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It was three days after she left for an expedition. "Ding!" Melvin awoke.

Melvin snatched
his phone expecting another morning message from his wife. Instead, a recording was sent
from a friend.
"What this is?" Melvin replied. The video displayed a couple sharing romantic sentiments
in a parking lot.
"Dat woman gotta be Michelle '" The co-worker replied.
"Not my Michelle!". Melvin thought. Rewatching the video, he saw the glistening gold and
green emerald ring he bought her.
4 days and nights of drinking passed, and today was the day Michelle would return.
Melvin unfolds out of bed and walks to the kitchen. In the fridge, he finds one full liquor
bottle. Drinking the whole bottle, he hops in his maroon pick-up truck to drive to the nearest
convenience store for more.
"Beep!" Kerci clocks out from her afternoon shift. Hastily, she grabs a jerry can to fill her
lawn mower. Opening the glass gas station door, she heads to the frontward road. As she
crosses, a maroon truck, in a zigzag motion, speeds in her direction.
"THUMP!" Gas crawls from the crumpled jerrycan onto the lane. A second later,
scorching deep orange and bright yellow hues erupt. In a rush of adrenaline, Kerci removes
her leg from under the wheel. She then stands up, but pain like a million knives stabbing her
strike her body. Kerci slams the ground as her view fades to black. Melvin jumps out of the
truck escaping the glaring flames. He thought he was dreaming.

The firetruck and ambulance arrive. Firefighters rush to calm the ferocious fires with water.
Kerci's inanimate body is carried into the ambulance. The chief, Stephen, rushes to Melvin
when he suddenly pauses. He recognized Melvin and hastily called Michelle, Melvin's wife.
"I by Fuel Frenzy, Melvin knock down someone and caus' fire".
"Melvin? How?" Michelle said, confused
"He look drunk. Stumblin' all round he truck" Stephen said with derision.
"But Honey, he don' drink tho', anyway, I coming" Michelle said in disbelief before hanging
up. About 15 minutes later, the police arrive followed by Michelle. Two officers come out of
the car and walk to Melvin. Michelle hops out her car and trudges to Stephen. She bawls
when she sees Melvin being interrogated by the police. Stephen consoles her.
Melvin glanced at the chief and Michelle
"Tha's one nice ring aye" Melvin thinks to himself, ignoring the police's inquiries. Still
spying, he saw the pair hug.
"Must be the chief wife"
"Sir! Listen to me! Have you been drinking?" One of the police officers said with
annoyance. The question went through one ear and another.
"Uh, m-maybe, I don't know " Too infatuated with the chief and "his wife's" interaction, he
absent mindedly answers the police.
"Wait. But she leave him."
"Who wife then?"
The video his co-worker sent came to mind. Meticulously, he observed the chief's
features and the woman's emerald and gold ring.
"MICHELLE?" Melvin bellows. Another flame energes, but within Melvin. Animosity grew
from Melvin's despair and he snatched an officer's gun.
Stephen was shot.
"YOU AIN'T COMIN' ROUND MY WIFE NOW!" Melvin hallows, feeling triumphant before
he sees his wife. Her tears knock him into reality. He was drunk driving, causing the loss of
someone's leg. He was enraged, causing the loss of someone's life.

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