Reflection Essay 8

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Galindo 1

Vivian Galindo

ENGL 1320-223

Dr. Sharity Nelson

April 12 2023

Reflection Essay 3

Beginning with, what did you learn in essay 1 that you used in essay 3? What did you

learn in essay 2 that you used in essay 3? In the first essay, which was about the rhetorical

situation of an experiment, we needed to conduct research since their methods are different.

Similarly, in essay 2 I emphasized these specific authors and how they explain social media

between pre-adolescents, adolescents and adults, further clarifying the main common disorders

we are seeing in this decade and how the media has played a major role in these communities

and impacted them positively and negatively (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 2 Final Draft.” 11 March

2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper). Whereas in my third

essay I utilize multiple perspectives of different authors about controversial topics and also

explain my stance on the topic. (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 12 April 2023. ENGL

1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper).

Following, what did you learn in essay 1 that was not applicable to essay three? For essay

1 we need to conduct an experiment that require amplified knowledge based on topics that

require deeper investigation. In contrast to essay 3 was understanding multiple perspectives from

multiple controversial articles as well as to why these authors opinions and meant coming up

with one's own criteria and not having to do an experiment and research on one specific topic.

Besides, what did you learn in third essay that can applied to other courses? I think I

would use for my basic core classes and additionally throughout my future upperclassmen
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business classes since all the essay topics we will have will be based on having to make

statements and arguments about important topics and issues.

Moreover, how does creation of an argument help you improve your writing in general?

How will it help you approach writing tasks in the future? You are enhancing your knowledge

when you create arguments; and is used to settle disputes and discover truth. Furthermore,

professors assign argumentative writing so students can learn to examine their own and others

ideas carefully and gives experience on how to evaluate conflicting claims and judge evidence

and investigation methods.

Similar, From the comments you received from the readers of your essay, what are your

writing strengths? weaknesses? Are these weaknesses and strengths the same or different from

the first and second essays? How so? In my personal experience I think my weakness will be

different for my third essay since now I think my structure will be more organized and well

thought out. My strengthens are coming up with the topic or idea I have for each essay I will

create also creativity I implement a lot of transition words that reflect my unique perspective or

that’s to say that being creative grasps the audience more rather than being just vague. For

instance, in my third essay, exercise provides how to handle important tasks and enhance focus,

retention, and awareness skills to fulfil those certain tasks. Furthermore, physical activity is such

a powerful source for the mind as it is a form of affirming one’s behavior and contributes to each

individual’s mood and behavior through a massive impact on the way we adapt towards society

(Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 12 April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International

University, student paper).

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Not only but also, from my comments as a reader of your first and second essays, what

do you think my comments to you will be on your third essay? Will it be different? Or the same?

I think they will be different because this time I did try to become more straightforward and to

the point when previously my writing would be to general and not really explaining full in detail

maybe a comment that would remain the same is having a few run-on sentences.

Finally, what was the most challenging or least challenging of this essay? The most

challenging perspective form essay 3 was making sure my explanations are straight to the point

and not being to general and vague my least challenging part of essay 3 was knowing the ideas of

what to jot down in my essay for instance, when I mentioned in the third essay about how

exercise can cause many advantages and disadvantages such as how individual’ who tend to

smoke it is good for destressing and making them less addictive to cigarettes and being

preoccupied with exercise and becoming less interested. Not only but also, how people with

cancer have alleviated their stress and concerns about these diseases and the possibility of it

becoming a cure for some individuals in rare cases. Lastly, how companies utilize exercise

programs to motivate their workers and therefore pay good salary (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3

Final Draft.” 12 April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper).
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Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 2 Final Draft.” 11 March 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International

University, student paper.

Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 12 April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International

University, student paper.

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