Hist 134 Reflection

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Schoolcraft College

Portfolio Reflection

Sydnee Penrod

History 134

Professor McDonald

30 April 2023

As a historian of the ancient world, there are several lessons that can be learned from the

history of our ancient ancestors that can be applied to our own role in contributing to and acting

responsibly for the betterment of society. One such lesson is the importance of laws and ethics in

shaping society and promoting social harmony. I’m going to discuss the practices of three

different ancient civilizations, which include the Assyrians, the Minoans, and the Spartans, and

how they are used to promote responsibility in their societies.

The Assyrians, for example, had a well-developed legal system that was based on a code

of laws known as the Code of Hammurabi.1 This code laid out a set of rules and punishments for

various crimes, and it helped to ensure that the society remained orderly and fair, basically based

on the principle of "an eye for an eye," which meant that the punishment for a crime was

designed to be equal to the harm caused by that crime. The Assyrian society also emphasized

ethical values such as honesty, loyalty, and respect for authority. These values were central to the

functioning of Assyrian society and helped to promote responsible behavior. For example,

Assyrian merchants were required to take an oath of honesty before being allowed to conduct

business, and anyone found guilty of fraud or dishonesty would face severe punishment.

Similarly, loyalty to the king was highly valued in Assyrian society, and anyone found guilty of

treason or rebellion would face severe punishment. Overall, the Assyrians used laws and ethics

to promote responsible behavior and to ensure that society functioned smoothly. We can learn

from their example and apply these lessons to our own roles in contributing to and acting

responsibly for the betterment of society.

The Minoans were known for their laws and ethics as well. The Minoan legal system was

based on a set of laws that were designed to ensure that society functioned smoothly and that

conflicts were resolved fairly. The Minoans also emphasized ethical values such as honesty,

respect, and cooperation, which were central to their society's culture and values. For example,

the Minoan palace of Knossos had a legal system that was based on a set of laws that were

inscribed on tablets. These laws covered a range of topics, including property disputes, theft, and

assault. The laws were enforced by local officials, and punishments were handed down for those

found guilty of breaking the law. In addition to their legal system, the Minoans also emphasized

ethical values in their society. Minoan culture valued cooperation and community, with a focus

on social harmony and the greater good. This emphasis on ethical values helped to create a

society that was cohesive and functional, with a strong sense of shared purpose. Religion had

also played a role when it came to creating laws in Minoan society; Theseus and the Minotaur

was a major so-called myth, and many people led their lives based on it. In the myth, the

Athenian hero Theseus is sent to Crete to slay the Minotaur, a creature that is half-man, half-bull,

and that is kept in a labyrinth by King Minos. Theseus is successful in his quest, and he uses a

ball of thread to guide himself through the labyrinth and then slays the Minotaur.2 One possible

interpretation of the myth is that it represents the triumph of reason and order over chaos and

violence. In this interpretation, the Minotaur represents the destructive forces of chaos, while

Theseus represents the forces of reason and order. By slaying the Minotaur and bringing an end

to the violence and chaos that it represents, Theseus brings order to the society. In the Minoan

society, the concept of order and the importance of ethical values such as honesty, respect, and

cooperation were highly valued. The story of Theseus and the Minotaur may have been used to

reinforce these values and to remind people of the importance of acting responsibly and

upholding the laws of society. Regarding this, it was used as a way of promoting responsible

behavior and upholding the values that were central to the functioning of the society.

The Spartans, too, had a strong focus on laws and ethics, particularly with regards to their

military training. The Spartan way of life emphasized the importance of discipline, obedience,

and loyalty, and this helped to create a strong and effective fighting force. However, this also had

some negative consequences, such as the suppression of individual freedoms and the subjugation

of certain segments of society. Myth and religion had also played a major role in the societies of

ancient Greece and the Spartans, and this involved the 12 Olympian gods, known as Zeus,

Athena, Apollo, Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Ares, Artemis, Hades,

Hephaistos, and Dionysos.3 I don’t want to get too much into Greek mythology, but I’ll give an

example that has the influence of ancient Greek myths intertwined into it. When speaking of the

Trojan War, and while it is a somewhat mythological tale, it reflects the values and beliefs of

