig. 5). The median floc size (d0.5 ) was around 100 ␮m on day-71
reactor before various stirring rates were imposed. As can be (similar to the reference sludge) and decreased slightly during the
observed in Fig. 3b, the particle size distribution of this floccu- first phase. On day-212, bimodal peaks were observed, indicating
lated biomass was clearly influenced by the hydrodynamics: an that two populations of aggregates were present in the reactor. On
increase in impeller rotation speed resulted in a significant reduc- day-260, the size of both these types of aggregates had increased
tion in median diameter from 80 to 18 ␮m. After reduction of significantly and the median size of the biggest population (gran-
the velocity gradient, an increase in the median diameter was ules) was around 900 ␮m.
J. Wan et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78 73

Fig. 4. Evolutions of MLSS, MLVSS and SVI30 .

tion curves and the associated microscopic observations are shown

in Fig. 6. Additionally, Kolmogorov microscales (17 and 62 ␮m) cor-
responding to the two rotation speeds used are presented together
with PSD (Fig. 6). In this experiment, the particle size distribution
should be interpreted considering that two types of bio-particles
co-exist in the reactor.
On day-162 (Fig. 6a), microscopic observation indicated the
appearance of homogeneous ovoid aggregates with co-existence
of smaller flocs and grazing protozoa. During the cohesion test,
the PSD clearly showed that the size of the aggregates remained
almost constant whatever the shear rate applied. The curves were
centred on a diameter of 80 ␮m with a marked tail on the left
which showing the existence of smaller particles (diameter around
10 ␮m). Thus there was no apparent aggregate break-up under the
different hydrodynamic conditions imposed in the stirred reac-
Hence, compared to the reference sludge, the resistance of
aggregates to mechanical stress was definitely much higher. This
means that strong aggregates were formed in the SBAR due to the
new growth conditions imposed. The size of the aggregates was no

day-71 day-161 day-212 day-260


% Vol

Fig. 3. Example of the cohesion test on a flocculated biomass from a purely aerobic
SBAR: (a) microscopic observation before cohesion test; (b) evolution of size distri- 3
bution during the shear test (cf. Fig. 1b for the colour legend). Kolmogorov microscale
for high ( ) and low ( ) rotation speed; (c) evolution of median diameter (d0.5 ) in
volume during the cohesion test.
3.2.2. Bioaggregate cohesion
During aerobic granular sludge formation, aggregate cohesion 1 10 100 1000
was assessed on different days in the stirred vessel. The charac- d ( m)
terisations were performed on samples collected on day-162 (i),
day-212 (ii) and day-260 (iii) (arrows in Fig. 4). The size distribu- Fig. 5. Evolution of PSD in the SBAR.
74 J. Wan et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78

Fig. 6. Variation of cohesion of aggregates during the formation of aerobic granules (cf. Fig. 1b for the colour legend of size distribution) and corresponding microscopic

observation (bar: 200 ␮m). Kolmogorov microscale for high ( ) and low ( ) rotation speed.

longer calibrated by the turbulence and stabilised well above the (100–600 ␮m) clearly co-existed with small flocculated particles
Kolmogorov microscale (17 and 62 ␮m). This result demonstrates (10–100 ␮m). Fig. 7a shows the evolution of dmax1 (small aggre-
that the initial step of granulation corresponds to an increase in gates) and dmax2 (large aggregates) during the test. On the one
aggregate cohesion and it should be pointed out that the greatest hand, the size dmax1 is controlled by the turbulence change, i.e.
decrease of SVI was observed during this initial phase (from 150 the Kolmogorov microscale. Like the fragile flocs from the refer-
to 50 mL g−1 ). At the same time, observations indicated that aggre- ence sludge (cf. Section 3.1), small aggregates seem to be broken
gates became progressively more compact than the initial flocs (and at high velocity gradient and re-flocculated at low velocity gradi-
would probably show higher density). ent, reaching the same size as at the beginning. On the other hand,
On day-212 (Fig. 6b) the results suggested that two types the value dmax2 is not significantly affected by modification of the
of particles co-existed and presented different behaviours with velocity gradient. These results indicate a second phase in the gran-
respect to hydrodynamic strain. After sampling, the initial parti- ulation process: during this phase, granules grow rapidly but small
cle size distribution was clearly bimodal with two populations, one fragile particles are still observed. This may be due either to the dis-
around 50 ␮m (dmax1 ) and one around 210 ␮m (dmax2 ). As shown persed growth of flocs or to the detachment of fragile particles due
by microscopic observation at this stage, large, dense aggregates to surface erosion of granules. This phenomenon was specifically
J. Wan et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78 75

Fig. 7. Evolution of dmax1 and dmax2 for the two respective peaks of the bimodal distribution during the cohesion test: (a) day-212; (b) day-260.

