Internship Proposal 2

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Leadership Institute

Victoria Johnson


Camp Fuller Summer 2023

Camp Fuller Summer 2022

Camp Caonacis Summer 2021

Online Summer 2020

Allison Jackson Frasier

Throughout the course of HDF417 I will be reflecting on my experiences at the Leadership

Institute for the past several years. In addition I am given the opportunity to dive into my leadership

on campus that has taken place throughout my college experience. I am pursuing this internship

because I believe in the program of the Leadership Institute. This was the first group on campus that

I connected with, and in addition believed in me as a leader. The transition to college is very difficult,

and I am beyond grateful to have found this community. In addition I want to give back to an

organization that I care deeply about. Being a senior I believe that I have the ability to give a full circle

moment to the program, and help the new students see their potential. Throughout the past two

years I have seen my group members grow to be active members of the community, and I want this

to continue even after I graduate.

My VIA values are Kindness, Humor, Spirituality, Fairness & Forgiveness. Connecting this to Institute

I see fairness as every student has the ability to become a leader. I want to be part of making sure

these students have the support and resources available to achieve this. Kindness is incredibly vital

here because a smile can make the world of a difference, especially to afraid new students. It takes a

lot of courage to move onto campus early and go off to a camp without knowing a single person.

Therefore there is no need to not be kind to every single student, or really anyone in life. Then I

believe that life is better when we are laughing. Humor is one of my strengths that I can bring to the
table, especially at Leadership Institute. There is something special about getting outside, and being

a part of something greater than myself.

Transitioning this into three specific marketable goals I am adaptable, intentional and

perseverent. Adaptability is very important in the healthcare field as nurses not everything always

goes to plan. In addition, being intentional helps connect more people and achieve greater goals.

Finally persevering means not giving up when a situation becomes difficult. Leadership institute

faces many challenges that are not planned for. Using all of these three skills I can market myself as

a leader to make a change.

Thank you,

Victoria Johnson

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