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HDF 417 Outcome

Victoria Johnson
Spring 2023
Based on the Leadership Institute, and other experiences that are shaping the leader I am becoming
143 Student will describe personal examples of planning and conducting interviews (as the interviewer)
122 Student will demonstrate proficiency of de-briefing techniques
129 Student will show knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure

This is my Risk Management Team that I ran this past year as the Vice President
of Risk and Parliamentary Procedure
110. Students will describe examples of using active listening skills

My Leadership Institute Group

119 Student will demonstrate knowledge of facilitation techniques
147 Student will describe personal examples of working in collaboratives/coalitions

Here is a photo of all of the peer leaders spending time together

113. Student will show knowledge of techniques regarding giving and accepting of feedback
On the left is my feedback I gave and on the right is the feedback from my clinical instructor
158 Student will describe principles of effective mentoring, as well as problems particular to the mentoring relationship
140. Student will show knowledge of the construction / elements of informative and persuasive speeches

Linked above is my President Speech

1. Student will demonstrate autonomy and a minimized need for approval

Here is a picture of me after my half marathon !

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