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1st Semester, 1st Quarter

11-STEM | PROF. Rey Alinsunurin | SEM 1 2022

Narrative Hook - introductory part or

opening of the essay; grabs the attention
and helps the mood of the reader.

● Reading & Writing Body (Middle) - contains most of the

● Narrative Writing supporting information which is the plot;
- Elements of Story can be arranged in numerous ways
● Patterns of Narrative Writing “Chronological Order” means events must
- Introduction (Hook, Thesis) be ordered according to time
- Body (Transitional Sentences)
- Conclusion (Moral, Revelation & Transitional Sentences - to signal the end
Prediction) of the action in one paragraph; and to
Reading - construction through interaction provide link to the action of the next
of reader, text and context that involves paragraph
word recognition, comprehension, fluency,
and motivation. Conclusion (Ending) - brief statement of
Writing - systematic skill that is based on the main point
vocabulary, grammar, semantics, and ● it can deliver the moral of the story;
system of signals in the form of formal it can make a prediction or
alphabet. revelation

Narrative Writing - focuses on telling a

fictional story – one that is made up – of a
real-life story where the author follows a
plot structure. Descriptive Writing
● often anecdotal, experiential, and ● used to describe place, people,
personal objects, events using appropriate
● narrates; informs; entertains; details
criticizes ● contains elaboration of details to
Elements of a story communicate the meaning of the
● settings - when and where the subject being described
story happens ● applies to have 5 senses; looks,
● plot - sequence of events feels, smells, tastes, sounds;
● character - people involved in the known as the sensory details.
story Description may be objective or
● theme - subject talk or the basic subjective.
idea of the story
● mood - tone of piece Objective - informative and factual and it
appeals to the intellect; aims primarily to
Thesis - sets up the action in the present word pictures of a person, scene,
introduction; expresses the main idea of or an object.
the essay and states the structure of the
information Subjective - used blended with exposition
Transition Sentences - connect events or narration as in creative writing;
and guide the reader stimulates the imagination, appeals to the
Conclusion - ends the story action and emotions, and gives pleasure as well.
provides a moral, prediction, or revelation.
Spatial Order - pattern of organization.
Introduction (Beginning) - establishes the
narrator’s tone, mood, voice, and point of Topic Sentence - most important sentence
view; the introduction must contain a hook in a paragraph
and a thesis.

1st Semester, 1st Quarter
11-STEM | PROF. Rey Alinsunurin | SEM 1 2022

● Controlling Idea - gives an overall

impression of the place that the
author or the writer is describing. Comparison / Contrast
Topic - tells your audience what the
paragraph will be about and connects to Comparison-Contrast
the thesis. ● analyzes two subjects by either
● controlling idea - tells them how comparing them, contrasting them,
you will explain it in this particular or both.
paragraph TRANSITIONAL comparison: in the same
Supporting Sentence - serves as the way; both, neither; similarly like; and, also,
“meat” of the paragraph; in a descriptive in addition, the same, as well as, each of,
readers will clearly imagine the subject too
you are describing. TRANSITIONAL contrast: although;
however; in contrast; yet; conversely; on
A good paragraph has the characteristics the other had; whereas; while; unlike; but
of unity, coherence, and emphasis.
Unity - unit of composition that established Basis of Comparison
oneness because it develops a central ● specific basis
and main idea on its structure; must be ● justify their similarities and
unified on its structure differences
Coherence - considered as the continuity. Alternating Method
Emphasis - composition in which the ● allows you to take turns in
important ideas are made to stand. discussing the characteristics of
the first topic, followed by the
Classification / Exemplification second one.
Block Method
● developing your ideas in chunk
Classification ● present all arguments
● action or process of classifying
something according to shared
qualities or characteristics Cause and Effect
● formal piece of writing designed to
showcase your skills in Cause and Effect - method of
categorizing and generalization. development explains why something
● sort ideas happens, what causes it or what are the
Exemplification effects, how it is related to something else.
● exemplify;
● give an example of Effect: “What happened?”
● illustrate by giving an example Cause: “Why did it happen?”
● an argumentative essay that
provides examples to prove a TRANSITIONAL cause: since; as; for;
point; because; resulted from; was the result of;
● begins with a generalization about due to/because of
the topic.
● narrowed details or specific
examples Persuasion
TRANSITIONAL: another instance of;
another example of; to illustrate another; Persuasive Essay - presents your
illustration of; here are few examples personal point of view in a certain topic or
● evidence

1st Semester, 1st Quarter
11-STEM | PROF. Rey Alinsunurin | SEM 1 2022

Persuasive essay it closely related to ● too

Argumentative Essay ● what is more
Argumentative Essay - present not just a ● compared with
one-sided argumentation but also the ● in comparison with
opposing viewpoint in order to create fair ● similarly
counterclaims ● likewise
● again
● also
Properties of Well Written Text
● besides
Paragraph ● but
● “a group of sentences” ● however
● support one main idea ● in contrast
● group of at least five sentences ● instead
Paragraph coherence - every sentence in ● conversely
the paragraph sticks together, linking ● it may be the case that
together in a continuous line of thought ● certainly
that establishes unity of idea. ● naturally
● nevertheless
Narrative Paragraph ● on the contrary
● tells a story ENUMERATION
● chronological order ● firstly, secondly, etc.
Descriptive Paragraphs ● finally
● tell what something looks like ● in the (first) place
physically ● last
● spatial ordering ● to begin with
Expository Paragraphs ● more important
● explain something ● on top of that
● logical ordering - supporting ● next
sentences of follow a logical ● then
● although it is true that it may
Cohesion - all the supporting sentences appear
connect to each other and to the topic ● regardless
sentence. ● certainly
● granted that
Cohesive Devices - linking words, ● naturally
connectors, discourse markers, or ● it is true that
transitional words. ● i admit that
● of course
ADDITION ● it may be the case that
● also ● as (evidence of)
● and ● for example
● and then ● for instance
● equally ● thus
● further ● such as
● in addition ● to show what
● indeed ● specifically
● in fact ● let us
● moreover

1st Semester, 1st Quarter
11-STEM | PROF. Rey Alinsunurin | SEM 1 2022

● if not ● above
● in (that) case ● beyond
● otherwise ● in the back
● that implies ● nearby
● then ● adjacent
● in all
● in brief
● in summary
● in short
● in conclusion
● therefore
● on the whole
● to sum up
● basically
● after
● afterward
● at first
● at last
● finally
● in the end
● accordingly
● as a result
● consequently
● since
● as a consequence of
● for that reason
● hence
● in other words
● rather
● briefly
● that is
● to put it more
● basically
● again
● alternatively
● (better) still
● on the other hand
● The alternative is..
● to turn to
● with (reference) to
● with regard to
● concerning
● as far concerned
● as for..
● incidentally
● now

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