English Test 8 Grade: True or False

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English Test 8th Grade

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________

True or false
Instructions: write (true) if the statement is (true) or (false) if is (false)
1. Amapala is located in the south of Honduras …………………………….… ( )
2. Honduras has 17 departments ………………………………………………., ( )
3. The most important city of Honduras is Roatan ……………………………...( )
4. Honduras has 2 Oceans ……………………………………………………,… ( )
5. Comayagua is located in the north of Honduras ………………………….….( )
6. Tegucigalpa is located in the central territory ………………………………,..( )
7. The biggest departments of Honduras are Valle and Islas de la Bahia ..…. ( )
8. The coldest place in Honduras is La Esperanza …………………………,,…. ( )
9. Roatan is located in the north of Honduras …………………………………... ( )
10. The smallest departments of Honduras are Olancho and Gracias a Dios … ( )

Instruction: write a sentence for each word given
1. Painting: ______________________________________________________

2. Playing: _______________________________________________________

3. Drinking: ______________________________________________________

4. Listening: ______________________________________________________

5. Reading: ______________________________________________________

Instructions. Answer the following questions
1. What is your favorite food?
2. Where is Roatan located?
3. How do you get to school?
4. Where is the magazine/box?

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