observed after an increase of organic loading rate (OLR) from 1.9 to ticle volume and thus were not significantly observed in the volume
2.8 kg COD m−3 d−1 . distribution. When focusing on the evolution of size distribution by
In the sample collected on day-260 (Fig. 6c), matured gran- number (Fig. 9b), we note the effect of the increase of velocity gra-
ules were observed (showing a dense internal core). The PSD again dient: the distribution, originally monomodal (centred on 300 ␮m),
shows a bimodal distribution. The new values of dmax1 and dmax2 becomes bimodal when granules are subjected to a high rotation
indicate that both the small and large particles grew in size in speed (G = 3400 s−1 ). A new population of small particles centred
the SBR, respectively, to 150 ␮m and 900 ␮m. At this stage, dur- on a diameter (based on number) of about 50 ␮m appeared and,
ing the cohesion test performed in the stirred vessel, both dmax1 even when the low rotation speed (G = 250 s−1 ) was applied again,
and dmax2 remained constant, independently of the velocity gradi- no reflocculation was observed. Here, it appears clearly that small
ent, as shown in Fig. 7b. This means that neither the smaller nor the particles are detached from the surface of the granules and form
larger aggregate population seems to be influenced by the hydro- a new population of particles. It should be pointed out that these
dynamic stress induced during the test. Moreover, the size of both new particles are strong enough to resist the micro turbulence as
types of particles is much higher than the Kolmogorov microscale they are not calibrated at the Kolmogorov scale. This behaviour is
imposed in the vessel (17–62 ␮m). Therefore, the two types of clearly different from that observed for flocs (cf. Section 3.1). It leads
bioaggregates were very cohesive. Actually, two hypotheses can us to think that those detached particles probably contain dense
be proposed: small particles (still fragile on day-212) were either microcolonies from the surface of the granules and can constitute
lost or progressively became bigger from day-212 to day-260. The interesting seeds for new granule development. However, more
latter phenomenon was probably encouraged in the SBAR because work will be necessary to confirm this hypothesis and to determine
little particle selection (no washout) was imposed. In our study, the microbial diversity in detached particles.
as the settling time was 30 min, it seems reasonable to think that
it was sufficiently long to retain small particles in the bioreactor
4. Discussion
and to make their growth possible with respect to their cohesion
properties. Due to this phenomenon, two types of aggregates still
4.1. Initial formation of granular sludge
coexisted in the reactor at this stage.
Consequently, these results illustrate a third phase of granule
Until now, few works have focused on the initial period of
formation: when the cohesion of all the particles became sufficient
granule formation. Usually, granules have been selected as rapidly
to make them resistant to the hydrodynamic and mechanical strain,
particles could all grow above the turbulence micro-scale. Granules
progressively reached a size ranging from 500 to 1000 ␮m, which
is a common value for aerobic granules [5,43].

3.3. Final granular sludge

To characterise the granular sludge at steady state accurately,

after 500 days of operation, granules were collected and small par-
ticles were removed by sieving at 400 ␮m. Granules had a distinct
ovoid shape (Fig. 8) and a size from 400 ␮m to 1000 ␮m. The SVI5
and SVI30 of these granules were similarly measured at 20 mL g−1 ,
which is comparable to other studies with pure granule suspen-
sions [5].
As presented in Fig. 9, a cohesion test was performed on granule
suspension. The PSD by volume (Fig. 9a) brings out the high cohe-
sion of granules, the size of which remained almost constant during
the steps of high and low rotation speed. However, a population of
small particles (less than 90 ␮m) appeared at the end of phase II
(). These small particles contributed only slightly to the total par- Fig. 8. Final appearance of isolated granules after 500 days (bar = 400 ␮m).
76 J. Wan et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78

a Phase I Phase II Phase III b Phase I Phase II Phase III

14 20

10 14

Number (%)
Vol (%)


4 6


0 0
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
d (µm) d (µm)

Fig. 9. Behaviour of isolated granules when subjected to the cohesion test: (a) PSD by volume; (b) PSD by number.

