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Dream town story best layout

Dream town story best layout

Hi guys, I found some info on the game on some Japanese wiki and whatnot so I made a table with most of the info I found in this game. It's still incomplete, and there are parts that I didn't feel translating, but in most cases it happens. If you know some info [on (?)] then please let me know. Any
improvements too.. I added tips/tricks that are on this forum and some example layouts that may be useful.. Anyway, thanks for all the help in answering my question. This is a very useful community! Spreadsheet: made it possible for anyone to edit (add layout, tips, suggestions, etc.)Page 2 6 post
Simulation Matt December 16, 2017 Town simulator games with a dime a dozen, and it seems that everything seems to follow the same cookie-cutter format that works for a while but ultimately does not keep the player's attention in the long run. Dream Town Story breaks the mold of the city-building
genre by actually building the city from scratch. This is a complex game that requires hours of careful planning and execution. This is much more challenging than an average city simulator, but that's what's even more satisfying. Build a buzzing metropolis from the ground up and watch as residents flock
to the facilities set up for them. Expand your territory and join a co-op that team up with players from around the world. Compete in other cities and establish superiority! Don't forget to read dream town story's complete strategy guide before you puff off your first building! 1. Work Stat is essential when you
start the game, be sure to get a character that has at least 10 work stats. You can try again a few times to get this. Having a high work stat ensures that you can remove all rocks and other debris from the city. Emptying the development area is an important task that must be a priority. If for some reason,
you are not able to make a character high work stat at the beginning, do not despair. You can still grow an existing character until you have the stats you need. Just keep building businesses and other buildings in order to level up your character. You can also use special elements that increase character
statistics. Regardless of whether you follow the method, make sure you get the necessary statistics before cleaning up the city's ed. This avoids causing time for failed attempts. 2. Get More People If you've created a city, you can start to get full of people. Finally, you will reach the maximum capacity of
the city. If you're going to get more people for your city, you're going to have to increase your rank. Ranking up is a little more challenging in Dream Town Story. You will need to make the required number of points in order to to prioritize it. You can get these points by collecting trophies. Trophies are often
obtained from the completion of results. It may take a while, but you should keep The game is in order to get these trophies with the results. When you're ready to rank, there's still an obstacle in your way. You have to complete a challenge that strikes between your buildings and AI's. The winner of the
face-off largely defines the value of the land for me. Be sure to secure your property's land value before challenging the AI. 3. How to increase the land value Since the land value is essential for progress in the game, you need to know how to raise. Place a lot of decorations and combined buildings if you
want the land value to go up. Location also plays a key role in the highest possible value of buildings. For example, placing high-value buildings near Metro stations is a good idea because it attracts tourists. More tourists means more money. Remember, the value of the land not only helps you rank, it also
attracts new residents and allows you to earn even more money. 4. Full Combo List As mentioned above, one of the best ways to increase the land value is to place combo buildings near each other. Planning the layout of the city is one of the most important tasks. If you can place your buildings perfectly,
you can have unlimited income thanks to combo buildings. Combo buildings don't necessarily need to be built side by side, but they don't have to be in each other's areas of impact. There are over 60 combos in the game and we've listed them below just for you. Park + Lunch 2 Go + Pastry + Creperie +
Donut Shop Ramen Bar + Pizzeria + Donut Shop Steakhouse + Restaurant + Fast n Fried Supermarket + Greengrocer + Fishmonger Blocbuster + Bowling Alley + Game Arcade Music Shop + Flower Shop + Confectionery + Toy Shop Supermarket + 24/7 Mart + Drugstore Bookstore + Cafe + Florist PC
Shop + Cell Shop + Home Elec Anime Shop + Toy Shop Candy Shop + Sanctuary + Sauna Beach house + Wharf + Fishmonger Cakery + Vegetable Market + Florist + Steakhouse + Diner Lunches 2 Go + Bakery + Cafe Game Shop + Cell Shop + PC Shop Fishing Lake + Aquarium School + Cra m
School + Bookstore Supermarket + Dry Cleaner + Local Center Game Shop + PC Shop + Game Arcade Sushi Joint + BBQ Hotel + Pizzeria Sauna + Spa + Spa Hotel Hospital + Gym + Sauna Supermarket + Boutique + Jewelry Shop Tapas Bar + Sushi Joint + Ramen Bar Boutique + Cakery + Drugstore
Bookstore + Museum + School Heated Pool + Gym + DrugStore Ranch + Park + Camping Donut Shop + Ranch + Creperie Music Shop + Concert Hall + Blogbuster Boutique + Shoe Shop + Beautician Hospital + Pharmacy + 24/7 Mart Bike Shop + Motorcycle Shop + Car Dealer Spa hotel + Temple + Gift
Shop Farm + Ranch + Fishing Lake Museum + Aquarium + Cinema Security Inc + Gym + Camping Entrepreneurs + Estate Agent + Furniture Shop Jewelry Shop + 3-Star Hotel + Bank Game Arcade + Bowling Alley + Casino Jewelry Shop + Museum + Cinema Motorcycle Shop + Car Dealer + School Pet
Shop + Zoo Stadium + Baseball + Gym Department Store + Furniture Store + Home Elec Dance Club + Casino + Tapas Bar Pagoda + Sanctuary + Monument Castle + Boutique + Store High rise + Skyscraper + Bank Comms Tower + Hospital + School Cinema + Amusement Park + Jewelry Shop Kairo
