Speech About Education

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May I tell you first, how pleased I am to have an opportinity to stick here and deliver

a speech before you. My speech title is “How is the effectiveness of online application to
support the development of education in Indonesia during pandemic?”. Good morning ladies
and gentlemen, I’d like to begin the speech by introducing myself. My name is ........ and I
come from ....... I study in Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang. I have divided my
speech into five sections. First, Indonesia; second, education in Indonesia; third, my campus;
and the last one is a conclusion. Let me start by asking you the following questions. Have you
still remembered about the first time when covid-19 spreaded in Indonesia? What was the
effect of Covid-19 in Indonesia, especially for the education? And how is the development of
the education in Indonesia during pandemic?

As we all know, Indonesia had a health problem on March 2020. There was a virus
named Covid-19 which spreaded in Indonesia. Many people got infected of this virus. It
spreads throughout the world very quickly, so the WHO declared this outbreak a global
pandemic on March 11, 2020. Transmission through human-to-human contact is difficult to
predict because unavoidable social activities which becomes the biggest cause of the spread
of COVID-19. Furthermore, at that time the vaccine of the virus wasn’t still found. The
complexity of handling this outbreak has made world leaders implement strict policies to
break the chain of COVID-19 spreading. The government take policies by implementing
Social Distancing to minimize the transmission of COVID-19.

Social distancing itself is an action where people are required not to be close to one
another by avoiding all kinds of gatherings to prevent COVID-19. This policy gives effects to
all sectors of the life in Indonesia, including education. The education sector is no exception
to this policy. The government's sudden decision to cancel or move the learning process from
schools/ universities to homes. Therefore, many education parties use online application to
support the online learning during pandemic. The teachers can give assignments via
whatsapp, zoom, google meet, google classroom, and other applications that are considered to
be helpful for the learning system through the system online. Since the beginning of the
pandemic in Indonesia, there have been many universities and schools who started using the
online learning system.

Those online application are also applied in my university, Muhammadiyah

University of Tangerang. In the beginning of social distancing policy, my university gave
instruction to all students in the university to do online learning by using online application
such as Google Meeting, Zoom and Google Classroom. For the first, my friends and I felt so
confused in using those applications. Many features which were new for us, but we learned
step by step to use it. Finally, we can use it well. Now, we have become accustomed to using
the application in our learning. The online learning in my class is done through some steps.
First, the lecturers will share announcement about the online learning through whatsapp.
They also tell the students to use Google Meet or Zoom to the online learning at the
appointed time. Then, we will have the online class via Google Meet or Zoom. The lecturers
will explain the materials during the online class. There is also question and answer session in
the last agenda of the online class to facilitate the students if they still feel confused and want
to ask to the lecturer. The last, the lecturers will give assignments in Google Classroom. That
online learning process is still done until now because we still haven't done direct learning.

Now, let’s see another part of our talk. However, the use of the online application
such as Zoom Clouds Meetings application has several obstacles. They are:

1. Spending a lot of credit or internet data quota. It means the online learning process which
using this application is considered wasteful and quite draining our internet data quota. As we
know, the economy people decreased because of PSBB policy from the government. So, it
will burden the students.

2. Different Family Economies. Every students will need cellular phone to do online learning.
In the fact, every family has different kind of economy. For parents who can fulfill it might
not be a problem, but what about the parents who can't afford fulfill it. Exactly, it will make a
new problem for them.

3. The level of network speed in rural areas. If we talk about the learning process online, it
can not be separated from the speed and quality of the internet network. The online learning
process is more appropriate to be applied in urban areas that are accessible to the internet.

Let’s look at this problem in a bit more detail. When doing a online process learning,
it should be delivered in a clear, detailed and targeted manner. So, what will happen when the
online learning is done by the students who live in unaccessible area? will it be delivered that
learning? Of course not, it will hinder the delivery of lessons.

This brings me to my final point that educators are expected to give or provide lessons
creatively and innovately through offline or online class in order that the students can
understand well about the material given to them. When the educators have the creative
methods in teaching for every situation, I’m sure that the learning will keep going on well.

Well, that brings me to the end of my presentation. As a final remark, I just would like
to say never get tired to add your knowledge every where and every time because it is one of
the things that will make our future to be bright. And for the educators, keep your spirit in
giving knowledge to the students because you are heroes who will always make our young
generation of this country to be agent of change in Indonesia.

Thank you for listening.

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