Spartan society. The fact that Sparta sent its king to lead the Greek forces demonstrates the

importance of military prowess and honor in Spartan culture. In addition, the story of Helen's

abduction and the subsequent war highlights the importance of ethics and the protection of

property and family in Spartan society. The Spartan king Menelaus was outraged that his wife,

who was considered his property, had been taken from him. This reflects the value that the

Spartans placed on family and the protection of their property.4 Furthermore, the fact that Helen

was considered the most beautiful woman in Greece and that Spartan women were known for

their independence and strength demonstrates the value that the Spartans placed on physical and

moral excellence. Spartan society placed a great deal of emphasis on physical fitness and

strength, and this was reflected in the high status that women enjoyed in Spartan society. Overall,

the story of the Trojan War reflects the values and beliefs of Spartan society, including the

importance of military honor, the protection of property and family, and the value placed on

physical and moral excellence. These values were reinforced by the laws and ethics of Spartan

society, which emphasized discipline, courage, and responsibility, and from these examples, we

can see that they are important tools for creating a functional and just society.

Understanding the history of ancient ancestors in the context of laws and ethics can

provide insight into the values and beliefs that were important to these societies. By examining

the laws and ethical codes of these societies, we can gain a greater understanding of the

principles that guided their actions and decisions. This understanding can help us to recognize

the importance of responsible behavior and the ways in which our actions can impact society. By

studying the successes and failures of ancient societies, we can learn from their mistakes and

strive to create a better future. We can also gain a greater appreciation for the progress that has

been made over time and the ways in which our society has evolved. Overall, an understanding

of the history of ancient societies in the context of laws and ethics can help to shape our sense of

responsibility and our role in contributing to the betterment of society. By learning from the past

and striving for a better future, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society.

Works Cited

Cartwright, Mark. "Ancient Greek Religion." World History Encyclopedia, World History

Encyclopedia, 30 Mar. 2021, https://www.worldhistory.org/Greek_Religion/. Accessed

30 April 2023.

The article provides an overview of the religious beliefs and practices of ancient Greece.

It discusses the importance of mythology, the roles of various gods and goddesses, and the rituals

and ceremonies associated with religious practices. The article also touches on the relationship

between religion and politics, as well as the influence of Greek religion on art and literature.

Overall, the article provides a comprehensive introduction to the central role that religion played

in ancient Greek society.

Cartwright, Mark. "Sparta." World History Encyclopedia, World History Encyclopedia, 01 Dec.

2021, https://www.worldhistory.org/Sparta/. Accessed 30 April 2023.

The source provides an overview of the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta. It covers the

origins and early history of Sparta, as well as its political and social structures. It also discusses

Sparta's military prowess, including its rigorous training and fighting techniques, as well as its

involvement in important historical events such as the Persian Wars. Overall, this source

provides a comprehensive introduction to the unique society and culture of Sparta.

Mark, Joshua J. "Theseus & the Minotaur: More Than a Myth." World History Encyclopedia,

World History Encyclopedia, 22 Nov. 2021,


Accessed 30 April 2023.

The article explores the origins and symbolism of the Greek myth of Theseus and the

Minotaur. The article explains the mythological story, which centers on the Athenian hero

Theseus and his battle against the half-man, half-bull monster known as the Minotaur. It also

discusses the historical and cultural context in which the myth was developed, including its

possible connections to Minoan and Mycenaean cultures. The article argues that the story of

Theseus and the Minotaur serves as a powerful metaphor for the human struggle against

animalistic impulses and for the triumph of reason over chaos.

Van der Crabben, Jan. "History of Assyria." World History Encyclopedia, World History

Encyclopedia, 28 Apr. 2021, https://www.worldhistory.org/article/106/history-of-

assyria/. Accessed 30 April 2023.

The source provides an overview of the ancient Assyrian civilization. It covers the origins

and early history of Assyria, as well as its political and military structures. It also discusses

Assyrian culture, including its religion, art, and literature. It highlights the significant

achievements of the Assyrian Empire, such as its extensive conquests and the construction of

impressive architectural feats. The source also delves into the decline and eventual fall of the

Assyrian Empire. Overall, it provides a comprehensive introduction to the history and culture of

the Assyrian civilization.



1. Van der Crabben, 2012.

2. Mark, 2011.
3. Cartwright, 2018.
4. Cartwright, 2013.

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