Sculpture + Game Shop + Kairo Bld g Cinema + Amusement Park + Concert Hall Aquarium + Zoo + Ranch Comms Tower + TV Station + Concert Hall High-Rise + Skyscraper + Kairo Bldg Palace + Castle + Kairo Statue Rocket Hall + Helipad + Airport •Park + Zoo + Cinema Airport + TV Station +
Skyscraper 5. Don't forget that research can earn special points with different tools as you play the game. These points can be used to grant research and licensing permission for various structures, such as new shops, facilities and decorations. While getting permits for additional structures can be
exciting, make sure you don't neglect your research as well. New businesses that research will open up more earning opportunities for you. You can also score points that can be used for festivals as well as further research. 6. Unlock multiple areas Unlike most other city building games where you just
cough up excessive amounts of cash to unlock new areas, Dream Town Story makes it prove that you can manage to add another area to your area. This means you will have limited time to reach a certain milestone in the new area. If successful, the area will be permanently unlocked. If you don't reach
the milestone, you'll lose all the buildings you've built. In order to avoid this terrible waste of resources, we have listed detailed tips for unlocking new areas. Prepare the city for the new territory. Before you even think about spending all your resources on unlocking, make sure the rest of the city is ready to
support it. Build roads and houses near the area you want to open. Since there will be no residents immediately, the new area will be relying heavily on the income it will generate for residents of nearby houses. Raise more than enough money to support the development of the new field. Not only do we
need money for new businesses, but we also need to 50% of the budget for new roads and other structures. Finally, if you plan to take in residents of the new area, make sure the population isn't maxed out. If it is, wait for it to be unlocked while it ranks itself. Get ready for the random challenge. When you
start the unlock, you will receive a random target that you must reach. You will either be asked to collect a certain amount of coins or you will need to collect specific items. Collecting coins is simple, as you only need to open more businesses so that your income flows. Build about four or five businesses
and make sure you have enough residents in nearby areas to meet the coin requirement. If you get the article requirement, however, things will be a little harder. Special items can be obtained buildings, but you have to figure out how buildings you need. There is nothing in the description of the building
that indicates where the articles would be generated, but if you have already paid attention to existing buildings, you should be able to figure it out. For example, food usually comes from food-related buildings, such as restaurants and fast food chains. Bags are often used in general stores, so expect a
few drops in such buildings. It takes more time to generate items, but if you have the right buildings, you have just enough to meet your goal. Use festivals to speed things up. If you can wait, try to start the unlock before the festival month. There are many festivals in Dream Town Story, each with its own
influence. For example, the Birdwatch Festival can help to attract more customers to the new area because it allows residents to travel longer distances for two months. The Bonsai Competition, on the other hand, is very useful for getting food points. Since you won't be able to meet the goal that you need
to meet until you start the unlock, the usefulness of these festivals may vary. With any luck, your goal just might be to line up for the right festival, making it much easier for you to reach your milestones. If for some reason, if you accidentally do not reach the milestone, do not panic yet. The game allows
you to extend the deadline to one month. It may extend the time limit by a maximum of five months by one month. Of course, it gets too stressful to keep extending, so it's better to just get it right the first time. 7. Think before moving things the game limits the number of times you can move things around
the city. This is important because of the combination of buildings that need to be near each other. You can move up to two buildings per day unless you purchase premium access to the game. It may be boring, but the truth is, two buildings a day is more than enough to plan your city properly. Just be
sure to consider all positions before moving to a building to avoid breaking any of the existing combos you already have. 8. Find Better Jobs For Your Residents Residents Without Unlimited Money. The need to work to spend money on businesses. With this in mind, we need to help residents make more
money to find better jobs for them. Always work getting a higher paying job for residents. Don't be afraid to use Diamonds to increase your chances of getting a good job. Feel free to use the work passes that you may have in order to get an even better job for your residents. 9. Level up the buildings
buildings by level up on their own, provided that they correspond to the required income and number of customers. The only way to help buildings level up is to place them in places that increase your earnings. Plop down to buildings near residential areas to make them more accessible to paying
customers. Make sure you there are enough roads to lead businesses to allow free movement of traffic. 10. Space Office buildings are strategically office buildings where residents work. Of course, residents want to work in nearby offices. Be sure to place office buildings near residential areas, so
residents would be able to earn a lot of money from them. Remember, more income for the people can mean more profits for you. Avoid placing office buildings in new areas where there are no residents. The office building ends up with zero employees, slinging earning opportunities as well as resources.
That's all you need to know in order to successfully build your ultimate city dream town story! Stick to your strategy guide and you'll have your own metropolis in no time! Time!

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