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For years we’ve been fed this lie that women belong in certain places.

that they naturally are

quiet and demure in favor of letting the voices of reason, of men, be heard; because
women’s voices have nothing interesting to say anyway and therefore, hold no power. And
it’s a lie. It’s not that women are quiet, shy and coy by nature, is that they have been painted
that way and when they did not comply, when they were loud and obnoxious and making a
place for themselves anywhere else outside the kitchen or the nursery room, they were
systematically silenced.

And when you’re a little girl, growing up with no examples of women who are big and loud
and fight for their place in the world, you believe the lie. You become complacent with what
they expect from you. It’s not the real you, but the world expects someone who makes
herself smaller than she is, someone who will not fight, but subside… What other choice do
you have, but to oblige?

But that’s all a façade. Underneath the layers of pink and frills and stereotypes they put onto
you to make you look like a fragile porcelain doll, there’s a certain anger brewing within your
ribcage. You know better than to let it out, knowing that they will condemn you for not really
being ladylike, so, instead, you keep that anger close to your beating heart, hoping with each
pulse it won’t ignite.

They say that there’s a difference between oppression and repression, that there’s nuance
between the two meanings within different contexts and connotations. But what difference
does it make to someone who is not truly living, whether by literal brute force or by subtle

So I’ll take this anger, my anger, and yours, and your mother’s, and her mother’s before her,
and I’ll blow it all up for everyone to see. I got tired of making myself small, of dolling myself
up until the image in the mirror does not match my face. I loathe the pinks and the frills and
kitchens and nurseries and this idea of fragility and naivete that does not represent me. And
even worst, when is not that, is the idea of the divine, that I, a human, possess some sort of
mystical knowledge which eludes men, knowledge which only serves to guide and better
them. I don’t want godhood either. I want the loudness, the dirty, the mundane.

However, make no mistake, I do not wish to be a mouthpiece for any and every woman but
myself. But for a revolution to take place, someone needs to take the lead and take a first
step ahead. I wish to be that first step, for every and any woman who is still afraid of raising
her voice to see that you can be loud too, you can break free from the pink and the shyness.

For women do not belong anywhere except where they see themselves fit, and they weren’t
naturally made to be anything that they do not want to be

What are you doing, raising your voice, thinking that you’re doing anyone a favor? Is this
how you repay your creator, who made you out of one man’s ribs? This anger you talk about
is nothing but hysteria, for which there are actual studies that prove it. One good night with a
man and you’ll be as good as ever.
Women want to be loud as savages? Ask the housewives of those men giving their lives on
the front, fighting for our freedom, if they want to. Ask them what they are angry for. Ask
them what do they wish for and if they’d like to switch places with their husbands for the
sake of their voices being heard.

The truth, you will find, is that they do not wish for anything but the safe return of those brave
men. They are safe in their homes, away from the war, taking care of their children. Children!
The ones who will lead the future, our future, and are indispensable in the proliferation and
survival of the human species. Do you want to take those mothers away from their kids,
leaving them without such a vital, nurturing figure? Is that what you want? To leave those
kids without a proper childhood, all for the sake of giving their mothers a voice? Those
children are their mothers’ voices, and they are asking for them to stay in their lives.

Or is it the little girls that you are so desperately willing to inspire? Are you really going to fill
their sweet innocent heads with things they cannot yet comprehend?

You are not advocating for anyone but yourselves. Because if that weren’t the case, you
wouldn’t be demanding all these lovely creatures, who haven’t got a care in the world other
than what to make for dinner, safe within the commodity of their homes with their husbands
and family, to give it all up for your so called “feminist movement”. You are nothing but a
farce that plots against families and wants to disrupt what’s been proven to be a peaceful,
functional society.

Women take care of the house and the family, men take care of business and money. It’s
worked for quite a few centuries by now, so why should it change? What arguments do you
have for disturbing something so natural as that? Women are emotional beings by nature, by
taking them out of the role they’ve been dutifully fulfilling for the entire of human history,
charging them with such important jobs with such heavy workload, we will do nothing but
distress and upset them, accomplishing nothing.

Is that your vision of freedom? Is that what you deem adequate to uprise women’s voices?

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