as possible by a short settling phase and authors have mainly constraints in the SBAR could play a role in the erosion of aggregate
investigated the mature granules, looking for the best possi- during granule growth.
ble performance. Beun et al. [14] proposed a schematic diagram It is still difficult to give the fundamental reason why cohe-
illustrating different phases: pellet formation, growth with devel- sion improved. One simple hypothesis is that this phenomena
opment of filaments, detachment due to shear, growth of bacteria results from densification, dense colonies having more bonding
embedded in polymers, lysis and growth of dense colonies. Our interactions and thus being much difficult to break: Adav et al.
study provides complementary information and demonstrates [44] demonstrated in pure culture that a high autoaggregation
that, whereas initial floc size is clearly calibrated by the Kolmogorov index was a prerequisite for granule formation. It was assumed
microscale, aggregates become stronger and progressively resist in our work that nitrate diffusion inside aggregates (where oxygen
the hydrodynamic stress. From the results, successive steps in the becomes limiting) could encourage aggregate densification but also
granulation process can be highlighted: (1) an initial increase of that anoxic carbon storage could improve the conversion of readily
aggregate cohesion associated with a rapid decrease of SVI, (2) a biodegradable substrate into slowly biodegradable internal com-
growth of aggregates with temporary detachment of small fragile pounds (see Wan et al. [42]) favouring aggregate stability by the
particles, and (3) a growth of all the particles to much larger than way of slow growth as already suggested [10]. Furthermore Liu et
the turbulence micro-scale. al. [45] underlined that formation of granules is associated with a
Granular sludge was previously defined as “a particle which can sharp increase of hydrophobicity. Zhang et al. [46] also observed
settle rapidly and which does not coagulate under reduced shear an increase of surface charge and hydrophobicity during the for-
stress” [43]. In this definition high settling velocity is pointed out mation of aerobic granular sludge together with an increase of
(due to high density and size) but also the fact that granules are protein/polysaccharide ratio: the increase in protein content was
stable particles which cannot agglomerate (unlike flocs). Here we found to decrease the surface negative charge of bacteria cells,
can introduce a new, complementary definition: granules are par- thus reducing the electrostatic repulsions and favouring bridging
ticles whose cohesion is sufficiently high to resist turbulence and between two neighbouring cells. As it is suggested in literature
shear stress fluctuations. This high cohesion allows granule size to that EPS production can explain the difference between the prop-
increase to much higher than the turbulence microscale (whereas erties of flocs and granules [45,47,48], more works are currently
floc size is controlled by the Kolmogorov scale). planned to evaluate the relation between cohesion of granules and
Here, granular sludge was formed in an SBAR with a conven- EPS properties. At present, it is still difficult to give a physico-
tional settling time, i.e. without particle washout. We suggest that chemical explanation of the high cohesion of granules even though
the modification of particle properties, i.e. higher strength and experiments based on specific enzyme attacks tend to show that
higher density, which are linked to modifications of microbial either ␤-polysaccharides [49] or ␣-polysaccharides [48] could be
growth, initially explains the apparition of granules. In contrast, a responsible for this characteristic.
reduction in settling time, if applied, would probably only acceler-
ate the accumulation of granules. These data suggest that cohesion 4.2. Stabilisation of granular sludge
is a property which should be considered when characterising gran-
ules and investigating aerobic granulation mechanisms. More work In a granular sludge system, aggregates can present heteroge-
is definitely necessary to understand the origin of this high cohe- neous retention times as smaller particles are preferentially lost
sion of granules. In this study, granules were obtained by imposing after settling, especially if short settling times are imposed. The
an anoxic feast period and an aerobic famine period while the aer- steady state is assumed to be reached when external data are sta-
ation rate was relatively moderate. Therefore, it should be pointed bilised (size, MLSS concentration and activity). This was obtained
out that the initial increase of cohesion and decrease of SVI did not in our work after 360 days. It seems reasonable to think that the
follow an increase of shear stress in the reactor as often reported diameter of aerobic granules stabilises when the growth rate is
in the literature but was linked to metabolic selection as proposed counterbalanced by the detachment rate. Ren et al. [37] found gas
by few authors [9,10,42]. However, the results obtained during the bubbles and particle collisions to be the main reason for the detach-
cohesion test tend to confirm that an increase in hydrodynamic ment. Here, the cohesion test demonstrated that a high shear rate
J. Wan et al. / Biochemical Engineering Journal 58–59 (2011) 69–78 77

generated the release of particles of about 50 ␮m. the dissipated These results show that granules can be defined as microbial
energy in the SBAR is expected to be lower (around 100 s−1 ) than aggregates with a higher cohesion than flocs, which makes it pos-
that obtained in the stirred vessel. However, Fig. 2a underlines that sible for them to grow to a size much greater than the turbulence
similar result could have been obtained with a lower rotation speed micro-scale. This indicates that a key point in granulation is the
(kolmogorov microscale is around 23 ␮m for 1200 rpm). Further- initial increase in aggregate cohesion, which was observed in the
more, the solid concentration in the airlift reactor is twelve times present work after anoxic–aerobic alternance was imposed. Further
higher than the one used in the cohesion test. Thus the particle colli- work will be necessary to understand the reasons for this cohe-
sions due to the high MLSS concentration could locally induce such sion increase, in relation with the biological (formation of colonies)
detachment, whose resulting small but cohesive particles possibly and chemical (EPS quantity and properties) modifications occurring
constitute the seeds for the formation of new granules. inside aggregates.
In long-term experiments, it could be expected that old gran-
ules would show lower cohesion because of deterioration of the Acknowledgements
internal structure. Adav et al. [50] indeed observed that the cen-
tres of granules became porous, showing an empty internal heart This work was supported by the UT-INSA programme. It is part
after long-term starvation. This was attributed to the fact that the of the Ph.D. research of Junfeng WAN. The authors also thank Aldo
internal part of the aggregate (exopolymers) could be partly biode- Moro and Evrard Mengelle for their technical contributions to this
graded, i.e. used as a secondary substrate in such famine conditions. work.
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nels were partly filled by EPS.
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